Topic: If you break Gods Commandment did you sin? | |
there be no smaller pea size brain, than that which deems it's own ONE BRAIN, SPEAKS THE TRUTH FOR AND OF ALL CIVILIZATION. Pea soup and marshmallows shall you eat for eternity??? LOL! for any child of god deem what god give as good, whether it be pea soup or marshmellows... does oneself think it too good but to have pea soup and marshmellow to dine on? for such many a starving would be grateful for... but the cowardly speaker of "god", whom demand the earth should bow unto them, know no gratitude. eternity? such be a spell of things ye know not of... something more beneficial as everlasting for the demanding mortal be in order... hum... i shall demand you bow unto me, as everlasting, as you have demanded all other's bow unto you and your belief, and then when i say you may rise, then you may rise. lol... until then, low to the ground shall it be. as is fitting for what demand itself be a king of god. sucking in dust upon the ground as a serpent that crawl on it's belly, shall be the remedy for the self apointed holy, that thought they could dictate the FREE WILL of other mortals that were equal to themself. LOL, show me where I claim to speak for God. I do nothing for self, unlike others. Dance little pea-brained puppet, DANCE!!! |
jesus said, "what you have done unto the least of these, you have done as unto me"... the same as to say, the least of these is EQUAL, OR THE SAME AS JESUS. and jesus said, "the greatest commandment of these, is to love thy neighbor as thyself"... the same as to say, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, NOT ME "JESUS"... and jesus said, "no greater love hath one than that which lay down it's life for a friend"... the same as to say, IT IS NOT LOVE OF GOD TO LAY DOWN ONE'S LIFE TO GAIN ETERNAL LIFE OR REWARD FOR ONESELF... and jesus said, "if thou givest seeking a reward, ye shall recieve a curse"... the same as to say, to give one's life to "god", seeking a reward or good for self, and one shall recieve a curse. and jesus said, "that which seeks to save it's life, shall lose it, but that which seeks to lay down it's life for A FRIEND, shall gain it"... the same as to say, that which seeks "god" for SELF AGENDA, and to profit itself or spare itself, shall find the opposite for itself, lol... funny how the "cursed" do spew the supposed good of their own curse... for only what trick itself trying to get to "heaven" for ITSELF, obey the temptation SATAN, OF "DIRECTIONS" FOR HOW TO GET GOOD FOR SELF... for indeed, there is no commandment except to the smallest brain in the cosmos, that which but seeks SELF GOOD FOR SELF FROM "GOD". there be no smaller pea size brain, than that which deems it's own ONE BRAIN, SPEAKS THE TRUTH FOR AND OF ALL CIVILIZATION. and so these as the demons of society, do follow their master satan, LUCIFER, who deemed ITSELF, knew the ONLY TRUTH OF GOD ITSELF, therefore deeming itself as EQUAL TO GOD, and so, guilty of blaspheme, these were cast away from "god"... and so, the angels of god came forth, and poured out viles of wrath upon the self declared speaker's of god, whom deemed their lips and brain worthy to SPEAK FOR "GOD"... and they wept and moaned, seeing their own lust for good for self, had decieved them, into accepting the mark of the beast, and these were lowered into the lake of everlasting fire, and the athiests offered brews unto the ignorant to cool the flames. Ok I am done with your foolish games David, you've gained nothing but showing how immature you are. When you're all grown up and wish to have a civilized conversation please come back. lets us look into this dear boy... foolish games... immature... not grown up... not civilized... i take it that means you disagree with the fathers assessment of the meaning of the words? lol... lets see here... four stones thrown, all based upon self as not foolish, self as grown up, self as mature, and self as more civilized... lol... does a father even try to speak to a son, when this son deem all other human brains as inferior to it's own? nay i say... so, this one the father shall have to lower to the dust, to learn to not use its own brain as the bar and measure of all other human's... hum... it seems nothing less than total demonic possession and everlasting torment for such mentality be in order, as nothing else shall be effective, in equalizing the self biased perception seen as divine. demons... come forth from hell... ooh... wow... your so fine... damn so special... the winds of unsanity shall blow thru the mind of the dear lass with delusions of grandeaur... lol... now, to hash this out cowboy, i shall have to come to you in your dreams, so we can speak face to face, and straighten out this little wish to deem self a speaker for the creator... don't worry. it wont hurt you. be not afraid... fear not. lol... quote scripture's, but they shall but serve but to lengthen your dreams of distain. so shall it be. just kick back and chill, and read a few bible texts, to hasten the chastening of the little boy that cried itself as "god". lol... ditto's |
Edited by
Sat 11/13/10 12:55 AM
there be no smaller pea size brain, than that which deems it's own ONE BRAIN, SPEAKS THE TRUTH FOR AND OF ALL CIVILIZATION. Pea soup and marshmallows shall you eat for eternity??? LOL! for any child of god deem what god give as good, whether it be pea soup or marshmellows... does oneself think it too good but to have pea soup and marshmellow to dine on? for such many a starving would be grateful for... but the cowardly speaker of "god", whom demand the earth should bow unto them, know no gratitude. eternity? such be a spell of things ye know not of... something more beneficial as everlasting for the demanding mortal be in order... hum... i shall demand you bow unto me, as everlasting, as you have demanded all other's bow unto you and your belief, and then when i say you may rise, then you may rise. lol... until then, low to the ground shall it be. as is fitting for what demand itself be a king of god. sucking in dust upon the ground as a serpent that crawl on it's belly, shall be the remedy for the self apointed holy, that thought they could dictate the FREE WILL of other mortals that were equal to themself. LOL, show me where I claim to speak for God. I do nothing for self, unlike others. Dance little pea-brained puppet, DANCE!!! i take it that means you don't like my post? lol... ye have assumed when thou should have listened to thine own doubt, that was indeed given to you by the creator. god? first it be appointed ye shall meet the devil face to face, and then when he hath taught ye good lesson, then god. so now, ye think ye can fight the devil and demons huh... but, i am of the demons and the devil, and ye wish to duel me? so, ye must have great confidence that your belief as god be greater than all the demons of hell? lol... yea, a demon slayer ye be, ye self declared speaker of the one truth of god? lol... equalizers. come forth. hum... ok... it is appointed you should be visited in your dreams. lovely... i shall get to meet you in your dreams. hope ye don't mind my ugly mug too much. lol... be not afraid. it is just a dream. lol... aw... a good remedy for the self apointed oracle of god, that demand it know the one truth of "god" lol... have fun dear boy |
there be no smaller pea size brain, than that which deems it's own ONE BRAIN, SPEAKS THE TRUTH FOR AND OF ALL CIVILIZATION. Pea soup and marshmallows shall you eat for eternity??? LOL! for any child of god deem what god give as good, whether it be pea soup or marshmellows... does oneself think it too good but to have pea soup and marshmellow to dine on? for such many a starving would be grateful for... but the cowardly speaker of "god", whom demand the earth should bow unto them, know no gratitude. eternity? such be a spell of things ye know not of... something more beneficial as everlasting for the demanding mortal be in order... hum... i shall demand you bow unto me, as everlasting, as you have demanded all other's bow unto you and your belief, and then when i say you may rise, then you may rise. lol... until then, low to the ground shall it be. as is fitting for what demand itself be a king of god. sucking in dust upon the ground as a serpent that crawl on it's belly, shall be the remedy for the self apointed holy, that thought they could dictate the FREE WILL of other mortals that were equal to themself. LOL, show me where I claim to speak for God. I do nothing for self, unlike others. Dance little pea-brained puppet, DANCE!!! i take it that means you don't like my post? lol... ye have assumed when thou should have listened to thine own doubt, that was indeed given to you by the creator. god? first it be appointed ye shall meet the devil face to face, and then when he hath taught ye good lesson, then god. so now, ye think ye can fight the devil and demons huh... but, i am of the demons and the devil, and ye wish to duel me? so, ye must have great confidence that your belief as god be greater than all the demons of hell? lol... yea, a demon slayer ye be, ye self declared speaker of the one truth of god? lol... equalizers. come forth. hum... ok... it is appointed you should be visited in your dreams. lovely... i shall get to meet you in your dreams. hope ye don't mind my ugly mug too much. lol... be not afraid. it is just a dream. lol... aw... a good remedy for the self apointed oracle of god, that demand it know the one truth of "god" lol... have fun dear boy You put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts Jitterbug into my brain Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same But something's bugging you Something ain't right My best friend told me what you did last night Left me sleepin' in my bed I was dreaming, but I should have been with you instead. Dance little demon puppet, DANCE!!! |
Edited by
Sat 11/13/10 07:17 AM
jesus said, "what you have done unto the least of these, you have done as unto me"... the same as to say, the least of these is EQUAL, OR THE SAME AS JESUS. and jesus said, "the greatest commandment of these, is to love thy neighbor as thyself"... the same as to say, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, NOT ME "JESUS"... and jesus said, "no greater love hath one than that which lay down it's life for a friend"... the same as to say, IT IS NOT LOVE OF GOD TO LAY DOWN ONE'S LIFE TO GAIN ETERNAL LIFE OR REWARD FOR ONESELF... and jesus said, "if thou givest seeking a reward, ye shall recieve a curse"... the same as to say, to give one's life to "god", seeking a reward or good for self, and one shall recieve a curse. and jesus said, "that which seeks to save it's life, shall lose it, but that which seeks to lay down it's life for A FRIEND, shall gain it"... the same as to say, that which seeks "god" for SELF AGENDA, and to profit itself or spare itself, shall find the opposite for itself, lol... funny how the "cursed" do spew the supposed good of their own curse... for only what trick itself trying to get to "heaven" for ITSELF, obey the temptation SATAN, OF "DIRECTIONS" FOR HOW TO GET GOOD FOR SELF... for indeed, there is no commandment except to the smallest brain in the cosmos, that which but seeks SELF GOOD FOR SELF FROM "GOD". there be no smaller pea size brain, than that which deems it's own ONE BRAIN, SPEAKS THE TRUTH FOR AND OF ALL CIVILIZATION. and so these as the demons of society, do follow their master satan, LUCIFER, who deemed ITSELF, knew the ONLY TRUTH OF GOD ITSELF, therefore deeming itself as EQUAL TO GOD, and so, guilty of blaspheme, these were cast away from "god"... and so, the angels of god came forth, and poured out viles of wrath upon the self declared speaker's of god, whom deemed their lips and brain worthy to SPEAK FOR "GOD"... and they wept and moaned, seeing their own lust for good for self, had decieved them, into accepting the mark of the beast, and these were lowered into the lake of everlasting fire, and the athiests offered brews unto the ignorant to cool the flames. Ok I am done with your foolish games David, you've gained nothing but showing how immature you are. When you're all grown up and wish to have a civilized conversation please come back. lets us look into this dear boy... foolish games... immature... not grown up... not civilized... i take it that means you disagree with the fathers assessment of the meaning of the words? lol... lets see here... four stones thrown, all based upon self as not foolish, self as grown up, self as mature, and self as more civilized... lol... does a father even try to speak to a son, when this son deem all other human brains as inferior to it's own? nay i say... so, this one the father shall have to lower to the dust, to learn to not use its own brain as the bar and measure of all other human's... hum... it seems nothing less than total demonic possession and everlasting torment for such mentality be in order, as nothing else shall be effective, in equalizing the self biased perception seen as divine. demons... come forth from hell... ooh... wow... your so fine... damn so special... the winds of unsanity shall blow thru the mind of the dear lass with delusions of grandeaur... lol... now, to hash this out cowboy, i shall have to come to you in your dreams, so we can speak face to face, and straighten out this little wish to deem self a speaker for the creator... don't worry. it wont hurt you. be not afraid... fear not. lol... quote scripture's, but they shall but serve but to lengthen your dreams of distain. so shall it be. just kick back and chill, and read a few bible texts, to hasten the chastening of the little boy that cried itself as "god". lol... ditto's I was not claiming to be of higher mentality. But your little game of copy/pasting the same thing over and over then into another thread was absolutely childish. Therefore if you wish to have a civilized conversation, i'm all for it. |
Edited by
Sat 11/13/10 09:56 AM
ah, the demon's come forth to devour the self declared speakers of god. lol... those that see self fit and worthy to deem their own brain as the sole ruler of an entire species... oh how the delusion's of self grandeaur have afflicted the mental faculties by way of deeming self as supreme in self knowing of "god truth". ah, but dear cowboy... did you not change my words, but to suite YOUR OWN LIKING? lol... and, so i post again, my own interpretation of the words as they were written? but, this is not ok with the would be demigods of society... lol... oh, but these do not think they are half god, but rather even whole gods, speaking the WHOLE TRUTH OF GOD... oh my... these that have fallen prey to wishes of self greatness as self declared divine knower's of god truth and speakers for god... ah, ye believe yourself fit and worthy to decide what does not concur with your wants and belief as immature, and childish, and foolish, and uncivilized... lol... all but more proof of the unsane delusions of grandeaur run amock, by way of believing a book can validate oneself as "true"... when with each word out of the mouth, proceed more inconsistency than a new born babe. the words as belief are applied as but the feelings blow, from the north than south and east and west. oh how the biased unsane brains do tick and tock, to the mesmorizing drum of their their own belief as surpeme and of god. for none with sane mind would debate with a deaf mortal, that have seen nothing but their own definitons as supreme their entire mortal existence. such birthing the unsane delusion that self be fit to rule the world with it's belief as king, and even then coming to demand such. lol... only but those whom believe a book prove themself as having higher intelligence, and divine interpretation of words written, could ever fall prey to such illusion's as real. ah, so but the devil himself as the wrath of god be the only thing capable of opening the ear and eye of these unto themself. my words stand as they are written. without your PERSONAL VIEW attached to them. i recant your view as paganistic and self serving. of the father of all lie's... of the wicked one... lol... post your definitions, and i shall post mine. did ye see me change your words? nay... ah, but these that demand they know all the truth of god, are personally insulted by any definition other trhan their own, enough to believe those that offer a differing view, as childish, as immature, as foolish, as uncivilized... indeed... then as it was written, so shall it be. "that which deem another as a fool, be in danger of hell fire"... so, since the book is declared as true, cowboy shall have to go to hell... ye have broken a commandment of the book ye swear your allegience and obedience to. don't worry, hell is but what "seem" as everlasting, and not eternal... lol... so be it then. i shall visit you from time to time, and make sure you are comfortable as possible while in hell... for indeed, even i do not wish one endure hell's flames without a tasty beverage from time to time. lol... and, since ye see yourself fit, to demand your truth be as "divine"... i as well, declare my words as the most truth of god, as supreme and divine as well. hum... so, we have two here, that both declare their words as the only divine words as truth of god in the cosmos. omg! what blasphemy! one blind to his own declared as such, and the other intentional. ah... but ye deemed me guilty of sin, so cast the first stone, four to be exact. so quicken hell's fires four times hotter. yea, that should do it. an eye for an eye. hum... and did you not say you would "repost all night if need be"? lol... to DEMAND YOUR INTERPRETATION BE AS DIVINE AND THE LONE CORRECT? indeed indeed indeed. if need be for what? infantile indeed. and such is childish of me dear boy? lol... damn... how unfortunate. i shall have to insist ye bow unto me. now, say slowly, "i love lucifer, and serve satan, by deeming my own brain as having the ONLY DIVINE KNOWING OF TRUTH"... it won't hurt too much. free onself from the shackles of hell! lol... a child doing such would be understandable, but an adult whom doth such, shall be led by children, to teach self that it be not even as wise as a child. lol... love thy enemy dear lass, or that which oppose thy belief, lest hell's fire's be increased to consume thee tenfold, as the good ole book instruct the obedient follower to do. not feelin the divine love here dear boy... nay, i dare say i feel the demon's of hell nashing their teeth, persuing their wishes to rule the world with dictatorship of the assigned behaviour of all other mortals. and yea, THEN, TRY TO ENFORCE SUCH SELF DEFINITION AS AN OPPRESSIVE OVERLORD OF ALL CIVILIZATION. yes, the pitchforks of the devil himself shall carry all these unto their own self made everlasting torment... lol... hum... the "self declared speakers of god truth", can think and declare many are immoral, immature, foolish, worthy of hell if they do not abide by self's brain, but if another mortal think such of them, they are but childish... lol... did ye not hear long ago oneself would be forced to wear the shoe itself crafted and demanded all other's wear. lol... yes indeed, it shall be so. these, use all manner of malicious intent and tactic, but cry how all other's are foul, if they use the same tactic's on self... lol... any that oppose their belief as divine interpetation. of course, these i shall oppose with all vigor, for these but seek to rule over and rule the world with their own SINGULAR BRAIN AND BELIEF, having no regard for the words of other's as equal in knowing as themself. indeed. change my words all you wish. not one of them shall pass away until each letter and word be fulfilled. |
it tis a sad day. indeed. with all due apologies, i must recant my offer to afford drinks for those whom are lowered into hell flaming pit... yes... i have been duly told by my god, that no drinks are allowed in hell... it appears such indeed be transcribed in the book. most unfortunate... it is with sadness that such is brought to my attention. so i duly stand corrected. and retract my offer of fine tasty beverages for those that endure hell's flames... my sincerest apologies, but i must adhere to the instructions of the book, lest my master throw me into hell's fires as well, and i reach not the pearly gates of heaven for myself... it is with all sadness and empathy that i do pen these words, for those so unfortunate to not have seen the true path of god as i have... that could not see the divine path as i do. and as i instruct. bless their poor inferior entellects this day my lord and master, with increased knowing to match mine, i pray of thee dear god. holy blessings for them dear father. for they have refused to acknowledge i point the way unto to the only divine truth of god, and since their refusal to hearken unto my truth as of god... well... please at least allow them the imagination of tasty cocktails or their favorite cola while bastiung in hells fires. if any wish to know the divine truth of god, and wish to follow me into the kingdom of heaven, please heed my words, and accept my truth as of god, for indeed he did tell me all that i write, and confirmed it in the "holy book", for if ye don't, i fear what shall happen to thy very soul. repent now! hearken unto my master that speak to me. for he shall be kind to you, and give you blessing, if you will just admmit i speak for god! and if ye disobey... god help your soul. |
Cowboy wrote:
Weather Adam and Eve knew the difference between good and evil is irrelevant, for they were told not to do it. Doesn't matter why they were told not to do it, bottom line is they were told not to do it. It makes all the difference in the world. Clearly you aren't comprehending the problem. If Adam and Eve did not know that it was wrong to disobey God, then they could not be held 'guilty' for having done something wrong by "obeying" his directives. In fact, they could not have even grasped the concept of 'obedience' without understanding that it is 'wrong' to disobey. So to even understand the concept of 'obedience' they would have already had to have a knowledge of Good and Evil prior to having gained that knowledge of Good and Evil from having eaten from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil I understand that this is way over your head Cowboy, but it's a serious conflict. I'll try to explain again. The problem goes as follows. If Adam and Eve did not understand that it is evil to disobey God, then they could not have been held responsible for having knowingly chosen to do evil when they had no clue what evil even means. On the other hand, if they already possessed that "sense" of good and evil, THEN the knowledge of Good and Evil that would be gained from eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil could not mean what you claim. It could have only been the actual knowledge of precisely what is Good and what is Evil. So this is a very serious problem. And one that cannot be resolved. Because there can only be two cases: 1. The knowledge of Good and Evil means to be able to comprehend right from wrong. OR 2. The knowledge of Good and Evil means to know precisely what actions are good and what actions are evil. Well, #1 can't be true. Because if #1 were true then Adam and Eve could not be held responsible for having 'fallen from grace' when they could not have known any better until after they had eaten the fruit. They could not have know that it was WRONG to disobey God if that's what knowledge of Good and Evil means. Thus it would be unrighteous of God to have blamed those poor innocent babes for not understanding that it was wrong to disobey him And thus the whole fable instantly falls apart. However, if #2 it true, then the whole rest of the Bible is nonsense because it's just a bunch of rules and laws that would clearly not be required if Adam and Eve had been truly given the knowledge of what's good and what's evil. They would just innately know. Thus the whole rest of the Bible that is supposedly a God attempting to communicate to humans his commandments of what's good and evil is a blatant contradiction to the tale of Adam and Eve. So it FAILS in BOTH CASES. Neither case helps the story. In the first case it, would be unrighteous of God to blame humankind for a 'fall from grace' that they could not have possibly understood was wrong at the time. In the second case, it would be utterly absurd for God to be writing up all these commandments when mankind supposedly already has the knowledge of what's Good and Evil. So in BOTH CASES the fable falls flat on its face. There is no workable solution that doesn't end in a paradoxical contradiction. Therefore the story has been exposed as just a poorly made up fib. It makes all the difference in the world. Clearly you aren't comprehending the problem. If Adam and Eve did not know that it was wrong to disobey God, then they could not be held 'guilty' for having done something wrong by "obeying" his directives. In fact, they could not have even grasped the concept of 'obedience' without understanding that it is 'wrong' to disobey. So to even understand the concept of 'obedience' they would have already had to have a knowledge of Good and Evil prior to having gained that knowledge of Good and Evil from having eaten from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil Absolutely makes no difference. Doesn't matter if they knew it was evil to disobey or not. Fact still remains that they were told not to do as such, reason of why they were not to do it is irrelevant point being they were not to eat of the tree. So you're saying if you don't know what pain is then you shouldn't feel pain? If you do not know that if you touch fire you will get burned, then you shouldn't be? No my friend, they were told not to. And in reaction with their action they were punished. Again just as if you were to touch fire, even if you do not know you will get burned you still will. |
Not the ten commandments but the one. Delivered in Genisis. 'be fruitfull and fill the earth...' So then why does is it that some churches make it a sin to have sex? Are said churches committing a 'sin'. We already done filled the earth! Commandment fulfilled. Now is the era for vasectomies, condoms, celibacy, and gay people. Or something. |
Cowboy wrote:
Absolutely makes no difference. Doesn't matter if they knew it was evil to disobey or not. Fact still remains that they were told not to do as such, reason of why they were not to do it is irrelevant point being they were not to eat of the tree. So you're saying if you don't know what pain is then you shouldn't feel pain? If you do not know that if you touch fire you will get burned, then you shouldn't be? No my friend, they were told not to. And in reaction with their action they were punished. Again just as if you were to touch fire, even if you do not know you will get burned you still will. I'm sincerely amazed at the magnitude of your naivety, but I guess that's what's required to believe in something as absurd as the Bible. Of course it matters. It's the whole crux of the story. Otherwise Adam and Eve would be innocent, and so would we. Thus any notions of any need for "repentance" would be null and void. The "fall from grace" could not have been an act of innocence. It's as simple as that. You seem to be failing to understand completely. If you gave a new born baby instructions that the baby should not disobey, like "don't play with that toy", and the baby played with it anyway, you can hardly blame the baby for having 'blatantly disobeyed your commands'. This religion is absurd. And that's all there is to it. It's nothing but a book of contradictions. 1. Adam and Eve could not have fallen from grace through an act of innocence. Therefore, for the story to make any sense at all, they would have had to have known better. 2. If Adam and Eve knew better, then the knowledge of good and evil that they obtained from having eaten the fruit could only have been a knowledge of precisely what is and isn't evil. Thus there would be no need for any stupid book of laws. Thus the story of Adam and Eve with respect to the rest of the Biblical fables is a contradiction. ~~~~~ The New Testament is a contradiction to the Old Testament. 1. God is unchanging. 2. God deals with human sinners by drowning them. 3. God has a change of heart. 4. God now deals with sinners by making sacrifices for them. ~~~~~ The idea that a sacrifice is something that needs to be done to prove sincerity and remorse, and thus Jesus made our sacrifice for us so we no longer need to prove our sincerity? That's utterly absurd. ~~~~ Getting back to the fall of grace. We now know from scientific knowledge obtained from observing the actual universe that thorns, disease, death, and all manner of imperfections existed long before humans roamed the Earth. Thus these ancient fables have been exposed in they fibs. Mankind cannot possibly be responsible for the apparent 'evils' that are a natural part of life. ~~~~ As a counter argument to the above some supporters of the biblical myths claim that death, disease, and imperfections have always existed and that mankind is not responsible for all these things. However, that contradicts the idea that in the beginning when God created Earth he saw that it was "GOOD". To see a world filled with animals that each each other, prey on each others young offspring and eggs, and fight for territory and mating rights, as being "GOOD", could only be seen through the eyes of an evil sadist. Certainly not he hallmark of any "God". ~~~~ Jesus didn't agree with the moral values of the Old Testament. He renounced an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth in favor of turning the other cheek. He renounced the seeking of revenge in favor of forgiveness. He renounced the stoning to death of sinners by mortal humans. The moral teachings of Jesus were in total opposition to the moral teachings of the Torah. So that's a contradiction right there that Jesus could have been the son of the God of Abraham. The moral teachings of Jesus were also in line with the moral teachings of men like Confucius, Buddha, and others. Men who voiced their moral values long before Jesus ever lived. Did they guess ahead of time how God was going to have a change of heart? ~~~~~ The list goes on and on, but why bother. These myths are clearly just that. Let them go and move on with your life to greener pastures. There are far better spiritual philosophies to be had. |
Edited by
Sat 11/13/10 04:32 PM
no proof that any god has commanded anything Only as much proof as we've been to space and or walked on the moon. Just documented evidence provided by someone else. 400 X refraction telescope aimed at the right part of the moon with the sun in the right angle and you can see one of the landers... Yep we been there... Show me a way to verify the bible in the same manner. While the spiritual side of scriptures cannot be verified, archealogical and scientific evidence is in abundance. Great observation... I truly believe there is a fixed gulf between believers and non-believers and it is plain that believers want to share the Word but those who reject God's truth cannot enter in unbelief. That is awesome but sad. We serve a Mighty God!!! |
CeriseRose wrote:
That is awesome but sad. We serve a Mighty God!!! What's truly sad to me is the arrogance these Abrahamic religions with their jealous gods create in people. This is one of the greatest problems with the religion. The people who fall for it claim that they are "serving God" whilst everyone else is a heathen who is clearly turning against God and is therefore the enemy of God and his devoted "worshipers". The problem with this is that it's clearly a fallacy. There are many people who do not believe in the Abrahamic religions who are clearly quite righteous and well-meaning people. Many of whom have been great humanitarians and guardians of our precious planet Earth. There can be no doubt that the Abrhamic religions spread religious bigotry, as well as bigotry against atheists too. In fact, the basic doctrine demands that no heathen or atheist can be "good", which is clearly a lie. Thus the doctrine contains obviously lies. Is this really about spirituality? Or is is just about supporting an old fable that one culture's religion should be considered to be the "Word of God" whilst the spirituality of all other cultures should be condemned as "false". Here's what the Christians basically say, "Your religious beliefs are FALSE, ours are from God! Therefore we condemn YOUR RELIGION and called you ungodly heathens for condemning OURS!" It's the epitome of arrogance, is all that it amounts to. I personally don't believe it's healthy to teach children that God is a male-chauvinist as the Bible DEMANDS God must be! I don't believe it's healthy to teach young girls that women were created as an afterthought from the rib of a man to be the helpmate of men. I don't believe it's healthy to teach children that our creator condoned the stoning to death of "sinners" and "heathens". I don't believe it's healthy to teach children that they are sinners whether they like it or not. I don't believe it's healthy to teach children that God is appeased by having people nailed to poles and cannot forgive people unless such gross acts have first been committed as an atonement for their sins. In fact, I don't believe it's healthy to teach children (or anyone for that matter) that their "sins" can be washed away by the blood of a demigod. I think it's far better to teach them how to correct their wrong-doings. If they do something harmful to another person the place to seek forgiveness and achieve atonement for their wrong-doing is by going to the person they harmed and making amends. I don't support religious bigotry in the name of any jealous gods who are appeased by blood sacrifices. Personally I think such religious are very negative and ignorant. They serve no constructive purpose at all, IMHO. The bottom line is that there are indeed far more positive and healthy spiritual philosophies to be had. The fact that Christians have some absurd notion that some supposedly "Righteous God" would condemn well-meaning, righteous, and loving people just because they refuse to believe the folklore of an ancient sick male-chauvinistic society is truly sad. In the name of all that is holy and good, what would be 'Righteous" about such a God? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! If the Christians want to maintain that God is "Righteous" then they should TRUST God to truly be just that, and quit whining about the fact that so many intelligent loving and righteous people see the biblical fables as something that is truly SICK. Those people are clearly not turning against any "God". They are simply rejecting an absolutely sick mythology, and for GOOD reasons! So climb down off your pious horse and recognize that there are many very spiritual people in the world who do not recognize the Bible as being "godly". And also recognize that just because a person does not believe in a god at all, does not make them a bad person. Quit judging everyone who rejects a particular mythology to be 'turning away from God'. You say: but those who reject God's truth cannot enter in unbelief. Cannot enter where? Into the "kingdom of God"? If you feel that's a tragedy then guess what? You DISAGREE with your very own mythological God! Because that's supposedly HIS DIVINE PLAN! Quit crying that you don't like your God's "plan". Either find a better picture of God, or accept that you just don't like God. But why complain to other people about YOUR GOD's faults? I personally believe that OUR CREATOR has created a situation where no souls can possibly be lost. It simply isn't even an option. All souls come from God and return to Her. There is nowhere else to go. Seems to me like it's YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEF that is making you SAD. Become an Eastern Mystic and put a smile on your face! We all come from the single source we call "God" and we all return to that source. The God of the Eastern Mystics is not a "loser God". Nary a soul is lost. Not a one. Nothing to be sad about in this picture. It's perfectly divine. |
CeriseRose wrote:
That is awesome but sad. We serve a Mighty God!!! What's truly sad to me is the arrogance these Abrahamic religions with their jealous gods create in people. This is one of the greatest problems with the religion. The people who fall for it claim that they are "serving God" whilst everyone else is a heathen who is clearly turning against God and is therefore the enemy of God and his devoted "worshipers". The problem with this is that it's clearly a fallacy. There are many people who do not believe in the Abrahamic religions who are clearly quite righteous and well-meaning people. Many of whom have been great humanitarians and guardians of our precious planet Earth. There can be no doubt that the Abrhamic religions spread religious bigotry, as well as bigotry against atheists too. In fact, the basic doctrine demands that no heathen or atheist can be "good", which is clearly a lie. Thus the doctrine contains obviously lies. Is this really about spirituality? Or is is just about supporting an old fable that one culture's religion should be considered to be the "Word of God" whilst the spirituality of all other cultures should be condemned as "false". Here's what the Christians basically say, "Your religious beliefs are FALSE, ours are from God! Therefore we condemn YOUR RELIGION and called you ungodly heathens for condemning OURS!" It's the epitome of arrogance, is all that it amounts to. I personally don't believe it's healthy to teach children that God is a male-chauvinist as the Bible DEMANDS God must be! I don't believe it's healthy to teach young girls that women were created as an afterthought from the rib of a man to be the helpmate of men. I don't believe it's healthy to teach children that our creator condoned the stoning to death of "sinners" and "heathens". I don't believe it's healthy to teach children that they are sinners whether they like it or not. I don't believe it's healthy to teach children that God is appeased by having people nailed to poles and cannot forgive people unless such gross acts have first been committed as an atonement for their sins. In fact, I don't believe it's healthy to teach children (or anyone for that matter) that their "sins" can be washed away by the blood of a demigod. I think it's far better to teach them how to correct their wrong-doings. If they do something harmful to another person the place to seek forgiveness and achieve atonement for their wrong-doing is by going to the person they harmed and making amends. I don't support religious bigotry in the name of any jealous gods who are appeased by blood sacrifices. Personally I think such religious are very negative and ignorant. They serve no constructive purpose at all, IMHO. The bottom line is that there are indeed far more positive and healthy spiritual philosophies to be had. The fact that Christians have some absurd notion that some supposedly "Righteous God" would condemn well-meaning, righteous, and loving people just because they refuse to believe the folklore of an ancient sick male-chauvinistic society is truly sad. In the name of all that is holy and good, what would be 'Righteous" about such a God? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! If the Christians want to maintain that God is "Righteous" then they should TRUST God to truly be just that, and quit whining about the fact that so many intelligent loving and righteous people see the biblical fables as something that is truly SICK. Those people are clearly not turning against any "God". They are simply rejecting an absolutely sick mythology, and for GOOD reasons! So climb down off your pious horse and recognize that there are many very spiritual people in the world who do not recognize the Bible as being "godly". And also recognize that just because a person does not believe in a god at all, does not make them a bad person. Quit judging everyone who rejects a particular mythology to be 'turning away from God'. You say: but those who reject God's truth cannot enter in unbelief. Cannot enter where? Into the "kingdom of God"? If you feel that's a tragedy then guess what? You DISAGREE with your very own mythological God! Because that's supposedly HIS DIVINE PLAN! Quit crying that you don't like your God's "plan". Either find a better picture of God, or accept that you just don't like God. But why complain to other people about YOUR GOD's faults? I personally believe that OUR CREATOR has created a situation where no souls can possibly be lost. It simply isn't even an option. All souls come from God and return to Her. There is nowhere else to go. Seems to me like it's YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEF that is making you SAD. Become an Eastern Mystic and put a smile on your face! We all come from the single source we call "God" and we all return to that source. The God of the Eastern Mystics is not a "loser God". Nary a soul is lost. Not a one. Nothing to be sad about in this picture. It's perfectly divine. Sorry to see you so stressed about the simple gospel. |
Sorry to see you so stressed about the simple gospel. No more so than doctors are stressed out about cancer. If I thought I could fight cancer by simply exposing absurd myths I'd do that too. Cancer of the body, cancer of the spirit, what's the difference? They are both unhealthy and unproductive. Let's do our best to rid humanity of both of them. |
Edited by
Sat 11/13/10 10:11 PM
Sorry to see you so stressed about the simple gospel. No more so than doctors are stressed out about cancer. If I thought I could fight cancer by simply exposing absurd myths I'd do that too. Cancer of the body, cancer of the spirit, what's the difference? They are both unhealthy and unproductive. Let's do our best to rid humanity of both of them. I thought you were into Budhism or Hinduism. Are you sure you are not creating bad karma for yourself, being so critical? Where is your inner peace? You seem to be a restless soul when it comes to religion. |
I thought you were into Budhism or Hinduism. Are you sure you are not creating bad karma for yourself, being so critical? Where is your inner peace? You seem to be a restless soul when it comes to religion. You seem to be jumping to quite a few conclusions about someone you've never met. I checked Buddhism/Taoism on my profile simply because those are the closest spiritual philosophies that reflect how I personally view reality. However, technically I'm neither a Buddhist nor a Taoist. In fact, I don't affiliate myself with any organized or officially recognized religion. I only appear to be a "restless soul" to Christians who read these forums because I make them feel restless. In truth Cerise (or should I call you Rose?), I really have no problem with what people personally believe. I have a problem with people who proselytize the religion to a point where it basically becomes political. If you think for one second that Christianity isn't a source of social and international political bigotry you seriously need to think again. What did you just post a few minutes ago? CeriseRose wrote:
We serve a Mighty God!!! Who serves a Mighty God? And what am I? A heathen? Simply because I refuse to accept the Bible as the "Word of God" and the idea that Jesus was his only begotten son who was crucified to pay for our sins? In all honesty Cerise I truly feel that the biblical picture of "god" is truly sick. Seriously sick. I'm not trying to mock the Bible or make fun of it or anything. I'm just telling the honest truth. I seriously see it as being utterly sick. Now I realize that you think it was somehow GREAT that poor little innocent Jesus would be so loving as to give his life to pay for your sins so you can be accepted into heaven. However, from my point of view such a scenario is utterly insane. WHO was Jesus? What Jesus GOD? Let's pretend for a moment that he was God. That should be easy for you. Jesus is God! He not just some innocent "son" of God who is a separate soul in his own right who decided to do this for our sake so that God can forgive us. No. He is GOD! Ok, so you have a creator of a universe who supposedly does not like violence and he commands people to be nice and not to kill, cheat, lie, steal, or do anything horrible. So what does he do? He devises a plan to come to Earth and have himself nailed to a pole to pay for our sins? WHAT? How in the world is nailing our creator to a pole going to pay for our sins? You're going to tell me that I should believe an old story that claims that our creator basically said to us, "Look, if I come down there and you break my commandments by nailing me to a pole and killing me, I'll forgive you of your sins" What sense does that even make? Why would a God who supposedly stands for everything righteous and just require us to violate his commandment and nail him to a pole before he can forgive us? This has got to be the most insane religious myth ever created by mankind. Do I believe that a sane infinitely intelligent and wise God would devise such a plan? No, sorry, but there's NO WAY I would ever believe that an infinitely wise being would ever create or devise such an utterly ignorant plan for the salvation of his creation. If you want to believe that God is "intelligent", then surely you can see where God himself would need to be shaking his head in agreement with me at this very moment. All I'm saying is that I don't believe that God is that stupid. If I'm bound for hell for taking that view, then so be it. Any God who would send people to eternal damnation for not believing that he's an absolute idiot, would only prove that he most certainly is. The fable cannot be true. Our creator cannot be an idiot. Atheism would be a far better reality. Any God who can't think of a better way to offer mankind salvation than having himself nailed to a pole is either a complete idiot, or an extremely limited God who simply doesn't have any better options available. Either case violates what God is supposed to be - (i.e. unlimited, all-powerful, and all-wise) You can't have your cake and eat it too. An all-wise all-powerful God doesn't go around having himself nailed to poles. That would be an extremely unwise, and LIMITED solution to any problem. The Bible is nonsense. If there was any truth to some guy named Jesus, he was most likely a mortal man who tried to teach better morals than had been taught in the Torah. He was crucified for his views, and rumors sprung up that he was a demigod and rose from the dead, etc. Now do you truly believe that anyone deserves to go to hell for not believing such an insane story? Yet that's precisely what you MUST BELIEVE if you insist on believing these fables. |
Edited by
Sun 11/14/10 12:50 AM
Sorry to see you so stressed about the simple gospel. No more so than doctors are stressed out about cancer. If I thought I could fight cancer by simply exposing absurd myths I'd do that too. Cancer of the body, cancer of the spirit, what's the difference? They are both unhealthy and unproductive. Let's do our best to rid humanity of both of them. Says the most harmful carcinogen. You are just too damn malignant, perhaps a huge dose of chemo is in order? Example, watch how agresivesly this cancer attacks these words and spreads: Praise Jesus! |
I thought you were into Budhism or Hinduism. Are you sure you are not creating bad karma for yourself, being so critical? Where is your inner peace? You seem to be a restless soul when it comes to religion. You seem to be jumping to quite a few conclusions about someone you've never met. I checked Buddhism/Taoism on my profile simply because those are the closest spiritual philosophies that reflect how I personally view reality. However, technically I'm neither a Buddhist nor a Taoist. In fact, I don't affiliate myself with any organized or officially recognized religion. I only appear to be a "restless soul" to Christians who read these forums because I make them feel restless. In truth Cerise (or should I call you Rose?), I really have no problem with what people personally believe. I have a problem with people who proselytize the religion to a point where it basically becomes political. If you think for one second that Christianity isn't a source of social and international political bigotry you seriously need to think again. What did you just post a few minutes ago? CeriseRose wrote:
We serve a Mighty God!!! Who serves a Mighty God? And what am I? A heathen? Simply because I refuse to accept the Bible as the "Word of God" and the idea that Jesus was his only begotten son who was crucified to pay for our sins? In all honesty Cerise I truly feel that the biblical picture of "god" is truly sick. Seriously sick. I'm not trying to mock the Bible or make fun of it or anything. I'm just telling the honest truth. I seriously see it as being utterly sick. Now I realize that you think it was somehow GREAT that poor little innocent Jesus would be so loving as to give his life to pay for your sins so you can be accepted into heaven. However, from my point of view such a scenario is utterly insane. WHO was Jesus? What Jesus GOD? Let's pretend for a moment that he was God. That should be easy for you. Jesus is God! He not just some innocent "son" of God who is a separate soul in his own right who decided to do this for our sake so that God can forgive us. No. He is GOD! Ok, so you have a creator of a universe who supposedly does not like violence and he commands people to be nice and not to kill, cheat, lie, steal, or do anything horrible. So what does he do? He devises a plan to come to Earth and have himself nailed to a pole to pay for our sins? WHAT? How in the world is nailing our creator to a pole going to pay for our sins? You're going to tell me that I should believe an old story that claims that our creator basically said to us, "Look, if I come down there and you break my commandments by nailing me to a pole and killing me, I'll forgive you of your sins" What sense does that even make? Why would a God who supposedly stands for everything righteous and just require us to violate his commandment and nail him to a pole before he can forgive us? This has got to be the most insane religious myth ever created by mankind. Do I believe that a sane infinitely intelligent and wise God would devise such a plan? No, sorry, but there's NO WAY I would ever believe that an infinitely wise being would ever create or devise such an utterly ignorant plan for the salvation of his creation. If you want to believe that God is "intelligent", then surely you can see where God himself would need to be shaking his head in agreement with me at this very moment. All I'm saying is that I don't believe that God is that stupid. If I'm bound for hell for taking that view, then so be it. Any God who would send people to eternal damnation for not believing that he's an absolute idiot, would only prove that he most certainly is. The fable cannot be true. Our creator cannot be an idiot. Atheism would be a far better reality. Any God who can't think of a better way to offer mankind salvation than having himself nailed to a pole is either a complete idiot, or an extremely limited God who simply doesn't have any better options available. Either case violates what God is supposed to be - (i.e. unlimited, all-powerful, and all-wise) You can't have your cake and eat it too. An all-wise all-powerful God doesn't go around having himself nailed to poles. That would be an extremely unwise, and LIMITED solution to any problem. The Bible is nonsense. If there was any truth to some guy named Jesus, he was most likely a mortal man who tried to teach better morals than had been taught in the Torah. He was crucified for his views, and rumors sprung up that he was a demigod and rose from the dead, etc. Now do you truly believe that anyone deserves to go to hell for not believing such an insane story? Yet that's precisely what you MUST BELIEVE if you insist on believing these fables. The insane story is quoted above. It was clearly written by an egotisical, self-centered, delusional bigot. So why do you keep repeating it ad-naseum? So yet again, you make a false claim. Just once I'd like to see you evidence that the story you convey holds any merit. Start with this blatant falsehood: "Now do you truly believe that anyone deserves to go to hell for not believing such an insane story? Yet that's precisely what you MUST BELIEVE if you insist on believing these fables. " And of course I will make the prediction that zero evidence will be forthcoming but you will provide some obscure reference and/or claim that you didn't make any claim at all, instead blaming the Bible for said claim. P.S. read Romans 2 before insisting people "MUST BELIEVE" your insane hearsay rumors. You also might want to read up on hell and the 3 different words that were mistranslated. (and yes, even with this info, my prediction still stands) |
hello;believe or not da commandment is 4 real...
Edited by
Sun 11/14/10 08:34 AM
Peter Pan wrote:
P.S. read Romans 2 before insisting people "MUST BELIEVE" your insane hearsay rumors. You also might want to read up on hell and the 3 different words that were mistranslated. (and yes, even with this info, my prediction still stands) So you found a passage in the Bible that appears to contradict the main gospels. All you keep doing is confirming the ambiguity of the cannon. In fact, you Christians are fighting with each other. CeriseRose writes, "We serve a Mighty God!!!" And she's telling people that they must "believe" or be condemned. In fact, the Bible does indeed make this claim: John.3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. So in order for Romans 2 to suggest any differently requires that John was either lying, or simply in complete ignorance of the truth. So I'll qualify my statement a bit so that you might better comprehend it. "Yet that's precisely what you MUST BELIEVE if you insist on believing these fables are the infallible Word of God" Because clearly John 3:18 would need to be false, (either an outright lie or simply misinformation) either of which blows the idea that the Bible is the infallible Word of God right out of the water. ~~~~ And besides, it's funny how you evaded the real point I was making: It's truly insane to believe that some all-wise, all-intelligent being with whom all things are possible would choose to have himself nailed to a poll as a means of offering salvation to his creation. As far as I'm concerned that's not even close to being believable. ~~~~ Finally Mr. Peter Pan, If you believe that the Bible is telling people that it doesn't matter what they believe or what God they worship, then why don't you just express those thoughts directly and renounce the Christians who proselytize otherwise? You seem to always be taking the contradicting stance that you simultaneously support Christian proselytizing whilst always disagreeing with the fundamental tenets that most Christian proselytizers preach. If it's not important to believe that the Bible is the "Word of God" and that Jesus was "The Christ" then why not set those Christian proselytizers straight on that? Instead, you seem to be attacking the people who disagree with the proselytizers even whilst you yourself appear to disagree with their claims. |