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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 104
TxsSun's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:18 PM
Oh, that would be SO awesome!

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:20 PM
I'm really excited to see this.. I have only 1 idea for a tattoo I want and I'm not 100% about it but 99%... If I get 2 more yikes where the heck am I putting them... laugh

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:21 PM
Well, true.They should KNOW but just an "in your face" visual cant hurt now can it ??? hahahaha

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:22 PM

I'm really excited to see this.. I have only 1 idea for a tattoo I want and I'm not 100% about it but 99%... If I get 2 more yikes where the heck am I putting them... laugh

Ummm...so where ya gonnna put it ???

oops rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I dont follow directions well.Sorrytongue2 :angel:

TxsSun's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:24 PM
laugh laugh

I won't say a word :angel:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:25 PM
I don't know the "where" b/c I want them hidden from work...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:26 PM
Im too far away for her to come after !!!!

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

winking :angel: waving

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:26 PM

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:27 PM

I don't know the "where" b/c I want them hidden from work...

Ya got the pic again ? Think you posted it once, but not sure..

Might we take a gander ???

TxsSun's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:27 PM
This is true Moe...

Joy, I won't send it if you don't wanna be tempted. laugh

chevylover1965's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:27 PM

laugh drinker

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:28 PM
laugh laugh laugh I knew twinkies would get his attention...

Hmmm I have a pic of where I got the idea from which you guys will think is stupid I'm sure but loved how it looked...

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:34 PM
Sort of like this but with some changes...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:36 PM
Soemthing stupid from the Princess ???noway noway noway noway

Never heard of such a thing.Im just friggin flabbergasted at the thought.surprised shocked surprised shocked surprised


chevylover1965's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:36 PM
if it makes you happy...
why worry what other's will think ???

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:36 PM
I think the daggers should cross through the heart.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:37 PM
I'm sure you are b/c it's such a rarity... Remember I do fly A LOT lately... laugh laugh laugh

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:37 PM
I kinda like it.Id make it a little smaller but I like the idea.

What other changes ?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:38 PM

I think the daggers should cross through the heart.

I agree and like I told you some blood droplets around the bottom and side sorta...

(((Kev))) I agree it's the "where" I got it from that they'll bust my chops about.. :wink:

TxsSun's photo
Sun 03/21/10 02:41 PM
I like it...With them crossing and the droplets. That would be awesome!

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