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Topic: Older men are better because......
no photo
Sat 12/17/11 07:03 PM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!
oh, we're only like that when some b1tch gives us a hard time :wink:

teadipper's photo
Sat 12/17/11 10:23 PM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!

Ouch, that has gotta hurt the older guys. surprised

Not this one. Older men also can see when someone is speaking from bad experiences, and sometimes inexperience, and that their comments really have nothing to do with them and so don't take them personally.

I agree with Davey. Also older guys are more live and let live because they have been around the block and know it takes all kinds. They have their own personal morals that they abide by but like here in CA, they are not going to go off about a trannie sitting next to them on ferry to Catalina or whatever. They have matured into their own secure manhood and are not threatened.

Thank you and yes I feel much like that. Frankly rather than being uptight about that particular situation I'd be more inclined to see it as opportunity to learn.
At 55 my sense of curiosity has not slowed at all, in that respect I am as I always have been. Which really goes to the point I tried to make earlier, that as a group some traits may be more common to one than another, but it's really about the individual. My only reason for limiting my preferences is for common ground and likelihood of compatibility, but I would never write anyone off based simply on their age... well ok, yeah I do have an emotional issue when someone is younger than my oldest, just kind of freaks me. But it has nothing to do with "common traits"


You are just playing my "You could be my fetus if....." game which is that if someone was born after you became sexually active, they could be your baby and therefore you don't date them. It's based off of Jeff Foxworthy's "You could be a redneck if...."

DaveyB's photo
Sun 12/18/11 10:24 AM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!

Ouch, that has gotta hurt the older guys. surprised

Not this one. Older men also can see when someone is speaking from bad experiences, and sometimes inexperience, and that their comments really have nothing to do with them and so don't take them personally.

That is good to hear Dave. Unfortunately; experience is what we all speak from and its hard for us not to generalize at times; especially when we are hurting.

Absolutely which is what my point was. When I know it's just someone's past speaking, and I wasn't in their past, I recognize it's not about me. I find it's sad that for some people their past limits their future. Because of the number of times my past has surprised me pleasantly, I like to think my past expands my future.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 12/18/11 10:33 AM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!

Ouch, that has gotta hurt the older guys. surprised

Not this one. Older men also can see when someone is speaking from bad experiences, and sometimes inexperience, and that their comments really have nothing to do with them and so don't take them personally.

I agree with Davey. Also older guys are more live and let live because they have been around the block and know it takes all kinds. They have their own personal morals that they abide by but like here in CA, they are not going to go off about a trannie sitting next to them on ferry to Catalina or whatever. They have matured into their own secure manhood and are not threatened.

Thank you and yes I feel much like that. Frankly rather than being uptight about that particular situation I'd be more inclined to see it as opportunity to learn.
At 55 my sense of curiosity has not slowed at all, in that respect I am as I always have been. Which really goes to the point I tried to make earlier, that as a group some traits may be more common to one than another, but it's really about the individual. My only reason for limiting my preferences is for common ground and likelihood of compatibility, but I would never write anyone off based simply on their age... well ok, yeah I do have an emotional issue when someone is younger than my oldest, just kind of freaks me. But it has nothing to do with "common traits"


You are just playing my "You could be my fetus if....." game which is that if someone was born after you became sexually active, they could be your baby and therefore you don't date them. It's based off of Jeff Foxworthy's "You could be a redneck if...."

I am acutely aware of that. It's my one thing where my past is limiting my future. the one time I dated a girl that much younger than me I could not get past it. In my defense I am not making generalized judgements about women that young, I'm dealing with something within my own psyche. That said if everything else were perfect I might try again, but I'm definitely not looking for it.

no photo
Sun 12/18/11 10:41 AM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!

While I don't feel this is true for all older men, I do find that older men are more cranky and bitter than men my age or younger.

teadipper's photo
Sun 12/18/11 12:18 PM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!

While I don't feel this is true for all older men, I do find that older men are more cranky and bitter than men my age or younger.

i don't find that true. It's all about maturity level and experience in the real world.

navygirl's photo
Sun 12/18/11 07:00 PM

Older men are boring, crabby and bitter. No thanks!

While I don't feel this is true for all older men, I do find that older men are more cranky and bitter than men my age or younger.

i don't find that true. It's all about maturity level and experience in the real world.

I think its what Dave and I just said; its about one's experiences with an older man. I think a lot has to do with divorce. I think it would make both men and women pretty bitter but when a man goes through a divorce he loses not only emotionally but also financially. I know when I dated divorced guys; that they were pissed about their exes financial settlement. I also think after years of manipulation by members of the opposite sex (both men and women guilty of this) would tend to make one bitter or cranky as well. However; this is just my observations from dating and of course what divorced men/women tell me.

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 12/19/11 10:39 AM
They fart,

WITHOUT you having to pull their finger first????

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 12/19/11 12:25 PM

They fart,

WITHOUT you having to pull their finger first????

Cuz we know you want us to do it.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 12/20/11 11:22 AM

They fart,

WITHOUT you having to pull their finger first????

Cuz we know you want us to do it.
Your a fart smeller,

oops I mean a smart feller!laugh laugh

oldhippie1952's photo
Tue 12/20/11 11:49 AM

They fart,

WITHOUT you having to pull their finger first????

Cuz we know you want us to do it.
Your a fart smeller,

oops I mean a smart feller!laugh laugh

Did I ever tell you about my idea to attach string balloons to our ar$es? Then you can tell easily who's full of gas...

teadipper's photo
Wed 12/21/11 04:10 AM
Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 12/21/11 05:53 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......

teadipper's photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:01 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......


no photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:03 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......
hey...some of us have metal hips :wink:

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:06 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......


Duct tape and popsicle sticks?

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:07 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......
hey...some of us have metal hips :wink:

*Wonders how that works out in a metal detector store....*

teadipper's photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:08 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......


Duct tape and popsicle sticks?

Trust me, like the Kremlin, I have my ways!!!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:12 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......
hey...some of us have metal hips :wink:

*Wonders how that works out in a metal detector store....*
it gets kinda noisy whoa

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 12/21/11 07:15 AM

Okay let's just get down the nitty gritty. THEY ARE BETTER IN BED!!

What if they break a hip? Or are out of little blue pills.......


Duct tape and popsicle sticks?

Trust me, like the Kremlin, I have my ways!!!!!!!!!!!!

scared scared scared

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