Topic: A MUST list
krupa's photo
Mon 11/29/10 10:17 AM

We're women. We might not know what we want and we might not say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it! pitchfork

FINALLY!!!!!! At last I understand women! THANK YOU!!!!!!! (the rest of the women may kill you for giving away that secret!)

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 11/29/10 01:05 PM

We're women. We might not know what we want and we might not say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it! pitchfork

FINALLY!!!!!! At last I understand women! THANK YOU!!!!!!! (the rest of the women may kill you for giving away that secret!)

Hahahah and that got you any closer to really knowing what women want.................:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You poor boy you're more confused then I thought...rofl rofl rofl

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/29/10 01:14 PM

"Must" lists are good if you are here to find someone to date. They allow you to eliminate a lot of folks you might otherwise spend a great deal of time emailing with before you find out what they are really like.

I so agree. There is nothing more irritating to me than wasted time or time that could have been spent towards more productive goals. I dont like my time wasted so I try not to waste anyone elses by not being upfront about my own priorities.

Must love kids (cause I am a mother)
Must respect women (cause I am female)
Must be masculine(one feminine person in the relationship is enough)
Must be Godfearing(its a central part of my life and that I am trying to create for my children)

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 11/29/10 01:33 PM

"Must" lists are good if you are here to find someone to date. They allow you to eliminate a lot of folks you might otherwise spend a great deal of time emailing with before you find out what they are really like.

I so agree. There is nothing more irritating to me than wasted time or time that could have been spent towards more productive goals. I dont like my time wasted so I try not to waste anyone elses by not being upfront about my own priorities.

Must love kids (cause I am a mother)
Must respect women (cause I am female)
Must be masculine(one feminine person in the relationship is enough)
Must be Godfearing(its a central part of my life and that I am trying to create for my children)

I agree here. People claim to not want the games, yet grumble when others have eliminated many of the games, by having a list of what they are seeking. Shakes head.

Then they come back here and whine about the person being all wrong after they got to know them a while.

At least with a list, you weed out the initial folks who seem to want to play games.

Personally, my list is for dating. I'm not, so the list doesn't matter. I have friends of all kinds, who don't match anything on my list. But while some of them are extremely cute, (and the friend with the Aussie accent makes me giddy), I'm not going to date him or them.

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 11/29/10 01:38 PM

Does it ever get to you when reading a profile and they have a MUST list grumble I say get out of your comfort zone and live a little :wink:

Carold, some people must not have a life because they make up these lists. They are eliminating all of their chances of finding the " one". Perhaps some ulterior motive is on the loose or they are sunk into their(comfort zone) ship. Reminds me of a set of lyrics to a Micheal Jackson song: "Can't help it if I wanted to".
:thumbsup: I like different but compatible I say spice it up. I like new things and places its an adventure. I always wonder about the one that go to the same restaurant every other day, I always like trying a new place. I do like my home and can hibernate at times.

I like my home and can hibernate with the best of them. My neighbor called and was worried about my car not moving for a week... Hibernation sometimes is good for the soul. I am with Ms. Carol on this one. I love spontaneity and different things. Life needs some spice sometime.

seamac's photo
Mon 11/29/10 02:18 PM

:banana: :banana:

Wow I didn't realize I was cutting people out! All I said on my Must List was:
must be devastatingly attractive
must be indepently wealthy
must want to travel to the places I want to go
must want to give me footrubs and backrubs
must think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world

Now I changed to must be male AND have a pulse LOL

No, no, no! I love the original list!! If your really giving it up, may I have it?



Thanks, it really is somethings to strive towards!! LOL

stefy's photo
Mon 11/29/10 02:37 PM
Ok, i know is not realistic but if i could have a must list it would go like this:
My man
is kind
is adeep thinker
is passionate about his work
loves old houses
loves the feel of skin on skin and can`t get enough touching
has eyes that reveal his soul
has wild imagination in bed
and finally is well endowed..
is it too much to ask?

krupa's photo
Mon 11/29/10 04:16 PM

Ok, i know is not realistic but if i could have a must list it would go like this:
My man
is kind
is adeep thinker
is passionate about his work
loves old houses
loves the feel of skin on skin and can`t get enough touching
has eyes that reveal his soul
has wild imagination in bed
and finally is well endowed..
is it too much to ask?

You rang?

Oh harmony...I think you missed the first page baby....I aint getting fooled again by that list!

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 11/29/10 04:18 PM
i hate that........a must list???

now really.................:heart:

carold's photo
Tue 11/30/10 05:31 AM
Glad you could stop by girlie :heart:

Thorb's photo
Tue 11/30/10 10:13 AM
must remember to flush

navygirl's photo
Tue 11/30/10 12:04 PM

Does it ever get to you when reading a profile and they have a MUST list grumble I say get out of your comfort zone and live a little :wink:

I think this stems from experience and finding out what we really want in a partner. For example I don't want a smoker as the last guy I dated made me ill because of his smoking. Dated another guy with kids and he never had time for me because of his kids. So, of course now I make my must list. Saves me wasting my time with the wrong man.

carold's photo
Tue 11/30/10 02:04 PM

must remember to flush
Put down the toilet seat.

no photo
Tue 11/30/10 02:49 PM
My "Must List" is really a "Must Not" list. It comes from years and years of blindly stumbling into horrible relationships but (hopefully) discovering what DOESN'T work for you.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/30/10 02:55 PM
Must be able to carry on a conversation......past the hi how are ya......whoa

They must realize that if they love sports that I most likely will not sit there and watch the game with them........they are big boys they can watch it alone or with their friends.....:thumbsup:

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 11/30/10 03:05 PM

Must be able to carry on a conversation......past the hi how are ya......whoa

They must realize that if they love sports that I most likely will not sit there and watch the game with them........they are big boys they can watch it alone or with their friends.....:thumbsup:

Uh Huh!! True that! Some guys have nothing nice to say about any thing. Must have conversation is a good one because I can imagine how much it drives you women nuts if a man can't converse about things.....

carold's photo
Tue 11/30/10 03:13 PM

My "Must List" is really a "Must Not" list. It comes from years and years of blindly stumbling into horrible relationships but (hopefully) discovering what DOESN'T work for you.

I just looked at your profile got about half way through it maybe I should of looked to see how long it was before I started. I think you could shorten it if you take out all the things you said more than twice. But I do find you interesting Lex and nice guy I didn't know you were so young either. flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 11/30/10 04:12 PM

My "Must List" is really a "Must Not" list. It comes from years and years of blindly stumbling into horrible relationships but (hopefully) discovering what DOESN'T work for you.

I just looked at your profile got about half way through it maybe I should of looked to see how long it was before I started. I think you could shorten it if you take out all the things you said more than twice. But I do find you interesting Lex and nice guy I didn't know you were so young either. flowerforyou

Well, remember, I started writing that thing in 1942 and so it's inevitable that there will be some repetition.

I thought about erasing everything and just putting "I don't know what to write here," but when did I ever not know what to write?


krupa's photo
Tue 11/30/10 04:19 PM

My "Must List" is really a "Must Not" list. It comes from years and years of blindly stumbling into horrible relationships but (hopefully) discovering what DOESN'T work for you.

I just looked at your profile got about half way through it maybe I should of looked to see how long it was before I started. I think you could shorten it if you take out all the things you said more than twice. But I do find you interesting Lex and nice guy I didn't know you were so young either. flowerforyou

Well, remember, I started writing that thing in 1942 and so it's inevitable that there will be some repetition.

I thought about erasing everything and just putting "I don't know what to write here," but when did I ever not know what to write?


Try using pictures for the big words!

no photo
Tue 11/30/10 04:26 PM

My "Must List" is really a "Must Not" list. It comes from years and years of blindly stumbling into horrible relationships but (hopefully) discovering what DOESN'T work for you.

I just looked at your profile got about half way through it maybe I should of looked to see how long it was before I started. I think you could shorten it if you take out all the things you said more than twice. But I do find you interesting Lex and nice guy I didn't know you were so young either. flowerforyou

Well, remember, I started writing that thing in 1942 and so it's inevitable that there will be some repetition.

I thought about erasing everything and just putting "I don't know what to write here," but when did I ever not know what to write?


Try using pictures for the big words!

I don't have a good picture of a hapax legomenon, though....??