Topic: Disillusioned Democrats Turning on Obama. LOL! | |
After just 10 months in office, President Barack Obama is facing a rebellion on several fronts from his natural base of liberal Democrats. And while it’s too early to measure the political cost, what is striking is how rapidly disaffection is growing.
The most recent example of this fallout is the war in Afghanistan, which has alienated liberals who believed that Obama would quickly pull out from Iraq and close the terrorist detention facilities in Guantanamo. Instead, they are now looking at their once cherished candidate poised to announce that he is sending some 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. But the liberal critique of Obama is much broader. His supporters now feel betrayed on issues ranging from climate change, offshore oil drilling, gay marriage and government-run healthcare. On issue after issue, they’ve watched him backtrack from the lofty promises of the campaign trail. Even more worrisome for Obama, many are having doubts about his intelligence and decisiveness. The criticisms are not only coming from policy wonks but Hollywood, the nation’s urban elites and even grassroots groups who had gone gaga over America’s first African-American president. Some recent examples: On Tuesday, Florida's Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson blasted Obama’s handling of the economic crisis and his tepid handling of the offshore oil drilling issues. On Monday, Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., who chairs the powerful House Appropriations Committee, said that if President Obama does approve an increase in troop levels, the war should financed by a surtax on the rich. On Saturday, “Saturday Night Live” offered a scathing skit in which Obama was depicted as a dolt who is increasing the debt exponentially, backed by his bogus accounting. The skit followed another earlier in the season in which Obama was depicted as a “do-nothing” president. Maureen Dowd, The New York Time’s liberal columnist who lambasted conservatives during 8 years of the Bush administration, has turned her venom on Obama, slamming him this week for his treatment of Greg Craig, the adviser charged with pushing Obama’s now broken promise of closing Guantanamo by the end of the year. “Many donors and passionate supporters are let down by Obama’s detachment, puzzled at his failure to make them feel invested when he’s certain to come back to tap their well soon enough,” Dowd wrote. In an analysis Wednesday, Washington Post staff writer Joel Achenbach quoted liberal historians who seem to already be writing Obama off for his lack of strength and political saavy. “Some of his supporters would like to see him show more fire in the belly and recapture the energy that propelled him to victory last year,” Achenbach wrote. "I think the Obama we've seen as president is a very different Obama than we saw during the campaign. He doesn't seem to be connected, he doesn't seem to have the passion, he doesn't seem to be conveying the grand and inspiring vision," progressive historian Allan Lichtman of American University told Achenbach. "If you want to be a transformational president, you've got to take the risks." Sean Wilentz, a history professor at Princeton, told the Post that Obama has suffered from unrealistic expectations among those who put him in office. "They kind of were sold Utopia, and they bought it, and it didn't happen," he says. "People were comparing the candidate to Abraham Lincoln before he served a day of his presidency. Nobody can live up to that." What is striking is how vocal even normally staid Democrats like Florida’s Nelson have become in their criticism of Obama. Speaking for almost an hour to the Chamber of Southwest Florida at Edison State College this week, Nelson said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner "has not done a very good job in leading our banking system to recovery." The administration's response to the real estate crisis "was a tepid loan modification" that helped little, "and their response to commercial real estate has been absent altogether," Nelson said. He voted "no" on the TARP program, which he called "a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street banks that had zero accountability for executives and no meaningful reform." Other former fans of the president have focused on the administration’s handling of healthcare. Many of his supporters thought that Obama would embrace a European single-payer socialist model when the debate began. Instead, he has consistently waffled, sometimes supporting the notion, but more recently giving up on it altogether. While much attention has been focused on the war between the White House and Fox News, liberal network MSNBC has amped up its criticism of Obama. The New York Times recently noted that host Rachel Maddow has been particularly angry with Obama on the subject of healthcare. On a recent show, Maddow pretended to celebrate the passage of a health care overhaul bill in the House, calling it “potentially a huge generational win for the Democratic Party.” But then the triumphant music halted and she pulled out the daggers. The healthcare bill was nothing more than “electoral defeat,” she said, focusing on the provisions in the bill to prevent government-funded abortion. They represented “the biggest restriction ..ion rights in a generation.” Then Maddow wondered aloud about the consequences for Democrats “if they don’t get women or anybody who’s pro-choice to ever vote for them again.” She returned to the subject the next four evenings in a row, according to the Times. Maddow has also taken Obama on for his halting policies on gays serving openly in the military, gay marriage, and Guantanamo. Representatives for two gay members of the military, Dan Choi and Victor Fehrenbach, approached Maddow’s producers about coming out on her show, in March and May respectively. Introducing Fehrenbach, Maddow intoned that he was about to be fired “in the shadow of these political promises left unfulfilled.” Other MSNBC hosts have also objected to some of the president’s policy decisions. In April, Keith Olbermann, the channel’s best-known voice, urged Obama to hold members of the Bush administration accountable for what he called the “torture of prisoners.” “Prosecute, Mr. President,” he said. “Even if you get not one conviction, you will still have accomplished good for generations unborn.” And host Chris Matthews, who offered during the campaign that an Obama speech sent a thrill up his leg, and that he would do anything he could to help Obama succeed, has also found his hero wanting. Matthews questions the decision to try 9/11 terrorist Khalid Sheik Mohammed in New York, and has used former Vice President Dick Cheney’s line that Obama has been 'dithering' on Afghanistan. Matthews hasn’t compared Obama to Jimmy Carter, as some like Don Imus have, but goes all the way back to the feckless Adlai Stevenson, the Democrat famous for pontificating who lost to Dwight D. Eisenhower. “It does look like, because we have our president in the White House, we’re giving him a little bit more room. But that wasn’t intended,” said Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., co-chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, speaking to Roll Call this week on the subject Afghanistan. |
Could have sworn Iraq and Afghanistan were different places,,,,,
oh well, dont know of any president who didnt have some from their party oppose some of their ideas at some point during their term. Not big news, just par for the course.. |
If Obama wanted my support he would have tried Bush/Cheney as war criminals. So yea I am disalusioned. we continue to bankrupt the country with the Iraq war based on lies and two war criminals have refuge in our country. What a discrace our country has become.
I said that over and over before he was elected
that Obama was basically a moderate and is well aware that it was the independents and moderates that got him elected I predicted that the liberal left extremists would accuse him of betraying them when he ran his presidency as a moderate and now it's happpening |
Edited by
Thu 11/26/09 08:31 AM
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![]() ![]() that's too funny....Georgie O" Bamabush |
I said that over and over before he was elected that Obama was basically a moderate and is well aware that it was the independents and moderates that got him elected I predicted that the liberal left extremists would accuse him of betraying them when he ran his presidency as a moderate and now it's happpening a Moderarte ?...he's the most radical president EVER ! |
Edited by
Thu 11/26/09 02:57 PM
I said that over and over before he was elected that Obama was basically a moderate and is well aware that it was the independents and moderates that got him elected I predicted that the liberal left extremists would accuse him of betraying them when he ran his presidency as a moderate and now it's happpening a Moderarte ?...he's the most radical president EVER ! Moderate? Radical? ![]() I don't think he is doing a damn thing if you ask me. Beside bowing left and right front of dictators and commies. |
If Obama wanted my support he would have tried Bush/Cheney as war criminals. So yea I am disalusioned. we continue to bankrupt the country with the Iraq war based on lies and two war criminals have refuge in our country. What a discrace our country has become. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 11/26/09 04:38 PM
Double psot .
If Obama wanted my support he would have tried Bush/Cheney as war criminals. So yea I am disalusioned. we continue to bankrupt the country with the Iraq war based on lies and two war criminals have refuge in our country. What a discrace our country has become. Repubs/Dems, cut from the same cloth. You take on and give the most of us the burden of bankrupting our country. I had nothing to do with it. Fact is, I opposed and wrote reps to stop Hussein from bailing out the fat cats, throwing our money down the rat hole. I say, what a disgrace those so-called leaders, law makers and Kang Hussein supporters are. ![]() |
We were already in the red. WE had two options,,do nothing or do something. I am glad we did something. like most industries in a free market economy,,,making money involves first investing ,,or , spending money. IT is just the choice of which investments are the wisest that is at issue not spending money,,we were going to have to spend some regardless.
how's this news? a president should worry about his country's economy before going after war criminals and that's what Obama's done. You Obama haters would still hate him if he did everything that Mccain promised to do. Just call him the N word and get it over with
Please dont make that invitation,, some may take you up on it,, and that would just be very sad on this holiday,,,,
how's this news? a president should worry about his country's economy before going after war criminals and that's what Obama's done. You Obama haters would still hate him if he did everything that Mccain promised to do. Just call him the N word and get it over with You go first. ![]() ![]() Ya' really can't claim, except by the one drop rule, he's a full black. According to the class divisions, he's Mulatto. If ya'll want a black dude president, get one that is full American black. Blue-black would be the best. I love admiring a beautiful woman that is so black, when hit with the right light, exudes a blue hue. Delicious!! ![]() An American and a President should concern himself with our economy. When has Hussein done that? Show me where unemployment is under 10%. Show me where any monies given to the fat cats has helped the American. Show me where he has created jobs for Americans and Legal Immigrants by insisting DHS enforce the Law and deport the Illegal. Sheriff Joe is on Husseins Homegrown Terrorist List for sure! Now, there is one American who is truly lookin' out for the economy of his Citizens. ![]() I say, great, Hussein ain't doin' much. Let him slide, do his time and when he's done, American blacks can have their place in history , their token gesture, and claim they had an almost black president. |
how's this news? a president should worry about his country's economy before going after war criminals and that's what Obama's done. You Obama haters would still hate him if he did everything that Mccain promised to do. Just call him the N word and get it over with okay I'll do it he's a noobie there somebody had to say it |
Please dont make that invitation,, some may take you up on it,, and that would just be very sad on this holiday,,,, I refused to be a Christian for a long time, because I saw them as judgmental and small minded bigots. I'm glad that I finally saw past the bigots to the philosophy that they purported to believe in. I oppose Barack Obama for the same reasons that I opposed McCain and the same reasons that I was unhappy with George Bush. I have principles grounded in the Christian faith and in the constitution of this nation. Every one of Barack Obama's policies have gone against the principles of the founding of our union and/or the Bible and/or common sense. I think it's ironic that you think it would be sad to call the President a dirty name, but you have no problem calling the millions who oppose his policies a dirty name. Racist is a name steeped in slavery, oppression, terror and murder, that is a term that shouldn't be thrown around every time someone disagrees with a black man. |
Edited by
Fri 11/27/09 08:59 AM
I am not sure who the previous was addressed to. I agree any name calling is sad, and I have not taken part in any, but racial slurs are especially sad to me(thats just me).
I also agree that many oppose the president because of his views, but many others are racist and most likely would oppose him whatever he does. From observing the tone and style of some minglers, I have a sneaking suspicion there is some underlying racism(not u spider) and that is why I requested that my fellow mingler not open the door to excuse their posting such racist garbage in this thread. As far as a black president, the semantics kills me sometimes. Perhaps it would be more pleasing to all who want to define blackness if we just say we have the first president with a BLACK parent. ( my elders were BLACK if they had any Black relatives in their ancestry, now we are only BLACK if all our relatives were,, its crazy how inconsistent and ridiculous racial definitions are,, but thats a whole other debate). |
I am not sure who the previous was addressed to. I agree any name calling is sad, and I have not taken part in any, but racial slurs are especially sad to me(thats just me). I also agree that many oppose the president because of his views, but many others are racist and most likely would oppose him whatever he does. From observing the tone and style of some minglers, I have a sneaking suspicion there is some underlying racism(not u spider) and that is why I requested that my fellow mingler not open the door to excuse their posting such racist garbage in this thread. As far as a black president, the semantics kills me sometimes. Perhaps it would be more pleasing to all who want to define blackness if we just say we have the first president with a BLACK parent. ( my elders were BLACK if they had any Black relatives in their ancestry, now we are only BLACK if all our relatives were,, its crazy how inconsistent and ridiculous racial definitions are,, but thats a whole other debate). I felt that you were joining markumX in the canard that Republican = racist, if that's not true, then I sincerely apologize. That said, I think there is an error in your logic. When you said "I also agree that many oppose the president because of his views, but many others are racist and most likely would oppose him whatever he does. From observing the tone and style of some minglers, I have a sneaking suspicion there is some underlying racism(not u spider) and that is why I requested that my fellow mingler not open the door to excuse their posting such racist garbage in this thread.", I think that you are mistaking the makeup of Mingle2, with the real world. There is a much high population of racists in Mingle2, than exists outside of this site. Dating websites are often composed of dysfunctional people. Some have trouble socializing, some have trust issues, some have abrasive personalities and some are rabid racists. Jew-Hatred used to be rampant in the forums, but outside of this little microcosm of Mingle2, it's not so common to find Jew-haters. Feel free to call a racist a racist, but outside of these forums, you have people who are moms, dads, husbands, wives or individuals who just happen to love America and oppose socialism and fascism. They shouldn't get painted with the same brush that the dysfunctional internet junkies get painted with. |
Edited by
Fri 11/27/09 10:09 AM
I am not sure who the previous was addressed to. I agree any name calling is sad, and I have not taken part in any, but racial slurs are especially sad to me(thats just me). I also agree that many oppose the president because of his views, but many others are racist and most likely would oppose him whatever he does. From observing the tone and style of some minglers, I have a sneaking suspicion there is some underlying racism(not u spider) and that is why I requested that my fellow mingler not open the door to excuse their posting such racist garbage in this thread. As far as a black president, the semantics kills me sometimes. Perhaps it would be more pleasing to all who want to define blackness if we just say we have the first president with a BLACK parent. ( my elders were BLACK if they had any Black relatives in their ancestry, now we are only BLACK if all our relatives were,, its crazy how inconsistent and ridiculous racial definitions are,, but thats a whole other debate). I felt that you were joining markumX in the canard that Republican = racist, if that's not true, then I sincerely apologize. That said, I think there is an error in your logic. When you said "I also agree that many oppose the president because of his views, but many others are racist and most likely would oppose him whatever he does. From observing the tone and style of some minglers, I have a sneaking suspicion there is some underlying racism(not u spider) and that is why I requested that my fellow mingler not open the door to excuse their posting such racist garbage in this thread.", I think that you are mistaking the makeup of Mingle2, with the real world. There is a much high population of racists in Mingle2, than exists outside of this site. Dating websites are often composed of dysfunctional people. Some have trouble socializing, some have trust issues, some have abrasive personalities and some are rabid racists. Jew-Hatred used to be rampant in the forums, but outside of this little microcosm of Mingle2, it's not so common to find Jew-haters. Feel free to call a racist a racist, but outside of these forums, you have people who are moms, dads, husbands, wives or individuals who just happen to love America and oppose socialism and fascism. They shouldn't get painted with the same brush that the dysfunctional internet junkies get painted with. I agree that internet forums probably have a much higher percentage of disfunctions, including racism. It is just my personal belief, when it comes to this president, that many oppose him for racist reasons, I dont think you are one of them, I just dont think they should be overlooked or their existence denied and I dont think this is the place for racist rhetoric, which is why I originally responded to Markum. |