Topic: The Three Most Disturbing Movies...
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Thu 07/01/10 12:52 PM

The most disturbing I say goes to Maniac.A crazed loon killing,scalping the tops of his victim`s heads,sticking it in sandwich bags so he can later staple them to maniquins so later can have exquisite conversations with them,sleep with them at night....I would say,thats a little disturbing....maybe more in the lines of being demented

That's an excellent movie. Joe Spinell was going to star in the sequel but died before it went into production.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:47 PM

I know it was a show, but HOLY CRAP......That is one seriously disturbing show!scared scared

ValentinaSS's photo
Sun 07/18/10 10:05 PM
Citizen X
Jacob`s Ladder
Wild At Heart

no photo
Sun 07/18/10 10:53 PM


I know it was a show, but HOLY CRAP......That is one seriously disturbing show!scared scared

Have ya caught the sequel: BoohBah??? ... shocked

Some serious kinda flashbacks creation gone wrong, that show is ...

And the music creepily, relentlessly chants: BooooohhhhhBaaaaaaaahhhhhh ...

scared ... W/out stopping!!!

Freaked my lil girl right out, back when!!! ... surprised : ... "Make it STOP" ...

Therapy for years for an entire generation, I tell ya ... :laughing:

theloverwithin's photo
Sun 07/18/10 11:09 PM
I have my three...

1. Anti-Christ by Lars Von-Trier
2. Straw Dogs by Sam Peckinpah
3. The Acid House by Paul McGuigan

I haven't seen some of the others that have been listed, and I'll keep an eye out.surprised I made myself laugh.

The one that used to really scare me as a kid, although not really that disturbing, the original When A Stranger Calls. That messed me up for years...

william525's photo
Sun 08/01/10 09:03 PM
garbage pal kids

no photo
Sun 08/01/10 10:09 PM
the human centipede, plastic?? never herd of it & as usual cant tell if u r really serious

and straw dogs - I was afraid to watch

most disturbing movies I have seen would have to be

Silence of The Lambs with Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster
Midnight Express - a movie about an American sent to a Turkish Prison for a minor drug charge - not pretty


Mad Max

egoodrich's photo
Sun 08/01/10 10:17 PM
Mad Max?!

bedlum1's photo
Sun 08/01/10 10:18 PM
watch the movie "FREAK SHOW" recently released......
see if your list

no photo
Sun 08/01/10 10:27 PM

Mad Max?!
ya 1st one w/ Mel Gibson

Jtevans's photo
Sun 08/01/10 11:15 PM

Full Metal Jacket
American History X
Deliverance... (by far)

these 3 ^^^^

+ I Spit On Your Grave

no photo
Mon 08/02/10 05:15 AM

watch the movie "FREAK SHOW" recently released......
see if your list

Are you talking about the one with the criminals hiding out at the circus?

no photo
Mon 08/02/10 05:17 AM

the human centipede, plastic?? never herd of it & as usual cant tell if u r really serious

and straw dogs - I was afraid to watch

most disturbing movies I have seen would have to be

Silence of The Lambs with Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster
Midnight Express - a movie about an American sent to a Turkish Prison for a minor drug charge - not pretty


Mad Max

Human Centipede is a real movie.

Midnight Express, excellent film.

no photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:25 AM
Salvador from Oliver Stone. If the rape scene in that movies doesn't bother you, then you a stronger man than me.

Last House On The Left. The original.

August Underground


earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/02/10 09:07 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Mon 08/02/10 09:07 AM

So wrong...


So so wrong.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 08/02/10 09:08 AM
Fat girls Porno party

Big David swings

The Tranny Club:heart:

no photo
Mon 08/02/10 09:21 AM

Fat girls Porno party

Big David swings

The Tranny Club:heart:

What the heck are you watching over there?:tongue:

bedlum1's photo
Mon 08/02/10 06:37 PM

watch the movie "FREAK SHOW" recently released......
see if your list

Are you talking about the one with the criminals hiding out at the circus?
one of the most graphicly gruesome movies i have ever seen...
peeling people faces off while they are awake .....ewwwwwww

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 08/02/10 06:39 PM
Children of the Corn scared

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .... those Oompa Loompas are still disturbing ... surprised

bedlum1's photo
Mon 08/02/10 06:47 PM


So wrong...


So so wrong.
when i was a kid we saw it at the theater....i was bawling through the rest of the movie after they killed bambi's mom