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Topic: Common misconceptions about non Christians.
no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:16 PM
>> I have some strong reasons for my world view.

I understand, and I respect that.

We all know that such absolute declarations, seeming to be 'statements
of truth', in a public forum will invite argument from those that don't
hold the same view. I have no desire to argue against this aspect of
your view, but only to have it acknowledged as such.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:35 PM
My view.

Your view.

What is truth to you?

My truth is my view else I am a lie.

I am not a lie therefore my view is my truth.

I welcome your truth, respect your truth, and uphold your right to your

How could I do less for God is in you.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 09:54 PM
your truth is important because you made this thread which generalizes
non christians when in reality you've made it a point to declare that
all non ch ristians need salvation from God, however, since you are the
creator of the thread you've made it a point to say that all non
christians feel and need saving from this one god.. and who are you to
dictate if there was 1 or many energies theres good and bad positive
and negative theirs neutral theirs protons neuctrons electrons, there's
gravity, there are all kinds of forces and energies in this 1 world
alone as i said you are taking the world view that you have associated
with which is christianity from your language and trying to apply it to
some point that you feel is your own and you're basically taking it and
implying it towards non christains first of all if someone is atheist
how could the point of god will save all even matter to an atheist? if
s/he doesn't believe in one then s/he doesn't believe in salvation and
thus if you say you do believe in god and salvation you therefore are
not talking about all forms of non christians but only one's that are
like you which ultimately makes the point of the thread invalid.

and to someone else no God has no gender male nor female but to say
god implies the masculine form try praising the goddess and see what
reaction you get from people to imply the christian god is a goddess is
to either be laughed at or have someone come down on you to say god has
no gender!!!

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:20 PM

Twist my words what?

No one needs salvation. Purty simple AND THAT IS ALL I STATED.
Salvation is an invention of man.

If you truly think I have come across as a Christian just go back a bit
and read some threads. I have dictated nothing I have merely spoken my

As far as energies ya so they exist...However when mankind finds the
unifing force that binds all electrons, atoms, quarks and other things
we have discovered and you mentioned then and only then can anyone say
that those energies are not set in motion by a higher power (or perhaps
such a discovery will bring more questions?). We know so little about
the actual workings of the Universe. The best symbol of balance I have
yet seen is the Yin/Yang and that symbol in order to be what it is is
contained within a boundry. With out that boundry (god) balance would
fly apart. Dont believe me... Look at the Yin/Yang symbol... Is there
not a boundry encompassing the entire symbol? The Yin/Yan is not a
duality it is a trinity. In order to have balance one must exist within

Obviously it matters not to me if people laugh at me or 'come down on
me' as it has happened quite often in my life.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 10:57 PM
actually the yin yang represents to opposing forces like man is one half
woman is the other, dark is one side light is the other, wet is one dry
is one, cold/ cool hot is the other and it shows you have to be equal
in those forces so therefore i would think that would show that it is
both a man and female energy not just 1.

and no your post didn't say no one needed salvation it says that god
will give salvation to all. which shows your background.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/15/07 11:24 PM
You have no idea what my background is.

And the Yin/Yang is exactally as I stated. It has a bit of each half
contained within the other. It has to halfs contained within a border.

Without the border there is no place to contain the balance.

I have yet to see a Yin/Yang symbol without that border.

Nor can any man made symbol exist with out existing within creation.
Therefore such a man made symbol does not represent God as God is the
force behind creation. (in all religions there is a creation myth of
some kind or other).

Even considering the concept of Yin/Yang as an idea means you must bring
it to your mind. To make a balance one must have a place to balance
within. A greater reality allways exists. Once we see and grasp that
greater reality we find that their is another greater reality beyond it.

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 11:26 PM
adventure... i dunno what you took but i don't want to go there lol

the end to this conversation.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 06/15/07 11:34 PM
There are of course people that do not wish to grasp that greater

Next time you see the Yin/Yang take a close look at it... Betcha it has
a border.

As far as what I took...

Life. It is such a wonderous journey, full of things to learn and ways
to grow.

transientmind's photo
Fri 06/15/07 11:57 PM
Ok, ok, I'm just butting in to say I haven't seen any mention of
Muslims, they believe in God (in a very devout way) but not Christ.

IMHO the one common tie in true religion is respect for others and a
life source, whatever name you put on Him or Her.

For example, I respect you AB, I may not believe the exact same things
but big deal, that's the spice of life... I bet I drive a different car

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 06/16/07 01:22 AM
Muslims believe in the Advent of Jesus they just don't believe in him
the way Christians do.

The book Muslims quote is, as is the bible, full of truths. Yet those
truths, also, have been woven over by man made lies.

Muhammad died in 633 AD. Abu Bakr was appointed as his successor upon
Abu Bakr's death Umar of Arabia was appointed to lead Islam. Umar of
Arabia was assignated in 644 and a Council choose as his successor
Uthman. In 656 AD Uthman begin appointing members of his family as
governers. This resulted in revolts and fighting within Islam which
lead to the split of Shiite and Sunnis.

transientmind's photo
Sat 06/16/07 01:45 AM
They believe he's a prophet, I think the Jehovah's Witnesses believe the
same way... I may be wrong.

Seems to be a common thread in organized religion, doesn't it? Darkness
attacks our greed and pride so we'll lose sight of the love we're
supposed to be founded on.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 06/16/07 06:11 AM
From the sound of most of the posts within the religious thread, I would
gather that the most common misconception about non-Christians comes
from one source, the Christians. That misconception will likely be
found outside Christianity depending on the proximity of ones life
experiences to a large Christian community.

So what would that misconception be?
That Christianity is the largest belief system in the world.

Proof of this shows in many of the posts throughout the religious
section. One can see quoted, by many different posters, the same
references to this when they mention how many hotels have a Bible in
each room, or quote some number related to the volumes of Bibles printed
over the centuries, and the ever popular, "how can so many people be
wrong?". Even in the recent thread where the question of what is the
difference between a believer and a non-believer. It was automatically
assumed by the majority, that the creator of the topic was asking the
difference between Christians and Non. Yet, the word believer was not
ever defined by the maker of the thread.

When I hear such quotes, or when a single word such as 'believer'
prompts instant discussion about Christianity, I can pretty much
determine that these are folks whose limited view of the world, comes
from living within certain regions, and that in those regions there is a
vast number of Christians or they are themselves Christian.

The truth is more likely that even Christians can not always accurately
describe who is or is not Christian. The last post I read here said
""They believe he's a prophet, I think the Jehovah's Witnesses believe
same way... I may be wrong."" This is a perfect example, for when I was
growing up, there was no doubt that the JW were NOT Christian. But the
religion became so masked in trying to conform for the sake of expanding
into the Christian community, I can only imagine for reasons of
converting, that many of the actual members did not even know they were
not Christians. At some point there must have been a division within
the organization, as today, you can find JW's who claim to be both
Christian and Non.

So in conclusion, the most common misconceptions of any labeled group,
simply come from lack of knowledge and experience beyond one's own

Isn't this a great place to extent our knowledge. Some wonderful posts
here, really enjoyed reading you all.

Oh - and Sorority - if you were above or below me in a post, I would do
... well whatever - in the kindest way.

flowerforyou :wink:

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