Topic: The difference between FOX and real news.
Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 01/16/10 12:38 PM

Sure but I was using that as an example of how the RW "moral majority" take their talking points...basically their lockstep instructions from RW outlets, they only seem to know what they are told to know...seems like they'd at least try to see through the fog and center on the realities instead of the truthiness.

problem is, I see that coming from the righties AND the lefties. the "liberals" and the "progressives" don't seem to have any opinion that isn't spoonfed to them by (or in specific cases

and either side says "it's okay for us, but THEY are out of line"

and I don't personally see any difference between the two Never been to their site...and the reason RW'ers don't see a difference is they are afraid to look...or just can't accept being wrong and having to accept they were/are being duped.

"RW'ers don't see a difference"

who said anything about them? I said *I* don't see a difference. and I am certainly no right winger OR a left winger

I think you're ALL duped by your preferential sources

"useful idiots" to quote Ho Chi Min

InvictusV's photo
Sat 01/16/10 12:42 PM
What a surprise.. Another Fox News post..

Roger Ailes is a freaking genius and you can't do anything about them stomping the left wing troglodytes day in and day out..

MSNBC is a joke. You must be one of the three people that watch Maddows show.

LMMFAO.... Day in.. Day out.. you and your cohorts are getting stomped...

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 01/16/10 01:13 PM

Sure but I was using that as an example of how the RW "moral majority" take their talking points...basically their lockstep instructions from RW outlets, they only seem to know what they are told to know...seems like they'd at least try to see through the fog and center on the realities instead of the truthiness.

problem is, I see that coming from the righties AND the lefties. the "liberals" and the "progressives" don't seem to have any opinion that isn't spoonfed to them by (or in specific cases

and either side says "it's okay for us, but THEY are out of line"

and I don't personally see any difference between the two Never been to their site...and the reason RW'ers don't see a difference is they are afraid to look...or just can't accept being wrong and having to accept they were/are being duped.

"RW'ers don't see a difference"

who said anything about them? I said *I* don't see a difference. and I am certainly no right winger OR a left winger

I think you're ALL duped by your preferential sources

"useful idiots" to quote Ho Chi Min

OK, anyone who cannot see a difference is not looking...good 'nuff?

I think I've given ample proof of the FOCKS agenda...can do it all day, don't see any defense against this obvious truth...

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 01:50 PM

Sure but I was using that as an example of how the RW "moral majority" take their talking points...basically their lockstep instructions from RW outlets, they only seem to know what they are told to know...seems like they'd at least try to see through the fog and center on the realities instead of the truthiness.

problem is, I see that coming from the righties AND the lefties. the "liberals" and the "progressives" don't seem to have any opinion that isn't spoonfed to them by (or in specific cases

and either side says "it's okay for us, but THEY are out of line"

and I don't personally see any difference between the two Never been to their site...and the reason RW'ers don't see a difference is they are afraid to look...or just can't accept being wrong and having to accept they were/are being duped.

And that, right there, is exactly what Quiet is referring to.

The problem is that there are hundreds upon thousands of people just like you.

You say that TV Guide marks Olbermann as " news "....well..guess what...his show isn't news any more than any of the folks on FOX. Olbermann's show is OPINION. Just like the shows on FOX.

But...since Olbermann says what you think is right, then he becomes a " reliable source " even though his program is just as slanted as any other opinion show on ANY of the networks.

Isn't it funny how so many will, rather than look at both sides and form their own opinions, will allow a " personality " to tell them what to think?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 01:52 PM
OK, anyone who cannot see a difference is not looking...good 'nuff?

I think I've given ample proof of the FOCKS agenda...can do it all day, don't see any defense against this obvious truth...

Yep. You've " proven " that FOX is slanted.

But, of course, you completely and utterly ignore the fact that EVERY " news " network is slanted.

Why do you ignore that??

Because you agree with their slant.

Pretty simple logic actually.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 01/16/10 02:14 PM

OK, anyone who cannot see a difference is not looking...good 'nuff?

I think I've given ample proof of the FOCKS agenda...can do it all day, don't see any defense against this obvious truth...

Yep. You've " proven " that FOX is slanted.

But, of course, you completely and utterly ignore the fact that EVERY " news " network is slanted.

Why do you ignore that??

Because you agree with their slant.

Pretty simple logic actually.

OK, one more time trying to get through...The "all media is slanted" is not an excuse nor a defense of a political party's creation of a faked news network to promote their political agenda, the use and abuse of thier outlet as legitimate had greatly harmed our country.

They lie and decieve and of their responsibility to report the news in an unbiased way they completely FAIL...not that they'd try anyway.

It's all a ruse man. Again watch the doc Outfoxed...phucking obvious.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 04:08 PM

OK, anyone who cannot see a difference is not looking...good 'nuff?

I think I've given ample proof of the FOCKS agenda...can do it all day, don't see any defense against this obvious truth...

Yep. You've " proven " that FOX is slanted.

But, of course, you completely and utterly ignore the fact that EVERY " news " network is slanted.

Why do you ignore that??

Because you agree with their slant.

Pretty simple logic actually.

OK, one more time trying to get through...The "all media is slanted" is not an excuse nor a defense of a political party's creation of a faked news network to promote their political agenda, the use and abuse of thier outlet as legitimate had greatly harmed our country.

They lie and decieve and of their responsibility to report the news in an unbiased way they completely FAIL...not that they'd try anyway.

It's all a ruse man. Again watch the doc Outfoxed...phucking obvious.

There is no need to " get through " to me. I don't use ANY source as the ONLY source for my information.

FOX news has done no more " damage " to our country than MSNBC or any other network.

If more people would choose to educate themselves rather than rely on a corporate owned media channel the country would be a far better place because neither the far right nor the far left would have EVER gotten a foothold in government.

There is deception present on ALL of the news channels. Whether you want to admit it or not.

I will say that FOX fails miserably at standing up to their " Fair and Balanced " tagline.

But have you not noticed that none of the other Media outlets even bother trying to tell us they are balanced??

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 01/16/10 04:15 PM
which reminds me by the way

recent Supreme Court case ruled that television news outlets are not bound by law to tell the truth

don't remember the case. it might even have been FOX

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/16/10 04:23 PM

News Hounds watch Fox news so you don't have

If you want the skinny on most of the ridiculous crap on Fox news (cable news channel not local stations by the way) just read here.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/16/10 04:25 PM
Sadly folks WANT to believe the crap on Faux news that is why they suck it up. But it is still crap they suck.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 01/16/10 04:57 PM
FYI-the Tea Party movement was hijacked by the GOP neocons and propagandists. It was originated by supporters of Ron Paul. Fox is a propaganda machine, but so are all the others! laugh Turn off the damn TV and read for a change!

so because MSNBC says so about their rival, then it must be true????

I take all media with a grain of salt.

BTW...the youtube thing is because some here don't consider it reliable because the person that posted the video could edit or leave things out.

MSNBC does not consider FOCKS a rival (in TV journalistic integrity) and just points out they are not real news...I saw the original broadcast of this Maddow video and it's not edited on youtube.

I am not like FOCKS when I research and support an opinion...of course as Outfoxed displays, FOCKS is a propaganga machine of the GOP and now the T-Baggers party...uh, that they helped create based on hopeful political gain and corporate greed.

"Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know"

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 04:58 PM
It's no more crap than the Left wing garbage spouted by most other " news " outlets.

The fact that people can't be bothered to rely on something OTHER than cable news or blog sites is pretty pathetic.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:01 PM

It's no more crap than the Left wing garbage spouted by most other " news " outlets.

The fact that people can't be bothered to rely on something OTHER than cable news or blog sites is pretty pathetic.

I don't watch any of them but Faux is worse than the others when I did watch them.

So sadly alot of Americans are being led down the yellow brick road believing the swill.

I can't watch Fox because I laugh too hard and I hurt myself. It is terrible how they try to mislead.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:03 PM

FYI-the Tea Party movement was hijacked by the GOP neocons and propagandists. It was originated by supporters of Ron Paul. Fox is a propaganda machine, but so are all the others! laugh Turn off the damn TV and read for a change!

It wouldn't help.

They'd go from relying on the tv to tell them how to think, to blogs.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:05 PM

It's no more crap than the Left wing garbage spouted by most other " news " outlets.

The fact that people can't be bothered to rely on something OTHER than cable news or blog sites is pretty pathetic.

I don't watch any of them but Faux is worse than the others when I did watch them.

So sadly alot of Americans are being led down the yellow brick road believing the swill.

I can't watch Fox because I laugh too hard and I hurt myself. It is terrible how they try to mislead.

And yet....watching the others, who put a nice rosy shine on everything the Dems do, is SO much better???

Seriously...the country is just as screwed up, if not more so, since the Dems took over the reins.

Nothing they have done to this point has worked. Jobs are still being lost. Credit is still not being given to small businesses.

On and on we go.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:10 PM

It's no more crap than the Left wing garbage spouted by most other " news " outlets.

The fact that people can't be bothered to rely on something OTHER than cable news or blog sites is pretty pathetic.

I don't watch any of them but Faux is worse than the others when I did watch them.

So sadly alot of Americans are being led down the yellow brick road believing the swill.

I can't watch Fox because I laugh too hard and I hurt myself. It is terrible how they try to mislead.

And yet....watching the others, who put a nice rosy shine on everything the Dems do, is SO much better???

Seriously...the country is just as screwed up, if not more so, since the Dems took over the reins.

Nothing they have done to this point has worked. Jobs are still being lost. Credit is still not being given to small businesses.

On and on we go.

Considering what the repubs did we are lucky it isn't worse for us now.

You can't blame the dems for any of it. If we don't fall into depression then some of what they did worked.

That is what Obama was trying to prevent.

People can ***** and lay false blame all they want but Bush and his cronies did all of this to us.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:40 PM
People can ***** and lay false blame all they want but Bush and his cronies did all of this to us.


Do you not remember that it was the Democrats that INSISTED that banks start making loans to lower income/lower credit rating families??

Had the banks not been forced into making loans that they KNEW people couldn't pay for do you think they would have still done all the things they did to try to make sure they actually got their money from those loans??

The Democrats are just as much to blame for our current situation as the Republicans.

It's just more convenient to blame Bush. That way, they can completely ignore their own ideological shortcomings.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:44 PM

People can ***** and lay false blame all they want but Bush and his cronies did all of this to us.


Do you not remember that it was the Democrats that INSISTED that banks start making loans to lower income/lower credit rating families??

Had the banks not been forced into making loans that they KNEW people couldn't pay for do you think they would have still done all the things they did to try to make sure they actually got their money from those loans??

The Democrats are just as much to blame for our current situation as the Republicans.

It's just more convenient to blame Bush. That way, they can completely ignore their own ideological shortcomings.

The banks didn't do that under Obama.

And when Clinton was in office he had a republican congress so who can you blame if not the repubs?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:51 PM

People can ***** and lay false blame all they want but Bush and his cronies did all of this to us.


Do you not remember that it was the Democrats that INSISTED that banks start making loans to lower income/lower credit rating families??

Had the banks not been forced into making loans that they KNEW people couldn't pay for do you think they would have still done all the things they did to try to make sure they actually got their money from those loans??

The Democrats are just as much to blame for our current situation as the Republicans.

It's just more convenient to blame Bush. That way, they can completely ignore their own ideological shortcomings.

The banks didn't do that under Obama.

And when Clinton was in office he had a republican congress so who can you blame if not the repubs?

As far as I know...Obama has done absolutely nothing to repeal the laws put in place demanding that low income/low credit rating families get loans. He just wants to tax the hell out of the banks for doing what they were FORCED to do.

As far as the Republicans in Congress when Clinton was in office...they didn't block too many of the things he wanted to do, except for his Health Care bill. The country was in relatively good shape at the time so the Republicans didn't argue too much with things he wanted to do.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/16/10 05:55 PM

People can ***** and lay false blame all they want but Bush and his cronies did all of this to us.


Do you not remember that it was the Democrats that INSISTED that banks start making loans to lower income/lower credit rating families??

Had the banks not been forced into making loans that they KNEW people couldn't pay for do you think they would have still done all the things they did to try to make sure they actually got their money from those loans??

The Democrats are just as much to blame for our current situation as the Republicans.

It's just more convenient to blame Bush. That way, they can completely ignore their own ideological shortcomings.

The banks didn't do that under Obama.

And when Clinton was in office he had a republican congress so who can you blame if not the repubs?

As far as I know...Obama has done absolutely nothing to repeal the laws put in place demanding that low income/low credit rating families get loans. He just wants to tax the hell out of the banks for doing what they were FORCED to do.

As far as the Republicans in Congress when Clinton was in office...they didn't block too many of the things he wanted to do, except for his Health Care bill. The country was in relatively good shape at the time so the Republicans didn't argue too much with things he wanted to do.

So who forced the banks then if it wasn't the republican congress?

So one sided here.

Obama didn't do it and the dems under him didn't either.

Obama set out to stop us from going into depression. It may have worked, it has so far.

As for the other stuff, he still has three years to work. Damn.