Topic: Gov. Indoctorinating the Kids | |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ya, indoctrinate them at home instead.. Just keep them away from reality until they are about 30... lol |
Not sure what you mean by that. Please explain.
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. WHOA...That is news to me... Start drinking the kool aid a little later in life, then? Which brand of coola-aide from which school of indoctrination? |
indoctrination is what government school is FOR! If you don't like it, homeschool or private school the rugrats. Ohh, puh-lease. I went to public schools and I wasn't indoctrinated. Btw, they're run by the Board of Education here. Oh really? Did you learn that The Great Depression was caused by wreckless capitalists? That WWII was necessary because of Hitler's invasion of Poland? That the Confederate States of America was the "bad guy" in the Civil War? That the New Deal saved American Capitalism? If you answered yes to any of these(and believe it), you've been indoctrinated. Honestly don't remember much of what I was taught in school about the Great Depression other than there were bread lines evrywhere an men were jumpin frieght trains lookin for work. I learned the reason the US got into World War II was because the Japanese bombed the fudderin h*ll outta Pearl Harbor an killed thousands, I learned that both sides were the bad guy in the Civil War, an sorry can't remember much about the New Deal other than Roosevelt was apprently responsible for that. ![]() |
The majority of adults are refusing to buy into the Obamination. Now, he'll try to sell the kids his drug. If you wish to not have your kids indoctorinated by BHO and the Gov., keep them home on Sept. 8, 2009. Tell your school superintendants how you feel about it. September 2nd, 2009 3:58 PM Eastern Hope, Change and Indoctrination? by Web Producer President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on Tuesday, which will be the first day of classes for many children across the country. The address, to be broadcast live on the White House's Web site, was announced in a letter to school principals last week by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In advance of the address, the Department of Education has offered educators "classroom activities" to coincide with Obama's message. The suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically. What do you think about Obama's classroom campaign? WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. Wowwwwww, dangerous scary stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. Wowwwwww, dangerous scary stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh My! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. Wowwwwww, dangerous scary stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh My! ![]() ![]() ![]() It's scary for the parents here in my town.... ![]() |
The majority of adults are refusing to buy into the Obamination. Now, he'll try to sell the kids his drug. If you wish to not have your kids indoctorinated by BHO and the Gov., keep them home on Sept. 8, 2009. Tell your school superintendants how you feel about it. September 2nd, 2009 3:58 PM Eastern Hope, Change and Indoctrination? by Web Producer President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on Tuesday, which will be the first day of classes for many children across the country. The address, to be broadcast live on the White House's Web site, was announced in a letter to school principals last week by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In advance of the address, the Department of Education has offered educators "classroom activities" to coincide with Obama's message. The suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically. What do you think about Obama's classroom campaign? WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. Wowwwwww, dangerous scary stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd like to see a copy of that speech before he delivers it. We have a right to be informed before the gov. decides what our kids should be subjected to. |
The majority of adults are refusing to buy into the Obamination. Now, he'll try to sell the kids his drug. If you wish to not have your kids indoctorinated by BHO and the Gov., keep them home on Sept. 8, 2009. Tell your school superintendants how you feel about it. September 2nd, 2009 3:58 PM Eastern Hope, Change and Indoctrination? by Web Producer President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on Tuesday, which will be the first day of classes for many children across the country. The address, to be broadcast live on the White House's Web site, was announced in a letter to school principals last week by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In advance of the address, the Department of Education has offered educators "classroom activities" to coincide with Obama's message. The suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically. What do you think about Obama's classroom campaign? WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. Wowwwwww, dangerous scary stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd like to see a copy of that speech before he delivers it. We have a right to be informed before the gov. decides what our kids should be subjected to. Where does it say that in the Constitution? ![]() |
I've got a question? Do parents honestly think they can censor everything their kids see, hears or reads???? I mean let's get serious. U can't follow ur kids around 24/7 monitorin every little thing. However, U can have an open, honest relationship with ur kids an talk to them about how u feel about somthing.
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The majority of adults are refusing to buy into the Obamination. Now, he'll try to sell the kids his drug. If you wish to not have your kids indoctorinated by BHO and the Gov., keep them home on Sept. 8, 2009. Tell your school superintendants how you feel about it. September 2nd, 2009 3:58 PM Eastern Hope, Change and Indoctrination? by Web Producer President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on Tuesday, which will be the first day of classes for many children across the country. The address, to be broadcast live on the White House's Web site, was announced in a letter to school principals last week by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. In advance of the address, the Department of Education has offered educators "classroom activities" to coincide with Obama's message. The suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically. What do you think about Obama's classroom campaign? WASHINGTON, D.C. – As children across America go back to school, President Obama will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school on Tuesday, September 8th at 12:00 PM EDT at Wakefield High School in Arlington. In advance of this address, the Department of Education is providing resources developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion about persisting and succeeding in school. Wowwwwww, dangerous scary stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd like to see a copy of that speech before he delivers it. We have a right to be informed before the gov. decides what our kids should be subjected to. Where does it say that in the Constitution? ![]() You may have something there. Why would the Gov. need to consider the Parental rights to information minor children are subject to and choose to give permission or not? After all, they have the Patriot Act to fall back on. |
Edited by
Wed 09/02/09 06:28 PM
I've got a question? Do parents honestly think they can censor everything their kids see, hears or reads???? I mean let's get serious. U can't follow ur kids around 24/7 monitorin every little thing. However, U can have an open, honest relationship with ur kids an talk to them about how u feel about somthing. ![]() AMEN!!! |
Here's another question, What parent really goes to the school, gets copies of the textbooks an reads them cover to cover so as to insure their children aren't bein taught something they don't want em learnin?? This sooooo reminds me of when I was a kid an they started introducin Sex Ed in school. The parents were up in arms like crazy. More than half the parents havin a fit, never even talked to their kids about sex or where babies came from.
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Here's another question, What parent really goes to the school, gets copies of the textbooks an reads them cover to cover so as to insure their children aren't bein taught something they don't want em learnin?? This sooooo reminds me of when I was a kid an they started introducin Sex Ed in school. The parents were up in arms like crazy. More than half the parents havin a fit, never even talked to their kids about sex or where babies came from. ![]() Dang Redd, your posin' some mighty thoughtful questions tonight! ![]() |
Here's another question, What parent really goes to the school, gets copies of the textbooks an reads them cover to cover so as to insure their children aren't bein taught something they don't want em learnin?? This sooooo reminds me of when I was a kid an they started introducin Sex Ed in school. The parents were up in arms like crazy. More than half the parents havin a fit, never even talked to their kids about sex or where babies came from. ![]() Dang Redd, your posin' some mighty thoughtful questions tonight! ![]() What can I say? ![]() ![]() |
Here's another question, What parent really goes to the school, gets copies of the textbooks an reads them cover to cover so as to insure their children aren't bein taught something they don't want em learnin?? This sooooo reminds me of when I was a kid an they started introducin Sex Ed in school. The parents were up in arms like crazy. More than half the parents havin a fit, never even talked to their kids about sex or where babies came from. ![]() I agree with you completely red, it is pitiful. As long as the President is not telling our children that hey need to grow up big and strong so they can go into the military in order to kill all those we oppose, I have no problems. And don't misunderstand me, Ia m all for recruiters being at he school on career day lol. |
I just find it hilarious the paranoia an BS that goes on concernin the 'government'. Guess what folks, we're the idiots that voted em in.
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Here's another question, What parent really goes to the school, gets copies of the textbooks an reads them cover to cover so as to insure their children aren't bein taught something they don't want em learnin?? This sooooo reminds me of when I was a kid an they started introducin Sex Ed in school. The parents were up in arms like crazy. More than half the parents havin a fit, never even talked to their kids about sex or where babies came from. ![]() We didn't have much on SEX education when I was in school. I remember we had a half day/1 time class that was just the boys and the PE Coach and all I remember him telling us was "don't forget to take a shower BEFORE you have SEX with the girls". ![]() |
Here's another question, What parent really goes to the school, gets copies of the textbooks an reads them cover to cover so as to insure their children aren't bein taught something they don't want em learnin?? This sooooo reminds me of when I was a kid an they started introducin Sex Ed in school. The parents were up in arms like crazy. More than half the parents havin a fit, never even talked to their kids about sex or where babies came from. ![]() We didn't have much on SEX education when I was in school. I remember we had a half day/1 time class that was just the boys and the PE Coach and all I remember him telling us was "don't forget to take a shower BEFORE you have SEX with the girls". ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/02/09 06:56 PM
lmao, the first time we had a REAL sex ed class, it was taught by this blonde bombshell, 21 years old, fresh out of college. I swear God was enjoying a good laugh at us young men that day
![]() I will never forget when she brought the condoms out and started passing them around, I thought there was going to be a mass stroke from all the blood rushing to the young men's heads (pun intended). |