Topic: Common misconceptions about non Christians.
ajhagena's photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:41 PM
The second you say, "Native Americans worship..." you're automatically
wrong. There's no one Native American culture. Period.

"Egyptian God Ra was the One God. He had a son by Isis that became the
God Horus through a miracle birth. (sound familiar)"
The only time the Egyptians believed in one God was when Akhenaten
created the cult of Aten. That didn't last.

The closest time other than that was just before and just after that
period when Amun was the cheif diety.

Ra himself was never worshipped as the only 'God'.

Also, try to find the one god in Nordic mythology.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:42 PM
not to mention the sun the moon, the 4 directions, the wind, are usually
all forms of Gods/goddesses in native american cultures. they are not
just a spirit in a tree.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:45 PM
adventure you ever heard of Lee Irwin? because i can promise you that
man is one of the greatest known native american scholars at the moment,
and i can damn well say he's talked to more than you have and did a
whole lot more research than you have, native americans do not just have
1 God and for the counting theres over 500 different groups of native
americans and those notes are directly from him, you are a want to be
christian you make a topic that clearly demonstrates your christian
beliefs by quoting the 10 commandments in them, you proceed to talk
about god and not goddesses at all upon which you continue to use words
like faith , salvation, one God, you do not speak for every non
christian tradition and if you think you do i suggest you start seeing a
psychiatrist bc you need some heavy meds

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:45 PM
Mayan gods--- Aye and the first one is the God of all.

Hunab Ku
The supreme diety - the creator god.

From him all other gods spring.

He created all the other 'gods' as well as the earth and the peoples of
the earth. Once again we have a one god in the begining and many more
follow. Mankind strikes again.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:48 PM
Creation Story

☼ Written in Quiche publishes in Spanish in 1861 is called the POPUL
VUH ( council book_ written around the 1550’s
☼ Originally transmitted in oral about the creation – problem is that
Spanish came in Brazil around 1520’s the Spanish ravaged the city and
people were enslaved so fearing that they would become lost they wrote
it down into Quiche. Then it was hid away and re found and translated
again and produced in 1861.
☼ Creation looks like a continual coil of circles has lots of
agricultural symbolism and they believe like when you die you grow again
, then you die, you grow again it’s a continual flow of rebirth
☼ Maya is a layered language the Mayans also translate the “ council
book “ to “ dawn of life” because its about sewing seeds
☼ Oher tzih- category of language within the Mayan culture “ old words”
given to generations author makes no claims to writing it
☼ Its focus is to say we grow in relationships to stories we know

GUCUMATZ and HURACAN want to create a group of people so they put their
powers together and the first creation they end up with animals, they
second time they use clay but the people are stiff and break easily so
these 2 GUCUMATZ AND HURCAN go to XPIYACOC AND XMUCANE and they conspire
with gucumatz and hurcan to make wood people, these people end up
fighting and burning each other turn into monkeys.

Then XPIYACOC AND XMUCANE have a pair of twins which is said to be very
sacred to have twins where the first usually ends up leading the 2nd
astray from morals. Xumacane has the babies 1 hunapu ( connection with
corn god ( maize) ) and 7 hunapu ---- the twins grow up and 1 hunapu
gets married and him and his wife has two suns Hun Batz and Hun Chouen (
talent for creating rituals) ( so when ask who created the first
rituals it is Hun BATZ and HUN CHOUEN)

One day the father and the brother and the 2 boys are playing the ball
game, and during this time they make a lot of noise disturbing 1 death
and 7 death in the underworld (xibalba). 1 and 7 death do not like it
and create a plan so they invite the 4 of them down to play a ball game
(note that it is said when you play this ball game you arouse death, and
it was often played to prove yourself, the losing team would die, or
their captain who was not playing could offer his life up for the others
life).. Anyways 1 Hunapu and 7 Hunapu end up losing

1 death and 7 death kill 1 hunapu and 7 hunapu 1 and 7 death take the
head of 1 hunapu and hang it on a tree at the entrance of xibalba as a
warning to others, they then send Hun BAtz and Hun CHoen back up to
warn everyone else. During this time seeing what has happened to their
father HUN BATZ and HUN CHOEN create rituals to get people away from
playing the ball game

Then a blood woman XQUIC hears about the deaths of 1 and 7 Hunapu and
hears about the tree, she decides to go an investigate the tree to see
if the head is really there. She finds the tree and the skull talks to
her and tells her to come closer and stick her hand out to him when she
does 1 Hunapu’s skull spits into her palm and XQUIC becomes pregnant
with twins Hunapu and Xbalanque , then an owl comes ( liminal being,
goes between worlds) to give XQUIC protection . 1 Hunapus skull tells
her to take the sap from the tree in the figure of the human heart and
offer it to 1 and 7 death and they will let her escape. ( Motif: you
don’t have to have human sacrifice) which she does and she escapes.

Then one day HUN BATZ & HUN CHOEN end up playing ball with HUNAPU &
XBALANQUE ( Note: Hun BATZ and HUN CHOEN eventually become monkeys and
that is why the symbol for scholars is the monkey , because they invite
writing) then 1 death and 7 death hear the noise again and they once
again invite the 4 down to play well HUN BATZ AND HUN CHOEN lose again *
this shows a pattern feature* well, 1 death and 7 death remember that
the last time they hung the head of 1 hunapu on the tree he impregnated
XQUIC so this time they wanted to burn the bodies and grind the bones
into a powder and dump them into the river.

But luckily for HUNAPU & XBALANQUE their grandmother XMUCANE had
taught them magic , and they use the magic power to recreate themselves,
they disguise themselves and then they tell how they can bring someone
back from death so one twin kills the other and then brings him back a
live 1 and 7 death see this and are amazed so they ask the twin in
disguise to do it to them, so this occurs but the twins don’t bring 1
and 7 death back a live, thus death is defeated.

☼ This shows that you can’t stop the process ciruculation death is not
a final end it is jus ta transistion , then HUNAPU AND XBALANQUE says no
more human sacrifices to sky and they become the sun and the moon … the
4th creation XMUCANE creates humans from corn meal and as she brushes
her hands off she creates hums ( this is again the analogy of grinding
of bones to create)
☼ The task of people is to make offerings, live respectable and be
thankful for life.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:49 PM
Egyptian Gods;

Ra - he was the One god of Egyptian Monotheism, of which all other gods
and goddesses were aspects, manifestations, phases, or forms of the
god.[1]Ra itself, however, was also a monotheistic God. Mankind was
supposed to have been created from his tears.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:49 PM
that is your mayan creation story.. thank you ..

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:50 PM
sorry if its typos those are my notes that i typed up and they def.
haven't been spell checked.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:52 PM
No ma'm that is what the Center For Mayan Studies in South America says.

As far as the wind being gods. The great spirit causes the wind to blow
by his will. It is not a seperate god by the manifistation of an aspect
of the great spirit.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:53 PM
why don't you look up the popul vuh... stop trying to google stuff and
maybe if you took a class or actually kne what you were talking about
you could have a debate about this.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 10:54 PM
no it isn't every direction has its own prayers its own incantations
there is not 1 god in any native american tradition i suggest you
actually take a class or learn about it from a real person instead of
trying to google words.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:02 PM
Norse mythology.

There was an abyss. From that abyss through various happenings a man
was born from the stones and a breath. That man Bure made Odin and two
other gods/goddesses.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:05 PM
I dont use google. To many adds.

there is one thing that all north american indians have in common. The
great spirit. The breath of the land.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:06 PM
look up the popul vuh.. it is the great mayan creation story

. the end.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:09 PM
The mayan civilizaton was already 1000's of years old when the Popol Vuh
was written. It was not written till somewhere around the 1500's and
their civilization had already been contaminited by the spainish.

Bring on something of revelance. That is like telling me that the
Council of Nicea did not take place.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:18 PM
I worked in post secondary for 14 years ... I have seen a lot of people
and a lot of letters behind people's name - it does not necessarily make
them smart...

attack and rudeness are always interesting tactics in "intellectual"

Hooray for the free thinkers!!!

Hello AB - so sorry just needed to rant for a moment ... am taking
myself to time-out now.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:20 PM
Hey Artgurl...

should I go to time out also?

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:23 PM
Only if you have you taken a class for that.


AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:28 PM
O' darn. I reckon it must be the naughty chair for me then.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/13/07 11:30 PM
The doughnuts are pretty good - I recommend the Canadian maple out for the gobstoppers though.
