Topic: Gov. Indoctorinating the Kids | |
The majority of adults are refusing to buy into the Obamination. Now, he'll try to sell the kids his drug.
If you wish to not have your kids indoctorinated by BHO and the Gov., keep them home on Sept. 8, 2009. Tell your school superintendants how you feel about it. September 2nd, 2009 3:58 PM Eastern Hope, Change and Indoctrination? by Web Producer President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on Tuesday, which will be the first day of classes for many children across the country. The address, to be broadcast live on the White House's Web site, was announced in a letter to school principals last week by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In advance of the address, the Department of Education has offered educators "classroom activities" to coincide with Obama's message. The suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically. What do you think about Obama's classroom campaign? |
My child's school principal sent out a phone message alerting parents to this. He stated the content is supposed to be kind of a pep talk to rally parents, teachers, and children to combine efforts to ensure top education in order to be fit for the global economy. The principal stated he will record the speech and the children may see it during the last session of the day if the parents do not object. If a parent objects, the child will be elsewhere during the transmission.
I would advocate, those parents who are aware this is going to happen, and do not approve, tell the Principal they do not approve and keep the kids home.
That would send a stronger message to Gov. |
The majority of adults are refusing to buy into the Obamination. Now, he'll try to sell the kids his drug. If you wish to not have your kids indoctorinated by BHO and the Gov., keep them home on Sept. 8, 2009. Tell your school superintendants how you feel about it. September 2nd, 2009 3:58 PM Eastern Hope, Change and Indoctrination? by Web Producer President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on Tuesday, which will be the first day of classes for many children across the country. The address, to be broadcast live on the White House's Web site, was announced in a letter to school principals last week by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In advance of the address, the Department of Education has offered educators "classroom activities" to coincide with Obama's message. The suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically. What do you think about Obama's classroom campaign? I think it's great when kids learn about politics. I got one better for you. My child goes to a Christian school. Their assignment for the next two weeks in religion class: They have to prepare for a debate with 3 kids "for" and 3 kids "against" on three subjects. The subjects are homosexuality, stem cell research and abortion. Theses are not high school kids!! ![]() Also, the teacher told them that stem cell research was when babies were killed for research. ![]() Sorry if this seems off-topic, Willing. It's just that learning about politics doesn't seem wrong to me. I'm happy when children learn facts. This religion class project is not facts to me. This is their President. Why not learn about him and what he stands for? |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats.
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. WHOA...That is news to me... Start drinking the kool aid a little later in life, then? |
Next thing they'll want to do is send Recruiters in to get the kids hot to enlist in the Military.
Next thing they'll want to do is send Recruiters in to get the kids hot to enlist in the Military. ![]() |
Next thing they'll want to do is send Recruiters in to get the kids hot to enlist in the Military. ![]() Being sarcastic. They've done that for years. During Viet Nam, they were at the school a couple times a year. |
Next thing they'll want to do is send Recruiters in to get the kids hot to enlist in the Military. ![]() Being sarcastic. They've done that for years. During Viet Nam, they were at the school a couple times a year. It's a known fact that recruiters go to High schools on career day, along with firemen, policemen, doctors, lawyers an so on an so forth. The recruiters ain't tryin to brainwash em. ![]() |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. WHOA...That is news to me... Start drinking the kool aid a little later in life, then? No, no drinking of the Kool-Aid. ![]() |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. WHOA...That is news to me... Start drinking the kool aid a little later in life, then? No, no drinking of the Kool-Aid. ![]() We don't drink Kool-Aid in my house. The government puts mind control drugs in it ya know. ![]() ![]() |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. WHOA...That is news to me... Start drinking the kool aid a little later in life, then? No, no drinking of the Kool-Aid. ![]() We don't drink Kool-Aid in my house. The government puts mind control drugs in it ya know. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What a joke of a thread.
So what if the President wants to speak to the kids, GREAT!! Some people are so brainwashed by the right wing wackos it's pathetic. It's amazing how fast you all ECHO the same talking points from the right wing media from sun up to sun down. You, my friend, have been indoctrinated by Limbaugh, Hannity & Beck... Lunatics. Let go of all the hate you have in your heart. You will see the light. Peace ![]() |
now you see what I had to hear during 8 years of Bush
it's the same thingh just from the other side now |
|'s everywhere
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|'s everywhere ![]() ![]() ![]() It's gone past's getting scary with all the hate. I live in AZ and you see what's happening here on National News. Guns at the rallies, Preachers praying for death to President. You go into any gun store and all the ammo shelves are empty. Right wing radio & TV are inciting revolution. Anarchists & Militia are coming out of the woodwork. Hate is everywhere you look. It's just going to take a small spark. |
I have an Idea, after reading this area of mingle for a while I've figured out that this part of the forum should be renamed....
It should be called I Drank The Koolaid.. and here's what I think. |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. Oh really? Did you learn that The Great Depression was caused by wreckless capitalists? That WWII was necessary because of Hitler's invasion of Poland? That the Confederate States of America was the "bad guy" in the Civil War? That the New Deal saved American Capitalism? If you answered yes to any of these(and believe it), you've been indoctrinated. |