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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 104
IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:02 PM
I think I got mine there too.... I don't remember oh no wait maybe that was target.. It was.. No Wal-marts close...

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:07 PM
Ohhh...I see.

Yeah I saw it in theaters back in the day. I'm oldschool like that.

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:20 PM
I never even heard about it.Friend of mine rented it one night and we watched it and next dayI went and bought it from BB used.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:21 PM
Sorry had to make a folder of pics for my grams on FB...

I think Myka went to see it when it hit the theaters for one day a week or so ago...

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:36 PM

Sorry had to make a folder of pics for my grams on FB...

I think Myka went to see it when it hit the theaters for one day a week or so ago...

I'm talking about the original BDS. The 1st one. I saw that in theaters.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:49 PM
I know.. They also brought it back for 1 day two weeks or so ago...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:54 PM
I need to watch both one right after thr other.....and drink beer while doing so.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 04:55 PM
Moe, check out my new album on FB it's my paternal grams and gramps.. Also one of my step dad and me and then my real dad, brother and me...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 05:00 PM

Ill ck it out then Im off for a byt to eat.cooking now.

im still on, just not "on".


brb after a byt.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 05:09 PM
I have such a friggin headache....

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 05:18 PM
<------------Just so you know...

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 05:19 PM
Edited by IndnPrncs on Sun 03/21/10 05:20 PM
What the heck does it mean? is what I meant..

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 05:23 PM
Watch this...


Then read this...


IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 05:29 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh that's funny!!!

msmyka's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:01 PM

I do too.. I also bought BDS 2 but couldn't find 1...

Cant wait to see that...I'm afraid though. I really dont hink it will have the magic the 1st one did.

I'm not sure if it was meant to be but the movie is FUNNY... like ha ha funny and wtf funny.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:02 PM
it is, the lines are far funnier than the first one....

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:05 PM
Edited by myssfytz on Sun 03/21/10 06:06 PM

I have a question for you guys.

Ding Dong..............

Who ordered the whip azz fajitas ??!!

rofl rofl rofl rofl

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:07 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:07 PM
My favourite lines.

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:20 PM

I do too.. I also bought BDS 2 but couldn't find 1...

Cant wait to see that...I'm afraid though. I really dont hink it will have the magic the 1st one did.

I'm not sure if it was meant to be but the movie is FUNNY... like ha ha funny and wtf funny.

Aight cool...cant wait.

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