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Topic: Applause for Ahmadinejad
boredinaz06's photo
Thu 09/23/10 03:22 PM
We live in a country where we can own .50 cla rifles and no one has taken this POS out yet, UNbelievable. We desperately need to get out of the UN and I don't mean please and also i wish our govt. would quit sending aid to these countries who applaud this scum bag. Bonky Moon and the other UN chiefs need a good *** ****in for allowing these ****tards to speak along with our president including Bush. I want a president who will give the UN 48 hrs to clear out of the U.S.!

September 23, 2010 - 5:39 PM | by: Eric Shawn

He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11 and claiming that the American government may have been behind the attack.

That’s right, applauded after questioning the motivation for the terrorist attacks, who was responsible for them, and essentially suggesting they were U.S. plot.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made a variety of claims over the years during his appearances here, but he never has gone this far.

During his General Assembly address, the Iranian President called for a “U.N. fact finding group” to investigate 9/11.

He also said that ”the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world” believe that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining of the American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime.”

Before his speech, the Obama administration must have had high hopes that Ahmadinejad would have listened to the offers of diplomacy as presented by the administration and its allies on the Security Council. Members of the U.S. delegation remained in their seats. In years past, only what is called a “low-level note taker” has often been posted behind the little plastic “United States” sign, when Ahmadinejad took the stage.

On Tuesday, when Ahmadinejad spoke during the global summit on poverty, the American delegation remained even as he predicted the defeat of capitalism.

But true to form, he quickly went over the line with his 9/11 remarks and that prompted the U.S. diplomats, and others, to get up and walk out.

“ It’s outrageous,” said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. “a short distance from here, nine years ago, three-thousand people were killed in an attack perpetrated by nineteen people, and an attack that was orchestrated by Al Qaeda. We know exactly who did it, they’ve admitted it, the facts are not in dispute, so for the President of Iran to come here and make the suggestion that somehow this was an American plot, is simply outrageous.”

But as Ahmadinejad walked from the podium, he did so rewarded by applause.

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AndyBgood's photo
Thu 09/23/10 03:40 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Thu 09/23/10 03:40 PM
I have wanted to toss the UN out of the US and charge them back rent for years. Wanna help me become president. I guarantee I will make congress MISERABLE!

I want to pull out of Iraq. And go right THROUGH Iran doing it!

Bang bang, Shoot Shoot!

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 09/23/10 03:53 PM

If you ran I would vote for ya. maybe you could win like Hussein by hiring the KKK to intimidate voters then deny the whole thing ever even occurred.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 09/23/10 04:10 PM
Better yet promise to shore up social security for the seniors but then repair the system so that congress can't keep stealing money from it.

I am a firm believer in a performance standard. I would even offer to suffer by my own rules by imposing this on their azzes,

ALL three branches of government shall not receive pay when our economy is in the red. That should help them find financial responsibility real fast.

What I would do for sure and I checked this out deeply and it is within a president's power is to warn congress, 60 days to get us back in the black or I declare a state of national emergency. if they don't then they get to know what hell is for them when executive orders start flying like "ALL CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS WILL GO TO WDC TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE OR THEY WILL BE DRAGGED BY MARINES THERE! 30 days into that is when I refuse them ALL pay. Anyone caught in the ensuing pandemonium of corruption would be promptly talking to the FBI and you can bet I would spend tax payer dollars to hire Donald Trump to sick the wolves (accountants) on congress to sift through their mess. And I would not hire Bernakie or any of those other Lap Dogs of Wall Street. Anyone caught being corrupt gets to face off a VERY pissed off judiciary who also would have their pay cut too!

I seriously have a plan but I don't have KINGMMAKERS behind me to help me accomplish what I want to do. I want to be the first president under the Emergency Powers act to show up ion congress with a cooler full of beer and a beach chair and literally throw Pelosi off of her seat and take the reigns of Congress and not put up with their BS.

I WANT to give congress a taste of real DRACONIAN leadership. No more of their BS, No more games, no more Pelosi stinking up things with her agenda. Just a VERY Pissed off American Citizen who needs to fix something else someone else screwed up AGAIN! We are talking "License to kill" with the emergency powers act. The state of the economy and the out of control debt on the scale it is is a national emergency! On top of that I want to fund the military better and man up the army corps of engineers to get on our major infra structure with money saved from ending all those foreign give aways and corporate industrial entitlements! No more aid for North Korea, no more aid for anyone who has not proven to be a real friend of ours! Oh I have other things I could rant on!

I really want to be president But I sure in the hell am not going to have Congress telling me what to do. It is time those dirt bags shut up and listened for a change! Only a hand full of out elected officials really have our greater interest in mind. The rest are sell outs!

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:17 PM

We live in a country where we can own .50 cla rifles and no one has taken this POS out yet, UNbelievable. We desperately need to get out of the UN and I don't mean please and also i wish our govt. would quit sending aid to these countries who applaud this scum bag. Bonky Moon and the other UN chiefs need a good *** ****in for allowing these ****tards to speak along with our president including Bush. I want a president who will give the UN 48 hrs to clear out of the U.S.!

September 23, 2010 - 5:39 PM | by: Eric Shawn

He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11 and claiming that the American government may have been behind the attack.

That’s right, applauded after questioning the motivation for the terrorist attacks, who was responsible for them, and essentially suggesting they were U.S. plot.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made a variety of claims over the years during his appearances here, but he never has gone this far.

During his General Assembly address, the Iranian President called for a “U.N. fact finding group” to investigate 9/11.

He also said that ”the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world” believe that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining of the American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime.”

Before his speech, the Obama administration must have had high hopes that Ahmadinejad would have listened to the offers of diplomacy as presented by the administration and its allies on the Security Council. Members of the U.S. delegation remained in their seats. In years past, only what is called a “low-level note taker” has often been posted behind the little plastic “United States” sign, when Ahmadinejad took the stage.

On Tuesday, when Ahmadinejad spoke during the global summit on poverty, the American delegation remained even as he predicted the defeat of capitalism.

But true to form, he quickly went over the line with his 9/11 remarks and that prompted the U.S. diplomats, and others, to get up and walk out.

“ It’s outrageous,” said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. “a short distance from here, nine years ago, three-thousand people were killed in an attack perpetrated by nineteen people, and an attack that was orchestrated by Al Qaeda. We know exactly who did it, they’ve admitted it, the facts are not in dispute, so for the President of Iran to come here and make the suggestion that somehow this was an American plot, is simply outrageous.”

But as Ahmadinejad walked from the podium, he did so rewarded by applause.

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Its good to know the rest of humanity isnt as dumb as most americans.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:28 PM
Even though a great many people simply walked out on him,
it is a wonder that the UN would give such a nincompoop a

It would have been more fitting if a large delegation used
his time to practice making whoopie cushion noises
or playing "the hamster dance" music at maximum volume to
drown him out.


metalwing's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:31 PM

Even though a great many people simply walked out on him,
it is a wonder that the UN would give such a nincompoop a

It would have been more fitting if a large delegation used
his time to practice making whoopie cushion noises
or playing "the hamster dance" music at maximum volume to
drown him out.


You forget how many of the UN delegates are Nincompoops too! He actually kinda fits right in.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:47 PM

but he is like "King Inane"

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:51 PM
I'm surprised that barry isn't jumping on that bandwagon too...

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:52 PM

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 09/23/10 06:01 PM
Not many americans know about the two sides of the nuclear non proliferation treaty. One side signed to not develope nuclear weapons the other countries who allready possesed them are required to reduce down to zero in exchange. Of course we only demand other countries not develope them and refuse to reduce our own stockpiles. Most educated people are aware of this. Regardless no one has proven Iran is even developing weapons at all. As for 911 I dont buy that BS either no freaking way a plane penetrated the most defended air space on the planet and hit the pentagon especialy after the twin towers were allready hit. What a mess this country is in when an average Joe american like myself cant even self delude myself that all is well..................

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/23/10 06:31 PM

Not many americans know about the two sides of the nuclear non proliferation treaty. One side signed to not develope nuclear weapons the other countries who allready possesed them are required to reduce down to zero in exchange. Of course we only demand other countries not develope them and refuse to reduce our own stockpiles. Most educated people are aware of this. Regardless no one has proven Iran is even developing weapons at all. As for 911 I dont buy that BS either no freaking way a plane penetrated the most defended air space on the planet and hit the pentagon especialy after the twin towers were allready hit. What a mess this country is in when an average Joe american like myself cant even self delude myself that all is well..................

maybe you and mahoumd can sit down and discuss your ridiculous theories...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 09/23/10 07:35 PM
well if u can justify killing 100's of thousands of men women and children in Iraq for 9/11 i would like to here it.

Everyone is so brainwashed in this country its not even funny.. Yea we have liberties left but how many of those have been taken away because of 9/11. I feel for the people who lost thier lives and thier families but thier was a reason we did not have a coalalation going into Iraq and Afphganistan.

When we heard all the french fry jokes the media put out about the French people and govt. do you know why we were bombarded with this?

Thier was a good reason and we wanted it covered up in the US. The Iranian President is nowhere stupid. Arogant but noone messes with the US do they.

The war made us the justifiers. The ones who determine what is right and wrong in societies around the world.

That is if they have something we want. We leave drug wars in Mexico alone.. What gave them 400 thousand.. Boy big gesture.

We see the richests in America take our money and congress has a circus show on Tv and finds 1 maybe 2 scapegoats to parade in front of the Tv cameras for our appeasement.

This is not the America of our Grandfathers. They have told us all is ok as long as Govt. approved.. Not your parents.

Want real villian.. Lokk at where we have gone since Ronald Reagan took office and u will see that we make 1/2 or less than we did before he became Hollywoods president. And Congress u know wants to make a special amendment to the constantution.

What is it?

They want to make it so that u do not have to be a born American citizen to run or be president.

They want Hollywood back.. Actors make great progress for the rich.

See if u can figure out who they want as President?

Forget Iran we have enough troubles

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/23/10 07:52 PM

We live in a country where we can own .50 cla rifles and no one has taken this POS out yet, UNbelievable. We desperately need to get out of the UN and I don't mean please and also i wish our govt. would quit sending aid to these countries who applaud this scum bag. Bonky Moon and the other UN chiefs need a good *** ****in for allowing these ****tards to speak along with our president including Bush. I want a president who will give the UN 48 hrs to clear out of the U.S.!

September 23, 2010 - 5:39 PM | by: Eric Shawn

He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11 and claiming that the American government may have been behind the attack.

That’s right, applauded after questioning the motivation for the terrorist attacks, who was responsible for them, and essentially suggesting they were U.S. plot.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made a variety of claims over the years during his appearances here, but he never has gone this far.

During his General Assembly address, the Iranian President called for a “U.N. fact finding group” to investigate 9/11.

He also said that ”the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world” believe that “some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining of the American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime.”

Before his speech, the Obama administration must have had high hopes that Ahmadinejad would have listened to the offers of diplomacy as presented by the administration and its allies on the Security Council. Members of the U.S. delegation remained in their seats. In years past, only what is called a “low-level note taker” has often been posted behind the little plastic “United States” sign, when Ahmadinejad took the stage.

On Tuesday, when Ahmadinejad spoke during the global summit on poverty, the American delegation remained even as he predicted the defeat of capitalism.

But true to form, he quickly went over the line with his 9/11 remarks and that prompted the U.S. diplomats, and others, to get up and walk out.

“ It’s outrageous,” said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley. “a short distance from here, nine years ago, three-thousand people were killed in an attack perpetrated by nineteen people, and an attack that was orchestrated by Al Qaeda. We know exactly who did it, they’ve admitted it, the facts are not in dispute, so for the President of Iran to come here and make the suggestion that somehow this was an American plot, is simply outrageous.”

But as Ahmadinejad walked from the podium, he did so rewarded by applause.

Read more:

The CIA's SAD should have handled this a$$wipe earlier this week.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 09/23/10 07:54 PM
I don't linke the UN actually and do not believe it does any good whatsoever........and maybe it a good thing to ensure everyone reduces and eliminates them the US needs to also.....but what can the UN really do I mean since the US military is their don't think any members of other countries may have been behind it to instigate a war possibly.....there is no proof or any way to prove US involvement......and if it was a condpiracy I am sure it runs deeper than the imagination and will always remain nothing but a speculation to some just like elvis is alive and living in the caymens or south america somwhere.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/23/10 07:55 PM

well if u can justify killing 100's of thousands of men women and children in Iraq for 9/11 i would like to here it.

Everyone is so brainwashed in this country its not even funny.. Yea we have liberties left but how many of those have been taken away because of 9/11. I feel for the people who lost thier lives and thier families but thier was a reason we did not have a coalalation going into Iraq and Afphganistan.

When we heard all the french fry jokes the media put out about the French people and govt. do you know why we were bombarded with this?

Thier was a good reason and we wanted it covered up in the US. The Iranian President is nowhere stupid. Arogant but noone messes with the US do they.

The war made us the justifiers. The ones who determine what is right and wrong in societies around the world.

That is if they have something we want. We leave drug wars in Mexico alone.. What gave them 400 thousand.. Boy big gesture.

We see the richests in America take our money and congress has a circus show on Tv and finds 1 maybe 2 scapegoats to parade in front of the Tv cameras for our appeasement.

This is not the America of our Grandfathers. They have told us all is ok as long as Govt. approved.. Not your parents.

Want real villian.. Lokk at where we have gone since Ronald Reagan took office and u will see that we make 1/2 or less than we did before he became Hollywoods president. And Congress u know wants to make a special amendment to the constantution.

What is it?

They want to make it so that u do not have to be a born American citizen to run or be president.

They want Hollywood back.. Actors make great progress for the rich.

See if u can figure out who they want as President?

Forget Iran we have enough troubles

Chris Tucker? but was born in america...
William Shatener?
maybe Spock, Vulcans make good presidents
Shirley McClain?
George Lopez?
lance Armstrong?

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/23/10 07:56 PM

I'm surprised that barry isn't jumping on that bandwagon too...

Me too, I was thinking maybe he would award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom or something like that.

This a$$wipe wouldn't be pulling this kinda crap if President Bush was still in office.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/23/10 08:00 PM

Not many americans know about the two sides of the nuclear non proliferation treaty. One side signed to not develope nuclear weapons the other countries who allready possesed them are required to reduce down to zero in exchange. Of course we only demand other countries not develope them and refuse to reduce our own stockpiles. Most educated people are aware of this. Regardless no one has proven Iran is even developing weapons at all. As for 911 I dont buy that BS either no freaking way a plane penetrated the most defended air space on the planet and hit the pentagon especialy after the twin towers were allready hit. What a mess this country is in when an average Joe american like myself cant even self delude myself that all is well..................


Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 09/23/10 08:00 PM

well if u can justify killing 100's of thousands of men women and children in Iraq for 9/11 i would like to here it.

Everyone is so brainwashed in this country its not even funny.. Yea we have liberties left but how many of those have been taken away because of 9/11. I feel for the people who lost thier lives and thier families but thier was a reason we did not have a coalalation going into Iraq and Afphganistan.

When we heard all the french fry jokes the media put out about the French people and govt. do you know why we were bombarded with this?

Thier was a good reason and we wanted it covered up in the US. The Iranian President is nowhere stupid. Arogant but noone messes with the US do they.

The war made us the justifiers. The ones who determine what is right and wrong in societies around the world.

That is if they have something we want. We leave drug wars in Mexico alone.. What gave them 400 thousand.. Boy big gesture.

We see the richests in America take our money and congress has a circus show on Tv and finds 1 maybe 2 scapegoats to parade in front of the Tv cameras for our appeasement.

This is not the America of our Grandfathers. They have told us all is ok as long as Govt. approved.. Not your parents.

Want real villian.. Lokk at where we have gone since Ronald Reagan took office and u will see that we make 1/2 or less than we did before he became Hollywoods president. And Congress u know wants to make a special amendment to the constantution.

What is it?

They want to make it so that u do not have to be a born American citizen to run or be president.

They want Hollywood back.. Actors make great progress for the rich.

See if u can figure out who they want as President?

Forget Iran we have enough troubles

Chris Tucker? but was born in america...
William Shatener?
maybe Spock, Vulcans make good presidents
Shirley McClain?
George Lopez?
lance Armstrong?

Good ole Arnold.. Just like Ronnie

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/23/10 08:17 PM

well if u can justify killing 100's of thousands of men women and children in Iraq for 9/11 i would like to here it.

Everyone is so brainwashed in this country its not even funny.. Yea we have liberties left but how many of those have been taken away because of 9/11. I feel for the people who lost thier lives and thier families but thier was a reason we did not have a coalalation going into Iraq and Afphganistan.

When we heard all the french fry jokes the media put out about the French people and govt. do you know why we were bombarded with this?

Thier was a good reason and we wanted it covered up in the US. The Iranian President is nowhere stupid. Arogant but noone messes with the US do they.

The war made us the justifiers. The ones who determine what is right and wrong in societies around the world.

That is if they have something we want. We leave drug wars in Mexico alone.. What gave them 400 thousand.. Boy big gesture.

We see the richests in America take our money and congress has a circus show on Tv and finds 1 maybe 2 scapegoats to parade in front of the Tv cameras for our appeasement.

This is not the America of our Grandfathers. They have told us all is ok as long as Govt. approved.. Not your parents.

Want real villian.. Lokk at where we have gone since Ronald Reagan took office and u will see that we make 1/2 or less than we did before he became Hollywoods president. And Congress u know wants to make a special amendment to the constantution.

What is it?

They want to make it so that u do not have to be a born American citizen to run or be president.

They want Hollywood back.. Actors make great progress for the rich.

See if u can figure out who they want as President?

Forget Iran we have enough troubles

Chris Tucker? but was born in america...
William Shatener?
maybe Spock, Vulcans make good presidents
Shirley McClain?
George Lopez?
lance Armstrong?

Good ole Arnold.. Just like Ronnie

you think so? he can't even control cali, much less the US. he would be ok with me if he could do some good, but i don't think he can.

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