Topic: Looked down on. | |
EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE deserves the benifit of the doubt and a second chance...people do change grow and become better people if they desire to do so...also there are some pretty messed up situations out there...people getting in trouble for nothing, false accusations and a crappy justice system....court appointed lawyers that dont do anything etc etc.... so pesonsaly i dont judge someone by their past record i judge them on the amount of respect they show and on their current actions...if they are acting a fool it shows they dont want to change and dont care...then i write them off Dude there was and is no doubt. That was decided in a courtroom! That was decided when he planned to hold up the place. That was decided when he pulled the trigger! Does the guy who just tried to set off the bomb in Times Square deserve a second chance? After all it never did go off, so he really didn’t hurt anyone. I’m thinking you will say no so I feel it is safe to say that NOT everyone deserves a second chance. She cannot judge him by what he says while he is in prison. It might be different had she known him prior to his “mistake” (cough) but the fact is most people in prison claim to be innocent and we all know they are filled with “nice guys” who just happen to be victims of bad situations. Right? Judging this guy can start AFTER he is released and he has a chance to prove himself in society. It shouldn’t be done now, especially by a young, impressionable girl who thinks it is her calling to save this criminal. I can’t help but wonder; if she was your daughter or your niece would you be so open to this? Very Well Said!!!! |
I cannot believe I am seeing this a second time. You asked everyone for their opinions and you got them, now you are back to get more of the same? Yes people do make mistakes, yes sometimes people do deserve a second chance, but you don’t know this guy… NOT AT ALL! No matter what you choose to believe. Please do not fool yourself by trying to justify his actions based on his own excuse (The gun accident went off) besides armed robbery it NOT a mistake. It was a calculated action. How do you not see this? I am appalled that you would even have the balls to get on here and suggest that it wasn’t that bad because the girl was not “hurt that bad” WHAT! He f-ing shot her…do you think that is something she will just dismiss as easily as you have? Please! Would you be so inclined to befriend him if this unfortunate person was your sister or your mother or even you? If you feel the need to reach out to people who need a companion, a hand, an ear or someone to be on their side, go to your local children’s hospital and get to know one of the INNOCENT children in the cancer ward! Trust me, they need you much more. WOW... Very well put... yeah well, i'm sure i'll hear about this.... |
I cannot believe I am seeing this a second time. You asked everyone for their opinions and you got them, now you are back to get more of the same? Yes people do make mistakes, yes sometimes people do deserve a second chance, but you don’t know this guy… NOT AT ALL! No matter what you choose to believe. Please do not fool yourself by trying to justify his actions based on his own excuse (The gun accident went off) besides armed robbery it NOT a mistake. It was a calculated action. How do you not see this? I am appalled that you would even have the balls to get on here and suggest that it wasn’t that bad because the girl was not “hurt that bad” WHAT! He f-ing shot her…do you think that is something she will just dismiss as easily as you have? Please! Would you be so inclined to befriend him if this unfortunate person was your sister or your mother or even you? If you feel the need to reach out to people who need a companion, a hand, an ear or someone to be on their side, go to your local children’s hospital and get to know one of the INNOCENT children in the cancer ward! Trust me, they need you much more. WOW... Very well put... yeah well, i'm sure i'll hear about this.... I don't see why you would.. You spoke your mind and eloquently... |
I have heard that most find Jesus once in prison... Why is that I wonder??? screaming his name after dropping the soap? |
I have heard that most find Jesus once in prison... Why is that I wonder??? screaming his name after dropping the soap? |
I have heard that most find Jesus once in prison... Why is that I wonder??? screaming his name after dropping the soap? and thats why i keep my azz out of trouble |
I have heard that most find Jesus once in prison... Why is that I wonder??? screaming his name after dropping the soap? and thats why i keep my azz out of trouble |
I have heard that most find Jesus once in prison... Why is that I wonder??? screaming his name after dropping the soap? |
I cannot believe I am seeing this a second time. You asked everyone for their opinions and you got them, now you are back to get more of the same? Yes people do make mistakes, yes sometimes people do deserve a second chance, but you don’t know this guy… NOT AT ALL! No matter what you choose to believe. Please do not fool yourself by trying to justify his actions based on his own excuse (The gun accident went off) besides armed robbery it NOT a mistake. It was a calculated action. How do you not see this? I am appalled that you would even have the balls to get on here and suggest that it wasn’t that bad because the girl was not “hurt that bad” WHAT! He f-ing shot her…do you think that is something she will just dismiss as easily as you have? Please! Would you be so inclined to befriend him if this unfortunate person was your sister or your mother or even you? If you feel the need to reach out to people who need a companion, a hand, an ear or someone to be on their side, go to your local children’s hospital and get to know one of the INNOCENT children in the cancer ward! Trust me, they need you much more. WOW... Very well put... yeah well, i'm sure i'll hear about this.... |
Edited by
Wed 05/12/10 07:53 PM
I have been writing a prisoner for bout a month now. Some look down at me because I have chose to write to him. I don't understand what the prob is. There is NOTHING wrong with reaching out to someone. I went to go visit with him last weekend and plan on going again. I hate how some people are so closed minded when it comes to this. |
I cannot believe I am seeing this a second time. You asked everyone for their opinions and you got them, now you are back to get more of the same? Yes people do make mistakes, yes sometimes people do deserve a second chance, but you don’t know this guy… NOT AT ALL! No matter what you choose to believe. Please do not fool yourself by trying to justify his actions based on his own excuse (The gun accident went off) besides armed robbery it NOT a mistake. It was a calculated action. How do you not see this? I am appalled that you would even have the balls to get on here and suggest that it wasn’t that bad because the girl was not “hurt that bad” WHAT! He f-ing shot her…do you think that is something she will just dismiss as easily as you have? Please! Would you be so inclined to befriend him if this unfortunate person was your sister or your mother or even you? If you feel the need to reach out to people who need a companion, a hand, an ear or someone to be on their side, go to your local children’s hospital and get to know one of the INNOCENT children in the cancer ward! Trust me, they need you much more. WOW... Very well put... yeah well, i'm sure i'll hear about this.... well the mail is 1 to 1 so far... |
the amount of humanity that is lost in this thread is appalling....
it is sad to see so many people judge and execute another human for past behavior when they have served their sentence.... i refuse to turn my back on anyone because of something in their past... PEOPLE DO CHANGE.. yes there are CONS out there that never will change but there is also plenty that do....we are the only creatures in the animal kingdom that keeps punishing another over and over again for misdeeds, no other animal on earth does that..... it is sickining to me to see this type of poison thinking...all it does is create negative thoughts and tears a piece of your humanity from you... ....... like i said before i give EVERYONE a chance, and i pay attention to peoples behavior, if they are Any of these---->(negative, spitefull, lying, greedy,selfish,angry, unthoughtful,manipulating etc etc) then i make my judgment...not of them but for myself/sanity...i write them off and move on.. |
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Thu 05/13/10 07:03 AM
Humanity? Are you serious? How is it lost…the thing you are forgetting here is the fact that YOU don’t have to judge him, that was done for you, in a court of law. He was found guilty.
If it is humanity you are looking for here, I’ll tell you where it went, it went screaming through the air at about two hundred miles an hour and didn’t stop until it slammed into a….yes I am going to say it…a HUMAN! Where did the victim find it that night when all she did was show up for work and had that gun put in her face? Can you imagine how frightened she was? Can you even relate to that kind of fear? Where do you suppose she looked for the HUMANITY while she was on the floor agonizing in her own blood? Please point me to where this “convicted criminal” displayed any sense of compassion or as you put it, humanity. I also find it curious how anyone can trivialize this action by calling it a misdeed… This guy tried to KILL the one person who could have put him at the scene, unless you buy the whole “his finger slipped and hit the trigger” story. Now, the last time I fired a gun, I do believe I had to actually PULL the trigger? I never said people do not change, (though statistics do show our prisons usually turn out more hardened criminals) what I am suggesting is, second chances have to be earned. When he does finish his sentence and he reenters society and can live within the rules set by that society, then and only then can you overlook his past. This notion of not judging one by their previous behavior is nonsense. That is exactly how you do judge people, by their histories, as well as their current behavioral patterns. I know it sounds noble to pretend that you give or would give EVERYONE a second chance, but honesty can you really say that with a straight face? How about Manson would you give him a second chance? The Unabomber, Sammy the bull Gravano, Gotti, Milosevic, O. J., Bin Laden? …any of these people? Your assessment that we are the only creatures in the animal kingdom to punish for ones “misdeeds” is grossly misguided as well. I worked with Tigers and Lions for the better part of fifteen years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that both of these magnificent creatures do the same. Not so much with Tigers in the wild, because they lead solitary lives however, I wouldn’t suggest trespassing onto another tiger’s territory to hunt. In captivity they do punish and very severely I might add. Lions do live in prides and when one of them goes against the rules of the pride they too are punished,they dish out brutal beatdowns,in some cases they can and do get banish from their prides and are never allowed to return. |
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Thu 05/13/10 06:38 AM
As a veteran of 2 tours in Viet Nam, 2 tours in Iraq, 1 in Afganistan, as well as other places around the world......I believe that ther are some people that we as a collective country forgive.......A great boxer named Ali refused to go to Viet Nam, of which was the law of the land.....I as a vet, have forgivin him, because he served his sentence and went on the become a great man of conviction.......I am not talking about violent, perverts, etc, but there are "other" crimes~~~tax evasion~~theft~~drunk driving/third offence felony(no one killed or hurt)~~ that people have done that they had to serve time for that was the law of the land....They did so and are now doing the right thing....You may be surprised that the man or woman you are next to at the store, concert, church, or anywhere in your everyday existance may have been in prison.....
NOT talking about the OP's prisoner, but if I were to I'd say, serve your time and prove yourself, and get on with it...We do not have to do your sentence nor live with do. |
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Thu 05/13/10 07:00 AM
I can see both views in a way! I served my time in Nam and one of my good friends went to Canada!!! H ended up turnng himsellf in, made NO excuses and did his time. He did NOT shoot anyone or harm anyone except for the shame he brought on his dad (in his Dads eyes, not ours!!) If U mess up, accept the punishment, DONT make trivial excuses about why!!! I am of the Lakota religion, which is much different than most of yours, Today IS a good day to die IF your heart is pure and U are protecting your family and mother earth, BUT if it is not to hurt or kill out of your OWN gain or stupidity, that is when the Great Father will be the ultimate judge!!!! If U find it in your heart to forgive these people, more power to ya, maybe some good may come out of it, Good luck!!
I know it sounds noble to pretend that you give or would give EVERYONE a second chance, but honesty can you really say that with a straight face? How about Manson would you give him a second chance? The Unabomber, Sammy the bull Gravano, Gotti, Milosevic, O. J., Bin Laden? …any of these people?
I'd pardon Sammy the bull and Gotti They cleaned up the aspiring riff raffs... Just look at the Rizzutto in Montreal.... ever since they got nabbed we've had nothing but trouble in the streets... roaming armed gangs who hate each other... great! That being said, I never said people shouldn't get a second chance. Quite the contrary... His second chance comes AFTER he's done his re-hab(time) WTF is this system of allowing dating sites for convicted fellons STILL SERVING TIME?????? My justice would be to give the exact same caliber weapon with as many bullets fired in the crime to the victim. I wonder how many convicts would survive. Vote for me and nobody gets hurt |
Humanity? Are you serious? How is it lost…the thing you are forgetting here is the fact that YOU don’t have to judge him, that was done for you, in a court of law. He was found guilty. If it is humanity you are looking for here, I’ll tell you where it went, it went screaming through the air at about two hundred miles an hour and didn’t stop until it slammed into a….yes I am going to say it…a HUMAN! Where did the victim find it that night when all she did was show up for work and had that gun put in her face? Can you imagine how frightened she was? Can you even relate to that kind of fear?[quot] <-----yes i can forgiveness and judging is up to the person he shot and their families...NOT didnt involve me... i know of 2 ex violent prisoners in this town alone that have taken on the respobsibilty of helping others out as a means of further paying back society.... they do great things for many people and they are good members of our community.......judge all you want...i will not toss anyone a better person for it... |
Forgiveness, yes. Red you are very young, and altho some of the words here were very hard...and they come from peoples real life experiences, try to take all the messages behind them and find whats in your heart. You really don't know this person, you say that you don't have any feelings for him, yet you got very upset defending him (or your stance) about the whole ordeal. That says to me that you do have intense feelings of some sort for him..what ever they may be. Just be very careful. Felons have a very difficult time in life after prison, and thier ordeal is public record. They have a real hard time getting hired, esp with a violent crime hx, mistake or not. The gun was involved and someone was hurt. My point is that after some time of not finding work, he may return to his original idea of easier ways to get money. JMHO.
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Thu 05/13/10 09:21 AM
Forgiveness, yes. Red you are very young, and altho some of the words here were very hard...and they come from peoples real life experiences, try to take all the messages behind them and find whats in your heart. You really don't know this person, you say that you don't have any feelings for him, yet you got very upset defending him (or your stance) about the whole ordeal. That says to me that you do have intense feelings of some sort for him..what ever they may be. Just be very careful. Felons have a very difficult time in life after prison, and thier ordeal is public record. They have a real hard time getting hired, esp with a violent crime hx, mistake or not. The gun was involved and someone was hurt. My point is that after some time of not finding work, he may return to his original idea of easier ways to get money. JMHO. |
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Thu 05/13/10 10:13 PM
forgiveness and judging is up to the person he shot and their families...NOT didnt involve me... i know of 2 ex violent prisoners in this town alone that have taken on the respobsibilty of helping others out as a means of further paying back society.... they do great things for many people and they are good members of our community.......judge all you want...i will not toss anyone a better person for it... Once again, you have failed to address the issue here and only use this thread to promote your own virtues. The ironic tone of “judge all you want...i will not toss anyone a better person for it...” especially coming from someone who claims NOT to judge is funny to me. We all judge, it’s how we decide whether or not we allow people into our lives. It is how we make friends and/or choose partners and it is how we pick the people who surround us. Case in point: one night a woman shows up on this site and makes a thread, first time here and nobody knows her. In this thread she talks about how her husband cheated on her; a certain man…ok you…in his first post to the thread makes this statement, “you have got to f¥ckin be kiddin me!!!!!!!!!! he cheated on you!!!!! what a damn idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-! “ See? We all do it. You made a judgment about her, her husband and their marriage, all based on the picture she posted at the time. You didn’t know her; she could have been a horrible wife. You don’t know her husband; he could have been a Saint of a person and simply made a mistake, yet you condemned him. And simply because you were attracted to her…The thing about virtues is this, you either have them or you don’t. You cannot just find places to insert them when it serves you best. Less the mirror have two faces. People can and do turn their lives around, this has not been disputed by anyone here. That said, don’t you think the world has enough evil in it without having to search for it? When we invite trouble, trouble usually shows up. When we make poor decisions poor results tend to follow. Wouldn’t you rather see this girl pursue a more functional, healthy relationship? Do you remember her first post on this? She said she would NOT go visit him or send him anything other than letters. In the month since, she has changed her status from being single to “involved” she has gone to see him and plans on doing it again. She is developing an emotional attachment to him and now all bets are off. He is in control. I truly hope this doesn’t turn out bad, I do, but I can’t believe anyone would condone and encourage a child of a person not too far removed from high school to engage in this sort of behavior. |