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Topic: Wonder what other great and wonderful...
AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 10/17/10 08:19 PM

look people can be $20,000,in medical debt but is the average middle class american $20,000 in debt in taxes? no

Give it time.

The more government does, the higher taxes must go. Basic economics. Government is a non profit corporation. Everything government does must be paid for by the citizens.

Each and every time we allow government to 'assume' responsibility for a part of our lives.

We have to pay for it.

And for those that say the Republicans have not tried...

I am not a Republican but the truth is far different.

Tort Reform would have an IMMEDIATE effect on the free market cost of health care. (but most dem politicians are in the legal fields - ergo bad for them).

Allowing Insurance to be bought anywhere nationally would also have a quick and lasting effect on health care costs. (surprise - most dems have links into the insurance fields also) The major insurance companies are national and yet limited by states as to how low they can price within that state...

There are two Republican proposals out of dozens that I found while researching a statement made by President Obama in one of his speaches. My research show his statement to be a LIE.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:23 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sun 10/17/10 09:26 PM
Illegal aliens do not get coverage in the healthcare bill that is false. Resident aliens, for those who do not know, mean those who are legally here. They have valid verification of their presence here.

If you take the time to read the bill. Which takes a long long time you will find that a lot of the garbage out there about the bill is false.

Abortion is not covered by taxpayers dollars in the bill either. If someone pays for the private funds they can get an abortion by paying for it themselves if it is legal in their state.

There are no death panels.

The government has not taken over health care.

The raise in the prices from the health care agencies is not due to the health care bill, it is their own actions in protest of the bill.
That is what Obama was talking about when he said he figured it would happen. The health care agencies are a bit pissed by some of the changes they will be mandated to do. Like cover someone who is already sick. Cover children regardless. They are pissed.

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Also the only people who will get "fined" taxed for health care premiums on their taxes will be those who can afford to buy insurance and do not do it. The only thing they will be paying is the amount that would have been charged them for health insurance anyway. The reason for this is because if they have a car accident and end up in the ICU, the hospital is going to bill the government level healthcare for it and they will have paid their premiums so they will be covered.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:28 PM

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Perhaps congress should've taken those words to heart before passing this ridiculous money pit.

"But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Nanci Pelosi March 9th 2010.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:31 PM

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Perhaps congress should've taken those words to heart before passing this ridiculous money pit.

"But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Nanci Pelosi March 9th 2010.

She just meant it was too complex for even her to just drop the bottom line on it.

It is complex, very complex.

But it had to be to cover each little issue that was out there.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:33 PM

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Perhaps congress should've taken those words to heart before passing this ridiculous money pit.

"But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Nanci Pelosi March 9th 2010.

She just meant it was too complex for even her to just drop the bottom line on it.

It is complex, very complex.

But it had to be to cover each little issue that was out there.

No it was quite clear she and obama wanted it passed before anyone actually read and caused a hullabaloo over it because they know it would have died right on the spot.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:35 PM

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Perhaps congress should've taken those words to heart before passing this ridiculous money pit.

"But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Nanci Pelosi March 9th 2010.

She just meant it was too complex for even her to just drop the bottom line on it.

It is complex, very complex.

But it had to be to cover each little issue that was out there.

No it was quite clear she and obama wanted it passed before anyone actually read and caused a hullabaloo over it because they know it would have died right on the spot.

No it was not clear.

I and others understood it the way I stated it.

Those who wanted to spin it that way believe that crazy crap.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:36 PM

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Perhaps congress should've taken those words to heart before passing this ridiculous money pit.

"But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Nanci Pelosi March 9th 2010.

She just meant it was too complex for even her to just drop the bottom line on it.

It is complex, very complex.

But it had to be to cover each little issue that was out there.

No it was quite clear she and obama wanted it passed before anyone actually read and caused a hullabaloo over it because they know it would have died right on the spot.

No it was not clear.

I and others understood it the way I stated it.

Those who wanted to spin it that way believe that crazy crap.

Sounds like you don't understand things very well then.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:40 PM

Read the bill, people. And if you don't understand something on it look it up. Not on the right wing hate sites though.

Perhaps congress should've taken those words to heart before passing this ridiculous money pit.

"But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Nanci Pelosi March 9th 2010.

She just meant it was too complex for even her to just drop the bottom line on it.

It is complex, very complex.

But it had to be to cover each little issue that was out there.

No it was quite clear she and obama wanted it passed before anyone actually read and caused a hullabaloo over it because they know it would have died right on the spot.

No it was not clear.

I and others understood it the way I stated it.

Those who wanted to spin it that way believe that crazy crap.

Sounds like you don't understand things very well then.

And I was saying the same about you.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:44 PM

Ah I see you've resorted to the good old fashioned "I'm rubber you're glue eh"!

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:45 PM
No I was actually saying the same thing about you.laugh

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:46 PM

...like I said ALL members of a society

Keep preaching brother a HUMAN is a HUMAN no matter what race color or where he comes from. We need to be the example for the rest of the world and help out the people in need even if they are not from this country

It's that frame of thought that has resulted in a 40 dollar aspirin at the hospital.17 million illegals racking up billions in hospital bills with no insurance and walking out giving the tax payer the middle finger.Maybe if we didn't have a tens of millions of freeloaders with no insurance who pay taxes we could get a 10 cent aspirin since the hospitals wouldn't be paying billions in free medical care.

Kind of ironic and stupid they have spent years on this health care debate and have not spent a single day figuring out why it cost's 35,000 dollars for simple surgery.I think anyone with a brain would question why everything is so expensive and start from there.Yet the idiots in our government just want to put millions of people in to this system with out addressing the 40 dollar aspirin and the 90 dollar box of tissues. slaphead

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:47 PM

No I was actually saying the same thing about you.laugh

I know, I'm rubber you're glue:wink:

Dragoness's photo
Sun 10/17/10 09:57 PM

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