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Topic: Dear Diary...........OMG another Diary Part 120 + - part 62
no photo
Sun 06/19/11 09:13 PM
Edited by MrBiscuit on Sun 06/19/11 09:14 PM

Dear Diary,

Hello MrBiscuit, it is nice to see you again, Thank you for the compliments, today I was thinking about the connections that I have with people, and not just with family, I also mean connections with near friends and distance friends, I thought about how we are connected to each other in alot of ways, through the thoughts and feelings that we share with one and another, MrBiscuit, I think of you not only as a friend but also as a brother, those are my thoughts.

Wow! Thankyou! happy well, you too, are most certainly my sister and friend. We will have to start sharing cup cakes together! :D

Dear diary,

I'm in a good mood, but alas, it is time for bed. Good night, and Good night to my sister, sleep well, and see you soon! happy

thewaterbearer's photo
Sun 06/19/11 09:56 PM
Dear Diary,

Today was a good day, the weather is gorgeous, and I read part of a book, not much excitement, but that is okay, I like mellowness, if that is such a word, and MrBiscuit, brother and friend, I would love to share cupcakes with you, I hope you have good dreams and see you soon.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:00 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sun 06/19/11 10:02 PM
The llama races were better today. The whole "without saddle" thing still kinda creeps me out.

Butt Shot Wednesdays may come back around. I wonder if the OP ever will?

(can't believe I spelled "better" with 1 "t" and had to EDIT!!)ohwell

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:06 PM
Had my hair lightened, earlier. That is all.

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 06/20/11 07:18 PM
Dear Diary,

It was a nice day today, just relaxing and thinking about alot of things, things that I don't really want to mention right now, I will save that for another day, and MrBiscuit if you pop in this evening I wish you a great evening.

no photo
Mon 06/20/11 11:49 PM
Thankyou, dear sister, and friend! :D

I have indeed, also had many good dreams too! ^_^

I hope your evening, has just been as grand! happy happy

Goodnight, dear sister, and friend. See you soon and take good care! happy

no photo
Tue 06/21/11 12:37 AM
I wish I could play with time,,the way time plays with us...:wink:

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 06/21/11 09:38 PM
Dear Diary,

Today was an awesome day, and the sunset was so gorgeous, a bright pink than a dark pink against the dark clouds, I tried to take a picture of it but the pictures didn't turn out, but that is okay, there will be more sunsets on the way, and more sunrises, the coming of the days and nights, blending together toward the future, Hello MrBiscuit, brother and friend, I hope you have a restful sleep, dreams filled with good thoughts and angels watching over you.

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 12:47 AM
Dear Diary,
Today is gonna be a good day. I am meeting the attorney at her office when she opens, and signing the papers. So within the month, I will be free and clear of the ex. Yeah Divorce will be final.

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 06/23/11 11:21 PM
Dear Diary

I'm one lucky S.O.B. ... That is all.

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 03:42 PM
Dear Diary! :D

It is summer time once again. And once again, I ask myself, what is summer to me? :D

When I was a kid, my mum took me to the seaside every year. The last time we went was nine years ago.

Times have moved on and changed. I have changed.

During 5 of those lost summers. My father would make me work. I didn't enjoy the work. I was hot, dry, weary, over worked, and most of the time, just dead inside. If not for my brother, I would have never left there.

I left there and found...her. She healed me. Found my heart, and put it back, in the right place.

She put years back onto my life. She brought me firmly back into the 21st centuary. All my lost years made up. And in due time.

Still would I have been friends with her, if I had not left that place? Who knows. I dare not think into it.

So, what does summer mean to me? Pain, suffering, sorrow. A heart filled with emptyness. And then a heart filled with love, not to be shared. The Sun always smiling, while the moon sheds a tear of despair.

That is my summer.

Thankyou Dear Sister, and sweet friend. My sleep is filled with all the joy from others, and the joy from you. Thankyou. I hope the angels are watching over you too! ^_^ happy :heart: :heart:

thewaterbearer's photo
Sun 06/26/11 07:41 PM
Dear Diary,

MrBiscuit, Summers can be a wonderful time, enjoying the warmth of the sun, umm when we get sun herelaugh I remember playing on the swingsets, going fishing, climbing trees, just being a kid, there are times I wish I can go back to being a kid again, but than again, I would have to learn all things that I have learned all over again, and I am still learning all sortsa things, hmm tis is life, a learning experience, a journey, sweet dreams brother Biscuit and angels watch over you.

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:52 PM
Thankyou, dear Sister! :D

I have had many good summers, when I've been on holiday with my mum.

In those days, I didn't care about beach babes. I just loved swimming in the sea, buying random things from the shops. Just loving everyday. No loniness, just endless days of happiness. How I wish to be that way again, and live in those times. But as you say, I would have to re-learn everything. Just, no thankyou! I love my new found knowlege too much! I have come so far! laugh

I am thinking of going back on holiday again, next year. What I miss the most, is the tasty fish and chips that are avalible. When you are on holiday by the sea, they just taste unique! happy

But I have sausage and chips, for some reason, I never had the fish? laugh

As much as I love the sunshine, I have very sensitive skin. And I quickly burn up, in any kind of heat. I'm not even sure if the sun cream helped that much. I still went into hiding in McDonalds to cool off. The sun's heat can be my wrost enemy. So, I am always in the shade when possible :D

I hope you have a lovely evening sweet friend, sleep well, I'm sure the angels are watching over you! ^_^ flowerforyou

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 06/28/11 09:41 PM
Dear MrBiscuit,

I love Mcdonalds, they have good desserts and coffee and is a good place to go to get out of the sun, but mostly so is my backyard, I haven't had fish and chips in awhile, we have a few good restaurants by the ocean that serves good fish and chips, I hope you have a good sleep, and angels are watching over you Brother Biscuit.happy

I don't remember if this is the diary thread or the anonymous message thread.slaphead

silly's photo
Wed 06/29/11 09:24 AM
Dear Diary,

Last night got a text from my daughters best friend.It was good to hear from her.She calls me her second mom.She is having a baby now.I hope I last long enough to fine out what she is having.But just as long as its healthy.

thewaterbearer's photo
Wed 06/29/11 03:21 PM
Dear Diary,

This is for Silly, hang in there girl, think positive, I think that is awesome new about the baby, I am sure that you will be around to see that baby, angels are watching over you.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

silly's photo
Wed 06/29/11 04:45 PM

Dear Diary,

This is for Silly, hang in there girl, think positive, I think that is awesome new about the baby, I am sure that you will be around to see that baby, angels are watching over you.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thank u thewaterbearer.Yes I do have angels watching.flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 12:08 AM

The llama races were better today. The whole "without saddle" thing still kinda creeps me out.

Butt Shot Wednesdays may come back around. I wonder if the OP ever will?

(can't believe I spelled "better" with 1 "t" and had to EDIT!!)ohwell
;) ya where is Gypsy??? oO lol

Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 06/30/11 12:27 AM
drinker happy Buttshot Wednesdays :angry: WILL LIVE DAMMIT!

no photo
Thu 06/30/11 12:28 AM
It's thursday now.........TOO LATE!!! ;)

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