Topic: What do you all think?
no photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:23 PM

The baby was with her mother, "grandma". It was just her and two of her girlfriends. She was only out for 40 mins. Yes, it was wrong. But, who are all of you even myself to judge. We have all made stupid choices, some more stupid then others.

... C'mon' !!! This is Mingle2 !!! ... spock

You ask for people's opinions, not your own ... ya open a gate that will never again close ... ALWAYS!!!

Take the good and helpful, discard the rest ... reduce, reuse, recycle ... think

Fly above the hurtful and the attacks, toughen up ... flowerforyou

Lfer's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:24 PM
Yes, I realize this. I was just stating my own opinions. I am taking all of your advice to heart. Keep them coming!

scorpio90's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:24 PM

The baby was with her mother, "grandma". It was just her and two of her girlfriends. She was only out for 40 mins. Yes, it was wrong. But, who are all of you even myself to judge. We have all made stupid choices, some more stupid then others.

... C'mon' !!! This is Mingle2 !!! ... spock

You ask for people's opinions, not your own ... ya open a gate that will never again close ... ALWAYS!!!

Take the good and helpful, discard the rest ... reduce, reuse, recycle ... think

Fly above the hurtful and the attacks, toughen up ... flowerforyou
I agree emphatically.drinker :tongue:

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:25 PM
I would suggest that if she wants to continue breastfeedin don't get the baby started on formula, simply pump an freeze before she smokes pot again. If she doesn't keep a regular breastfeedin schedule her milk will dry up an she'll have to stop all together then.

Lfer's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:27 PM
She isn't going to smoke again. But, the breastmilk she has now obviously has THC and all other chemicals in it. How long will it take for that to be gone?

Can she just do formula for maybe a week or so?

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:27 PM
When I was breastfeedin mine an I knew I was goin to have alcohol, I'd pump an store in the freezer. The drop in bottle bags are great for this. Then after I'd had any alcohol I'd pump an dump for the next 24, an I'd have the milk in the freezer to feed durin that time. :thumbsup:

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:29 PM

She isn't going to smoke again. But, the breastmilk she has now obviously has THC and all other chemicals in it. How long will it take for that to be gone?

Can she just do formula for maybe a week or so?

She'd only have to pump an dump for 24 hrs then would be out of her system. As I suggested before, tell her to pump & freeze some. It will keep in the freezer for up to 6 months. Tell her to put date on container. :thumbsup:

no photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:30 PM
Edited by Dancere on Fri 09/04/09 12:31 PM

Speakin as a Mom who breastfed 4 an also worked as a Breastfeedin Peer Counselor with WIC, she needs to pump an dump for at least 24 hrs. Anything a breastfeedin mother ingests, inhales or otherwise takes into her body will go to the baby by way of breastmilk. Drugs, alcohol, medications, etc. I even noticed when I ate gassy foods an then breastfed, the baby got gas. shades

I agree w/ this in part, w/ h2o soluble drugs ... (alcohol, speed, meth, crack, cocaine) yes!

However! The fat soluble drugs( cannabis, opiates, codeines, so on ), remain in the liver and, so, bloodstream 21 days ... ohwell

I agree no formula (!!!) ... consider goat's milk, closest to human breast milk molecularly ... flowerforyou

Lfer's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:33 PM
The only problem with pumping is she does not make that much anymore. She makes enough for how much her baby Brooke demands. Which is usually every three hours. Should she still just pump what she can?

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:38 PM

The only problem with pumping is she does not make that much anymore. She makes enough for how much her baby Brooke demands. Which is usually every three hours. Should she still just pump what she can?

If she wants to store some in the freezer, tell her to pump once in between a feedin for a day or two an build up to maybe twice for awhile until she has some stored. Her body will respond to the extra pumpin an produce more within a few days. Tell her to make sure she's drinkin plenty of fluids an gettin her extra calories in. :thumbsup:

Lfer's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:40 PM
Is it safe though for her to feed her baby? In the meanwhile, she did smoke just last night.

no photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:45 PM
Edited by Dancere on Fri 09/04/09 12:46 PM

Is it safe though for her to feed her baby? In the meanwhile, she did smoke just last night.

One bowl represents minute amount in bloodstream, released to blood (so the milk) to detox over the next 21 days.

Safe? Hard word to quantify/qualify here. The family will need to make that call really.

Redd, is right on pumping extra, whether or not she uses it... to KEEP the milk plant operating and producing Xtra. It shuts down quickly w/out demand!!!

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:46 PM

Is it safe though for her to feed her baby? In the meanwhile, she did smoke just last night.

She shouldn't breastfeed for at least 24 hrs after she smoked. In the meantime she should use either goat's milk or a formula. Canned goat's milk can usually be found in the bakin section at the grocery store along side evaporated milk.

no photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:47 PM
Miele is BEST pump, worth the cost!!! ... :thumbsup:

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:49 PM

Is it safe though for her to feed her baby? In the meanwhile, she did smoke just last night.

She shouldn't breastfeed for at least 24 hrs after she smoked. In the meantime she should use either goat's milk or a formula. Canned goat's milk can usually be found in the bakin section at the grocery store along side evaporated milk.

I just read my wordin there. Make sure she does pump durin the 24 hrs but to dump it as in chunk it down the sink. :thumbsup:

If she doesn't have a pump, she can hand express or even get a pump thru WIC, that's if she's on WIC.

Lfer's photo
Fri 09/04/09 12:59 PM
She did breastfeed her baby this morning, early. like 4 A.M.
She said she has been playing with Brooke, giving her baby food, and juice.

But, she is going to resort to formula just until her milk is safe for the baby again.

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 09/04/09 01:01 PM

She did breastfeed her baby this morning, early. like 4 A.M.
She said she has been playing with Brooke, giving her baby food, and juice.

But, she is going to resort to formula just until her milk is safe for the baby again.

:thumbsup: Just remember to tell her pump an dump when she'd normally breastfeed until the 24 hrs is up or she could start dryin up.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 09/07/09 09:02 PM
Forty-Fifty yrs ago a lot of Moms smoke cigs and drank during the pregnancy and breast feeding months.

Look at us now!!!!!noway

Winx's photo
Mon 09/07/09 09:05 PM

Her baby is 7 months old, she said it was only a very small amount she did smoke. Wish, I was there to stop her.

It doesn't matter how much. It still goes into the blood stream.

Winx's photo
Mon 09/07/09 09:07 PM

... PLEASE! ... Encourage her to study 5~HTP ...

The brain chemistry that she's seeking to balance, will be in INSTANTLY w/in her reach, w/out ill~effects upon the child.

There are MANY books and online sources, as regards 5~HTP ... flowerforyou
If she wants to smoke pot the world will still go on. Give some people a break. It's not like she's been up for 12 days on meth or noddin' off at the wheel from doin' heroin......:tongue:

Being a breast feeding mother and doing illegal drugs is not only criminal, it is also incredibly stupid and detrimental to the baby. NO BREAKS should be given.

She needs to seek help for her stress not self-medicate.
It's just POT! It's a plant. It's basically harmless outside of the damage to the lungs that occurs with smoking anything. It's only POT. It should be it's own food group like vegetables.

What do you know about breastfeeding?huh