Topic: Incarnation - living more than one life at a time. | |
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Thu 10/15/09 10:25 PM
The premise:
This is for people who believe or consider that reincarnation or incarnation could be a fact. My premise is that we incarnate from a place outside of this space-time environment (matrix). Therefore we can project ourselves (be born) into any location in TIME within the holographic matrix. Therefore I could be living now, and also living in another time... at the same "time" in relation to my original location somewhere outside of this matrix. This is called "simultaneous incarnation." Sometimes I have experienced flashes of events happening to me in some other life or dimension as I doze off momentarily... it is like some sort of dream, but it seems like a real event. Its hard to make sense out of it and its impossible to grab onto it and remember it in detail. I just think to myself... "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?...a dream? " It seems like a flash of another me in another life. Anyway, I'm thinking I am seeing a flash of one of my other incarnations. |
I believe in this.. I believe our souls keep coming back till we get it right. Then we go to heaven.
My father an I got into this one night an pretty much said I'm wrong..I have been so angry in my life! He has always told me never let anyone tell you, you are wrong for what you believe in. |
Wow, me seems so real, but I just say it is a dream and leave it at that
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i have had a number of pastlife as where a number of them have came to light
and yes you continue to have a life after you crossed over but it doesnt mean you will be a female again or a male again as i was a male in several of my pastifes but i have had a number of dreams that have came to light as they would come about between 24hours up to 4yrs... yea it weird but its means alot though |
The premise: This is for people who believe or consider that reincarnation or incarnation could be a fact. My premise is that we incarnate from a place outside of this space-time environment (matrix). Therefore we can project ourselves (be born) into any location in TIME within the holographic matrix. I personally feel that this is a beautiful thought. Precisely how this might work, or if I can have more than one 'ego' or persona at a time and still be considered to be an 'individual spirit' I don't know. Clearly that becomes a semantic nightmare in terms. ![]() One thing I truly have kept with me from the time I was a Christian is a very simple thought that all Christians claim to "believe" even though most of them don't seem to grasp the potential of the idea and it is this: "With God all things are possible" Well, actually if I am to believe in 'spirit' and that spirit is non-physical and can create physical realities from nothing more than thought (or via the use of some sort of holographic matrix that can be manifest by nothing more than sheer will of thought), then I must conclude that anything is possible. Of course, like I say, even the Christians claim this to be true of their God. That often brings me to the question of what "Heaven" would be like? If "With God all things are possible", then clearly one of the things that would be possible is precisely what you've described here. I haven't had memories of past lives, especially not as a human. But I have had very 'primal dreams'. I feel as though I have actually lived in very primative times, possible even before humans had even evolved. I have very vivid 'memories' of being in exotic jungles with no people around at all, just other animals. I never really get a sense of what kind of being I am. In fact, in some cases I feel like I'm just pure consciousness maybe not with any physical body at all. I call these 'memories' because that's what they feel like. It feels just like I 'remember' having been there in some capacity. As of yet I haven't had any past life memories of being in the human form. But I do have several books on shamanic journeying where they explain methods and technique to bring about those memories. I've been practicing those techniques, but thus far, no luck with anything that truly feels like a 'memory'. Although I have had some interesting journeys, but they all seemed to genuinely be happening now, for the first time, in a dream. They too seem quite real, but not as "memories", more like it's actually happening right then in the dream for the FIRST TIME. I would love to be able to master a geunuine journey into may past that actually felt like a 'memory'. I feel like if I could do that even once, I could return to it and keep expanding on it to discover more and more about that time and place. Of course, that's just my intuitive feelings of what I believe I could do if I could just get started with it. Unfortunately, I can't get started, so thus far it's just an intuitive speculation. But I keep working on it. They say to keep using different scents because smells often trigger memories. For example, go to sleep (or into a meditative state) with the strong smell of a horse and saddle, it might trigger memories from a time when you lived in a place where those smells were plentiful. It hasn't worked for me yet, but this is one thing they suggest. I'm still trying different scents to see what kind of memories I can spark. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/15/09 11:03 PM
All my life I have had an unexplained fear of guillotines and I did not know why until I had a vivid dream of having my head chopped off at a public execution.
At the execution, I was asked if I had any last words and I said, "no, just get this over with." Then I felt a very sharp pain on the back of my neck and my head rolled down a plank towards a metal wall where the blood spewed out. The metal wall was curved. I was still inside of or attached to my head and conscious for a few seconds, wondering if I was going to die or remain inside of a head with no body. Then my soul lifted up above my body and I was looking at the scene from above. I was shocked by the number of people, (including children) who attended such public executions. In this life I have what is called a "military neck" where my neck is not curved but strait. I don't know how it got that way. Maybe a childhood injury, or maybe it was my execution. (Insert twilight zone music here.) |
As Abra impled, the concept of simultaneously being in two places at the same time leads to a real semantic nightmare as well as conceptual paradoxes.
That's not to say that I think it's impossible to be in two different spacetimes simultaneoulsy. Just that from my point of view, the "other places" would be irrelevant to whatever spacetime I happen to be operating in. I mean, if they're in a totally different spacetime, then it hardly matters what I do there. It doesn't effect what happens here. (If it did, then they would be the same spacetime.) Personally, I do believe in reincarnation. But I believe that the multiple lives are sequential, not simultaneous. As far as I'm concerned, anything I may recall about another life is a past life. And I don't know any practical reason not to view it that way. It's simple and workable. The "simultaneous" view is much more complex and paradoxical and provides no offsetting advantage for me. |
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 07:59 AM
As Abra impled, the concept of simultaneously being in two places at the same time leads to a real semantic nightmare as well as conceptual paradoxes. That's not to say that I think it's impossible to be in two different spacetimes simultaneoulsy. Just that from my point of view, the "other places" would be irrelevant to whatever spacetime I happen to be operating in. I mean, if they're in a totally different spacetime, then it hardly matters what I do there. It doesn't effect what happens here. (If it did, then they would be the same spacetime.) Personally, I do believe in reincarnation. But I believe that the multiple lives are sequential, not simultaneous. As far as I'm concerned, anything I may recall about another life is a past life. And I don't know any practical reason not to view it that way. It's simple and workable. The "simultaneous" view is much more complex and paradoxical and provides no offsetting advantage for me. This is all according to the Leading edge research group and I think it makes a lot of sense. I have no way of knowing if it is true or not, so please forgive me for speaking as if it is. I just happen to think it is very likely... and it makes sense to me. From the perspective of the (human) soul doing the incarnations the lives are actually sequential, (one after another.) BUT-- But that soul is coming from a completely different space-time. He comes from his own space-time into another one. They have no relation to each other. Therefore, from that viewpoint his lives are simultaneous simply because he can enter at any point(location) in our time line. He is like an incarnating time traveler. He could conceivably even run into a version of himself in another previous or future life... and not know it. Think of that soul as a "time traveler." This is the reason our memories are veiled from us. It is so we can live each life separately.... at the same "time" here, but one after another in relation to where you came from. (The galaxy aliens lives are sequential IN THIS SPACE-TIME environment, so they have no reason to loose their memories of their past lives, therefore they remember them.) -- This is the reason they retain all their technology. They don't forget.. they carry their memories from one lifetime to the next. BUT they take a LOT longer time to evolve spiritually. They are evolving slowly. Humans, on the other hand, are on the fast track spiritually. The primary difference between the "galaxy alien's" path and the human path is the way they incarnate. An alien soul can chose to jump to the fast track but he cannot go back. A human cannot go back to the slow incarnation track either. Its onward and upward for them. (You cannot evolve backwards that way.) There are many environments for souls in this universe and they all have different space-times. Time is different in every one of them. Also each individual soul has their own individual space-time environment contained inside of their own field. Your other lives do effect the one you are living now, because information is shared between all of them. You may not remember the details of it, but you will experience more growth and gain spiritual enlightenment on a regular basis.. seemingly for no reason at all. |
no ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
you know I'm just playing...
Personally, I do not believe in past lives.....I think those are "genetic memories" of your ancestors... Reincarnation....another stretch, for me......Where are all the souls not currently incarnated being stored?....if there is a surplus... IMO all souls are "new"... Ever smell a baby....they have that "new soul" smell....right???? |
Millions of years ago they where only millions of human souls now there are billions if our souls comes back until we get it right where did all the new ones come from.
It's a nice thought but just doesn't add up. What would happen if we all got it right at the same time, no new birth? If I follow your thinking and you look at the overall world today not many get it right because so many are still so wrong. |
ddn wrote:
IMO all souls are "new"... Ever smell a baby....they have that "new soul" smell....right???? ![]() Good one. ![]() Alzeimer wrote:
Millions of years ago they where only millions of human souls now there are billions if our souls comes back until we get it right where did all the new ones come from. It's a nice thought but just doesn't add up. Well, that assumes that Earth is the only place where souls can incarnate. The numbers problem goes away if we consider that there may be many worlds to become incarnated in. Just from what we know of this universe alone there could be infinitely many other inhabitable planets in this universe. Also, time would a meaningless concept as well. In other words, the whole lifespan of the entire planet Earth is but a blink of an eye in the age of the universe. So incarnations would not even need to be sequential in time as we normally think of it. When thinking of reincarnation with any genuine consideration, it seems only justifed to consider that reincarnations would not be limited to just the planet Earth doncha thing? After all, if it's ultimately a spiritual idea, then anything goes. So the numbers game of actual people on Earth over time would really be an irrelevent concept. At least that's how I think of it. I'm not sure if I like the idea of eternal life in any form. Seems to be that ceasing to exist isn't all that bad of a concept. Especially if future incarnations aren't going to be any better than this one. ![]() If I have been reincarnating, then the next question that comes to mind is "For how long"? Was there a time when I came to be? If so, they why couldn't it have been at my birth in this life? ![]() If not, then how could my spirit be said to be 'evolving' or 'learning'. If I'm eternal you'd think I should have learned quite a bit by now. So the very idea of an 'evolving' spirit makes no sense to me. To me that just sounds like spirits would be in the same predicaments as humans, merely expanded over a much longer period of time. But ultimately, it would be just as absurd. So the only thing that would be 'gained' by being spirit would be more time. ![]() |
you know I'm just playing... Personally, I do not believe in past lives.....I think those are "genetic memories" of your ancestors... Reincarnation....another stretch, for me......Where are all the souls not currently incarnated being stored?....if there is a surplus... IMO all souls are "new"... Ever smell a baby....they have that "new soul" smell....right???? Where are all the souls not currently incarnated being stored? ![]() ![]() That is such a good example of finite thinking... as if we have limited space in the universe to 'store' souls. INFINITY IS NOT LIMITED. The solution of "genetic memories" does not solve all of the questions or problems. Not enough. |
Millions of years ago they where only millions of human souls now there are billions if our souls comes back until we get it right where did all the new ones come from. First, you cannot possibly know the number of souls that existed millions of years ago. You are obviously just talking about the population of the earth. You have to think a little bigger. It's a nice thought but just doesn't add up. You just don't have enough information. It is the only thing that does add up. What would happen if we all got it right at the same time, no new birth? If I follow your thinking and you look at the overall world today not many get it right because so many are still so wrong. You don't follow my thinking. You are assuming my thinking. I don't believe I said anything about anyone "getting it right." |
Was there a time when I came to be? If so, they why couldn't it have been at my birth in this life?
If not, then how could my spirit be said to be 'evolving' or 'learning'. If I'm eternal you'd think I should have learned quite a bit by now. So the very idea of an 'evolving' spirit makes no sense to me. To me that just sounds like spirits would be in the same predicaments as humans, merely expanded over a much longer period of time. But ultimately, it would be just as absurd. So the only thing that would be 'gained' by being spirit would be more time. You have always been. It is not what you "learn" so much as what you choose to do and be and what you remember that really counts. More Time? How can a infinite spirit gain "more time?" |
no evidence to suggest incarnation might be true.
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Fri 10/16/09 01:10 PM
no evidence to suggest incarnation might be true. There is a lot of "evidence." But that is irrelevant. This thread was clearly marked for those who do believe or accept this premise as a possibility, or want to imagine it as a possibility. It is not for the purpose of convincing anyone that reincarnation is true. I see it as very likely true for many reasons. But that is just me. I would not want to try to convince anyone or even argue the issue. That would be pointless. |
I have always been interested in the oddity of memories. Anyway, I find the idea of replacing our current abstract concept of time with a multi-dimensional matrix of space an interesting one.
The premise:
This is for people who believe or consider that reincarnation or incarnation could be a fact. My premise is that we incarnate from a place outside of this space-time environment (matrix). Therefore we can project ourselves (be born) into any location in TIME within the holographic matrix. Forgive my breaking up your whole thought, but something is confusing me so I’m trying to break down your thought process for better understanding. In the above quote you are referring to location as a specific ‘time’. So within the matrix time must be defined as a location. I find this acceptable and this idea does connect with our current abstract thoughts of time. We point to location with abstract words, a few of which are, yesterday, today, tomorrow, later, before and after. So in our vocabulary words related to time are indications of location. Giving a date with nothing else to offer – December 21, 1998 – is a reference to location (or an abstract point in time). So in this respect a matrix works for me. The rest of the quote – “within the holographic matrix” brings up some confusion for me. 1. It there one matrix or are there many? 2. Are they interconnected? 3. Can a (or the) matrix emerge from one state to another (as in change in any way?) 4. Finally, why holographic? Why limit existence to interaction with the physical? Therefore I could be living now, and also living in another time... at the same "time" in relation to my original location somewhere outside of this matrix.
This is called "simultaneous incarnation." How we might relate to this quote depends on the answers to my first questions. For example, if there are many matrices then we are considering a series of closed systems divided from one another. This brings up the question that Abra asks Precisely how this might work, or if I can have more than one 'ego' or persona at a time and still be considered to be an 'individual spirit' I don't know.
And that Sky also considers problematic That's not to say that I think it's impossible to be in two different spacetimes simultaneoulsy. Just that from my point of view, the "other places" would be irrelevant to whatever spacetime I happen to be operating in. I mean, if they're in a totally different spacetime, then it hardly matters what I do there. It doesn't effect what happens here. (If it did, then they would be the same spacetime.)
I think the problems stem from a lack of consensus of what properties “matrix” consists of. If a matrix is finite and complete (cannot change) then there may be a beginning and ending location within the matrix. That being the case I could understand the need/desire to reincarnate is some sequential order – from this date to a date farther along the sequential path. (date being location) But would that not make simultaneous reincarnation impossible? In other words the same spirit can not exist in one location and in another if the order must be completed sequentially. However, if you are attempting to impose one frame of reference for our own abstract concept of time to many matrices – then it would be possible to say that the same spirit existed at the same point in (human) time as some other time in another matrix. But that is NOT actually simultaneous reincarnation; it is more like crossing the international time zone and saying I was in a house in Japan and in a house in America at exactly the same time. But what if consider the possibility that there is only one matrix and that the matrix is constantly emerging (in flux) creating other worlds, universes, dimensions as it expands. What if all of the matrix currently existing and future expansion is available for any reincarnational spirit? That would explain a lot more – for example: JB said All my life I have had an unexplained fear of guillotines and I did not know why until I had a vivid dream of having my head chopped off at a public execution.
At the execution, I was asked if I had any last words and I said, "no, just get this over with." Then I felt a very sharp pain on the back of my neck and my head rolled down a plank towards a metal wall where the blood spewed out. The metal wall was curved. I was still inside of or attached to my head and conscious for a few seconds, wondering if I was going to die or remain inside of a head with no body. Then my soul lifted up above my body and I was looking at the scene from above. And Abra said: I haven't had memories of past lives, especially not as a human. But I have had very 'primal dreams'. I feel as though I have actually lived in very primative times, possible even before humans had even evolved. I have very vivid 'memories' of being in exotic jungles with no people around at all, just other animals. I never really get a sense of what kind of being I am. In fact, in some cases I feel like I'm just pure consciousness maybe not with any physical body at all.
I call these 'memories' because that's what they feel like. It feels just like I 'remember' having been there in some capacity. Writer-Gurl and Queene – also relate past lives of the ethereal realm as do many thousands of others. Why would we remember only those things related to THIS part of the matrix? It actually makes sense if we consider rather than many, only 'one single matrix', constantly emerging. We may be limited in thought and understanding to aspects of our current incarnation, which is why we have odd memories of past and even future earthly existences. Perhaps at some other location in the matrix we become some other dimensional being and any oddly recalled memory may only be consistent with the thought and understanding related to that dimension. A constantly emerging matrix would expand from all directions – because (remember) we are not dealing with the same abstract concepts of time that humans have been so ingrained with. We are dealing instead with a position – a location. To prove my point – imagine this what if scenario. What if – the big bang (so to speak) that began our solar system was the matrix pushing out. Imagine the first incarnations on our planet being the source of the Adam and Eve story. Now remember that an emerging matrix emerges in all directions (from all directions). Now imagine some new incarnations of a different form; dinosaurs predating the source of the Adam and Eve story. It may be possible that the Earth was only 5,000 years old when humans first appeared – but an ever emerging matrix created new locations which surround the inhabitation point of the Adam and Eve source. In other words – location in a matrix would not be a matter of sequential order because an ever changing, emerging matrix would loose its beginning and would have no end. What do you all think (besides long winded)? |
Redykeulous wrote:
What do you all think (besides long winded)? As always Di, you offer truly interesting food for thought. ![]() |