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Topic: Disillusioned Democrats Turning on Obama. LOL!
Atlantis75's photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:11 AM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 11/27/09 10:24 AM

how's this news? a president should worry about his country's economy before going after war criminals and that's what Obama's done. You Obama haters would still hate him if he did everything that Mccain promised to do. Just call him the N word and get it over with

okay I'll do it

he's a noobie


somebody had to say it

Well, no surprise here, He is just a lawyer with zero foreign relations skills and zero governing skills.

I kept saying, that I have never seen such a sorry bunch of candidates running for president in 2008 than ever before..

Hillary wasn't a good choice either, I hate seeing formal people back in power... McCain is a prehestoric fossil, and the rest were no thrill either, save maybe Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich. It's unfortunate that the independent runners were so marginalized, that most didn't even hear of them , let alone vote for them.

I guess many didn't notice any change whatsoever, beside the bickering about the health care stuff. I feel like this is G.W.Bush's 3rd term right now, Obama hasn't changed anything regarding the Bush direction.

'closing guantanamo, not closing guantanamo.
ending the war, not ending the war.
no troop surge, troop surge
no wire tapping, wire tapping
no patriot act, patriot act.

Everything is still the same.

He lacks authority or a clear way of following an ideology. If he says "i'm gonna do this and this" and do it. Don't be try to please the ones who will not bend, no matter what.

It's stupid to argue over these or try to please everyone, it will never work. Some people will be pissed , no matter what. This whole game of being stalled just makes everybody angry.

no photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:23 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Fri 11/27/09 10:24 AM

I agree that internet forums probably have a much higher percentage of disfunctions, including racism. It is just my personal belief, when it comes to this president, that many oppose him for racist reasons, I dont think you are one of them, I just dont think they should be overlooked or their existence denied and I dont think this is the place for racist rhetoric, which is why I originally responded to Markum.

Absolutely. I think most Republicans feel the same way that I do about racists. Racists should be ostracized. They should be marginalized.

But the problem I have is that many Democrats say that all Republicans think that way, they don't help to marginalize the racist. They make it seem that the racists are much more common and powerful than they are. Racists have a place in a free society, they serve as an example we can point to and tell our children "Don't end up like him", but they don't have a place in the Republican party.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:26 AM

I agree that internet forums probably have a much higher percentage of disfunctions, including racism. It is just my personal belief, when it comes to this president, that many oppose him for racist reasons, I dont think you are one of them, I just dont think they should be overlooked or their existence denied and I dont think this is the place for racist rhetoric, which is why I originally responded to Markum.

Absolutely. I think most Republicans feel the same way that I do about racists. Racists should be ostracized. They should be marginalized.

But the problem I have is that many Democrats say that all Republicans think that way, they don't help to marginalize the racist. They make it seem that the racists are much more common and powerful than they are. Racists have a place in a free society, they serve as an example we can point to and tell our children "Don't end up like him", but they don't have a place in the Republican party.

Well, being that we generally are speaking of a two party system, it seems rather hypocritical to hate racists but then turn around and use the same blatant stereotyping they use to justify their beliefs. The difficulty in choosing a party is that one is probably(unless they are a robot) not going to Agree with every single ideal or piece of legislation that party supports. I am with you, to suggest that either one of the two parties is filled with constituents who all feel the same way about everything is ridiculous.

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