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Topic: Mandatory Gay-Friendly Classes.
Winx's photo
Tue 09/08/09 11:00 PM

JMO....but it should be offered just as sex ed with straight couples. I don't think it should be manditory (just like hetero sex ed should be)

whether people agree with the parents reasons or not...they are the parents

My child's school doesn't have sex. ed.slaphead

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 09/08/09 11:02 PM

JMO....but it should be offered just as sex ed with straight couples. I don't think it should be manditory (just like hetero sex ed should be)

whether people agree with the parents reasons or not...they are the parents

My child's school doesn't have sex. ed.slaphead

yes but you decided to send your child to private school...they can teach as they want. I'm talking about public schools....and not for the little ones though.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/08/09 11:05 PM

JMO....but it should be offered just as sex ed with straight couples. I don't think it should be manditory (just like hetero sex ed should be)

whether people agree with the parents reasons or not...they are the parents

My child's school doesn't have sex. ed.slaphead

yes but you decided to send your child to private school...they can teach as they want. I'm talking about public schools....and not for the little ones though.

I had to send my child there. My city's public schools lost their accreditation. In other words, I felt that I didn't have a choice. lol

Actually, the parents voted for "no sex. ed" at that school. The health teacher was disappointed.

Oddly, they talk about abortions and stem cell research in 5th grade and the kids weren't taught about sex. lol

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 09/08/09 11:08 PM
winx...I went to a private school in junior high...they NEVER talked about that lol.

but whether it's private school or public school...I believe it should be up to the parents

no photo
Wed 09/09/09 05:39 AM

Kids (espcially elementry kids) don't need to learn about anal sex,sex change operations,bull dyke lesbians who use strap ons,crossing dressing queers,and all the other vile garbage that is associated with the gay and lesbian crowd.

The also don't need to learn about bondage,rape,abortions,role playing,golden showers,beastality,3 somes,and orgies.

All they need to know about human sexuality is the differences between men and women,how men and women reproduce,and where babies come from.The rest of that sick,digusting,warped,crap the liberals are forcing down our childrens virgin minds needs to be kicked out of our public schools,thrown in a big pile,and set on fire.

I will be the first to say that I believe morals should be taught in the home not the class room...this class is about tolerance, and accepting...not these things you mention. Maybe if parents could teach their children with out hate... oh say things hummm... like people should be thrown in piles and set on fire... such classes on tolerance wouldn't be needed in the schools.

Oh give me a break!I get so tired of hearing this stupid we have to tolerate everyone and everything because why?Because you say so?Well you certainly don't tolerate anyone who seems to have a opinion other than yours.I suppore in your infinate wisdom we should also tolerate child abusers because they live a alternative lifestyle?Lets also tolerate incest,underage sex and marraige,animal torture and cruilty,beastiality,and kiddie porn.We can't be discrimanting against anyone because of moral values right?

We live in a country where we can believe what we want to believe and that includes our children. And if I or my children are forced against their will to learn things they do not want to see,hear,or learn about because they think it is wrong morally then yes I fully support violence to stop it if that is what it comes down to.

You lucky I don't support violence against you, Thomas.

I am gay and I would never suggest teaching children your crude view of gays, nor would I be so ignorant to compare gays with child abusers, underage sex? beastiality? kiddie porn? Your hatred is so deep I have to wonder if you are gay yourself and in complete denial.

I can hope you never have children, and so help the gay child that finds you as a parent. Now that would be child abuse.

no photo
Wed 09/09/09 05:44 AM

I'm reading this talk about public schools.

My child goes to a Christian school. They have a project in religion class. They are going to have debates.

My child was given the topic of "being gay". They are supposed to debate "for" and "against". My child was given the position of "for".

I don't like this because it's not age appropriate. My child doesn't even understand the full meaning of being gay.

Glad you decided to bring that up, Winx.

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:26 AM
I don't think kids younger than about 13 should be taught sex education in school

they should learn it under the bushes in the playground like I did

willing2's photo
Wed 09/09/09 08:46 AM

I don't think kids younger than about 13 should be taught sex education in school

they should learn it under the bushes in the playground like I did

laugh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

tngxl65's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:04 AM

JMO....but it should be offered just as sex ed with straight couples. I don't think it should be manditory (just like hetero sex ed should be)

whether people agree with the parents reasons or not...they are the parents

My child's school doesn't have sex. ed.slaphead

Winx, no disprespect intended, but I'd much rather talk to my kids about it myself. There are some very good web sites specifically for this and that are designed to help you have the discussion. And you can include/exclude whatever you want.

My parents didn't have 'the talk' with me. Instead they purchased a the book "Everything you ever wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask" and set it on the book shelf and told me it was there. The book wasn't quite right... it was more than I wanted to know at the time, lol!

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:14 AM

My oldest son came home from school in the 5th grade and asked me what a fag was because he was being called that by some kids. When I explained homosexuality to him he said.."then why are they calling me that?"

They are getting an education about things at school anyway...

My parents never taught me anything about sex..just that it was BAD!

I have always been very open with my boys..I'm just glad they are all out of
school and I don't have to worry about it. I did my time.:smile:

adj4u's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:15 AM
this should be taught in sociology

it does not deserve a class of itz own

schools need to get back to teaching what kids need to learn to become successful in life

with the united states so low in the worlds educational stats they need to teach the basics

and add this kind of thing to the sociology classes

but hey...........

no photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:36 AM
Children are exposed to sex earlier and earlier, I don't think one should wait too long before they have the discussion at home.

In school I don't see any reason not to teach children how to respect each other. You don't have to get into the nitty gritty of sex to teach them to respect differences.

Using terms like those that Thomas used shows that there is something to teaching kids respect in school, because kids from homes that are not teaching their kids anything, or teach their kids to be intolerant and crude turn around and teach their friends.

It's disgusting enough to hear an adult talk like that, but when a kid does it, it shows we don't learn much from generation to generation.

When kids are more concerned with how they look and how they are seen by others rather than the tools they need to survive, it seems to me they need both the tools and the lessons in respect.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:44 AM
If it were not for the sex ed in school around 5th grade I think for me, I would not have known **** about sex or at least not in the right sense. Having been molested a young age I been exposed at a certain level but it wasn't a healthy thing.

When I met the first gay person, I knew about anyway, I was scared of them. Do you know why? Not because of what my mother and father said to me, it was more their reactions around the whole subject of homosexuality. My families philosophy was, they were not prejudice because they had or knew people of color, these people of color were kept in their "section" of my parents and families lives. They were good enough to hang with on occasion but you really did not spend too much time with them and no more intimate relationships should formed, the would be sacreligious. Then there was the catagory of gays, everyone just had an understanding about the wrongness of homosexuality but noone talked about it except to say derrogatory things about the gays that demonized them, of course, they could not be allowed to be friends of your family because of all their demon qualities. You know associating them with everything from illegal activities to being possible serial rapists and killers.

So I was scared when I met the first gay person (that I could tell he was gay.) I sheltered my child from him and finally he came to my door and asked why I reacted that way. I was semi honest and told him I did not know too much about gay folks. We became great friends, he threw wonderful parties and taught my children to draw. He was actually a help in understanding men for me.

The point here is that the fear surrounding this lifestyle is created to further their segragation and judgement. Gay folks live their lives just like we do. They go through the trial and tribulations just like we do. They have criminals in their midst just like we do. There is really no difference.

Being taught that they are the same as heterosexuals and deserve the same respects and considerations is no biggie to me. Parents are probably less equipped to teach the kids this then they think they are. My parent thought they had it right and they did not.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:47 AM
You know what the fear here is, right?

If we make it mainstream more kids will turn gay. But that is not further from the truth. People don't turn gay, they are gay from birth. Some hide it, squash it, try to live a heterosexual life but they are attracted to folks of the same gender all along. Some are attracted to both genders making them bi but it all starts when they are very young.

So no matter what we do, we cannot make more gay people, they are already here.

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