Topic: Rasism who can kill him | |
I am a big fan of a woman's "choice"....and even moreso if she "chooses" to be a "traditional homemaker". I just haven't seen many Dogmatic diciplines that TRULY support anything other than THAT "choice". social trends are intertwined in religious dogma I have seen repetitively the instant APPRECIATION and COMPLIMENT to a male when he is out with his children compared to the complete lack of notice when a woman is,,,, the expectations are there and widely succumbed to... Sure...this goes along with Western stereotypes of a "go-getter" woman being a b*&$h! Just saying that I disagree......(SO not trying to patronize), but I think that "widely succumed to" ideals need to be challenged....ESPECIALLY when it comes to wisdom of the sexes! I KNOW that "I" have a lot to learn. ![]() |
You are single "despite" your ideals, because "they" are incredibly attractive!!
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Oh shadddup Joy!!
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thanks to you.but why she do that only when i say to her i am Muslim
if she said i am not interested to yo i say no problem madame but she lose conversation like that i do not accept.
I thought it said raisins... hahaha
if she said i am not interested to yo i say no problem madame but she lose conversation like that i do not accept. Because some people no longer believe in even basic politeness and being honest about something like that. |
Sorry peoples here. i have been here last 2 hours with one women from USA we date all off thinks but when we arrived to religions i say to here i am Muslim she has finished conversation.why she do that? Freedom of religion and freedom from religion. "America: What a country!" Yakov Naumovich Pokhis Yakov Naumovich Pokhis (Russian: Яков Наумович Похис, Ukrainian: Яків Наумович Похис; born 24 January 1951), better known as Yakov Smirnoff * "I go to New York and I saw a big sign saying 'Smirnoff' and I said to myself, what a country! 'America Loves Smirnoff'!" * Reading employment announcements of "Part-Time Woman Wanted": "What a country! Even transvestites can get work." * Upon being offered work as a barman on a "graveyard shift", he remarks, 'A bar in a cemetery! What a country! Last call? During Happy Hour the place must be dead.' * At the grocery store: "Powdered milk, powdered eggs, baby powder ... what a country!" * At the grocery store after finding "New Freedom" Maxi Pads: "Freedom in a box! What a country!" * "The first time I went to a restaurant, they asked me 'How many in your party?' and I said 'Six hundred million'." Another one: Fish in a Chicken place. What a country. This man was so damned funny. ![]() |
Another one: Fish in a Chicken place. What a country. This man was so damned funny. ![]() He was :-) |
We are all members of the Human Race. There are ugly, mean people in all groups. And beautiful people in all groups too.
in reference directly to the op...
speaking what one's belief be, automatically infer such is MOST IMPORTANT TO ONESELF, and so then ALLOWS ANY OTHER, to access if such be as "IMPORTANT" to them? obviously the "muslim" religion is not important to her? is it supposed to be? if one believe that it is, than itself embrace not "equal" importance of other's, IF THERE "BELIEF" BE "DIFFERENT"? if one seeks to "unite itself", to another human being, than the only most goal is to find another that hath the same "things" that be important to them as you do? IT IS NOT TO TRY TO "FIT, BEND, CONTORT, ENCOURAGE, ENTICE, DECIEVE, MANIPULATE, AND EVEN FORCE, another to deem the same things important as self does? if a man approach any women with such things in mind, or any other person for that matter, than you will not have any problem's finding "potential" female friends, lover's, as the case may be... it cannot be misssed, that a women LOOKS FOR WHO DEEMS THE SAME THINGS IMPORTANT AS HERSELF? perhaps because to truly "care about" another, is to "care about", what is important to them? so, if a man, no matter the "religion", simply make "what is important to the women MOST IMPORTANT, then he will have to beat them off with a stick, lol... but, be careful, as the more one make what is important to another, as important to oneself, THE MORE OYU WILL NATURALLY CARE, SO THE MORE THINK YOU ARE IN LOVE, and so the more "torn" between WHICH ONE DO I WISH TO CARE ABOUT THE "MOST"... in the end, you will find, one, for any given moment in time, that your heart be empassioned to care about more than the rest. good luck sailor |