Topic: Do You Think Men Actually Read Profiles..... | |
I think that there are both men and women who read the whole profile just as there are both men and women who choose only to go by the profile pics. I know that in my case there have been both situations. I know after a few e-mails and before we meet if they have read the whole profile to the end. But I have been very fortunate on mingle. I have met some great people and there are some people that I communicate on a regular basis with via private e-mail even though we know that there will never be a relationship, just enjoyable conversation from one coast to the other since I don't fly and they have no reason to come to New England on a regular basis. And you can tell by the length of this post that yes, my profile is a long one (ha). Although I used a few tips a long time ago from a fellow mingler that was greatly appreciated and I very seldom have edited my profile. If I knew how to add the little smiley winking right now, I would, and he would know who he is. THANKS!!!!
Most of the profiles I have read, cookie cutter like - copy/paste thing from one to the other, or downright a Resume for an employer, or insane amount of smileys and various font-art shaping to be either a heart or butterfly or you name it ... or an utterly boring and long poem that makes me fall asleep. This is a big part of the problem. When 97.2% of everybody describes themselves as "laid back and easy going," or claims "I'm the most unique person you'll ever meet," and then writes the exact same stuff that was in the last 83,593 profiles you read, what can you use to make any sort of distinction? I mean, the publishers of "Dating Site Profiles for Dummies" are obviously making a fortune, but if a person's profile is so vapid and cliche-ridden that it tells you more about people in general than it does about the profilee, it isn't going to be particularly useful as a dating tool. |
My favorite are the people who post several pictures ...ALL are GROUP pictures so of course you have no idea who the person actually is
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i just serch fore newd pikters beekuz i kant reed
My favorite are the people who post several pictures ...ALL are GROUP pictures so of course you have no idea who the person actually is ![]() I run into this practically every day -- three girls in every pic, they never tell you which one the profile belongs to. And one of them is always gorgeous, and the other two look like my Uncle Phil wearing a duck mask. The odds are just not that great. |
Apparently they do read them, so far I've gotten two emails complaining about mine. Glad to know we do have some literate, albeit opinionated, men amongst us. ![]() I got called a B!tch for not wanting a guy with kids. And for being pro-choice. I mean really, if you don't agree, move on. It's not that hard, a twitch of the mouse... And since it's never made much of a dfference with or without the profile info, I've currently got, "No smokers/dippers or hunters". The kid thing might be up there too, and then tossed a Nickelback song in. I may go Breaking Benjamin tonight. ![]() I once had a guy demand to know why I didn't want kids. I thought it was funny, especially since if I did want them, he'd be the very last man on earth I would have chosen to father them. ![]() Nickelback rocks!!! ![]() |
My favorite are the people who post several pictures ...ALL are GROUP pictures so of course you have no idea who the person actually is ![]() I run into this practically every day -- three girls in every pic, they never tell you which one the profile belongs to. And one of them is always gorgeous, and the other two look like my Uncle Phil wearing a duck mask. LOL.... Yep... I just stay away from women like that. I mean if they don't have enough common sense to figure that one out for themselves BEFORE they post the pics, then somethings not right upstairs and they're not worth pursuing... |
I once had a guy demand to know why I didn't want kids. Oh, I get that one all the time. "You don't know what you're missing." I've never had bubonic plague, either, but I don't think I need to get it in order to find out it's not exactly a fun time. |
I once had a guy demand to know why I didn't want kids. Oh, I get that one all the time. "You don't know what you're missing." I've never had bubonic plague, either, but I don't think I need to get it in order to find out it's not exactly a fun time. Omg, that's soooo going to be my response the next time a guy tells me that. ![]() Yeah, they're like "kids are great" "mine are my world" "you haven't lived til you've had a child" and "there's nothing wrong with kids." Um, probably so, and I hear doing a few hits of acid will totally rock my world, but I don't plan on doing that either.... ![]() |
Apparently they do read them, so far I've gotten two emails complaining about mine. Glad to know we do have some literate, albeit opinionated, men amongst us. ![]() I got called a B!tch for not wanting a guy with kids. And for being pro-choice. I mean really, if you don't agree, move on. It's not that hard, a twitch of the mouse... And since it's never made much of a dfference with or without the profile info, I've currently got, "No smokers/dippers or hunters". The kid thing might be up there too, and then tossed a Nickelback song in. I may go Breaking Benjamin tonight. ![]() I once had a guy demand to know why I didn't want kids. I thought it was funny, especially since if I did want them, he'd be the very last man on earth I would have chosen to father them. ![]() Nickelback rocks!!! ![]() Nice taste in music ladies. ![]() And I hear ya on the obvious idiocy that comes out of some of these guys. I can put up a glaring NO YANKEE FANS sign and they still email saying they're perfect for me! Ummm no, you're not pal. ![]() |
I would, but I can't read....
![]() The drivel on most profiles. |
I once had a guy demand to know why I didn't want kids. Oh, I get that one all the time. "You don't know what you're missing." I've never had bubonic plague, either, but I don't think I need to get it in order to find out it's not exactly a fun time. ![]() ![]() ![]() I think I just peed myself. Too friggen' funny Lex! |
Yeah, they're like "kids are great" "mine are my world" This brings up another good point... when you read a profile from people who have kids and they say something like "my kids are my world, they are the most important thing to me and always will be, yadda yadda yadda..." and so you're thinking to yourself... so if you were to date someone they would always come second? Why even bother dating? Just date your kids... or join a band and find a second fiddle that way ![]() |
Yeah, they're like "kids are great" "mine are my world" This brings up another good point... when you read a profile from people who have kids and they say something like "my kids are my world, they are the most important thing to me and always will be, yadda yadda yadda..." and so you're thinking to yourself... so if you were to date someone they would always come second? Why even bother dating? Just date your kids... or join a band and find a second fiddle that way ![]() Yep, that's one of a million reasons why I'm not interested in daddies, I'm rather selfish and don't want to come second to "their world" or "their everything" or whatever the cliche for the day happens to be in regards to them. |
Yeah, they're like "kids are great" "mine are my world" This brings up another good point... when you read a profile from people who have kids and they say something like "my kids are my world, they are the most important thing to me and always will be, yadda yadda yadda..." and so you're thinking to yourself... so if you were to date someone they would always come second? Why even bother dating? Just date your kids... or join a band and find a second fiddle that way ![]() I had a girlfriend (?) once 2 years ago. After a month or 2, I figured out I was No 2. So who was No1? Her 2 dogs. I year ago I ran into her on the street, she is still single. I asked how she was doing and she said, she is very worried because one of her dogs is getting a surgery done. Then I told her, I was actually asking "How are you?, NOT how your dog is." She took an offense in it and never talked to me again. True story. |
Yeah, they're like "kids are great" "mine are my world" This brings up another good point... when you read a profile from people who have kids and they say something like "my kids are my world, they are the most important thing to me and always will be, yadda yadda yadda..." and so you're thinking to yourself... so if you were to date someone they would always come second? Why even bother dating? Just date your kids... or join a band and find a second fiddle that way ![]() My favorite is when they get downright hostile about it: "I'm a single mother of three kids AND THEY ARE MY WORLD* and if you don't like it, you should be pushed into an active volcano and then get torn apart by a dozen insane grizzly bears on acid and then set on fire and then crushed by a radioactive meteor." * House Bill 3721-45a makes it mandatory for single mothers to include the phrase "AND THEY ARE MY WORLD" after every mention of their children in any dating site profile. |
Yeah, they're like "kids are great" "mine are my world" This brings up another good point... when you read a profile from people who have kids and they say something like "my kids are my world, they are the most important thing to me and always will be, yadda yadda yadda..." and so you're thinking to yourself... so if you were to date someone they would always come second? Why even bother dating? Just date your kids... or join a band and find a second fiddle that way ![]() My favorite is when they get downright hostile about it: "I'm a single mother of three kids AND THEY ARE MY WORLD* and if you don't like it, you should be pushed into an active volcano and then get torn apart by a dozen insane grizzly bears on acid and then set on fire and then crushed by a radioactive meteor." * House Bill 3721-45a makes it mandatory for single mothers to include the phrase "AND THEY ARE MY WORLD" after every mention of their children in any dating site profile. I love those, they make good reading. I do wonder though, how many men actually email those women, offering love and security, not worried about being set on fire or the other acts of torture if it doesn't work out.....Now that is true dedication (insanity). |
so your kids are number 1? well i would have thought that was a given.
but to SHOUT IT IN LEX` FACE well that seems like you are trying to remind YOURSELF. and if you need to remind yourself that your kids come first, then im now wandering what else you need to be reminded about like wipeing your own arse or breathing i never got a reply when i sent that to someone ![]() |
I just love how this anti-male thread was quickly derailed and turned against women.
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So who was No1? Her 2 dogs. LOL... that's just plain sad... makes you wonder how her last testament and will would have read... and to my 2 dogs I bequeath everything I own, and to my husband, I leave him enough money to buy them dogfood.... |