Topic: Homelessness | |
What is your take on the homelessness across our country? I see a lot of it in my travels throughout California. Do you feel that people make wrong decisions or are they a victim of their circumstances? Just soliciting opinions. I will say that I see many women and families out here now who are homeless. This is a chilling sight. I also am taking note of the astounding number of homeless veterans. These are men and women who have served our country. Scary!!!! It is scary. I have never been so I can't even imagine what that must feel like. The veterens have been let down on alot of levels. The military puts these young men in harms way and has no intention on taking care of them. I think it is disgraceful but our government would f!ck up a county fair......... ![]() |
I think extended families are great. Its kind of strange all the 'independence' our culture promotes and almost MANDATES to value ourselves as individuals none of us are islands unto ourself, we all need support of some type as long as we all contribute, I dont see why roommates should ever be stigmatized.... |
there are many reasons for homelessness in our country, not always are the homeless a victim of their own circumstance. Some situations of homelessness occur from social difficulties and corporate takeover, there also the kind people who have given all they have to serve our country and are left with mental illness and not enough disability to live off. Several people are gambling addicts and drug addicts as well. Pride and shame. There are so many directions you can go with this question. Nobody deserves to be homeless though in my own opinion. I feed the homeless once a week and my children and I hand out money to them as well. especially when it rains.
I think extended families are great. Its kind of strange all the 'independence' our culture promotes and almost MANDATES to value ourselves as individuals none of us are islands unto ourself, we all need support of some type as long as we all contribute, I dont see why roommates should ever be stigmatized.... I absolutely agree,, independence is great if it doesnt cause the illusion that we dont need anyone else,,, |
i actually enjoy having a room mate lol! just for that fact.. though we live separate lives its always nice to have someone to talk to. i do wonder what it would be like having no one at all in my life.. i dont think i would survive actually. not that my room mate is all i have lol.. but i never thought of that before..
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Wed 03/02/11 05:12 PM
Very Important Thread!!
A little research of Michigan's homeless... 7 out of 10 MI residents agree that homelessness is NOT a lifestyle choice. 7 out of 10 believe homelessness can happen to anyone. 1 of 6 personally know someone who became homeless within the last 6 months. **We have 100,001 homeless people in Michigan as of 2009. In my "region" alone there are 14,492 family households were homeless. **Homeless families are largely composed of young women with children. **Almost 30% of homeless are the working poor. **The average single homeless person is 42 years old. 66% have significant disabilities, most commonly involving mental illness, substance abuse and cronic health conditions. Very limited public support is available to single persons. Those who cannot qualify for SSI are the most vulnerable. **Singles were most likely to be VETERANS. In 2009 almost 4,000 were youths with the average age being 17. 24% of that group were identified as having a disability. There were 5,643 adults & 5,985 children that were provided shelter from DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. There were 7,479 requests for shelter that could not be met because shelters were at their capacities. Anything that we can do to help ease this burden on our fellow mankind is a step in the right direction. Helping out at a shelter, Making Blankets for the homeless, Donating to the American Red Cross or Salvation Army, Serving food to the homeless, Handing out or Delivering food, many things. There is a website here in Michigan called: Michigan Campaign to End Homelessness and other various Organization's who's main focus is to end homelessness. |
I was homeless once my self. but not for long. I can assure you I do know what it was like being cold, hungry and even wet. It was not and is not a pretty thing to think of.I got sort of complacent thinking things will never change. I had to do something.Luckily, I met a husband and wife who were churchgoing people and they pretty much "adopted me". Went to technical school and earned a trade and got a job temporarily working for IBM in San Jose. I vowed that I would remember this when things got bad and to never take any thing for granted. I remember going to the library to use a computer to find work here. There are a few others who were with me that did not make it. They made bad choices and paid with their lives. I am sooo lucky and thankful to have what I have. You can do something, but what you do must come from the heart. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What is your take on the homelessness across our country? I see a lot of it in my travels throughout California. Do you feel that people make wrong decisions or are they a victim of their circumstances? Just soliciting opinions. I will say that I see many women and families out here now who are homeless. This is a chilling sight. I also am taking note of the astounding number of homeless veterans. These are men and women who have served our country. Scary!!!! It depends, some people make bad decisions in their life, which lead to them being unable to manage their life to the point they become homeless. Sometimes, things happend, people become homeless due to a disaster, or lose of income. I've been homeless. I've lived in my car. I've went weeks (Yes, WEEKS) without food, days without water. I know what's it's like to be in that kind of situation. |
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Wed 03/02/11 07:06 PM
I was homeless once my self. but not for long. I can assure you I do know what it was like being cold, hungry and even wet. It was not and is not a pretty thing to think of.I got sort of complacent thinking things will never change. I had to do something.Luckily, I met a husband and wife who were churchgoing people and they pretty much "adopted me". Went to technical school and earned a trade and got a job temporarily working for IBM in San Jose. I vowed that I would remember this when things got bad and to never take any thing for granted. I remember going to the library to use a computer to find work here. There are a few others who were with me that did not make it. They made bad choices and paid with their lives. I am sooo lucky and thankful to have what I have. You can do something, but what you do must come from the heart. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Wed 03/02/11 08:43 PM
I think its scary how close we all are to being homeless at any time.
In 2002 I was working as a senior engineer making a very comfortable living. Owned a home had a new car and was putting away over $1000 a month in my 401K. Pretty DAMN good for a single African American woman. Then during a medical leave I get a call, you're part of the companies latest round of layoffs.....craaaappp I used the unemployment money to go back to school (once again)after a year I got a job in a research lab. Which lead to my current situation.. But what if I didn't have a college degree...or what if my kids were younger... Its all so tenuous... |
I was homeless once my self. but not for long. I can assure you I do know what it was like being cold, hungry and even wet. It was not and is not a pretty thing to think of.I got sort of complacent thinking things will never change. I had to do something.Luckily, I met a husband and wife who were churchgoing people and they pretty much "adopted me". Went to technical school and earned a trade and got a job temporarily working for IBM in San Jose. I vowed that I would remember this when things got bad and to never take any thing for granted. I remember going to the library to use a computer to find work here. There are a few others who were with me that did not make it. They made bad choices and paid with their lives. I am sooo lucky and thankful to have what I have. You can do something, but what you do must come from the heart. ![]() ![]() ![]() You were very fortunate with a good head on your shoulders ![]() |
Being homeless isn't always an effect of poor choices...
I know people who were months away from retiring from their job and lost their job (i.e. QWEST...thanks to company outsourcing) after 20-30 years of service. I personally have lost almost every material possession due to illness. In 2004, I was looking at buying a house, had 2 jobs a checking acct, FAT savings acct, and credit cards WITHOUT A BALANCE...and it happened to me where I lost it all when I became disabled. It was no choice of mine and it took many many years to get back on my feet. I now have bought a house in 2009, and rebuilding savings. I am proud of what I have but wont forget when I had nothing...and that kind of experience reminds you to appreciate what you have when you have it....but knowing also that you can survive without it. |
& If you can....DONATE to your local food pantry!!!
You wouldn't believe how much it is appreciated ![]() |
What is your take on the homelessness across our country? I see a lot of it in my travels throughout California. Do you feel that people make wrong decisions or are they a victim of their circumstances? Just soliciting opinions. I will say that I see many women and families out here now who are homeless. This is a chilling sight. I also am taking note of the astounding number of homeless veterans. These are men and women who have served our country. Scary!!!! KNOCKED GOOD PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR HOMES....That simple. They SAVED the Mortgage companies who WERE DEALING DIRTY DEEDS! And THEIR STILL DOING RECORD VOLUMES IN SELLS,,"""AFTER ALL THE RE-POS THEY HAVE GOTTEN PAID DOUBLE FOR!! The Companies behind all the illegal swaps,,STILL remain,,and THERE STILL DOING THEM SWAPS. But THAT AMERICAN HOME OWNER IS OUT ON THE STREETS,,OR SOLD ALL THEY HAD TO NOT BE THERE,,SO NO RETIREMENT NEST-EGG, that took them building it for fifteen or twenty years...ALL BECAUSE THE MORTGAGE COMPANIES WANTED TO PROFIT OFF OF FALSE LIES TO OBTAIN OVER INSURED INVESTMENTS TO GAIN,,,,BIG BUCKS OFF OF US LITTLE PEOPLE.. |
& If you can....DONATE to your local food pantry!!! You wouldn't believe how much it is appreciated ![]() exactly,my friend runs a non profit as well for sleeping bags and umbrellas. You never know when you may end up homeless. Put yourself in their shoes. . . next time you see one and think what you would like. Maybe a hot coffee, some clean socks. . a toothbrush...or a haircut. I once took a man into the salon and they washed his hair and shaved his head. |
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All THAT bail-out Money to SAVE Wall Street from failing.. KNOCKED GOOD PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR HOMES....That simple. They SAVED the Mortgage companies who WERE DEALING DIRTY DEEDS! And THEIR STILL DOING RECORD VOLUMES IN SELLS,,"""AFTER ALL THE RE-POS THEY HAVE GOTTEN PAID DOUBLE FOR!! The Companies behind all the illegal swaps,,STILL remain,,and THERE STILL DOING THEM SWAPS. But THAT AMERICAN HOME OWNER IS OUT ON THE STREETS,,OR SOLD ALL THEY HAD TO NOT BE THERE,,SO NO RETIREMENT NEST-EGG, that took them building it for fifteen or twenty years...ALL BECAUSE THE MORTGAGE COMPANIES WANTED TO PROFIT OFF OF FALSE LIES TO OBTAIN OVER INSURED INVESTMENTS TO GAIN,,,,BIG BUCKS OFF OF US LITTLE PEOPLE.. now they won't let people refinance for what their homes are "really" tape bull s*it. Very disheartening to say the least. I'm usually a pretty positive person but this spiraling downward is falling fast with no hope in sight until they smudge out the middle class. Once that happens I think our Government is in for a rude awakening. |
Edited by
Sat 03/05/11 07:26 PM
![]() Awwwww |
KNOCKED GOOD PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR HOMES....That simple. They SAVED the Mortgage companies who WERE DEALING DIRTY DEEDS! And THEIR STILL DOING RECORD VOLUMES IN SELLS,,"""AFTER ALL THE RE-POS THEY HAVE GOTTEN PAID DOUBLE FOR!! The Companies behind all the illegal swaps,,STILL remain,,and THERE STILL DOING THEM SWAPS. But THAT AMERICAN HOME OWNER IS OUT ON THE STREETS,,OR SOLD ALL THEY HAD TO NOT BE THERE,,SO NO RETIREMENT NEST-EGG, that took them building it for fifteen or twenty years...ALL BECAUSE THE MORTGAGE COMPANIES WANTED TO PROFIT OFF OF FALSE LIES TO OBTAIN OVER INSURED INVESTMENTS TO GAIN,,,,BIG BUCKS OFF OF US LITTLE PEOPLE.. now they won't let people refinance for what their homes are "really" tape bull s*it. Very disheartening to say the least. I'm usually a pretty positive person but this spiraling downward is falling fast with no hope in sight until they smudge out the middle class. Once that happens I think our Government is in for a rude awakening. ![]() ![]() ![]() I might be dead,,but THEY WILL STILL be as one,,,in their lives to over-come all that seperates the people.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am not a veteran and will never claim to be. However, I was homeless for a few weeks. It was awful, but in the same sense, it made me a stronger, better person. I was fortunate enought to get out of that enviroment, when many others aren't or don't want to. My hat is off to them.