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Topic: Wonder what other great and wonderful...
boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/15/10 07:28 PM
little sweethearts will result from obamas health scam???

Under the new health care law, consumers using workplace pre-tax health savings accounts will soon need a doctor's note to pay for Tylenol and an estimated 15,000 other over-the-counter drugs.

Starting Jan. 1, employees who use flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health saving accounts (HSAs), or health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) to pay for common medications such as pain relievers, cold medicines, antacids and allergy medications will need prescriptions. The new rules don't apply to insulin.

The new rules will also prohibit the use of FSA or HRA debit cards provided by administrative plans for over-the-counter purchases, because the IRS says there's no way to prove the drugs were prescribed.

The IRS says any money removed from HSA accounts to pay for medical expenses bought without a prescription will be included as taxable income and subject to an additional tax of 20 percent.

Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for America's Health Insurance Plans, the industry lobby that voiced support for the overhaul but has been accused by some of the law's proponents of trying to undermine it, said the law creates "unintended consequences."

"It creates unnecessary hassles for consumers and provides the wrong kind of incentives," Zirkelbach said, adding that the changes could make it more difficult for consumers to get medicines they need at costs they can afford.

"This change could have the unintended consequence of increasing health care costs," he said. It might provide an incentive for consumers to go back on more expensive medications when over-the-counter medicine works just fine."

More than 10 million consumers use HSAs, according to a survey done in January by AHIP. That's up from 8 million in 2009 and 6.1 million in 2008.

According to an analysis by benefits administrator Aon Hewitt of more than 220 employers covering more than 6 million workers, 20 percent of employees, or 1.2 million, contributed to an FSA in 2010. Of those workers, the average annual contribution is $1,441.

FSAs and HSAs allow workers to reduce their taxable income to pay for qualified health care or child care expenses. Anyone with a high-deductible medical insurance plan can obtain an HSA. The IRS defined a high-deductible plan in 2010 as $1,200 a year for individuals and $2,400 for families.

FSAs, which were first authorized by Congress in 1978, are only available through employers who offer the plans. But FSAs face another new rule under the Affordable Care Act -- a limit on the pre-tax contributions to $2,500, starting Jan. 1, 2013. There is currently no limit on how much an employee can contribute to FSAs, although employers can impose one.

Lawmakers imposed the cap to help pay for provisions that will expand coverage starting in 2014. The cap is expected to raise $13 billion for other government-provided health care services offered between 2013 and 2019.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 10/15/10 07:38 PM
ya know bore i understand about how healthcare care can/will cost us taxpayers money,especially with having a mandate to get insurance and all that,but really have the republicans even come close to an idea about healthcare,no they rather start a war instead against iraq which cost way more than any healthcare plan,seriously just think about it if baby bush wouldn't have invaded iraq how much money could've went into healthcare here in this country...

obama isn't the greatest but dammit considering he has become our president and walked already into a debt that china can't even get us out of atleast he came up with something besides going to war with a country that didnt have WMDs

andrewzooms's photo
Fri 10/15/10 07:43 PM
We need to expand health-care .Create more jobs in this field, since every other industry in this country is dying.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/15/10 07:51 PM

Its not the governments job to give anyone health care. Especially one that will cost as much as Cheneys war in Iraq. Don't you find it at all suspicious that the bill had to passed right now, couldn't wait for anyone to actually read no no no it had to be passed now. Heres the kicker, the majority of that bill won't kick in until 2014...whats up with that? The guy is as crooked as they come and this "solution" is pretty far from a solution, at least the republicans just left it alone. If you want REAL health care reform then congress needs to pass legislation that will force insurance companies to cover whatever your Dr. says you need done with no questions. It should also penalize Dr.s who falsely file claims on a patients behalf and make insurance about the welfare of people not the share holders. Really? does a share holder need a $40 million dollar quarterly bonus? No is the answer, but because that's what happens insurance companies get between you and your Dr. and drive costs through the roof so nobody can afford it. Obama won't do it in fact no politician will do it except for a third party candidate. What's that you ask? Make insurance be about the welfare of people and not profits! Money is the root of all evil here not a party.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 10/15/10 08:03 PM

Its not the governments job to give anyone health care. Especially one that will cost as much as Cheneys war in Iraq. Don't you find it at all suspicious that the bill had to passed right now, couldn't wait for anyone to actually read no no no it had to be passed now. Heres the kicker, the majority of that bill won't kick in until 2014...whats up with that? The guy is as crooked as they come and this "solution" is pretty far from a solution, at least the republicans just left it alone. If you want REAL health care reform then congress needs to pass legislation that will force insurance companies to cover whatever your Dr. says you need done with no questions. It should also penalize Dr.s who falsely file claims on a patients behalf and make insurance about the welfare of people not the share holders. Really? does a share holder need a $40 million dollar quarterly bonus? No is the answer, but because that's what happens insurance companies get between you and your Dr. and drive costs through the roof so nobody can afford it. Obama won't do it in fact no politician will do it except for a third party candidate. What's that you ask? Make insurance be about the welfare of people and not profits! Money is the root of all evil here not a party.
its no different than Bush helping his oil buddies jackin up the prices on oil,hell it gives ambulances and medical supply companies reason to jack up their prices which in return a hospital toothbrush goes from 5dollars to 7 dollars..there isn't regulation in healthcare just profit but in this country people are slaves to credit and people wont spend so they can take care of hospital debts so their credit isn't screwed,with a healthcare plan supported by the government this wouldn't happen so the american people can spend money w/o the stress of paying medical debt

RKISIT's photo
Fri 10/15/10 08:09 PM
look people can be $20,000,in medical debt but is the average middle class american $20,000 in debt in taxes? no

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/15/10 09:36 PM

So why should someone who WORKS and takes care of their own affairs be responsible for someone else's health care? that is what is going to happen, nobody was aware of that until after it was passed. Remember Pelosi saying something along the lines of pass it now read it later? The lets blame Bush game is old and lame, Obama is in charge now and all he's done is create more debt for the country than Clinton and Bush combined, and its only his second year. Back to insurance companies, until they are rigidly regulated nothing is going to make things better and this plan is no exception. Obama is in bed with these fat cats just like any other chart toppin' politician. Get the money out of DC and maybe we can get somewhere.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/15/10 09:37 PM

we'll see where people are at in taxes after 2014!

RKISIT's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:18 PM

So why should someone who WORKS and takes care of their own affairs be responsible for someone else's health care? that is what is going to happen, nobody was aware of that until after it was passed. Remember Pelosi saying something along the lines of pass it now read it later? The lets blame Bush game is old and lame, Obama is in charge now and all he's done is create more debt for the country than Clinton and Bush combined, and its only his second year. Back to insurance companies, until they are rigidly regulated nothing is going to make things better and this plan is no exception. Obama is in bed with these fat cats just like any other chart toppin' politician. Get the money out of DC and maybe we can get somewhere.
bore when the president sends money to help a 3rd world country out who gets credit? he does even though it's tax payers money,we as american citizens never get credit for what politicians do even though it's our money we give to them...but i don't care how hard i work and they deduct from my check it would be nice to know that if i have a stroke and can't work that money is there to send a homecare nurse to help me,but it's hard for it to happen cause a bully elephant wants to to take it to the supreme court cause it's unamerican...ok then so is welfare..people ***** cause people take advantage of it well,it is tax payers money so if it's actually regulated don't you think medicaid could be irrelavent,just a thought if somehow we all have undebt free medicalcare

RKISIT's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:30 PM
problem with this country is f u c k the sick,need someone to suck my political D i c k

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 10/16/10 08:11 PM

I'm right you're wrong and were not going to see eye to eye on this.

no photo
Sun 10/17/10 03:14 PM
health care is a RIGHT not a PRIVILEDGE and its governments responsibility to insure that every member of society has equal access to treatment (be it prevention or intervention). Health care should never be seen as a commodity and placed in the capitalistic free market system..too many people get left out.

Johnyjuan's photo
Sun 10/17/10 03:17 PM
Amen to that

willing2's photo
Sun 10/17/10 03:27 PM
This obomonation of a health care bill includes illegals.

no photo
Sun 10/17/10 03:28 PM
Edited by pmarco41 on Sun 10/17/10 03:28 PM I said ALL members of a society, or would you deny a child access to healthcare because of the status of his or her parents?

willing2's photo
Sun 10/17/10 03:29 PM
Treat 'em then deport 'em.

Johnyjuan's photo
Sun 10/17/10 03:30 PM I said ALL members of a society

Keep preaching brother a HUMAN is a HUMAN no matter what race color or where he comes from. We need to be the example for the rest of the world and help out the people in need even if they are not from this country

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 07:57 PM

health care is a RIGHT not a PRIVILEDGE and its governments responsibility to insure that every member of society has equal access to treatment (be it prevention or intervention). Health care should never be seen as a commodity and placed in the capitalistic free market system..too many people get left out.

No its not! Show me where it states in the constitution that its the governments job to give health care. Its the welfare brats and the 'I'm entitled" crowd that believe this hog wash.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 07:58 PM I said ALL members of a society

Keep preaching brother a HUMAN is a HUMAN no matter what race color or where he comes from. We need to be the example for the rest of the world and help out the people in need even if they are not from this country

We have enough burdens in this country with the democrats running everything into the ground without having to hand out free medical to ANYONE in the country illegally.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 08:16 PM
If a person doesn't pay their health care bills and the hospital claims it as a write off on their taxes.....guess who ends up paying the bill?

The American tax payers.

It happens one way or the other.

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