Topic: Men are fickle...
vivian2981's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:23 AM

A 'strong' woman has the experience and sense to let a man be who he is, without trying to change him. She can also retain who she is at the same time....jmo

Does the word "let" mean accept, or does it mean that it is a privaledge that one isnt trying to change the other????????? I like to choose my words carefully as to best define what the point I am trying to make is, and at the same time avoid conflict...JMO

You're totally correct on this...I used the wrong the right one..thanks for pointing that out!

silly's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:24 AM

A 'strong' woman has the experience and sense to let a man be who he is, without trying to change him.

A three-headed Irish werewolf is easier to find, though.

It works both ways.frustrated

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:30 AM

A 'strong' woman has the experience and sense to let a man be who he is, without trying to change him.

A three-headed Irish werewolf is easier to find, though.

It works both ways.frustrated

Ideally, yes. In real life? I've seen a glimpse of it, but for the most part, it's all about them trying to change me.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:31 AM

amazing to me how fickle men are. if you are a strong woman, they run like rats from a sinking ship.

little boys sweety,,not real MEN.

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:31 AM

Ohhhh I must have stepped in the wrong thread......

Anyone for popcorn........

i hope u have more lol

MsResponsible's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:31 AM
Edited by MsResponsible on Sun 10/04/09 09:33 AM

I'd like to find a good strong woman to help me move some furniture, and pull the engine out of my car.

I could rebuild the engine.

What do people really define as a strong about one that has raised a child on her own, no child support, no help from the "father", how about one that in doing so also put herself through college, and oh yeah, took care of her mother for the last 11 years of her life, then oh yeah had to help her son recover from an automobile accident that almost took his life one month after her mother just went through a 16 hour operation. Two years of her son's recovery, and 4 years in and out of hospitals with her mom..still able to keep a job, grow in that job, put her son through college.....I could go on...and somehow still remains happy and prosperous.

Sorry, probably should have stayed out of this one, but it makes me so mad...guys would like to define "strong women" as I've seen here. I'm not sure why strong women to men are women that want to change or control them.......pisses me off really. Obviously those men have never truely met a strong woman.

vivian2981's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:32 AM

A 'strong' woman has the experience and sense to let a man be who he is, without trying to change him.

A three-headed Irish werewolf is easier to find, though.

It works both ways.frustrated

Again....jmo.....shouldn't both, man and woman, be willing to "accept" the other as they each are?

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:34 AM

Nothing wrong with strong women. I have issues with the ones who think "strong" means they can turn me into a domesticated farm animal, though.

LOL I'll bet!! That is not okay!!! noway Yeah, I seem to peeve a lot of men who think that just because I give them the attention they ask that they can boss me around, heart, body and soul. It's like they start instructing me as to how to behave, think, and feel.......dress!!! scared shocked Skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery!! And off they go to the recycle bin!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

You don't really want to recycle these type of men?!?noway
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:43 AM

I'm not sure why strong women to men are women that want to change or control them.......pisses me off really. Obviously those men have never truely met a strong woman.

For me, it's simply because they demonstrate an inevitable desire to "overpower" -- to change me into the opposite of who I am, to change me into the person they want me to be, because they think that's best.

Maybe that's not really "strong," maybe it's just arrogant and presumptuous. Either way, it's not attractive. Either way, I haven't seen anyone who doesn't fall into that behavior.

MsResponsible's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:58 AM

I'm not sure why strong women to men are women that want to change or control them.......pisses me off really. Obviously those men have never truely met a strong woman.

For me, it's simply because they demonstrate an inevitable desire to "overpower" -- to change me into the opposite of who I am, to change me into the person they want me to be, because they think that's best.

Maybe that's not really "strong," maybe it's just arrogant and presumptuous. Either way, it's not attractive. Either way, I haven't seen anyone who doesn't fall into that behavior.

I couldn't agree with you more, it is just arrogant and presumptious, it is also an indication of a controlling personality. And I also agree that it is not attractive in the least bit. I'm sorry you've never met anyone that doesn't fall into that behaviour...that also gives woman a bad rep. I personally have no desire to control, or be controlled...I'm typically on the other end of the later, and I refuse to be controlled. If we can not be ourselves and accepted as such, what's the point? I'd rather be alone, than be someone someone else wants me to be.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:02 AM
Wheres the OP??????

Too many strong men for her?????

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:06 AM

A 'strong' woman has the experience and sense to let a man be who he is, without trying to change him. She can also retain who she is at the same time....jmo

drinks :banana: drinks

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:08 AM

amazing to me how fickle men are. if you are a strong woman, they run like rats from a sinking ship.

Nice generalization. whoa

What does "strong woman" mean?

Someone that can beat you in arm wrestling...:smile:

LewisW123's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:10 AM

amazing to me how fickle men are. if you are a strong woman, they run like rats from a sinking ship.

Nice generalization. whoa

What does "strong woman" mean?

Someone that can beat you in arm wrestling...:smile:

Well, in that case, no, I'm not interested.:tongue:

MsResponsible's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:13 AM
Edited by MsResponsible on Sun 10/04/09 10:14 AM

A 'strong' woman has the experience and sense to let a man be who he is, without trying to change him. She can also retain who she is at the same time....jmo

drinks :banana: drinks

I agree with that, but that implies, being a strong woman is somehow centered around a man...I don't agree with that. I've never met a man strong enough to stick around and accept who I am, accept that I could get along just fine without them because they have an overwhelming desire to be needed. I'll never allow myself to NEED a man for my happiness or survival. I'd much rather make a man feel wanted and not needed, but that seems to be a problem...One I'll never understand.

LewisW123's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:13 AM

amazing to me how fickle men are. if you are a strong woman, they run like rats from a sinking ship.

Nice generalization. whoa

What does "strong woman" mean? I like women that are independent. I don't like women that are bossy, or expect me to agree with everything they say.
Wouldn't want you to agree with everything. There would be no good open debate or, new insight's from conversation.

I knew I liked you.:wink:

krupa's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:14 AM
I dig strong women....when a gal can bench press me or suplex me into the sack...that's Polish foreplay baby!

When you are talking about being carreer minded or knowing what they want and really going for it...I back them up 100%....after all...I expect no less of my woman than I would expect of myself. Gotta be an equal partnership.

My personal experience ........(this only applies to what I have dealt with so don't none of you birds get booty hurt when I say this)

The problem occurs during those erratic mood swings....when I try to help and be supportive...(apparently there is a time to leave them the hell alone)...and the woman is frustrated and confused...


Oh man! Heard that one more than once.....God forbid I make the mistake of pointing out the fact that...I wanna help but, I don't magically know what she needs to set things right when even she don't know what she wants/needs. Then it really hits the fan.

So, I guess it really is a day to day thing. Us guys are pretty much set in our patterns from an early age. The ladies can switch gears without warning. So, try to cut us a bit of slack.

You gals got it know right off the bat what you are dealing with in a guy...good guy/a-hole....dependable/unreliable....honest/liar...abusive/gentle.....good lover/terrible can have us figured out in a month or two.

The women I have been with have been like dating Cybil.

OkieTech1974's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:16 AM

Ohhhh I must have stepped in the wrong thread......

Anyone for popcorn........

sure...I stopped by here because fickle rhymes with pickle and that made me hungrybigsmile

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:19 AM

amazing to me how fickle men are. if you are a strong woman, they run like rats from a sinking ship.

That is a ridiculous generalization and just doesn't have any merit to it..
men like a strong, independent woman.

newarkjw's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:24 AM

amazing to me how fickle men are. if you are a strong woman, they run like rats from a sinking ship.

There is a reason those rats are running off that sinking ship honey.....smokin