Topic: It Passed | |
Let's see here..... How much ya wanna bet that at least HALF of those Dems that voted for this bill wind up getting booted out of office come November?? I wish I was in all 50 states. ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS WOULD BE IMPEACHED. Simple action to relieve the 'we know better than you' mentality. If I was one of my ancestor hangings would have occured in Washington this last weekend. Pure and simple. |
It passed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Greatest good for the greatest number... RIGHT. So now we have 'fixed' it so that 6% of the population of the United States can 'have' health insurance. In your glee and happy bannans you have let something go unnoticed. Congress has taken MY liberty. (I don't want or need health care). Please... Enjoy your liberty. It should take them at least another 4 years before they get around to taking your Liberty. |
Edited by
Mon 03/22/10 08:56 AM
It passed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Greatest good for the greatest number... RIGHT. So now we have 'fixed' it so that 6% of the population of the United States can 'have' health insurance. In your glee and happy bannans you have let something go unnoticed. Congress has taken MY liberty. (I don't want or need health care). Please... Enjoy your liberty. It should take them at least another 4 years before they get around to taking your Liberty. my liberty hasnt changed and wont. As an insured citizen, I already pay to cover those like you who think they dont need health care and find themselves hurt or ill without insurance,,,,,this just will mandate that , before you find yourself needing healthcare,,,you contribute to the costs I am already held responsible for... and possibly lowers my premiums in the process,, a win win for me |
Here's what happened on Wall Street this morning.... The Morgan Stanley Healthcare Payor Index gained 2.3 percent. WellCare Health Plans Inc rose 3.3 percent to $31.73. Folks, you have been conned by Obama, again. And for you 30 million people that now must buy your wallet....did you actually think you were going to get it totally free? when people are buying a product,, its possible its stock can go up,,,, and I dont remember any campaign promise for FREE healthcare, so hopefully those previously uninsured were aware they would have to buy insurance..the hope is that AFFORDABLE insurance will be offered due to the increased number of policy holders... Remember those 5 insurers that made 12.2 billion in profit that Obama has attacked as the biggest problem for the rise in health insurance premiums....they are dancing in the street because they now KNOW that they will be able to snap up all the small insurers that will no longer be able to compete. Watch for merger after merger.....coming soon. And when your premiums GO DOWN and you have the SAME coverage let me know. |
It passed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Greatest good for the greatest number... RIGHT. So now we have 'fixed' it so that 6% of the population of the United States can 'have' health insurance. In your glee and happy bannans you have let something go unnoticed. Congress has taken MY liberty. (I don't want or need health care). Please... Enjoy your liberty. It should take them at least another 4 years before they get around to taking your Liberty. my liberty hasnt changed and wont. As an insured citizen, I already pay to cover those like you who think they dont need health care and find themselves hurt or ill without insurance,,,,,this just will mandate that , before you find yourself needing healthcare,,,you contribute to the costs I am already held responsible for... and possibly lowers my premiums in the process,, a win win for me There is no " possibly lowers " premiums in the bill. One of the things that got left out was any kind of controls about the cost. Health insurance is going to cost just as much, and even keep going up, just like it did before the bill was passed. Actually, considering that insurance companies can no longer deny people with pre existing conditions ( which means they are going to be taking HUGE risks ), and keep in mind that I don't think that is a bad idea, the costs to take those risks are going to go up. That means higher premiums for those with the conditions, and also for those of us who are healthy, but are now forced to buy it anyway. The bill washes one hand ( the pre existing conditions ) while leaving the other hand dirty and hidden behind the backs of the insurance companies ( no price controls or limits ). |
I beg to differ,, again,,
By our reckoning, then, three quarters of the 134 million people in large-group plans -- 101 million -- will see their premiums fall slightly. Next, in the small group market, let's assume that half the beneficiaries will see a decline in premiums (those who see their premiums fall by 1 percent or 2 percent.) That translates to about 13 million people. So, right off the bat -- without factoring in subsidies -- the CBO expects 114 million people to see their premiums go down at least a little bit. That's about 60 percent of beneficiaries. Once subsidies are accounted for, the percentages rise. In the small-group market, 12 percent of beneficiaries would qualify for subsidies, the CBO projects. Proportionally, these subsidies would reduce premiums for an additional 1.5 million people. In the individual market, 57 percent would qualify for subsidies, according to CBO. That's about 18 million people who'd see their premiums drop. So, adding it up, nearly 134 million people should see their premiums go down when subsidies are factored in. That's about 70 percent of all privately insured Americans. so, privately insured,, I could POSSIBLY see my premiums go down |
Thankfully I found a wonderful job with excellent insurance. (See some poor single moms don't sit around with their thumb up their rears waiting on handouts) ![]() Isn't it funny how we will pay trillions to kill innocent people in military actions against countries that do nothing to us and we can't spend any money to help our own get health care. ![]() Seriously? You get Pwned in the conversation so you automatically post this exact same comment that I have seen you post in over 10 different threads when you have no other talking points to use or when you've been Pwned, but I will play along this time. Trillions to kill innocent people? Oh your talking about the Hundreds of thousands that Saddam or his sons had brutially murdered because they opposed him or because of their religion. No? Oh your talking about the millions that were raped, tortured, beaten, sodomized etc. By Saddam or members of his regime for reasons posted above. No? Oh you must be talking about the thousands of mass graves filled with the bodies Iraqui Citizens who had been there for years, decades. No? You must be talking about the millions that were Raped, Tortured, Killed and beaten by the Taliban regime in Afganistan. No? Hmmm. How about the millions of women abused by Taliban Officials, like the daily public beatings of women by Taliban Police Members? Some pictures are even posted on Taliban page of Wikipedia(Disturbing). No? Hmmmmm How about the millions who have been injured world wide by Terrorism strikes by members of AQ who was harbored by and protected by the Taliban? I can keep going if you want. We should have stayed the hell out of Iraq in the first place... I agree, iraq was a boon for Dick Cheyney and his cronies at haliburton, much in the same way this is a boon for the insurance companies who no doubt got into Obamas ear and promised him a lot of money in campaign contributions for pushing this. Actually it wasn't at all. |
God Help Us All...After this I refuse to call Barry Sorento Hussain Obama President He has stuck a Knife in the Heart of America As Deep As any Radical Muslim......I now call Obama`s Presidency Jihad Against the American People OK 'random X', Are you serious about what you are writing here: you no longer respect the democracy of this land??? Are you seriously accusing the President of the USA to be running a 'Jihad like' threat against the people of the USA??? Is that really what you think??? Are you then going to follow through with actions consistent with this line of thought??? Let us all know, because if that is the case, YOU represent an official threat to the USA and its head of state, and all Americans, witnesses to this fact, have a duty to report you as a potential threat. So what is it 'randomX', are you serious??? Or are you just talking 'Rambo tihs'!!! No I think he is saying he respects the Office but not the man. |
Here's what happened on Wall Street this morning.... The Morgan Stanley Healthcare Payor Index gained 2.3 percent. WellCare Health Plans Inc rose 3.3 percent to $31.73. Folks, you have been conned by Obama, again. And for you 30 million people that now must buy your wallet....did you actually think you were going to get it totally free? And he didn't even lube us up before he gave it to us ![]() |
Let's see here..... How much ya wanna bet that at least HALF of those Dems that voted for this bill wind up getting booted out of office come November?? I wish I was in all 50 states. ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS WOULD BE IMPEACHED. Simple action to relieve the 'we know better than you' mentality. If I was one of my ancestor hangings would have occured in Washington this last weekend. Pure and simple. The thing that sucks is that in a Federally elected position the voters cant do a recall on a candidate. Only members of the House and Senate can impeach a member or President unfortunately. We actually tried here in Nevada in 2006 to get rid of Harry Reid. |
It passed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Greatest good for the greatest number... RIGHT. So now we have 'fixed' it so that 6% of the population of the United States can 'have' health insurance. In your glee and happy bannans you have let something go unnoticed. Congress has taken MY liberty. (I don't want or need health care). Please... Enjoy your liberty. It should take them at least another 4 years before they get around to taking your Liberty. my liberty hasnt changed and wont. As an insured citizen, I already pay to cover those like you who think they dont need health care and find themselves hurt or ill without insurance,,,,,this just will mandate that , before you find yourself needing healthcare,,,you contribute to the costs I am already held responsible for... and possibly lowers my premiums in the process,, a win win for me Actually yes it has. Your plan will go down the tiolet for a more national manditated plan........ |
I have Strong Opinions YES. And I stand by the fact I think they way Obama runs this country and passes laws the way he passes them makes him no better than any other Slimy Domestic Terrorist... But I would NOT even think about doing anything stupid? Hell no... Your the one who ASSUMED that crap I would never EVER make a threat AGAINST ANYONE much less the "supposed" POTUS. Clear? Good. I am not assuming anything. « God Help Us All... After this I refuse to call Barry Sorento Hussain Obama President (you are insinuating that you do not recognize the duly elected President of the USA! I asked a clarifying question. Do you recognize President Obama as the duly elected President of the USA, YES or NO???) He has stuck a Knife in the Heart of America As Deep As any Radical Muslim...... I now call Obama`s Presidency Jihad Against the American People (these two statements insinuate that you hold the President of the USA, whom you refuse to call President, guilty of leading a Jihad against the American people!!! Again, simple questions, ARE YOU SERIOUS about that statement? Or are you just trying to impress the gallery with big words???) Won't call the President of the USA, the President of the USA! Insinuating that the President of the USA has committed some sort of act of terrorism worthy of '... any Radical Muslim...' and further insinuating that the Presidency of the USA is '... a Jihad against the American people...' brings one to question whether the person posting such crap has all his marbles, or is just trying to impress the 'girls'!!! The 'are you crazy?' question you asked me, applies perfectly to your comments!!! If you didn't mean it, as you mow seem to imply, and which was the purpose of my questions, we'll just leave it at the fact that you were trying to impress the 'girls', and that there was no meat behind your empty words!!! Is that CLEAR??? GOOD!!! |
Edited by
Mon 03/22/10 04:59 PM
Whew....The GOP's last obstructive effort all it needs is a signature. "House passes health care reform, the most sweeping social legislation in more than four decades" Until the Supreme Court gets it's hands on it Yeah I guess corporate America owns them as well eh? EXXON for president? They voted a while back to allow corporations to fund politicians...but you even know who or what you are supporting by supporting the RW radicals? It's socialistic styled corporate greed via control of our government...wake up dude, someone's been pizzing down your leg. ~~~ "Become an internationalist and learn to respect all life. Make war on machines. And in particular the sterile machines of corporate death and the robots that guard them." Abbie Hoffman ~~~~ PS: This one's for you X-man..."paranoia may destroy ya". ![]() |
I have Strong Opinions YES. And I stand by the fact I think they way Obama runs this country and passes laws the way he passes them makes him no better than any other Slimy Domestic Terrorist... But I would NOT even think about doing anything stupid? Hell no... Your the one who ASSUMED that crap I would never EVER make a threat AGAINST ANYONE much less the "supposed" POTUS. Clear? Good. I am not assuming anything. « God Help Us All... After this I refuse to call Barry Sorento Hussain Obama President (you are insinuating that you do not recognize the duly elected President of the USA! I asked a clarifying question. Do you recognize President Obama as the duly elected President of the USA, YES or NO???) He has stuck a Knife in the Heart of America As Deep As any Radical Muslim...... I now call Obama`s Presidency Jihad Against the American People (these two statements insinuate that you hold the President of the USA, whom you refuse to call President, guilty of leading a Jihad against the American people!!! Again, simple questions, ARE YOU SERIOUS about that statement? Or are you just trying to impress the gallery with big words???) Won't call the President of the USA, the President of the USA! Insinuating that the President of the USA has committed some sort of act of terrorism worthy of '... any Radical Muslim...' and further insinuating that the Presidency of the USA is '... a Jihad against the American people...' brings one to question whether the person posting such crap has all his marbles, or is just trying to impress the 'girls'!!! The 'are you crazy?' question you asked me, applies perfectly to your comments!!! If you didn't mean it, as you mow seem to imply, and which was the purpose of my questions, we'll just leave it at the fact that you were trying to impress the 'girls', and that there was no meat behind your empty words!!! Is that CLEAR??? GOOD!!! Whatever man....Listen to AM Radio all over the Dial people are angry about this.All I see in your post is "seem to Imply" That`t is what is on YOUR mind not MINE as I said in my mail to you. Putting WORDS in my mouth. Anywho...Im not Crazy Im upset and I think that this could be the beginning of the end for the American way of life. It will never be the same and frankly as it would ANY freedom loving American it scares me. |
Edited by
Mon 03/22/10 07:41 PM
Fear lost and reform won.
![]() <-------See happy person in front of the flag. |
I've finally found the 'sack of hammers' everyone keeps talking about ...
Fear lost and reform won. ![]() <-------See happy person in front of the flag. I would like to see that happy picture when the Supreme Court axes this law for being unconstitutional, which is going to happen. 12 States have the paperwork ready to file as soon as Obama signs it, ![]() |
Fear lost and reform won. ![]() <-------See happy person in front of the flag. I would like to see that happy picture when the Supreme Court axes this law for being unconstitutional, which is going to happen. 12 States have the paperwork ready to file as soon as Obama signs it, ![]() That means that they would have to make Social Security and Medicare unconstitutional also. This is the same kind of talk that happened when they started Social Security and Medicare. |
Fear lost and reform won. ![]() <-------See happy person in front of the flag. I would like to see that happy picture when the Supreme Court axes this law for being unconstitutional, which is going to happen. 12 States have the paperwork ready to file as soon as Obama signs it, ![]() Oh you mean like you did with the "birther" argument? Not going to happen, but think whatever you want if it helps you sleep at night. |
Fear lost and reform won. ![]() <-------See happy person in front of the flag. I would like to see that happy picture when the Supreme Court axes this law for being unconstitutional, which is going to happen. 12 States have the paperwork ready to file as soon as Obama signs it, ![]() Oh you mean like you did with the "birther" argument? Not going to happen, but think whatever you want if it helps you sleep at night. The birther issue didn't have 38 states filing seperate charges in court. |