Topic: Crossed Signals ? | |
Edited by
Sat 05/29/10 09:53 AM
Long time lurking in the back ground just reading. So I must say HI once again. So now on to my confusion. I just recently started working at this place back in the beginning of the year, due to being laid off at my last job. So one day I was asked what I thought about this person at work from her friend, I responded that I found her attractive but that I don't really know her since my work keeps me in the back ground a little. So about a week later this friend of hers asks me again "Why haven't you asked her out"? I responded that I have never asked someone out from work; since it may not turn out good or what not. Her friend then gave me this person’s phone number and told me she was hoping that I would call her to go out sometime, or just to talk. So I did just that, I called this person and we had a good 4 hour chat over the phone the very first time. And we have had many more as well. But the last few call this person had informed me that she would like to keep it to just friends for now, since she has been having problems with her Ex(of over a year now). Mind games as she informs me. He had got remarried less than a year after their divorce. But my problem is that I really don't follow this persons lead or hints. She kind of flirts like a little girl when she comes around me by like adding a little hop in her step, smiling and seems to find reasons to come over to where I may be asking someone questions for my shipments, which seems to be out of her way in my opinion. Now a few of my best friends from many years say that she has me like on a "back burner" just in case. So I am at the point of not calling her figuring if she wants to further this she can call me, I mention that since her friend had asked me why I haven't called her friend in four days. So my question is... Umm what is going on here? Should I take my friends advice and stay away or continue this game? I know that she had mentioned that she wanted to be friends, but I don't understand why she would do this stuff to get my attention if we are to just be friends. And yes maybe I would like to be more than friends but when I am asked other things from this persons friend. |
Hummmm sounds like you pin pointed it your self when you asked if you should keep playing this game........For once listen to your friends your on the back burner.......if you choose to let her keep you there that is your choice......but not a good place to be.......To me now dating someone from work in the end can only cause drama......yeah been there done that........and we still talk as friends but when we broke up it was not a good scene at work....
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Hey thanks for the heads up on my topic. I just need to throw this in there to see what others would think besides my friends. They seem to have hit the nail on the head most of the time well
Wow! This is something for me to think on. I always feel if someone likes you and you like them, there should be a 50/50 effort to show your interest with each other. It can't be one person doing all the calls, etc. I'm not sure what her intentions are, and I don't know why the girl has to have her friend be her spokesperson. But I would really take caution in this situation. I wish I had better advice, but I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. Best wishes to ya!
You don't need any advice from here ... from your post, you've already figured it out: The operative word is 'game', and in her mind, it's 'game on'. I never dated anyone I worked with for just the reason you've already figured out. If it goes into the crapper, y' gotta live with it at home AND at work - that's just a 'lose-lose' situation. If all you're good for in her world is 'back burner' entertainment, well, y' already know what that status means - you'll be used, abused, and discarded once you're past your 'best when used by' date - whatever she determines that to be. Cut if off now and move on to other NON-work dates ... and tell her 'friend' to just STFU ... remember, she's the one who instigated this whole game that's usually called 'Let's you and her fight' when it turns bad ...
I'm just wondering why the friend is acting as the "go-between". Is the girl not adult enough to approach you in the first place or when there seems to be questions?
I'm just wondering why the friend is acting as the "go-between". Is the girl not adult enough to approach you in the first place or when there seems to be questions? You took the words out of my mouth... ![]() |
Maintain a friendly work relationship....but otherwise leave this one alone. Could be way more trouble than it's worth.
Edited by
Sat 05/29/10 05:36 PM
Yeah , never shiit where u eat dude....or is it never eat where you shiit?
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Long time lurking in the back ground just reading. So I must say HI once again. So now on to my confusion. I just recently started working at this place back in the beginning of the year, due to being laid off at my last job. So one day I was asked what I thought about this person at work from her friend, I responded that I found her attractive but that I don't really know her since my work keeps me in the back ground a little. So about a week later this friend of hers asks me again "Why haven't you asked her out"? I responded that I have never asked someone out from work; since it may not turn out good or what not. Her friend then gave me this person’s phone number and told me she was hoping that I would call her to go out sometime, or just to talk. So I did just that, I called this person and we had a good 4 hour chat over the phone the very first time. And we have had many more as well. But the last few call this person had informed me that she would like to keep it to just friends for now, since she has been having problems with her Ex(of over a year now). Mind games as she informs me. He had got remarried less than a year after their divorce. But my problem is that I really don't follow this persons lead or hints. She kind of flirts like a little girl when she comes around me by like adding a little hop in her step, smiling and seems to find reasons to come over to where I may be asking someone questions for my shipments, which seems to be out of her way in my opinion. Now a few of my best friends from many years say that she has me like on a "back burner" just in case. So I am at the point of not calling her figuring if she wants to further this she can call me, I mention that since her friend had asked me why I haven't called her friend in four days. So my question is... Umm what is going on here? Should I take my friends advice and stay away or continue this game? I know that she had mentioned that she wanted to be friends, but I don't understand why she would do this stuff to get my attention if we are to just be friends. And yes maybe I would like to be more than friends but when I am asked other things from this persons friend. Yeah, sounds like it might be better off to just stay friends at work and leave it at that. |
I will tell you what is going on here. But first, let me say that, in my should definitely not go any further with this chick. Now, allow me to explain why.
She wants to be friends. But, she is also flirty with you as well. I don't see this as a case of being on the backburner (not all the way). I feel that she also wants to see what you are feeling. Yeah, you agreed to her terms and all, respecting her wishes and what not. But alot of times, people (men and women) do say one thing, but they really want something else. What I mean is, I feel that she said the friends comment just to see what you would say, or also to hear like if there was some amount of disappointment in your voice. However, as she is still being flirty, going out of her way to see you and all, well that just signals to me that she wants you to actually pursue her. It is a game, and no doubt it seems that she likes to play them. Yeah, we all want to be pursued, and I just feel that she does want that from you. She obviously likes you and the attention you give her. She lives for the chase. And she wants that from you. Anyways, I think you should just ignore her and move onwards dude. Just my thoughts. |
I will tell you what is going on here. But first, let me say that, in my should definitely not go any further with this chick. Now, allow me to explain why. She wants to be friends. But, she is also flirty with you as well. I don't see this as a case of being on the backburner (not all the way). I feel that she also wants to see what you are feeling. Yeah, you agreed to her terms and all, respecting her wishes and what not. But alot of times, people (men and women) do say one thing, but they really want something else. What I mean is, I feel that she said the friends comment just to see what you would say, or also to hear like if there was some amount of disappointment in your voice. However, as she is still being flirty, going out of her way to see you and all, well that just signals to me that she wants you to actually pursue her. It is a game, and no doubt it seems that she likes to play them. Yeah, we all want to be pursued, and I just feel that she does want that from you. She obviously likes you and the attention you give her. She lives for the chase. And she wants that from you. Anyways, I think you should just ignore her and move onwards dude. Just my thoughts. I think you nailed it right on the head. This person told me she did certain things to get her husband’s attention when she was married, like going to the tanning spa, or just doing things to impress him; just trying to gain his approval so he would pay attention to her... But for me, I like to be straight forward and enjoy spending time with whom I am with, Yeah a lil chase is fun but when you reach our age it should not have to play that big of a part in getting to be with someone if you both want to see were things can lead. And thank you ALL for your understanding and replies |
Misinterpretation of signals is very common my good man.
for example: She says: Time to mow the lawn. I think: SEX! She says: My parents are coming over for lunch. I think: We better screw quick. She says: My ex keeps calling. I think: If you and I are riding the beast with two backs, then you won't have to talk to him. I say: Lets get naked. She interprets it as :I need to balance my checkbook. Not sure there is an easy answer but, I am sure that I for one, will continue to misread the signs and walk in the room with no pants on while she and her family/friends look at me like I am retarded. |
Krupa Freakin funny, that's just way too funny... ![]() |
wow.. sounds a bit childish to me all of it.. not on your part.. but really all jr high! i think her friend is a bit busy body and its really none of her business why you choose to not call.. what is she gonna want to know next? if the two of you did date? or what is her friend gonna tell her? sounds like a game to me. i think you made the perfect choice in my opinion, "attention getter" type. and not really into anything other than attention. could be she is putting you on the back burner but for what? a married man that is her ex? or could it be someone else she is "attention getting" from someone else.... so why hasnt she called you? hummm if she is so worried about it? ask yourself... is it worth your time to worry about all this yourself? imagine a relationship like this <cause it usually only gets worse> is it something you would really want to deal with? best of luck to you
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sounds to me too . that maybe you should not share too much of your private life with her if you decide to stay friends.. for everyone at work will know all of your business...
Hmmmm,it sounds like she's really young and has no idea on how to approach you verbally.if I was a man,I would stay away for the simple fact of that her friend is in ur business too much.It could get really nasty real quick for u at work and u don't need all that drama while working.