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Topic: Another win for the tea party
Thomas3474's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:37 PM
WASHINGTON – Chalk up another win for the tea party. And another embarrassment for the Republican establishment.

Tea party favorite and two-term state lawmaker Raul Labrador defeated Vaughn Ward, a Marine reservist heavily recruited by national Republicans, in Idaho's primary on Tuesday. Ward's loss comes on the heels of several other races in which GOP establishment candidates stumbled as the anti-Washington mood takes hold.

National Republicans had coached Ward and had made him one of their first named recruits, known as "Young Guns." He also had the backing of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

On Wednesday, the GOP wasn't talking about Ward.

"We look forward to continuing to work with Raul Labrador and are focused on the election in November," said Paul Lindsay, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Republicans who hope to win 40 or more House seats to seize back control of the House have set their sights on districts like Idaho's 1st, where Republican presidential candidate John McCain won 62 percent of the vote in 2008. The seat is held by a conservative first-term Democrat, Rep. Walt Minnick.

Ward, a decorated Iraq veteran, was an early front-runner and built a 6-to-1 fundraising edge, but Labrador entered the race and capitalized on Ward's mistakes.

Allegations of plagiarism surfaced as Ward was caught using issue papers from other campaigns and then, during the final days before the primary, it was discovered he used President Barack Obama's 2004 speech to the Democratic National Committee to launch his GOP campaign.

"He was the front-runner, here we are, his empire starts crumbling. It's kind of embarrassing," said state Sen. Monte Pearce, one of his chamber's most conservative members.

"I saw people at the store, people in the polls, everybody just shaking their heads," Pearce said.

In several House races, establishment-backed Republicans have faltered.

Last week, another recruit, Jeff Reetz, lost his Kentucky primary to a tea party favorite. Mary Beth Buchanan lost her primary challenge in Pennsylvania. In February, Ethan Hastert, the son of the former Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert, lost his GOP primary.

Both parties' have seen preferred candidates fail to reach a head-to-head matchup in November. Sen. Arlen Specter lost his Democratic primary to Rep. Joe Sestak last week despite help from Obama and his vaunted campaign machine.

That same night, tea party favorite Rand Paul won his Kentucky Republican primary and vanquished the hand-picked candidate recruited by the Senate's most powerful Republican, Mitch McConnell, in his home state. A week later, libertarians said they would mount a campaign against Paul — the son of libertarian darling, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas — because he had become too cozy with Washington.

"People are feeling the implications of the decisions being made in Washington and they're feeling it at home," said Pete Seat, a spokesman for former Republican Sen. Dan Coats, who is running against incumbent Rep. Brad Ellsworth for Indiana's open Senate seat.

That was clear in Virginia on Wednesday. The Hampton Roads Tea Party endorsed businessman Ben Loyala over auto dealer Scott Rigell, establishment Republicans' favored candidate. The activists said they rejected Rigell because his auto dealership participated

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:54 PM
I still don't understand why so many Tea Party loyalists love Sarah Palin yet she endorses these typical Republican candidates. She is out here endorsing McCain in his bid for re-election.

I have a strong feeling McCain is not going to be re-elcted either.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:05 PM
All the Tea Party is is people who are simply tired by the same Political games that both parties have been playing. Most "thought" Obama was going to do something once he was sworn in. Hasn't happened, and people are just fed up. Not saying that Obama has had time to make change. But, what has happened is that nothing has moved as fast as he promised (Yes. He did promise swift change if the people would back him). Well, now here comes the Tea Party. These are people who mostly have moral objections with our Government. But thy also are tired of the economy and healthcare. They decided to change things for themselves. And guess what? Enough people are fed up that they see this new party and have decided to embrace it. Honestly, if the Tea Party doesn't wake the Republicans up now, then there party is going to be in some trouble down the road. I like the Tea Party. I feel they are causing a shake up in our political system, and I love seeing both Democrat and Republicans squirm over it.

USmale47374's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:06 PM
The Tea Party is comprised largely of poorly educated, religious exptremists, much like their Middle Eastern counterparts. Definitely NOT my cup of tea. :)

Winx's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:10 PM
"Allegations of plagiarism surfaced as Ward was caught using issue papers from other campaigns and then, during the final days before the primary, it was discovered he used President Barack Obama's 2004 speech to the Democratic National Committee to launch his GOP campaign."


Atlantis75's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:33 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 05/26/10 08:34 PM

I still don't understand why so many Tea Party loyalists love Sarah Palin yet she endorses these typical Republican candidates. She is out here endorsing McCain in his bid for re-election.

I have a strong feeling McCain is not going to be re-elcted either.

The Tea Party was created during the election, by Ron Paul supporters for the election of Ron Paul. Ever since, it's been hijacked pretty much and transformed into something else. Of course back then, most of the members of the Tea Party were real constitutionalists and libertarians, just like Ron Paul himself. Today it's a mix of everything with no clear and well founded objectives or real competitive front runners really.
Of course, back then, during the 2008 elections, nobody gave a damn, or let's say about 1 out of a 100 people knew who Ron Paul was, and since was even blacked out by the media and censored off from even Fox News, it's interesting to see how all the once big GOP supporters suddenly jumped on the bandwagon since the GOP is still chaotic and disorganized and I'm sure even republican voters don't really know who should they vote for. No surpise that Sarah Palin is a sensation and receives praise from the Tea Party, which is far and beyond compared to what it was 2 years ago.

The November voting will be interesting. I personally can't think of a person to vote for, maybe Peter Schiff, he at least seems to know what he is talking about, predicting the crash of 2008-09 back in 2004.

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:57 PM
the tea party has become nothing more than an extension of the conservative movement which pisses me off because while I have absolute contempt for the left I'm not really a fan of the standard right and was hoping the tea party would be something different, maybe there is hope though as the party is still young.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 05/26/10 09:04 PM

the tea party has become nothing more than an extension of the conservative movement which pisses me off because while I have absolute contempt for the left I'm not really a fan of the standard right and was hoping the tea party would be something different, maybe there is hope though as the party is still young.

It might actually become more of a balanced party. Like I said, I like this party simply because it is shaking things up in the political spectrum. Democrats and Republicans need a wake up call, and this might be it.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 05/26/10 09:05 PM

the tea party has become nothing more than an extension of the conservative movement which pisses me off because while I have absolute contempt for the left I'm not really a fan of the standard right and was hoping the tea party would be something different, maybe there is hope though as the party is still young.

I hope it losses momentum, they are doing more harm then good.

Winx's photo
Wed 05/26/10 09:09 PM
Here's a look at the statements made by Obama, in 2004, and Ward, earlier this year:

Obama: “... as we stand on the crossroads of history, we can make the right choices and meet the challenges that face us. America, tonight, if you feel the same energy that I do, if you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion that I do, if you feel the same hopefulness that I do, if we do what we must do, then I have no doubt that all across the country, from Florida to Oregon, from Washington to Maine, the people will rise up in November, and John Kerry will be sworn in as president. And John Edwards will be sworn in as vice president. And this country will reclaim its promise. And out of this long political darkness a brighter day will come.

”Ward: “As we stand on the crossroads of history, I know we can make the right choices and meet the challenges that lay before us. If you feel the same urgency and the same passion that I do, and if we stand united and strong, then I have no doubt that our voices will be heard in November. Our country will reclaim its promise. A better day is on the horizon, and out of this darkness will come a stronger, more united nation. One that believes in personal responsibility, fiscal discipline, and limited government.


Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:06 PM
I have yet to see much legitimate stuff come from the tea party or tea baggers whichever. Every time I try to watch one of their rallies the people are mostly angry over untrue rhetoric. Like "Don't take my medicare to socialize healthcare", medicare is socialized healthcare as is medicaid and a whole slew of state run programs.

Death panels which are not true at all of the new healthcare bill but was actually true of our HMOs before it.


So as I watch their anger over untruths someone told them, I can't help but think how education or information would probably eliminate the need for the party all together.

markumX's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:32 AM
the tea party here chalked up a gathering here of 20 people...thats five more since their last klan meeting...good job

no photo
Thu 05/27/10 04:37 AM
Makes no difference who likes or dislikes what the Tea Party movement is doing to the face of national politics - the important thing is that it's putting BOTH parties [sic] on notice that they're not SAFE anymore ... that's a good thing. As for Palin, I'm frankly confused by her recent picks. I cannot understand her campaigning for McLame after the way he and his people treated her, but then, I can't understand some of the other people she's backed recently, either. She's either incredibly (1) shrewd, (2) naive, or (3) getting really bad advice ... either way, she doesn't come off looking good. Jan Brewer, on the other hand, is looking amazingly good as a result of her stand in Arizona. For the other races that are up for grabs in November, let's just say I wanna see 'The ONE's presence in EVERY city stumpin' for EVERY 'crap candidate that's up for re-election ... it's a guaranteed loss for whoever the candidate is ...

willing2's photo
Thu 05/27/10 07:52 AM
This Palin broad is what MSM will use to sell you another Hussein.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 05/27/10 04:52 PM

the tea party here chalked up a gathering here of 20 people...thats five more since their last klan meeting...good job

Wow, they allow black people in the clan now? Interesting......

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 05/27/10 07:23 PM

the tea party has become nothing more than an extension of the conservative movement which pisses me off because while I have absolute contempt for the left I'm not really a fan of the standard right and was hoping the tea party would be something different, maybe there is hope though as the party is still young.

It might actually become more of a balanced party. Like I said, I like this party simply because it is shaking things up in the political spectrum. Democrats and Republicans need a wake up call, and this might be it.

Like I said there is still HOPE! I'm not going to hold my breath though, as long as they allow Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin to be keynote speakers I don't have a lot of faith in the party.

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/27/10 07:29 PM

the tea party here chalked up a gathering here of 20 people...thats five more since their last klan meeting...good job

Wow, they allow black people in the clan now? Interesting......

the best way to divide people is from INSIDE their circle,,,nothing would surprise me

there are plenty of self hating people,, of all races

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 05/27/10 07:40 PM

the tea party has become nothing more than an extension of the conservative movement which pisses me off because while I have absolute contempt for the left I'm not really a fan of the standard right and was hoping the tea party would be something different, maybe there is hope though as the party is still young.

It might actually become more of a balanced party. Like I said, I like this party simply because it is shaking things up in the political spectrum. Democrats and Republicans need a wake up call, and this might be it.

Like I said there is still HOPE! I'm not going to hold my breath though, as long as they allow Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin to be keynote speakers I don't have a lot of faith in the party.

Sarah palin is arguably one of the most popular and most powerful woman in the United states right now.She ran Alaska,ran for Vice president,and had a #1 best seller book.How many women both past and present can claim those bragging rights?

The Tea party movement also went from unknown to a well organized,ultra successful,and effective tool against our Government.The Tea party has only grown in size and will only get bigger.

bedlum1's photo
Thu 05/27/10 08:22 PM
paranoid nut cases that are consumed with complaining and whining ....tea baggers are nothing but extreme conservative reps.....this to shall pass....but then again some people just like to complain for the sake of complaining...let em...all that negativity will just make em die quickerlaugh drinker

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 05/27/10 09:03 PM

paranoid nut cases that are consumed with complaining and whining ....tea baggers are nothing but extreme conservative reps.....this to shall pass....but then again some people just like to complain for the sake of complaining...let em...all that negativity will just make em die quickerlaugh drinker

Oh your really something.I suppose it was fine to say anything you wanted when Bush was around but when Obama is running the show everyone has to shut up? Complaining is one thing.Taking action is another.The tea party is not face less are taking action and they are getting their people into the Government.The tea party rallies have about the same amount of people that Presidential candidates have when they are touring the country.

What is a extreme conservative???

What is the tea party complaining about???

Tea party stands for Taxed Enough Already.

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