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Topic: Gas Prices
Anton_k's photo
Sat 09/26/09 05:53 AM

It's $2.49 here today. Finally getting 4 gallons for 10 bucks.. SHEESH.. I remember 89 cents for a gallon, 50 cents for smokes, 1.20 for milk, and 1.09 for a six pack.. I'm old..

that made me feel old.. in high school it was .23 a gallon.
now it's $2.31grumble

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 09/26/09 06:18 AM
we're paying about $2.55 a gallon. about 30 cents more than east texas. we're making the oil but there are not any refineries out here so it has to trucked to east texas to be refined and then the gas has to be trucked back to us so we pay a bit more

California prolly has the highest prices in the country. cause they use all that "boutique" gas. each city has its own special formula mandated by law

michiganman3's photo
Sat 09/26/09 06:39 AM
Just filled my tank at $2.41

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 09/26/09 06:46 AM
right now gas and oil are at just about the right price. not so so low as to drag the energy sector down (which is about a quarter of our economy)

and not so high that it drags down the rest of the economy

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 09/26/09 06:47 AM
$2.49 in Mass.

FETTS61's photo
Sat 09/26/09 06:58 AM
i paid $2.44 in N.E.Ohio on wed.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/26/09 07:09 AM

we're paying about $2.55 a gallon. about 30 cents more than east texas. we're making the oil but there are not any refineries out here so it has to trucked to east texas to be refined and then the gas has to be trucked back to us so we pay a bit more

California prolly has the highest prices in the country. cause they use all that "boutique" gas. each city has its own special formula mandated by law

Thanks for info.:smile:

willing2's photo
Sat 09/26/09 07:37 AM
Nothing. I go to rich neighborhoods and siphon theirs.laugh

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sat 09/26/09 06:05 PM

San Diego between$2.89-$3.09. North County I saw $3.23 at a Shell station. Ouch.

Hello again from Denver, Katzen, I really hate your Padres right now after the butt-whippin your boys gave us on Wed and Thu. Pads are out of the Wild Card race but they still want to make it difficult for the Rockies, well at least we beat the Cardinals tonight. Oh yeah, we don't like the Chargers very much either up here, but know this, you are one fine looking silver fox!:wink: :wink:

blushing Why, thank you. The padres & The Chargers work very hard to get you folks to hate them. Heh heh. flowerforyou

Sandy9876's photo
Sat 09/26/09 08:38 PM
Australia, no idea how much a gallon is, we pay between $17 and $25 a litre depending what day of the week it is

FETTS61's photo
Sat 09/26/09 08:39 PM

Australia, no idea how much a gallon is, we pay between $17 and $25 a litre depending what day of the week it is

about 3.8 liters

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sat 09/26/09 09:19 PM

San Diego between$2.89-$3.09. North County I saw $3.23 at a Shell station. Ouch.

Hello again from Denver, Katzen, I really hate your Padres right now after the butt-whippin your boys gave us on Wed and Thu. Pads are out of the Wild Card race but they still want to make it difficult for the Rockies, well at least we beat the Cardinals tonight. Oh yeah, we don't like the Chargers very much either up here, but know this, you are one fine looking silver fox!:wink: :wink:

blushing Why, thank you. The padres & The Chargers work very hard to get you folks to hate them. Heh heh. flowerforyou

Don't get me wrong, I love San Diego, I just enjoy the rivalry Denver has in football and baseball with them, makes for some exciting games. Happy Saturday night by the way! waving flowers flowers flowers

CatsLoveMe's photo
Sat 09/26/09 09:21 PM
Hiya Sandy from Oz, ex-Aussie dater here in Denver. Hopefully you can win me back. G'day! :wink: :wink: :wink:

Sandy9876's photo
Sun 09/27/09 01:45 AM

Australia, no idea how much a gallon is, we pay between $17 and $25 a litre depending what day of the week it is

Ok this came out wrong lol (probably thedrinks ) What I should have said was we pay around $1.17 per litre during the week and $1.24 per litre on the weekends.

Sandy9876's photo
Sun 09/27/09 01:47 AM

Australia, no idea how much a gallon is, we pay between $17 and $25 a litre depending what day of the week it is

about 3.8 liters

If we go witht the weekend price of $1.24 per litre that'll make around $4.71 per gallon

Sandy9876's photo
Sun 09/27/09 01:48 AM

Hiya Sandy from Oz, ex-Aussie dater here in Denver. Hopefully you can win me back. G'day! :wink: :wink: :wink:

win you back? nah I'm sure your having far too much fun in Denverbigsmile

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