Topic: Men are fickle... | |
It's all about a woman's attitude. If they're giving off the attitude of, "I've done *such-and-such* for years, and I've done it all on my own, and I don't NEED any man to do anything for me," then any self-respecting man will recognize that attitude and say, "Fine, then. To hell with ya. You can do it all by yourself? By all means, go ahead and knock yourself out then, because I sure as hell don't need you, either." And THAT'S why women like that remain single. I've been doing all sorts of stuff without a man for years, but I am strong enough to admit I'd REALLY LOVE TO HAVE A WONDERFUL PARTNER with whom to share our lives and NOT have to each go it alone. I am a strong woman who wants a best friend in a man to share it all with and not just let me be strong, but let me be less than strong for a while. We'll pick up each others' slack when wanted and needed. It's NICE not ALWAYS having to DO the strong thing 100% of the time. It's NICE to NOT have to always take on the world at large ALONE and lonely!!!! I am certainly STRONG enough to return the favors and lend my assets to situations and concerns that are not his favorites or strengths, and he do the same for me. Ahhhhhh, I want that kind of love. |
I'm strong enough to know that I have weak points and strong enough to not let life get me down.......
I also know that I'm strong enough that I can provide for myself as well as my kids did it for 18 years...........but I also know that at times to have another within your life has it strong points as well..... And regardless how strong I'm there are times even I appreciate in having a partner that I can lean on their shoulder when times gets tough......that will understand me and help me get over those humps in life that we face..... I also know that I'm not so strong that I prefer to face the future alone.......strength at times comes from those around us....... ![]() |
It's all about a woman's attitude. If they're giving off the attitude of, "I've done *such-and-such* for years, and I've done it all on my own, and I don't NEED any man to do anything for me," then any self-respecting man will recognize that attitude and say, "Fine, then. To hell with ya. You can do it all by yourself? By all means, go ahead and knock yourself out then, because I sure as hell don't need you, either." And THAT'S why women like that remain single. I've been doing all sorts of stuff without a man for years, but I am strong enough to admit I'd REALLY LOVE TO HAVE A WONDERFUL PARTNER with whom to share our lives and NOT have to each go it alone. I am a strong woman who wants a best friend in a man to share it all with and not just let me be strong, but let me be less than strong for a while. We'll pick up each others' slack when wanted and needed. It's NICE not ALWAYS having to DO the strong thing 100% of the time. It's NICE to NOT have to always take on the world at large ALONE and lonely!!!! I am certainly STRONG enough to return the favors and lend my assets to situations and concerns that are not his favorites or strengths, and he do the same for me. Ahhhhhh, I want that kind of love. There are a lot of good points being made. The fact that men run from strong women simply isn't true. I love strong women and the wives of some of my friends are very strong. Others probably are too but don't show it in public as much in the conditions where I see them. Sometimes strength comes with inappropriate aggressive behavior and a bad attitude (for both men and women). Men will run from that in a heartbeat. Strength is attractive for so many reasons to a strong man. Strength is to be feared by a weak man. Balance and complimentary skills and attitudes work well. Dominance rarely works in a loving relationship. |
Ohhhh I must have stepped in the wrong thread...... Anyone for popcorn........ ![]() I with you lololo |
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I just luuuurve how the superiority complexes of 'strong' women get in the way of being honest with themselves. Strong woman? WTF is a strong woman? Someone who breaks men's psyche's and balls with a single flick of their wrist? Hmmmm... sounds more like an angry frightened little girl to me....not a strong woman at all. Strong women? A woman who can love with honesty, trust with a sense of security within themselves, and be capable of admitting their flaws? A person who has above all else, integrity....and walks their a strong of character my books. The rest is so much chest (or breast) beating bravado..... ![]() Very well said ![]() |
I dont have a superority complex whatsoever... I am just a hardworking woman who takes pride in my accomplishments Im not above anyone. I am who I am.
I define being strong as knowing how to take care of myself and my daughter with no help, being strong to me is having ambition with my career and working hard to get to my dreams... that I don’t let society normality thinking I should be dependent of a Man to do this for me. As far as breaking balls far from it... I treat someone I care for very good it’s a partnership not a ruler ship... when I’m with someone no one is the boss were in it together. You need to treat others the way you want to be treated back and I know it’s something you tell children to learn to make friends but I reflect back to this and stay true to it as a mature adult as well. My definition of a strong man would have similar traits to myself. We should compliment eachother! A strong man would not be constantly dependent on me for survival for continuous entertainment, they should still be free to be their true selves and have hobbies and friends other than me. A man who has ambitions and strength in having an opinion not having to ask me first what to do "or whatever I like" A weak, un-opinionated, clingy man is not for me. Probably a reason I’m still single I seem to attract these quite often, but not I am not in despair I embrace life as a single mom and I’m truly happy whether I’m blessed with a strong man in my life or not. Peace |
Please give an exact definition of STRONG before making this statement. One person's STRONG, in males or females, is another person's selfish, or aggressive, or pig-headedness, or callousness, or hostility, or rudeness. Women and men generally BOTH run from people who exhibit THESE kinds of STRONG.