Topic: Christian dope heads going to hell.
no photo
Wed 08/04/10 08:19 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

no photo
Wed 08/04/10 08:24 AM

I need a logical person to post here sometime...don't rational people use dating sites?, well, maybe not.

Of course, you are included in your own bigoted views. The self-hating, bible-thumpin Atheist that you are.

The best part is that us rational, logical people here don't share your distorted views....

I agree.

I hate it when that happens...

MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 08/04/10 08:42 AM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Wed 08/04/10 08:50 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

Furst off that's a myth that other countries do not have a teen drinking problem... the UK is struggling with it more and more. SA is suing the AI to recover the damage the drug alcohol has caused.

Alcohol can be instantly addictive to those predisposed to addiction, otherwise it may take a few months but in the end it's as addictive as any other hard drug.

All I can see here is that people are FOR giving/selling drugs to kids...the AI advertise using pets to attract youth, and they are allowed to advertise their drug during sporting event that attract a huge youth audience...and weird that this product has no Drug Facts Label...why not? No logical reason to give this drug a free pass..absolutely amazing.

"Alcohol Advertising and Kids

Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18"


And did you not read the bible passages? It's obviously yet another of many many examples that Christians are MIA on reality...even from their owner's manual.



"But Judge Stuart Baker lambasted the culture of alcohol abuse among teenagers which has blighted town centres across Britain.
He said: 'Violence like this creates a perception in the minds of law abiding people that town centres are menacing and dangerous places to be in particular at night.

'Your violence was fuelled by your excessive consumption which at the age of 16 you should not have been consuming at all.
'This case is one of a worrying number of cases in which young people who drink themselves to the point where they are grossly inebriated, react to a perceived grievance or insult by using violence as the first resort.'

He said: 'This was a very grave crime which brought an abrupt end to the life of a respectable sensible and decent young man who was enjoying a night out with his friends.

Read more:

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 08/04/10 09:54 AM
This thread is still going on, let me break it down for you.

Yes, drunkards and dope-heads will more than likely not make heaven. And while burning in hell they'll have plenty of company from self-righteous Christians who like to pass judgements on the lifestyles of other people. It is not the Christian's job to judge or condemn, that is left solely to god. It is the Christian's job to inform, understand and sympathise

When they bury you, don't forget your asbestos undies.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/04/10 02:16 PM

This thread is still going on, let me break it down for you.

Yes, drunkards and dope-heads will more than likely not make heaven. And while burning in hell they'll have plenty of company from self-righteous Christians who like to pass judgements on the lifestyles of other people. It is not the Christian's job to judge or condemn, that is left solely to god. It is the Christian's job to inform, understand and sympathise

When they bury you, don't forget your asbestos undies.

Matthew 7:1
Judge not lest ye be judged

If someone insists on judging someone, that person will be judged the same way. So be careful my friends.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/04/10 02:19 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 08/04/10 02:21 PM

This thread is still going on, let me break it down for you.

Yes, drunkards and dope-heads will more than likely not make heaven. And while burning in hell they'll have plenty of company from self-righteous Christians who like to pass judgements on the lifestyles of other people. It is not the Christian's job to judge or condemn, that is left solely to god. It is the Christian's job to inform, understand and sympathise

When they bury you, don't forget your asbestos undies.

Matthew 7:1
Judge not lest ye be judged

If someone insists on judging someone, that person will be judged the same way. So be careful my friends.

Thought i'd include some more verses around this to give a better picture of why it's wrong.

Matthew 7:1-3
1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 08/05/10 06:00 AM

This thread is still going on, let me break it down for you.

Yes, drunkards and dope-heads will more than likely not make heaven. And while burning in hell they'll have plenty of company from self-righteous Christians who like to pass judgements on the lifestyles of other people. It is not the Christian's job to judge or condemn, that is left solely to god. It is the Christian's job to inform, understand and sympathise

When they bury you, don't forget your asbestos undies.

Matthew 7:1
Judge not lest ye be judged

If someone insists on judging someone, that person will be judged the same way. So be careful my friends.

Thought i'd include some more verses around this to give a better picture of why it's wrong.

Matthew 7:1-3
1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

"And Jesus said, "For judgement I am come into this world." (John 9:39)"

"I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the Lord: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed." [Jer. 13:14; 48:10]"

"This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and *** .... And Saul ... utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword." (1 Samuel 15:3,7-8)

"The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their women with child ripped open." (Hosea 13:16)

"A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD's work!
A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!" (Jeremiah 48:10)


Is this really the "word of God" or the cruel thoughts of Bronze age warriors?

Did you know this was in the bible? If not then are you shocked? If you did know it was there then is Christianity really about a healthy loving relationship or is it a case of the Stockholm syndrome?"

Yeah, no judging here...LOL. I guess (by your belief system) that god may judge you in the end and ask why you did not oppose giving drugs to his children or opposing a business for peddeling this drug to his children. His scripture is very clear that wine and string drink are a no

no photo
Thu 08/05/10 10:44 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

Furst off that's a myth that other countries do not have a teen drinking problem... the UK is struggling with it more and more. SA is suing the AI to recover the damage the drug alcohol has caused.

Alcohol can be instantly addictive to those predisposed to addiction, otherwise it may take a few months but in the end it's as addictive as any other hard drug.

All I can see here is that people are FOR giving/selling drugs to kids...the AI advertise using pets to attract youth, and they are allowed to advertise their drug during sporting event that attract a huge youth audience...and weird that this product has no Drug Facts Label...why not? No logical reason to give this drug a free pass..absolutely amazing.

"Alcohol Advertising and Kids

Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18"


And did you not read the bible passages? It's obviously yet another of many many examples that Christians are MIA on reality...even from their owner's manual.



"But Judge Stuart Baker lambasted the culture of alcohol abuse among teenagers which has blighted town centres across Britain.
He said: 'Violence like this creates a perception in the minds of law abiding people that town centres are menacing and dangerous places to be in particular at night.

'Your violence was fuelled by your excessive consumption which at the age of 16 you should not have been consuming at all.
'This case is one of a worrying number of cases in which young people who drink themselves to the point where they are grossly inebriated, react to a perceived grievance or insult by using violence as the first resort.'

He said: 'This was a very grave crime which brought an abrupt end to the life of a respectable sensible and decent young man who was enjoying a night out with his friends.

Read more:

First off, I never said other countries don't have a teen drinking problem. You got that idea, I'm guessing, from your own bias, not my words.
Gods and thunders, why do humans do that so damn often? About everything? It's so damn frustrating.

Alcohol, while I suppose it's possible that some, on a very rare basis, might be predisposed to be being instantly addicted, is not on the whole instantly addictable. It is certainly not as addictable as any other drug. I've known many many people who only drink once in a great while. I've never known, nor heard, of any crackhead only doing crack on special occasions. I've almost never heard of anyone who didn't drink for a long time, then spent a night being drunk, then woke up the next day craving the next hit of alcohol. I've heard of many many people with all sorts of other drugs doing this, though. No, I'm sorry but you are just wrong on this.

So, what you're saying about the advertising is that because some people are dumba$$es, advertisers' first amendment rights should be truncated? Or perhaps that only kids like animals? 'cause y'know, once someone reaches the age of 21, they must hate animals. You're as bad as any damn fundie I ever damn heard of. Hey, y'know what? People, especially kids between the age of 16-21, drive cars really badly. I think we should ban cars, or at least the advertising for cars. Especially ban the ads where kids might see 'em.
And you really can't see how monsterously bad that idea is, can you? To protect a few from THEIR OWN SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR, you're willing to curtail the rights of everyone. To paraphrase a famous dead guy, those who are willing to give up their freedoms for security deserve neither freedom nor security.
The idea of the nanny state holds no fear for you, does it. You would actually welcome the idea of government telling eveyone what they can and cannot see, or read, or do. As long is it was with the slogan "It's for the children". Freedom be damned. Well no thank you. I like the idea of freedom. I like the idea where everyone is free to fail or succeed. And coddeling kids, protecting them from the real world, does them no service except to keep them from being able to think on their own.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:01 AM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Thu 08/05/10 11:56 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

Furst off that's a myth that other countries do not have a teen drinking problem... the UK is struggling with it more and more. SA is suing the AI to recover the damage the drug alcohol has caused.

Alcohol can be instantly addictive to those predisposed to addiction, otherwise it may take a few months but in the end it's as addictive as any other hard drug.

All I can see here is that people are FOR giving/selling drugs to kids...the AI advertise using pets to attract youth, and they are allowed to advertise their drug during sporting event that attract a huge youth audience...and weird that this product has no Drug Facts Label...why not? No logical reason to give this drug a free pass..absolutely amazing.

"Alcohol Advertising and Kids

Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18"


And did you not read the bible passages? It's obviously yet another of many many examples that Christians are MIA on reality...even from their owner's manual.



"But Judge Stuart Baker lambasted the culture of alcohol abuse among teenagers which has blighted town centres across Britain.
He said: 'Violence like this creates a perception in the minds of law abiding people that town centres are menacing and dangerous places to be in particular at night.

'Your violence was fuelled by your excessive consumption which at the age of 16 you should not have been consuming at all.
'This case is one of a worrying number of cases in which young people who drink themselves to the point where they are grossly inebriated, react to a perceived grievance or insult by using violence as the first resort.'

He said: 'This was a very grave crime which brought an abrupt end to the life of a respectable sensible and decent young man who was enjoying a night out with his friends.

Read more:

First off, I never said other countries don't have a teen drinking problem. You got that idea, I'm guessing, from your own bias, not my words.
Gods and thunders, why do humans do that so damn often? About everything? It's so damn frustrating.

Alcohol, while I suppose it's possible that some, on a very rare basis, might be predisposed to be being instantly addicted, is not on the whole instantly addictable. It is certainly not as addictable as any other drug. I've known many many people who only drink once in a great while. I've never known, nor heard, of any crackhead only doing crack on special occasions. I've almost never heard of anyone who didn't drink for a long time, then spent a night being drunk, then woke up the next day craving the next hit of alcohol. I've heard of many many people with all sorts of other drugs doing this, though. No, I'm sorry but you are just wrong on this.

So, what you're saying about the advertising is that because some people are dumba$$es, advertisers' first amendment rights should be truncated? Or perhaps that only kids like animals? 'cause y'know, once someone reaches the age of 21, they must hate animals. You're as bad as any damn fundie I ever damn heard of. Hey, y'know what? People, especially kids between the age of 16-21, drive cars really badly. I think we should ban cars, or at least the advertising for cars. Especially ban the ads where kids might see 'em.
And you really can't see how monsterously bad that idea is, can you? To protect a few from THEIR OWN SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR, you're willing to curtail the rights of everyone. To paraphrase a famous dead guy, those who are willing to give up their freedoms for security deserve neither freedom nor security.
The idea of the nanny state holds no fear for you, does it. You would actually welcome the idea of government telling eveyone what they can and cannot see, or read, or do. As long is it was with the slogan "It's for the children". Freedom be damned. Well no thank you. I like the idea of freedom. I like the idea where everyone is free to fail or succeed. And coddeling kids, protecting them from the real world, does them no service except to keep them from being able to think on their own.

First off then what does ", I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner," imply?

Like I said earlier on you'd need to go to a few open AA meetings to understand the problem...or at least read up on the subject of addiction...even the AA states that alcoholism is a predisposed condition that can only take ONE drink to trigger...interestingly the medical community concludes that if the predisposed to this addiction somehow avoid doing this drug until they have fully matured at least they have a chance of avoiding full blown addiction.

One cannot avoid knowing that ANY introduction of ANY hard drug on a developing mind and body will cause damage. It's been learned in the last five years that the brain does not fully develop until around the age of 24 or so.

As far as the government I expect the FDA, the CDC, and the ATF&E DO their job, the FDA should make the AI label their consumer product accordingly, the CDC should put out PSA calling alcohol a dangerous and addictive drug, and the ATF&E should do stings on stores that sell to kids.

But as I understand it that you are FOR kids drinking drugs...right?

From the AMA:

"It is usually classified as a central nervous system depressant although some of its initial effects on drinkers are to provide some stimulating effects. However, as blood alcohol levels increase in the body, the depressant effects become dominant.

Other depressant drugs include barbiturates and opiates (e.g., heroin).

Here is one of our policies which directly addresses your questions.

H-30.972 Alcohol Abuse and the War on Drugs.

Our AMA (1) supports documenting the strong correlation between alcohol abuse and other substance abuse; (2) reaffirms the concept that alcohol is an addictive drug and its abuse is one of the nation's leading drug problems; and (3) encourages state medical societies to work actively with drug task forces and study committees in their respective states to assure that their scope of study includes recognition of the strong correlation between alcohol abuse and other substance abuse and recommendations to decrease the immense number of health, safety, and social problems associated with alcohol abuse. (Sub. Res. 97, I-89; Reaffirmed: Sunset Report, A-00)"


So really?, you really think that teen drinking is not a problem? Did you know that "alcohol is the #1 gateway drung to other narcotics drugs"? (It feeds the demand for illegal drugs)

(Drug Czar John a speech I heard in 2004)

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:05 AM

This thread is still going on, let me break it down for you.

Yes, drunkards and dope-heads will more than likely not make heaven. And while burning in hell they'll have plenty of company from self-righteous Christians who like to pass judgements on the lifestyles of other people. It is not the Christian's job to judge or condemn, that is left solely to god. It is the Christian's job to inform, understand and sympathise

When they bury you, don't forget your asbestos undies.

Matthew 7:1
Judge not lest ye be judged

If someone insists on judging someone, that person will be judged the same way. So be careful my friends.

Thought i'd include some more verses around this to give a better picture of why it's wrong.

Matthew 7:1-3
1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

"And Jesus said, "For judgement I am come into this world." (John 9:39)"

"I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the Lord: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed." [Jer. 13:14; 48:10]"

"This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and *** .... And Saul ... utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword." (1 Samuel 15:3,7-8)

"The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their women with child ripped open." (Hosea 13:16)

"A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD's work!
A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!" (Jeremiah 48:10)


Is this really the "word of God" or the cruel thoughts of Bronze age warriors?

Did you know this was in the bible? If not then are you shocked? If you did know it was there then is Christianity really about a healthy loving relationship or is it a case of the Stockholm syndrome?"

Yeah, no judging here...LOL. I guess (by your belief system) that god may judge you in the end and ask why you did not oppose giving drugs to his children or opposing a business for peddeling this drug to his children. His scripture is very clear that wine and string drink are a no

If you notice, these verses you referenced was from old testament. In those times before Jesus came to this world, we were judged on earth for our sins.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:52 AM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Thu 08/05/10 11:55 AM

This thread is still going on, let me break it down for you.

Yes, drunkards and dope-heads will more than likely not make heaven. And while burning in hell they'll have plenty of company from self-righteous Christians who like to pass judgements on the lifestyles of other people. It is not the Christian's job to judge or condemn, that is left solely to god. It is the Christian's job to inform, understand and sympathise

When they bury you, don't forget your asbestos undies.

Matthew 7:1
Judge not lest ye be judged

If someone insists on judging someone, that person will be judged the same way. So be careful my friends.

Thought i'd include some more verses around this to give a better picture of why it's wrong.

Matthew 7:1-3
1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

"And Jesus said, "For judgement I am come into this world." (John 9:39)"

"I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the Lord: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed." [Jer. 13:14; 48:10]"

"This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and *** .... And Saul ... utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword." (1 Samuel 15:3,7-8)

"The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their women with child ripped open." (Hosea 13:16)

"A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD's work!
A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!" (Jeremiah 48:10)


Is this really the "word of God" or the cruel thoughts of Bronze age warriors?

Did you know this was in the bible? If not then are you shocked? If you did know it was there then is Christianity really about a healthy loving relationship or is it a case of the Stockholm syndrome?"

Yeah, no judging here...LOL. I guess (by your belief system) that god may judge you in the end and ask why you did not oppose giving drugs to his children or opposing a business for peddeling this drug to his children. His scripture is very clear that wine and string drink are a no

If you notice, these verses you referenced was from old testament. In those times before Jesus came to this world, we were judged on earth for our sins.

BS - you need to bone up on your bible thingy there twice lied as to what versions I was quoting from...the first one I quoted is from the King James version...King James was a homosexual did you know?

"39 And Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind.”

Pfffft....thy do they bother?

"Bible in Basic English
So the Lord of armies has said, See, I will make them soft in the fire and put them to the test; this I will do because of their evil-doing."


no photo
Sun 08/08/10 11:02 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

Furst off that's a myth that other countries do not have a teen drinking problem... the UK is struggling with it more and more. SA is suing the AI to recover the damage the drug alcohol has caused.

Alcohol can be instantly addictive to those predisposed to addiction, otherwise it may take a few months but in the end it's as addictive as any other hard drug.

All I can see here is that people are FOR giving/selling drugs to kids...the AI advertise using pets to attract youth, and they are allowed to advertise their drug during sporting event that attract a huge youth audience...and weird that this product has no Drug Facts Label...why not? No logical reason to give this drug a free pass..absolutely amazing.

"Alcohol Advertising and Kids

Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18"


And did you not read the bible passages? It's obviously yet another of many many examples that Christians are MIA on reality...even from their owner's manual.



"But Judge Stuart Baker lambasted the culture of alcohol abuse among teenagers which has blighted town centres across Britain.
He said: 'Violence like this creates a perception in the minds of law abiding people that town centres are menacing and dangerous places to be in particular at night.

'Your violence was fuelled by your excessive consumption which at the age of 16 you should not have been consuming at all.
'This case is one of a worrying number of cases in which young people who drink themselves to the point where they are grossly inebriated, react to a perceived grievance or insult by using violence as the first resort.'

He said: 'This was a very grave crime which brought an abrupt end to the life of a respectable sensible and decent young man who was enjoying a night out with his friends.

Read more:

First off, I never said other countries don't have a teen drinking problem. You got that idea, I'm guessing, from your own bias, not my words.
Gods and thunders, why do humans do that so damn often? About everything? It's so damn frustrating.

Alcohol, while I suppose it's possible that some, on a very rare basis, might be predisposed to be being instantly addicted, is not on the whole instantly addictable. It is certainly not as addictable as any other drug. I've known many many people who only drink once in a great while. I've never known, nor heard, of any crackhead only doing crack on special occasions. I've almost never heard of anyone who didn't drink for a long time, then spent a night being drunk, then woke up the next day craving the next hit of alcohol. I've heard of many many people with all sorts of other drugs doing this, though. No, I'm sorry but you are just wrong on this.

So, what you're saying about the advertising is that because some people are dumba$$es, advertisers' first amendment rights should be truncated? Or perhaps that only kids like animals? 'cause y'know, once someone reaches the age of 21, they must hate animals. You're as bad as any damn fundie I ever damn heard of. Hey, y'know what? People, especially kids between the age of 16-21, drive cars really badly. I think we should ban cars, or at least the advertising for cars. Especially ban the ads where kids might see 'em.
And you really can't see how monsterously bad that idea is, can you? To protect a few from THEIR OWN SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR, you're willing to curtail the rights of everyone. To paraphrase a famous dead guy, those who are willing to give up their freedoms for security deserve neither freedom nor security.
The idea of the nanny state holds no fear for you, does it. You would actually welcome the idea of government telling eveyone what they can and cannot see, or read, or do. As long is it was with the slogan "It's for the children". Freedom be damned. Well no thank you. I like the idea of freedom. I like the idea where everyone is free to fail or succeed. And coddeling kids, protecting them from the real world, does them no service except to keep them from being able to think on their own.

First off then what does ", I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner," imply?

Like I said earlier on you'd need to go to a few open AA meetings to understand the problem...or at least read up on the subject of addiction...even the AA states that alcoholism is a predisposed condition that can only take ONE drink to trigger...interestingly the medical community concludes that if the predisposed to this addiction somehow avoid doing this drug until they have fully matured at least they have a chance of avoiding full blown addiction.

One cannot avoid knowing that ANY introduction of ANY hard drug on a developing mind and body will cause damage. It's been learned in the last five years that the brain does not fully develop until around the age of 24 or so.

As far as the government I expect the FDA, the CDC, and the ATF&E DO their job, the FDA should make the AI label their consumer product accordingly, the CDC should put out PSA calling alcohol a dangerous and addictive drug, and the ATF&E should do stings on stores that sell to kids.

But as I understand it that you are FOR kids drinking drugs...right?

From the AMA:

"It is usually classified as a central nervous system depressant although some of its initial effects on drinkers are to provide some stimulating effects. However, as blood alcohol levels increase in the body, the depressant effects become dominant.

Other depressant drugs include barbiturates and opiates (e.g., heroin).

Here is one of our policies which directly addresses your questions.

H-30.972 Alcohol Abuse and the War on Drugs.

Our AMA (1) supports documenting the strong correlation between alcohol abuse and other substance abuse; (2) reaffirms the concept that alcohol is an addictive drug and its abuse is one of the nation's leading drug problems; and (3) encourages state medical societies to work actively with drug task forces and study committees in their respective states to assure that their scope of study includes recognition of the strong correlation between alcohol abuse and other substance abuse and recommendations to decrease the immense number of health, safety, and social problems associated with alcohol abuse. (Sub. Res. 97, I-89; Reaffirmed: Sunset Report, A-00)"


So really?, you really think that teen drinking is not a problem? Did you know that "alcohol is the #1 gateway drung to other narcotics drugs"? (It feeds the demand for illegal drugs)

(Drug Czar John a speech I heard in 2004)

First off, if you had bothered to read the rest of the line you quoted and the sentence after you'd see it wasn't implying anything. It was stating something straight out. You, however, were reading something into it that just wasn't there. That's called bias.

AA? That worthless religious club for problem drinkers? Their success rate, 5%, is just as good as alcoholics who quit drinking w/o their so called aid. Why anyone gives a damn what they say about anything is beyond me.

From your lack of response about the nanny state, and your many governmental quotes, one may conclude that while you don't worship a godthing, you do worship something, fervently. The State.

After all the stories about how big pharma buys approval from the FDA, after all the lies and half-truths the various drug Czars have told, after all the assorted b.s. that's come to light from Big Government, you still believe everything they say, doncha Sparky.
Just like any good religious zealot.

And I am so damn tired of arguing with unreasonable people who can't think for themselves or beyond their dogma. It is an endemic problem for the human species.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 08/08/10 04:58 PM
No I read it right...but I have studied the reality. You talk as if I am demanding that government crack down on alcohol use by teens...well I am, just as I would demand for ANY consumer product...especially since this drug (alcohol) is no less an addictive narcotic. I can't undersatnd why you are FOR kids doing drugs...just makes no sense why this drug product is not held to the same standards as any other least a Drug Facts Label? Less advertising it as socially giving an inch? What's YOUR plan to reduce the addiction cycle? 5,000 kids took their first dose of this drug today...and will another 5K tomorrow.

Actually I have railed on AA about their program. They tell their members that they had no choice in becoming alcoholics. Their rates of success cannot be accurately measured and I agree there are better rehab programs without the god thing as well. My area is in prevention through education...what a concept.

"There are no quick fixes to solving the current underage-drinking epidemic. It is vitally important that we become more conscious of how we think, talk, and act when it comes to underage drinking. More than one-third of Americans report that alcohol has caused problems in their immediate family. To confront a problem of this size, knowledge is powerful and accurate information is vital.

Alcohol is teen America's “drug of choice.” It is currently used more than all tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Nearly 11 million youth, ages 12-20, are underage drinkers, and an estimated 3.3 million teenagers in the United States are alcoholics. These teenagers believe underage drinking is acceptable or even expected. This attitude is dangerous, and often lethal. When we condone, permit, or tolerate an environment that encourages alcohol use and downplays its potential for harm, we endanger the very kids we love and have a responsibility to protect.

Recent brain research tell us that the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for planning, strategizing, judgment, and decision making — does not fully develop and mature until between one’s early and mid-20s. Alcohol impacts both behavior and brain function of teenagers differently than it"

no photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:59 AM

No I read it right...but I have studied the reality. You talk as if I am demanding that government crack down on alcohol use by teens...well I am, just as I would demand for ANY consumer product...especially since this drug (alcohol) is no less an addictive narcotic. I can't undersatnd why you are FOR kids doing drugs...just makes no sense why this drug product is not held to the same standards as any other least a Drug Facts Label? Less advertising it as socially giving an inch? What's YOUR plan to reduce the addiction cycle? 5,000 kids took their first dose of this drug today...and will another 5K tomorrow.

Actually I have railed on AA about their program. They tell their members that they had no choice in becoming alcoholics. Their rates of success cannot be accurately measured and I agree there are better rehab programs without the god thing as well. My area is in prevention through education...what a concept.

"There are no quick fixes to solving the current underage-drinking epidemic. It is vitally important that we become more conscious of how we think, talk, and act when it comes to underage drinking. More than one-third of Americans report that alcohol has caused problems in their immediate family. To confront a problem of this size, knowledge is powerful and accurate information is vital.

Alcohol is teen America's “drug of choice.” It is currently used more than all tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Nearly 11 million youth, ages 12-20, are underage drinkers, and an estimated 3.3 million teenagers in the United States are alcoholics. These teenagers believe underage drinking is acceptable or even expected. This attitude is dangerous, and often lethal. When we condone, permit, or tolerate an environment that encourages alcohol use and downplays its potential for harm, we endanger the very kids we love and have a responsibility to protect.

Recent brain research tell us that the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for planning, strategizing, judgment, and decision making — does not fully develop and mature until between one’s early and mid-20s. Alcohol impacts both behavior and brain function of teenagers differently than it"

No you didn't read it right. And reality is as elusive to you as anyone steeped in dogma.
People like you scare me more than the religious nutters.

"And those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves."---Rush(the group, not the arrogant hypocritical winbag)
That line is meant as a warning. And you just don't get it.

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/09/10 09:27 AM

Im christian and I dont drink...

I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit.

If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do.

Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here?

Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary.

exactly, that's what i was getting at with my post after this. We still have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. NO ONE is "damned" to hell for something they have done. There is always that chance if they stop, and seek forgiveness.

Which is why so many "good" christians do so many bad things all week long, but "seek forgiveness" on Sunday.

Because they are imperfect and know it, and are interested in redemption. I dont know about you, but people who can admit they are wrong, even if it IS once a week, are ok in my book.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:46 AM
First off i'd like to point out that NO ONE is condemned for anything they have done. God offers forgiveness. All you have to do is follow these two steps and ANYONE can get into heaven.

1. Ask for forgiveness from our loving father.
2. And repent........ stop doing this action(s).

If you follow those two steps, there is nothing more to keep you out of enjoying the gift of Heaven.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 08/10/10 04:51 PM

No I read it right...but I have studied the reality. You talk as if I am demanding that government crack down on alcohol use by teens...well I am, just as I would demand for ANY consumer product...especially since this drug (alcohol) is no less an addictive narcotic. I can't undersatnd why you are FOR kids doing drugs...just makes no sense why this drug product is not held to the same standards as any other least a Drug Facts Label? Less advertising it as socially giving an inch? What's YOUR plan to reduce the addiction cycle? 5,000 kids took their first dose of this drug today...and will another 5K tomorrow.

Actually I have railed on AA about their program. They tell their members that they had no choice in becoming alcoholics. Their rates of success cannot be accurately measured and I agree there are better rehab programs without the god thing as well. My area is in prevention through education...what a concept.

"There are no quick fixes to solving the current underage-drinking epidemic. It is vitally important that we become more conscious of how we think, talk, and act when it comes to underage drinking. More than one-third of Americans report that alcohol has caused problems in their immediate family. To confront a problem of this size, knowledge is powerful and accurate information is vital.

Alcohol is teen America's “drug of choice.” It is currently used more than all tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Nearly 11 million youth, ages 12-20, are underage drinkers, and an estimated 3.3 million teenagers in the United States are alcoholics. These teenagers believe underage drinking is acceptable or even expected. This attitude is dangerous, and often lethal. When we condone, permit, or tolerate an environment that encourages alcohol use and downplays its potential for harm, we endanger the very kids we love and have a responsibility to protect.

Recent brain research tell us that the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for planning, strategizing, judgment, and decision making — does not fully develop and mature until between one’s early and mid-20s. Alcohol impacts both behavior and brain function of teenagers differently than it"

No you didn't read it right. And reality is as elusive to you as anyone steeped in dogma.
People like you scare me more than the religious nutters.

"And those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves."---Rush(the group, not the arrogant hypocritical winbag)
That line is meant as a warning. And you just don't get it.

No, I get it well...the Alcohol Industry and society thanks you for defending selling drugs to's that simple.

"We will pay the price but we will not count the costs"...Pointed Bravado.

Still awaiting what you would do to help reduce teen (liquid) drug, just like the Christians have no clue. The Christians have a clear message from their god thing...Alcohol use will deny you entrance into heaven....yup, that's what it says...but I see no other excuses.

And weird that's it's OK to "sin" yet knowing it was a sin in the first place then why do the faithful go ahead and sin anyway?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/10/10 05:17 PM

No I read it right...but I have studied the reality. You talk as if I am demanding that government crack down on alcohol use by teens...well I am, just as I would demand for ANY consumer product...especially since this drug (alcohol) is no less an addictive narcotic. I can't undersatnd why you are FOR kids doing drugs...just makes no sense why this drug product is not held to the same standards as any other least a Drug Facts Label? Less advertising it as socially giving an inch? What's YOUR plan to reduce the addiction cycle? 5,000 kids took their first dose of this drug today...and will another 5K tomorrow.

Actually I have railed on AA about their program. They tell their members that they had no choice in becoming alcoholics. Their rates of success cannot be accurately measured and I agree there are better rehab programs without the god thing as well. My area is in prevention through education...what a concept.

"There are no quick fixes to solving the current underage-drinking epidemic. It is vitally important that we become more conscious of how we think, talk, and act when it comes to underage drinking. More than one-third of Americans report that alcohol has caused problems in their immediate family. To confront a problem of this size, knowledge is powerful and accurate information is vital.

Alcohol is teen America's “drug of choice.” It is currently used more than all tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Nearly 11 million youth, ages 12-20, are underage drinkers, and an estimated 3.3 million teenagers in the United States are alcoholics. These teenagers believe underage drinking is acceptable or even expected. This attitude is dangerous, and often lethal. When we condone, permit, or tolerate an environment that encourages alcohol use and downplays its potential for harm, we endanger the very kids we love and have a responsibility to protect.

Recent brain research tell us that the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for planning, strategizing, judgment, and decision making — does not fully develop and mature until between one’s early and mid-20s. Alcohol impacts both behavior and brain function of teenagers differently than it"

No you didn't read it right. And reality is as elusive to you as anyone steeped in dogma.
People like you scare me more than the religious nutters.

"And those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves."---Rush(the group, not the arrogant hypocritical winbag)
That line is meant as a warning. And you just don't get it.

No, I get it well...the Alcohol Industry and society thanks you for defending selling drugs to's that simple.

"We will pay the price but we will not count the costs"...Pointed Bravado.

Still awaiting what you would do to help reduce teen (liquid) drug, just like the Christians have no clue. The Christians have a clear message from their god thing...Alcohol use will deny you entrance into heaven....yup, that's what it says...but I see no other excuses.

And weird that's it's OK to "sin" yet knowing it was a sin in the first place then why do the faithful go ahead and sin anyway?

NO it's not "ok" to sin. With asking for forgiveness you have to repent, stop doing, cease to do such actions. You can NOT kill someone today ask God for forgiveness, then tomorrow do it again and expect forgiveness. With asking for forgiveness comes repentance, stop doing what you're asking for forgiveness of, cease to continue with these actions, and so on and son on. You're obviously not seeking forgiveness if you continue to do the sinful action.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Tue 08/10/10 07:35 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Tue 08/10/10 07:41 PM

NO it's not "ok" to sin. With asking for forgiveness you have to repent, stop doing, cease to do such actions. You can NOT kill someone today ask God for forgiveness, then tomorrow do it again and expect forgiveness. With asking for forgiveness comes repentance, stop doing what you're asking for forgiveness of, cease to continue with these actions, and so on and son on. You're obviously not seeking forgiveness if you continue to do the sinful action.

Yet some get chitfaced drunk and drive, beat their wives, kids...then get forgiven...then do it again....then get forgiven. The point that ye shall be avoiding is that even tho~ Christians should know right from wrong they keep doing the same lame voting for arseholes that represent their god or discriminate from their own book against faintly texted scripture while completely ignoring the's clear as a bell that if you drink the drug alcohol you are not only a dope head but as a Christian a sinner...and going to hell. What don't yall get about that. Why don't thumpers attact Big Alcohol? It's all too funny..not really.

I don't need to be fogiven, you guys tend to sound kinda guilty
while you defend the inhumaneness, the madness in the belief in these weird religion things. Ball and chains. So many act like they are trapped in some bad Twighlight zone episode.

The bible is an antique of past stories handed down by some old men who probably couldn't get up...the tootheless get ruthless...from our past these stories that blind so many are being used to fool the fools.

Hitler-Bush-Beck-GOP Congress, T-baggers...and other racists, what's the difference? They have all used or preyed upon the Christians to vote give money against their own best interest...and again LOOK at the Bush years and these people STILL vote for RW nutbags! Think about's called cognitive dissonance...look it up. Get some help...


I'll be damned if I am going to idly stand by and allow the Christians to impose their thing into our government again...LOOK at what we just went through. If a person cannot see that they are truly blind...or maybe just scared to death of life.

Get help with paranoia and other dilusional thoughts at this link below.

Have a nice life!

Rock on atheists...BTW I am an atheist with a little "a". I don't want the atheist taking over either...a good mix is sound but the heavy weighted Chrisianity in this country has pert'near reuined this here country I love.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/10/10 07:51 PM

NO it's not "ok" to sin. With asking for forgiveness you have to repent, stop doing, cease to do such actions. You can NOT kill someone today ask God for forgiveness, then tomorrow do it again and expect forgiveness. With asking for forgiveness comes repentance, stop doing what you're asking for forgiveness of, cease to continue with these actions, and so on and son on. You're obviously not seeking forgiveness if you continue to do the sinful action.

Yet some get chitfaced drunk and drive, beat their wives, kids...then get forgiven...then do it again....then get forgiven. The point that ye shall be avoiding is that even tho~ Christians should know right from wrong they keep doing the same lame voting for arseholes that represent their god or discriminate from their own book against faintly texted scripture while completely ignoring the's clear as a bell that if you drink the drug alcohol you are not only a dope head but as a Christian a sinner...and going to hell. What don't yall get about that. Why don't thumpers attact Big Alcohol? It's all too funny..not really.

I don't need to be fogiven, you guys tend to sound kinda guilty
while you defend the inhumaneness, the madness in the belief in these weird religion things. Ball and chains. So many act like they are trapped in some bad Twighlight zone episode.

The bible is an antique of past stories handed down by some old men who probably couldn't get up...the tootheless get ruthless...from our past these stories that blind so many are being used to fool the fools.

Hitler-Bush-Beck-GOP Congress, T-baggers...and other racists, what's the difference? They have all used or preyed upon the Christians to vote give money against their own best interest...and again LOOK at the Bush years and these people STILL vote for RW nutbags! Think about's called cognitive dissonance...look it up. Get some help...


I'll be damned if I am going to idly stand by and allow the Christians to impose their thing into our government again...LOOK at what we just went through. If a person cannot see that they are truly blind...or maybe just scared to death of life.

Get help with paranoia and other dilusional thoughts at this link below.

Have a nice life!

Rock on atheists...BTW I am an atheist with a little "a". I don't want the atheist taking over either...a good mix is sound but the heavy weighted Chrisianity in this country has pert'near reuined this here country I love.

LoL you can not take "peoples" actions and have them display christianity.
Yet some get chitfaced drunk and drive, beat their wives, kids...then get forgiven...then do it again....then get forgiven.

To receive forgiveness you have to repent for that of which you're asking forgiveness of. You can't go around sinning and then say oh lord i'm sorry please forgive me, then repeat this same thing tomarrow. Doesn't work that way my friend. You have to truely be remorseful and repent from the sin to receive forgiveness. If you don't repent from the sin, then asking for forgiveness of it is in vein.