Topic: Rand Paul condones racism? | |
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He does promote racism and it is very obvious from what he says.
If people refuse to see it, I cannot help it. People who buy into his rhetoric do it at their own peril. I will not be one of them. I again will be watching for him to try to step into bigger shoes and I will help to stop him from succeeding. America has enough racism and discrimination to fight already without someone like him adding to it. |
Im going to wait to know more about him than just one issue. I have not found any candidate who aligned themself with EVERYTHING I believe or held important.
I really do take his stance to be about personal feelings versus the law. Much like I feel about adultery, that although it is definitely wrong,, it is not an issue I want government involved with or something that should be considered criminal in someones personal life. |
Edited by
Fri 05/21/10 05:06 PM
Edited by
Fri 05/21/10 05:12 PM
He does promote racism and it is very obvious from what he says. If people refuse to see it, I cannot help it. People who buy into his rhetoric do it at their own peril. I will not be one of them. I again will be watching for him to try to step into bigger shoes and I will help to stop him from succeeding. America has enough racism and discrimination to fight already without someone like him adding to it. |
I was listening to KPFK here in LA on my way home from a job. It is a Liberal media college station.
they were discussing this very matter and now for the tasty part! The guest speaker said and I quote, "People are reading way too much into Rand Paul's remarks stating that people had the rights unfortunately under the Constitution and the Bill of rights. He did NOT say anything to the effect of accepting and promoting racism at all. He only supports peoples rights to free speech and the other freedoms granted by our constitution." This is from the lips of a self proclaimed Liberal on a liberal radio station and the commentator likewise could not understand where people got the idea of how Rand Paul is a racist. I think someone here has BAD projection issues. Either that or the best rose colored glasses ever made! |
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Fri 05/21/10 07:39 PM
opinions arent restricted to political affiliation....I also said I didnt think the statement posted by this dr paul were racist in nature
there are actually people who could be labeled conservative AND people who could be labeled liberal who do take a step back to ANALYZE information before coming to conclusions,,, the flip side of this is that there are those , who even though they did not support or vote for OBama, would say that the notion he is a communist is quite radical and overreaching but as my dad used to say, opinions are like behinds, everybody has one we just have more people now who mistake their opinions for fact |
Edited by
Fri 05/21/10 09:30 PM
OH GOD NOT YOU! Heavens no. We disagree on some things and agree on others and in some places we try to find consensus. Not you, someone else! Msharmony, you got too much class!
![]() But Obama is just another lying Choad like Bill Clinton! he is lame and clueless to the damage he has done with "good intentions." That is with opinion aside! You don't go deeper into debt to solve a debt issue. You don't give money and reward those who did the damage. You punish them properly! The bankers need to suffer financial looses when we all suffer financial losses when they were caught red handed casing the issues we are facing now. Instead of eating Steak they need to be eating Ramen! They need to learn to do business responsibly or not do business at all. |
Everyone knows private business have the right to refuse service to anyone. They don't even have to present a reason.
Individual rights only go so far also.
You cannot have the individual right to commit crimes at least not without punishment even on your personal time. Oh the HYPOCRISY!!!!! " You cannot have the individual right to commit crimes " COMPLETELY CONDONE the Illegal Aliens BREAKING THE LAW!!!! Make up your mind. |
You make accusations without any proof to back up your statements here. I am not actually sure, you heard the interview and maybe need to readdress the statements themselves to define a better understanding for yourself. I can not see any objectivity here on your part of actually reading the statements. It sounds like some kind of second hand, twisted form of the truth. Meh. She hasn't read the Arizona illegal immigration law either...but that is " racist " too. Even though Mexican isn't a Race. AND the language in the law is in NO WAY racist. She see and reads what fits into her little box and nothing else is allowed inside. |
You make accusations without any proof to back up your statements here. I am not actually sure, you heard the interview and maybe need to readdress the statements themselves to define a better understanding for yourself. I can not see any objectivity here on your part of actually reading the statements. It sounds like some kind of second hand, twisted form of the truth. Meh. She hasn't read the Arizona illegal immigration law either...but that is " racist " too. Even though Mexican isn't a Race. AND the language in the law is in NO WAY racist. She see and reads what fits into her little box and nothing else is allowed inside. That's the liberal way don't ya know. |
Ronald regan said it best."Government isn't the solution to our problems.Government is the problem"
Ronald regan said it best."Government isn't the solution to our problems.Government is the problem" Conversely government's job is to regulate. And in light of all the deregulation look at what we got. We need less social handouts and more common sense but then again digressing to Thomas Payne, the least common thing in government is Common Sense! |
Rand Paul is an idiot, just like his dad. They need to be committed, not elected.
Yep he's a racist. He was backed by the teabaggers aren't they all racist's ![]() Yea they sure are, including all the african americans in it's leadership. ![]() |
Yep he's a racist. He was backed by the teabaggers aren't they all racist's ![]() Yea they sure are, including all the african americans in it's leadership. ![]() there are african americans in the tea party LEADERSHIP? any names I can research? |
Yep he's a racist. He was backed by the teabaggers aren't they all racist's ![]() Yea they sure are, including all the african americans in it's leadership. ![]() there are african americans in the tea party LEADERSHIP? any names I can research? No need to bother. Dragoness has already let us know the African American leadership in the Tea Party are all racists too. |
Yep he's a racist. He was backed by the teabaggers aren't they all racist's ![]() Yea they sure are, including all the african americans in it's leadership. ![]() there are african americans in the tea party LEADERSHIP? any names I can research? No need to bother. Dragoness has already let us know the African American leadership in the Tea Party are all racists too. Id rather decide for myself. I have only seen that Dale guy in association with the party. Id love to read something about some of the african american 'leaders' in the party. |