Topic: Okay lets get personal...
Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/26/10 05:42 PM

Shower in the morning and after a bike ride. I started having navy showers a few months ago where you get wet, turn off the nozzle on the shower head, lather up, turn the water on again to rinse.
I managed even to take the fun out of a shower.

I had actually considered the navy showers myself. I want to get me a shower head with a shut off on it so I don't have to readjust the temperature of the water again and waste a whole bunch more water.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:05 PM

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:07 PM
surprised scared

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:16 PM
I like the wake up shower for mornings and the go to sleep shower before bed. It just depends on how much I think I need pampered. :smile:

no photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:19 PM
early evening...

Seakolony's photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:29 PM
shower with peppermint or eucalyptus all natural soaps and use cocoa butter or shea butter lotions.....time of day doesnt matter

msmyka's photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:31 PM

I am good with the French Whore bath. Wash rag with a little dampness to scrape off some of the clamminess, a quick spritz of Hia Karate and I am golden Baby.

ooops, lest we forget the Jack Daniels mouth wash......hygene is very important


lilott's photo
Mon 07/26/10 06:55 PM
Can't stand to go to bed dirty.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:02 PM
Shower in the morning but about once a week I take a bath at night also.

krupa's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:09 PM

I am good with the French Whore bath. Wash rag with a little dampness to scrape off some of the clamminess, a quick spritz of Hia Karate and I am golden Baby.

ooops, lest we forget the Jack Daniels mouth wash......hygene is very important


What can I say? Some days I just wanna feel more European.

Of course I jest...I douche off the crust every teuseday whether I need it or not.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:20 PM

I am good with the French Whore bath. Wash rag with a little dampness to scrape off some of the clamminess, a quick spritz of Hia Karate and I am golden Baby.

ooops, lest we forget the Jack Daniels mouth wash......hygene is very important


What can I say? Some days I just wanna feel more European.

Of course I jest...I douche off the crust every teuseday whether I need it or not.

Gosh do u keep ur long johns on while yer doin ur weekly scrubbin??

Holly4459's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:22 PM

I am good with the French Whore bath. Wash rag with a little dampness to scrape off some of the clamminess, a quick spritz of Hia Karate and I am golden Baby.

ooops, lest we forget the Jack Daniels mouth wash......hygene is very important

yes. I use a rag on a stick -the stick also is good as
a fly swatter ....happy

But seriously- sunflower scented shower gels
for my morning shower! Yummy!

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:24 PM
Usually around 6 in the evening after supper.

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:24 PM

Are you a bath/shower before bed or shower in the morning person?

at nights. I can't sleep dirty.

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:26 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Mon 07/26/10 07:27 PM

Are you a bath/shower before bed or shower in the morning person?

I never, ever take baths or sit in Jacuzzis. I don’t float in my own filth. I am shocked that people really do this with all of the information regarding the bacteria content of bath water and spas. Skin cells, fecal matter, bacteria – no thank you! ill

I shower at 4am before work and around 10pm before bed. I need to either wake up or lull myself to sleep.

I also shower about 4 or 5 times a day depending on how many fitness classes I teach or how many clients I workout with during the day.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:33 PM
Before work- 3 evening showers
Before church- 1 morning shower.
Any time before seeing girlfriend.

Hey Krupa, spend an extra buck and move up to Jade East. The ladies love it.:thumbsup:

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:38 PM

Are you a bath/shower before bed or shower in the morning person?

at nights. I can't sleep dirty.

so I stay awake...dirty. laugh :wink:

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:49 PM
Morning, slightly cool to wake up. Evening, before bed, hot to relax and conk me out.

Depending on what's been happening outside and how much I sweated, another shower or two.

Showers only.

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Mon 07/26/10 07:56 PM
Shower at night when get home from work...bath when i get ME time

no photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:03 PM

I never, ever take baths or sit in Jacuzzis. I don’t float in my own filth. I am shocked that people really do this with all of the information regarding the bacteria content of bath water and spas. Skin cells, fecal matter, bacteria – no thank you! ill

Buzzkill ... Sounds a lil OCD ... For every study there is an anti-study ...

Does this also prevent ya from swimming in pools, oceans, rivers, lakes?

Water therapy, in its many modalities, has stood the test of time ...

Kids raised on farms and ranches, constantly exposed to 'filth, fecal matter, bacteria and cells' have the strongest immune systems and the least incidence of allergies of the entire population ...

Baths are such a healthy mainstay - studies present them having the same effect on immune systems as farms/ranches info cited ... (course there are anti-studies to further conflict and confuse, nature of the beast!)

Not to mention the calming, healing effects on the nervous system and psyche in general ...

... Horses for courses ... No hatin' or judgement necessary ... To each their blissful own, respect!