Topic: Why the White House Is 100% Right to Challenge Fox News | |
Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis. Yes they have the highest ratings. More American watch Fox than any other news station. That speaks volumes and it's because of the people that Fox has the highest ratings. If this was true... Fox would not be the most watched... Get real. majority of people who sit home watching tv all the time. Rest of the world well we are probably out at a ballgame catching news from the internet out on a date or whatever but yea fox has captured the sit at home and watch tv crowd ![]() |
Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis. Yes they have the highest ratings. More American watch Fox than any other news station. That speaks volumes and it's because of the people that Fox has the highest ratings. If this was true... Fox would not be the most watched... Get real. majority of people who sit home watching tv all the time. Rest of the world well we are probably out at a ballgame catching news from the internet out on a date or whatever but yea fox has captured the sit at home and watch tv crowd ![]() yeah thats a nice piece of rationalization got any numbers to back it up? |
So far Hussein hasn't completed anything. I used to give him credit for at least being a one-trick pony but he's surprised me by turning two tricks. Saudi King and the Commie leader.
If he goes for a personal vendetta against FOX, he'll have to forget about concentrating on anything else. Like he said, he can only focus on one thing at a time. |
FOX News is a Republican misinformation medium. I am glad someone finally had the guts to point it out. Robert Murdoch has been battling anti-trust laws and law suits in Australia for years. The only reason he became a US Citizen was because no one that isn't an American is allowed to own an American TV network. His dabbling in politics is legendary. He is a conservative. |
Fox has the highest ratings in the nation for news far exceeding CNN and MSNBC.The reason for this is simple.They ask the hard questions that most stations don't have the guts to.Fox also in not afraid of Political correctness,taking risks,or offending the general public.This is the way news should be.I think Fox news represents the type of news people want to read about.News that is Pro Military,Pro American,and and gives hope instead of the bleak,boring,America sucks outlook that CNN and MSNBC produces on a endless basis. Yes they have the highest ratings. More American watch Fox than any other news station. That speaks volumes and it's because of the people that Fox has the highest ratings. If this was true... Fox would not be the most watched... Get real. majority of people who sit home watching tv all the time. Rest of the world well we are probably out at a ballgame catching news from the internet out on a date or whatever but yea fox has captured the sit at home and watch tv crowd ![]() yeah thats a nice piece of rationalization got any numbers to back it up? ![]() |
it seems ultimately, any belief in "free speech", must DEMAND that no one use "their own power" to silence another BY FORCE...
and most, a sitting president, "trying to silence" ANYONE, show's a want and willingness to use "power" to "remove", what does or will not say or speak, as wished, or what "helps or purpose's" it's own agenda!!! THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE BOOK, OF ALL POWER THAT WISHES BUT "MOST" TO MAINTAIN "IT POWER", SILENCE ANY OPPOSITION??? everyone has their OWN agenda, and EACH AGENDA, keeps OTHER AGENDA'S in check, or, from BECOMING TO "POWERFUL", so true wise leadership should always embrace outside words as true REAL LIFE CONCERN'S, and not just blast away with accusation's back in return??? if the "pres" knew he was in the right about all things, fox would never be a threat, as no one would risk the "possible" bad pr by trying to remove them, unless it perceived such as a REAL THREAT TO IT'S OWN POWER??? anything wise it seems would and should always be MOST AWARE of all motive's, that try to silence "voices of dissent, for once long ago that is as now, since all things repeat, and history heas always repeated, many were "later" able to be put to death, that did not "agree" with the residing "power", in many, many, many cases, whether it be likened unto religion's, or government's, or any certain label, as it all revolve around MAINTAINING POWER BECOMES MORE IMPORTANT THAN OTHER HUMAN LIVES, and what is not in power, is seen as FAR LESS THAN EQUAL, and therefore, becomes expendible... |
it seems ultimately, any belief in "free speech", must DEMAND that no one use "their own power" to silence another BY FORCE... and most, a sitting president, "trying to silence" ANYONE, show's a want and willingness to use "power" to "remove", what does or will not say or speak, as wished, or what "helps or purpose's" it's own agenda!!! THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE BOOK, OF ALL POWER THAT WISHES BUT "MOST" TO MAINTAIN "IT POWER", SILENCE ANY OPPOSITION??? everyone has their OWN agenda, and EACH AGENDA, keeps OTHER AGENDA'S in check, or, from BECOMING TO "POWERFUL", so true wise leadership should always embrace outside words as true REAL LIFE CONCERN'S, and not just blast away with accusation's back in return??? if the "pres" knew he was in the right about all things, fox would never be a threat, as no one would risk the "possible" bad pr by trying to remove them, unless it perceived such as a REAL THREAT TO IT'S OWN POWER??? anything wise it seems would and should always be MOST AWARE of all motive's, that try to silence "voices of dissent, for once long ago that is as now, since all things repeat, and history heas always repeated, many were "later" able to be put to death, that did not "agree" with the residing "power", in many, many, many cases, whether it be likened unto religion's, or government's, or any certain label, as it all revolve around MAINTAINING POWER BECOMES MORE IMPORTANT THAN OTHER HUMAN LIVES, and what is not in power, is seen as FAR LESS THAN EQUAL, and therefore, becomes expendible... |
environment is filled from all sides with "dishonesty", or NOT ALL THE FACTS, but who and what brain can know ALL THE FACTS???
so what is "dishonesty"??? does one think all speak all they KNOW, THE GOOD AND THE BAD??? hell no, as each speak what show's themself is the best light for themself??? is that called dishonesty??? you can choose to look at the fact's with the insight you are using, but you are doing the same exact thing you are accusing fox of, which comes from only seeing validity in "some" words from people, and choosing to deem other's words as without merit??? IF NOTHING CAN KNOW EVERYTHING, THEN TO MAKE DECISION'S ON THE MOST FACTS POSSIBLE, IS TO MAKE THEM BASED ON THE MOST AMOUNT OF WORDS AS HEARD, WHICH IS TO "FIND" THE ACCURACY IN THEM, not just discounting because they do not fit with the what self think, peering thru it's "own perception"??? what IS NOT SELLING SNAKE OIL, AS EACH HAS AN OPINION, AND EACH TRY TO MAKE IT UNDERSTOOD TO OTHER'S, SO IT IS A MATTER OF WHAT THE WORDS WILL CREATE INTO EXISTENCE THAT DECIDE IF IT BE GOOD SNAKE OIL OR NOT, as snake oil has many good and life saving benefits, if it BE NOT SLANTED TO ONLY ACCEPT ONE SPECTRUM AS ACCURATE??? THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT HAVE ****ING VALID ARGUMENTS, SO COMBINE THE TWO, AND WE MAKE PROGRESS, OR "SOLUTION'S", AND UNTIY, ANBD SOLVE INSTEAD OF NAME CALL OTHER'S AS SPEAKING CONCERNS THAT ARE AS DEFAMED AS SNAKE OIL... the principle of EQUAL PERCEPTION must be accepted in any society that wishes to MAKE GOOD FOR ALL, NOT JUST FOR SOME... peace |
David, you rock
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1. Opinion Outlets
•Keith Olbermann •Bill O'Reilly •The Young Turks •Wall Street Journal Editorial Side 2. Partisan Press (Ideologically Driven Press) •The Nation •Fox News Channel •National Review •Mother Jones •Drudge Report 3. Straight News •CNN •ABC News •MSNBC News Programs •New York Times •Wall Street Journal (Non-Editorial) WOW thats quite the orginazational skill! let me tell the truth now! 1. Opinion Outlets •Keith Olbermann •Bill O'Reilly •The Young Turks ![]() ![]() •Wall Street Journal Editorial Side •CNN •ABC News •MSNBC News Programs •New York Times 2. Partisan Press (Ideologically Driven Press) •The Nation •Fox News Channel •National Review •Mother Jones •Drudge Report •CNN •ABC News •MSNBC News Programs •New York Times 3. Straight news •Wall Street Journal (Non-Editorial) Okay thats a little better now! |
Fox News Bashes ‘Desperate,’ ‘Ambitious,’ ‘Single Mother’ Katie Couric For Traveling To Iraq
In two separate segments yesterday, Fox News attacked CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric for reporting from the ground in Iraq, calling it “a desperate move” and asking if it was a “ratings ploy or legitimate journalism.” On Your World With Neil Cavuto, guest host Dagen McDowell featured Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America, who characterized Couric’s trip as “a clear act of desperation” by a single mother whose “priorities [are] so determined by her ambition rather than her children’s welfare.” Crouse pointedly accused Couric of being a bad mother for going to cover Iraq: I would say the same thing if this were a man journalist going out there, a male anchor, because when you look at the choice she’s making, she’s saying my ratings are more important than my children. That’s the bottom line.“ Later in the afternoon, The Big Story With John Gibson hosted New York Post columnist Linda Stasi, who called Couric’s trip “a desperate move” to gain “some sort of credibility.” “You know and I know that she doesn’t have to be there for the report,” I wonder why Fox does not apply the same logic to the female soldiers with kids ? Just another example of fox news and its selective ideology |
you seem to have a problem differentiating between news and commentary
O'reilly, Beck, Cavuto, and Gibson are editorialists not news |
Well Fox news is still on the air,, so I guess noone was really trying to shut them down, on the other hand, does anyone remember a certain directive that kept news stations from broadcasting pictures of dead soldiers?,,,,,, a little power and manipulation to keep the public believing in the glory of war?
I dont think Fox has to define their broadcast style,, anyone with a brain can decide for themselves,,,and the rest deserve something to watch |
the main problem have with FOX is their "fair and balanced" thing.
They think that for every little story they have to have a liberal and a conservative to represent both points of view and it turns into people shouting over each other and THAT gets on my nerves and I change channels |
the main problem have with FOX is their "fair and balanced" thing. They think that for every little story they have to have a liberal and a conservative to represent both points of view and it turns into people shouting over each other and THAT gets on my nerves and I change channels Yeah, but its usually their 'moderators' doing most of the yelling,,its plain ridiculous in my opinion. |
yeah either way its annoying
their straight news programs are okay but they spend a lot of time on "human interest" stories and is cutesy and kinda boring |
you seem to have a problem differentiating between news and commentary O'reilly, Beck, Cavuto, and Gibson are editorialists not news Bill O'Reilly: Let me be very bold and fresh again, do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world? Sarah Palin: I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me. Can anyone really be biased enough to think that was a smart answer? This to me is just another example how the shriecking cow gets a free pass from the right wing media. If anyone deserves a slander its this mad woman. |
Edited by
Mon 12/07/09 02:16 PM
first a common 'agreement' of what "NEWS" actually IS, must be created that all could agree on???
to bypass the as infinity "different" perception's, it has to be the simplest undeniable as true definition??? it seems news was once supposed to be "the telling of things that have actually taken place"??? or, just "happening's that have already occured"??? well, there are "infinity action's" taking place in environment??? WAY TOO MANY TO EVER TELL??? so, WHAT IS TOLD, IS A MINUTE PIECE of TRUE REALITY, OR OF ALL THAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING??? so, what is told, HAD TO BE "SELECTED" FROM THE INFINITY ACTION'S, to be told, or simply respoken with words??? for true "news", no extra words tellin how "what happened", felt in feeling by the teller of the deed??? no how disgusting it was, how terrible, how bizarre, how bad, nor about how any happening was kind, generous, smart, or perhaps ignorant??? no adjective's allowed AT ALL, to be "just happening's", or new's??? so, HOW MUCH NEWS IS ONE REALLY HEARING AT ALL??? news would have to be, NO PERSONAL EMBELLISHMENT, NO MEANING INCLUDED IN THE "TELL", NOR ANY DEFINITION INCLUDED, as that BRINGS IN PERSONAL BIAS??? now, if all such things written were true, and then one looked around again at "media", one would see IT IS ALL TAINTED WITH BIAS, has to be, for there be no OTHER POSSIBILITY??? IT IS TOLD BY "PEOPLE", WHO HAVE EMOTION'S, WHICH CREATE FEELING'S, and those FEELING'S will be centered around WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT to the person speaking the so called "new's"... all "media" has to CREATE a WANT TO BE HEARD WITHIN IT'S LISTENER'S??? so, the very first MOTIVE of ALL MEDIA IS TAINTED, AS IT MUST ACCOMPLISH WITH IT'S TELLING "SOMETHING FOR ITSELF"??? being that such does indeed exist, there be only one way THRU such a hurdle, as to go under such will not work, nor will going around work... only one way to "educate self" when ALL IN ENVIRONMENT, EACH HUMAN, IS A PERSONAL PROPODANDA MACHINE, PERSONAL "MOTIVE" AT WORK, NO MATTER WHO IS SPEAKING... nothing speaks without a REASON, OR A MOTIVE, OR SPEECH COULD NOT COME FORTH FROM THE MOUTH??? so, it simply boils down then to "what" is trying to be accomplished with the words??? only one way THRU such things, if indeed one could see such does exist in all human "operation's"??? hear all words as equal, finding how each tongue is speaking a true insight, and then adding them all together??? all logic would dictate, that if only some words are heard as "true", then only SOME KNOWING will be aquired into the brain??? most important when the insight comes alive that all ANY HUMAN KNOW'S, CAME ONLY BY WAY OF WHAT ITSELF "HEARD"??? so, many grew up being told of the many ways to spot "inferior" people "out there", and so each one spotted self think "inferior", these words are as actaully blocked out of the mind, and it cannot be misssed, that as society INCREASE DAILY the telling of "what be inferior, SO TO THEN SHALL THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY HEARD BY THE MIND "DECREASE", as more red flags are created to the brain of what it SHOULD NOT HEAR??? there is NOTHING SPOKEN THAT SHOULD BE DISCOUNTED, AS EVEN WHAT IS "TOTAllY FABRICATION OF SOMETHING THAT "DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN, CAN ALWAYS BE DETECTED QUICKLY, EFFECTIVELY AND EASILY BY WHAT ACTUALLY HEARS "ALL WORDS" AS HAVING PROFOUND MERIT??? the brain will get smarter from each word heard, or less smarter with each word heard, as there be no brain non-growth, or "knowing" allowed??? IF SOMETHING EXIST, is has to be GROWING, CHANGING, no matter all the many words that could as well be used to describe "morhping intelligence", and so the brain tic tocks away, learning less the more it discount's, or learning more the less it discounts??? if ALL THAT HAPPEN'S IS THE REAL WHOLE STORY, then one can NEVER GO AWRY HEARING ALL WITH VALIDITY, to allow oneself the privelage of being able to see in a world filled with wordsa nd words that can easily create illusion's illusion's of only SOME OF WHAT IS TRUE??? peace to all |
Edited by
Mon 12/07/09 02:26 PM
Uh,, I read all the words but I think the misplaced prepositions caused the point to get lost.
If you are stating that noone tells the whole truth without some personal agenda, that is true. What I would like to see is a balance . People have to deliver the news with a human slant to it, but the slant should not outweigh or outspeak the facts. At least, that would be my preference when watching the news which is why, when given a choice, I dont watch Fox news. |
Uh,, I read all the words but I think the misplaced prepositions caused the point to get lost. If you are stating that noone tells the whole truth without some personal agenda, that is true. What I would like to see is a balance . People have to deliver the news with a human slant to it, but the slant should not outweigh or outspeak the facts. At least, that would be my preference when watching the news which is why, when given a choice, I dont watch Fox news. ![]() |