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Topic: Friends with ex?
no photo
Tue 08/15/06 08:32 AM
I've heard that it can happen: it is possible to be friends with your
ex. How many of you find this to be true? I found it very difficult to
talk to my ex...I couldn't even handle exchanging emails! After about a
year, however, the awkwardness toned down a bit, and we now talk on
occasion. We've even hung out together once or twice. Still a bit
awkward, but getting better. I think you need cooperation and a proper
mindset from both parties for this to even be possible.

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 08:45 AM
I think it is sortof hard. My parents are divorced and they talk to eac
other sortof, but when there's a family party, they can't both b there
at the same time

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 08:51 AM
I don't know, thats a difficult question. My ex-fiance, who cheated, we
were still friends and talking regularly up until a few days ago that I
realized that I can't be the 'pal' that he wants to be. It's just too
painful. Right now I guess because everything is still fairly fresh it
has taken a few months for everything to hit me.

I think its possible to be friends with your ex after a substanial
amount of time. If both parties have resolved all issues and there are
no lingering feelings, why not? However, if the relationship was bad, I
think the friendship is bound to be too. Its not even worth it.

tallandtttanned's photo
Tue 08/15/06 08:54 AM
i hate to have to pick up my two boy's when I know that she is there and
what a bitch she can be

tallandtttanned's photo
Tue 08/15/06 09:15 AM
I am trying but she is so cold hearted it is the boys that hurt in the
end right

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 09:15 AM
It is possible to have a casual relationship with your ex, eventually.
Not being alone around them helps keep things neutral. I dated someone 4
years. He was my first love, but things just didn't work out. I don't
hate him though, don't think that's ever possible. But I do wish the
best for him and he does the same for me. It wasn't like that at first.
Initially, the thought of seeing him with anyone or touching them and
especially being intimate tore me up, but it's cool now. It's called
maturity. You get up and move on.

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 09:17 AM
I hate when parents use their children against the other parent as
revenge or whatever their cause is. Children deserve to have both
parents, but even when that can't work the parents should still try to
remain as cordial as possible for the childrens' sake. It's sad, but I
think it'll take a while for people to understand or incorporate that.

tallandtttanned's photo
Tue 08/15/06 09:19 AM
i am trying but she isn't

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 11:41 AM
Luckily I have two brothers who are psychiatrists and they reminded me
that after a severe shock like a divorce, everyone must work through 3
phases which are a natural defense of all humans. These are 1) Denial,
2) Anger, 3) Depression. The only way to do this is through talking
everyday to a professional. Once you work through these three natural
phases, you can get to 4) Acceptance. Once you are there, you can go on
with your life. Now,when I go to visit my kids, I take them and my ex
and her boyfriend out to dinner or to Disney. No hard feelings and I am
having the time of my life. Divorce was the best thing that ever
happened to me.

Kizmit's photo
Tue 08/15/06 12:09 PM
I've been friends with most of my ex's... some are easier to be friends
with then others, I guess it depends on the relationship and why you are
ex's in the first place :)

heather's photo
Tue 08/15/06 02:26 PM
I have to agree with you it depends on why you broke up. I am friends
with my kids dad we talk almost daily. We have even gone to parties

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 09:25 PM

I have been dealing with my first ex as we have filed for divorce. We
still love each other but she has choosen a lesbian lifestyle. At first
it was real hard but we said in the beginning that the kids came first.
Before she actually moved out she asked me to share her with her
girlfriend and she would stay at both houses as she saw fit which I
denied as I do not believe in sharing my wife with another. So in the
first couple weeks it was real rough as when we had to be around each
other she would touch me and even started stripping in front of me to
change clothes. It was hard to be friends with a person who I love who
is seemingly trying to still be more than friends. But we all move on.
After I said something to her about that things got rough. We could
barely speak to each other. But slowly but surely having to talk about
the kids got us talking again. We went together for 3 different outing
now. 2 of which her lover was there with me and the kids. I still will
not let the kids spend the night with her and her lover for several
different reasons which I am not about to bring up here.

andreww38's photo
Tue 08/15/06 09:29 PM
i think it's also how the relationship ended.
if you parted as friends, it makes it easier.

but i still find one-on-one situations with my ex to be fairly awkward

it gets much easier in a group situation.

no photo
Tue 08/15/06 11:23 PM
i have remained friends with a couple of exes. have even had casual sex
with 2 of them after we split up

bewitchingsiren's photo
Tue 08/15/06 11:34 PM
I also think alot of it depends on how committed the relationship was to
begin with. I was with my ex for two years. We had bought a house
together and everything when crcumstances ( his fault) prevented us from
being able to stay together. We were best friends before becoming
involved and now we can't even speak to each other without making both
of our lives more difficult. But ho knows maybe with time the fires
will die down and we can be just friends again.


no photo
Fri 08/18/06 06:10 PM
I can't do it. Probably because it never ends on good terms. Their
loss, not mine.

breezy's photo
Fri 08/18/06 07:40 PM
I tried to be friends with my ex due to the fact that we have kids
together,but the woman that he lives with doesnt like the idea of us
talking cause she knows all I gotta do is say come home and he
will(never will happen)but we went 3 years without exchanging a word or
him even talking with the kids,this summer he called and wanted to see
them , so I left it up to them , they went and spent 10 days with him
and I think they have spoken to him 3 times since they been back,so
sometimes its hard to be friends and talk without opening old wounds or
statring war(which can be done easyly) lol

dAviedAnger's photo
Sat 08/19/06 08:38 PM
I think it is possible. I'm a perfect example. I moved in with mutual
friends of my ex-girlfriend. It was hella weird at first because she was
making a big deal out of it. But now, a few months after the break up,
her and I are the best of friends. I don't think it helps, that
sometimes I'll look at her and still wish we were together. Never helps
the situation. But yes, it is possible. I'm friends with almost all my
exs that I still talk to. Good question.

andreww38's photo
Sun 08/20/06 01:40 AM
one thing i'd stay the hell away from are ex's with axes....

no photo
Sun 08/20/06 01:27 PM
You can't continue being a friend with somebody who you loved. Pain...

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