Topic: The Three Most Disturbing Movies... | |
Deliverance, absolutely. That movie is terribly disturbing.
Hard Candy is such an amazing/horrifying film. That would have to be in my top five. That movie makes me want to drink straight whiskey just to get the sting out of my eyes. And Ellen Page is a really amazing actor. I was questioning whether or not to put Irreversible on the list. Considering the subway scene, which I still consider one of the hardest moments in cinema history to watch, along with the first 20 minutes or so having low-frequency sound purposefully used to make you feel uneasy, I would want it on the list somewhere. The other movie by Noe that I saw, "I Stand Alone", disturbed me way more just because of the tone of the movie. So here's a question, all - what movies are you surprised other people put on their list? |
Edited by
Fri 06/25/10 12:11 PM
Deliverance, absolutely. That movie is terribly disturbing. Hard Candy is such an amazing/horrifying film. That would have to be in my top five. That movie makes me want to drink straight whiskey just to get the sting out of my eyes. And Ellen Page is a really amazing actor. I was questioning whether or not to put Irreversible on the list. Considering the subway scene, which I still consider one of the hardest moments in cinema history to watch, along with the first 20 minutes or so having low-frequency sound purposefully used to make you feel uneasy, I would want it on the list somewhere. The other movie by Noe that I saw, "I Stand Alone", disturbed me way more just because of the tone of the movie. So here's a question, all - what movies are you surprised other people put on their list? I love both Deliverance and Hard Candy, but I didn't find them disturbing. I can't say any movie I'm surprised to find on people's lists because it's all subjective and we're disturbed by different things. Another one worth mentioning is À l'intérieur(Inside). I know some people found Wes Craven's Last House On The Left disturbing but the comic relief cop moments ruined the possibility of that film being disturbing for me. Amazingly, Uli Lommel who has been responsible for all the current serial killer straight-to-DVD junk- Zodiac Killer, BTK Killer etc back in '73 made a very disturbing movie about Fritz Haarmann titled The Tenderness Of Wolves. Though I do find it disturbing that some people I've talked to didn't find a movie like Salo or Cannibal Holocaust(if anything just for the animal scenes alone) disturbing.... |
I haven't seen Cannibal Holocaust, but who the hell has actually sat through Salo and not been disturbed? Haha.
That's pretty hardcore even by my standards. |
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Fri 06/25/10 12:58 PM
I haven't seen Cannibal Holocaust, but who the hell has actually sat through Salo and not been disturbed? Haha. That's pretty hardcore even by my standards. I wonder if some maybe say it just to sound tough, or were so disturbed by it they don't want to admit it...the one's who truly aren't disturbed by Salo I don't ever want to get on my bad side. And for a movie like I Spit On Your Grave I've heard some say it was the rape that was disturbing, for others it was the bathtub scene. For me it was the relentlessness of the rape scene(same with Irreversible), but with I Spit On Your Grave I'd seen it the first time at a very young age so it's been with me longer. Eric Stanze's Scrapbook is another one I didn't find as disturbing as some, and his other film I Spit on Your Corpse, I P!ss on Your Grave was just awful- sometimes I do wonder if all the hype for this one was built up by either Stanze schills or fanboys. Murder-Set-Pieces is another that had lots of hype but didn't deliver IMO. Where August Underground's Mordum I did find disturbing, their previous film titled August Underground I thought was bad, and I still haven't seen August Underground's Penance. |
Edited by
Tue 06/29/10 09:18 PM
that I've seen so far. 1. Salo 2. Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door 3. The Shining and, just for fair measure, let's throw on 4. The Human Centipede You? Wow you hit it right on the head with the girl next door.. I saw that and couldn't believe it was a true story. I haven't seen the others on the list besides the shininig but I may have to look them up. I'll also add the movie teeth to the list, it wasn't scary just the thought of they say some females really have that down there. Also the fact of how many people tried to take advantage of the girl was crazy. |
I refuse to see the Human Centipede HARD CANDY was a mighty disturbing movie, I would think even more so for guys. There's a scene in Last King of Scotland that still haunts me, not sure I'll ever watch that movie again. I just watched the trailer for Human Centipede...No thank you! The Last King of Scotland was an amazing movie. But there's those 2 scene that have imprinted in my brain too Myka. I love James McAvoy but I can't watch it more than a couple times. Salo was horrifying. And Stigmata was not my favourite thing either |
both hostels
most of the saw movies and i will have agree with goofball, showgirls... |
there doesn't need to be three just one.
High Tension - I just barely made it through that and I love horror movies. I seen a lot of people posted A Clockwork Orange. I won't watch the movie because the book is so good I don't want it to be ruined. The book though I loved. |
the devils rejects
I'll go for 2:
Hannibal ... Damaged me far more than any images I've EVER taken 'in' ... Wolf Creek ... Close 2nd on the PURE, lasting 'Damage Scale' ... *shudders* Reckon I'll never really recover from either, one of those things I'd like a redo undo for ... Some mentioned here are, then, like a list of 'to be avoided at all costs' for me, many thanx for the heads up ... I will never see SAW ... A friend of mine was bored by it, he's so hardcore ... ... I'll never get you gore freaks, ahem ... *cough~Torgo: King~cough* ... That said ... I love and for some strange reason wasn't disturbed in the same way by: Clockwork Orange Carrie Badlands Deer Hunter (although I couldn't even get up when it was finished!) The Shining Seven Silence of the Lambs Gummo Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction The Kill Bills (even the Lucy Lu scalpin' scene) Etc ... Misery and Deliverance came closer to terrorizing me, actually ... But not quite ... Takes just the right elements of imagery to take me right outta my skin and soul! |
Soylent Green
A Clockwork Orange Deliverence And Al Gores "An Inconvenient Truth"...because its based entirely on lies and bullsit |
Paul Blart,Mall Cop.
Another one is the Austrian film Angst from 1983, based on the real life killer Werner Kniesek. Very relentless when showing the murder sequences.
Also worth mentioning is Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer. |
butterfly effect 1
butterfly effect 2 butterfly effect 3 |
Edited by
Thu 07/01/10 09:20 AM
how come nobody said any harry potter??
Paul Blart,Mall Cop. OMG! If I see a mall cop riding one of those things, I get freaked out! |
The Strangers
The Crazies
Hostel,Saw,The Hills Have Eyes
The most disturbing I say goes to Maniac.A crazed loon killing,scalping the tops of his victim`s heads,sticking it in sandwich bags so he can later staple them to maniquins so later can have exquisite conversations with them,sleep with them at night....I would say,thats a little disturbing....maybe more in the lines of being demented