Topic: Are Pagans still considered devil worshipers?
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Wed 08/26/09 07:38 AM
Edited by boo2u on Wed 08/26/09 07:39 AM

I can't really remember what I was taught specifically as a child about pagans, but you did get the distinct impression they were not godly. Oh hell I am going to butcher this. I think I personally got the idea that anything that wasn't taught in Sunday school was bad. Hell I thought being catholic was the only Christianity and everyone bowed to the Pope. I thought that was really strange.

laugh No, you didn't butcher it and I appreciate the anwer to the question.

Yes, as a Christian I was also taught that anyone who wasn't worshiping Jesus/God was, in essence, worshiping Satan. I practiced Traditional Catholicism for a while after converting and they were even more adamant about it being the One True Faith. They believe that even Protestants and modern Catholics were going to hell. Pagans and anyone involved in anything deemed "occult" by Christianity were the worst of all. I wonder why their view of Pagans was so much worse than their view of Jews or Muslims.

I really don't know why, I don't know why religion has gotten so much more divisive and angry either. But I do know that though I always had a hard time believing any of it, I did try to have some connection to it, I thought it was a requirement to living good.

Maybe my resistance to it and my struggle with it and finally me exit all prepared me for a life with out any of it. Once I left it completely I never thought about it again for myself anyway, and I was finally free of the guilt and the endless expectations. I finally realized I could live happily and as a good person with out it, though now it does fascinate me how people use and abuse it today.

Today religion is more about competition and control and division, I never thought it could get this ugly.

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Wed 08/26/09 11:55 AM

I was baptised and brought up catholic, and as they say I have the guilt to prove it. Well not anymore but for several years anyway. lol

Yeah, that Catholic guilt can be hard to get rid of. I was raised non-Catholic Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister when I was growing up. I converted to Catholicism after marrying my husband who was Catholic. I studied everything I could get my hands on about Catholicism. I began studying the history of the Catholic which is what eventually led me to Paganism. I still love the beauty of the ritual in Catholicism and take my children to Mass sometimes. Hence, my still being "Catholic sometimes". :tongue:

I've always wondered something. Why is it that it seems like anyone who was ever in the Catholic church treat it like it's herpes? By that I mean they never really get rid of it, it flares up every once in a while usually during periods of high stress, they treat it (by going to church) then it goes away and they forget about it for a while..until the next flare up.
I'm serious. I've never known anyone who ever claimed to have been Catholic who didn't always claim to be Catholic. I've known people who would state outright that they disagreed w/ the Pope, the teachings of the Catholic church ect. ect and yet would still claim to be Catholic. Is it just that their brand of brainwashing is just that good or what?

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:59 AM

I was baptised and brought up catholic, and as they say I have the guilt to prove it. Well not anymore but for several years anyway. lol

Yeah, that Catholic guilt can be hard to get rid of. I was raised non-Catholic Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister when I was growing up. I converted to Catholicism after marrying my husband who was Catholic. I studied everything I could get my hands on about Catholicism. I began studying the history of the Catholic which is what eventually led me to Paganism. I still love the beauty of the ritual in Catholicism and take my children to Mass sometimes. Hence, my still being "Catholic sometimes". :tongue:

Because of the ritual, when I later tried other things I had this idea that the ritual was nessessary to be legitimate. Later still I grew tired of the stress on my self trying to figure out if I fit in any of it, the ritual became a burden. Now I cringe at any sort of ritual, not absolutely sure why. That might make sense only to me of course.. LOL

Makes sense to me also. I've always thought that traditions and rituals were excuses to not think for one's self.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 08/26/09 06:31 PM

Makes sense to me also. I've always thought that traditions and rituals were excuses to not think for one's self.

I write my own rituals.

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:09 PM

Makes sense to me also. I've always thought that traditions and rituals were excuses to not think for one's self.

I write my own rituals.

oh, well that's different then, isn't it.

meekor's photo
Thu 08/27/09 03:38 AM
There has always been contrversy as to which is considerd as satanic worship.There are things in this world that cannot be explained and some that never will.The sorcery that some aquire as innocent as it seems is not of our one and only true God.Be wary the devil is like a lion waiting to devour.Take into consideration that any kind of worship that does not have christ as the center is considerd as satanic.Even if it has no evil intentions whatsoever it is still considerd as evil . Like all of the religous practices there are those that are subtle and extreme.I dont deny others thier own beliefs it is not me to judge that is reserved for our father,judge not others lest you be judged yourself.

SandFTW's photo
Thu 08/27/09 04:39 AM
Hail Satan. Hail Satan. Bababooey! Bababooey! Bababooy! And of course... Howard Sterns private parts. Good day to yous'!

SandFTW's photo
Thu 08/27/09 04:45 AM
The Nine Satanic Sins

by Anton Szandor LaVey ©1987

1. Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid...

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 08/27/09 05:58 AM

Makes sense to me also. I've always thought that traditions and rituals were excuses to not think for one's self.

I write my own rituals.

oh, well that's different then, isn't it.

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 08/27/09 11:15 AM

The Nine Satanic Sins

by Anton Szandor LaVey ©1987

1. Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid...

oh, how I wish studity was painful...

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 08/27/09 01:55 PM

The Nine Satanic Sins

by Anton Szandor LaVey ©1987

1. Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid...

I've found all of the Satanic tenets to be fairly straightforward, and make a Hel of a lot more sense then the BS Christianity likes to shovel down.

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 08:44 PM

I was baptised and brought up catholic, and as they say I have the guilt to prove it. Well not anymore but for several years anyway. lol

Yeah, that Catholic guilt can be hard to get rid of. I was raised non-Catholic Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister when I was growing up. I converted to Catholicism after marrying my husband who was Catholic. I studied everything I could get my hands on about Catholicism. I began studying the history of the Catholic which is what eventually led me to Paganism. I still love the beauty of the ritual in Catholicism and take my children to Mass sometimes. Hence, my still being "Catholic sometimes". :tongue:

I've always wondered something. Why is it that it seems like anyone who was ever in the Catholic church treat it like it's herpes? By that I mean they never really get rid of it, it flares up every once in a while usually during periods of high stress, they treat it (by going to church) then it goes away and they forget about it for a while..until the next flare up.
I'm serious. I've never known anyone who ever claimed to have been Catholic who didn't always claim to be Catholic. I've known people who would state outright that they disagreed w/ the Pope, the teachings of the Catholic church ect. ect and yet would still claim to be Catholic. Is it just that their brand of brainwashing is just that good or what?

Maybe because we are baptised Catholic? I don't know but since I was raised catholic I am still catholic even though I don't believe any of it. It's a religion that does make you tend to feel guilty about everything you do, probably why so many stay attached to it. It's programing like anything else people cling to.

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 08:48 PM

I was baptised and brought up catholic, and as they say I have the guilt to prove it. Well not anymore but for several years anyway. lol

Yeah, that Catholic guilt can be hard to get rid of. I was raised non-Catholic Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister when I was growing up. I converted to Catholicism after marrying my husband who was Catholic. I studied everything I could get my hands on about Catholicism. I began studying the history of the Catholic which is what eventually led me to Paganism. I still love the beauty of the ritual in Catholicism and take my children to Mass sometimes. Hence, my still being "Catholic sometimes". :tongue:

Because of the ritual, when I later tried other things I had this idea that the ritual was nessessary to be legitimate. Later still I grew tired of the stress on my self trying to figure out if I fit in any of it, the ritual became a burden. Now I cringe at any sort of ritual, not absolutely sure why. That might make sense only to me of course.. LOL

Makes sense to me also. I've always thought that traditions and rituals were excuses to not think for one's self.

I think religion was designed to not think of oneself, if you do that you are not paying attention to the people wanting to control you.

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 08:58 PM
If you look up has many meanings.....Most would say it is the worship of many gods...and was the case before the coming of "Christ". To be a devel worshiper would be to do exactly that. So on this I add what does your friend truly believe???

no photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:01 PM

I was baptised and brought up catholic, and as they say I have the guilt to prove it. Well not anymore but for several years anyway. lol

Yeah, that Catholic guilt can be hard to get rid of. I was raised non-Catholic Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister when I was growing up. I converted to Catholicism after marrying my husband who was Catholic. I studied everything I could get my hands on about Catholicism. I began studying the history of the Catholic which is what eventually led me to Paganism. I still love the beauty of the ritual in Catholicism and take my children to Mass sometimes. Hence, my still being "Catholic sometimes". :tongue:

Because of the ritual, when I later tried other things I had this idea that the ritual was nessessary to be legitimate. Later still I grew tired of the stress on my self trying to figure out if I fit in any of it, the ritual became a burden. Now I cringe at any sort of ritual, not absolutely sure why. That might make sense only to me of course.. LOL

Makes sense to me also. I've always thought that traditions and rituals were excuses to not think for one's self.
hhhmmm this is a disturbing answer (hhmm are you agnostic??) the teachings of "Christ" are a gift and it is your choice to accept that gift.

I think religion was designed to not think of oneself, if you do that you are not paying attention to the people wanting to control you.

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 12:14 PM

I was baptised and brought up catholic, and as they say I have the guilt to prove it. Well not anymore but for several years anyway. lol

Yeah, that Catholic guilt can be hard to get rid of. I was raised non-Catholic Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister when I was growing up. I converted to Catholicism after marrying my husband who was Catholic. I studied everything I could get my hands on about Catholicism. I began studying the history of the Catholic which is what eventually led me to Paganism. I still love the beauty of the ritual in Catholicism and take my children to Mass sometimes. Hence, my still being "Catholic sometimes". :tongue:

I've always wondered something. Why is it that it seems like anyone who was ever in the Catholic church treat it like it's herpes? By that I mean they never really get rid of it, it flares up every once in a while usually during periods of high stress, they treat it (by going to church) then it goes away and they forget about it for a while..until the next flare up.
I'm serious. I've never known anyone who ever claimed to have been Catholic who didn't always claim to be Catholic. I've known people who would state outright that they disagreed w/ the Pope, the teachings of the Catholic church ect. ect and yet would still claim to be Catholic. Is it just that their brand of brainwashing is just that good or what?

Maybe because we are baptised Catholic? I don't know but since I was raised catholic I am still catholic even though I don't believe any of it. It's a religion that does make you tend to feel guilty about everything you do, probably why so many stay attached to it. It's programing like anything else people cling to.

But it's really not a disease. If you know it's crap, why keep claiming to be part of it? I just don't get it.

no photo
Tue 09/01/09 01:42 PM

The Nine Satanic Sins

by Anton Szandor LaVey ©1987

1. Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid...

oh, how I wish studity was painful...

D'OH!! that was painful...

no photo
Fri 09/18/09 01:19 AM
I'm a Wiccan:)B) and Wiccan don't worship satan.We don't even have anything like satan or anything related to him as he being a trouble causer on our live.We believe that whatever happens to you is due to your own deeds.And even though we have many Gods,it's up to you to "work" (note:not worship cos we have the supreme ONE)wit one or wit all.

Nanadar's photo
Fri 09/18/09 02:00 AM
Thoughts from Canada, up here we are still the "weird ones" and not really accepted. Christians have been known to hate us for our spiritual choice, picket our festivals ( we have to keep the place a secret ) yell at us during "pagan Pride Day" in the public park, and even bump into our cars just because we don't have an "I love Jesus" sticker on our cars. My neighbours dislike the fact that I don't have a pretty back yard because I choose to have the natural herbs that grow there like Wooly Burdock ( which is good for my arthritis )that I harvest instead of useless grass. I still wear my pentagram proudly and hope one day we can all live in peace and harmony.flowerforyou
Fam Trad Pagan.drinker

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 09/18/09 05:55 AM

Thoughts from Canada, up here we are still the "weird ones" and not really accepted. Christians have been known to hate us for our spiritual choice, picket our festivals ( we have to keep the place a secret ) yell at us during "pagan Pride Day" in the public park, and even bump into our cars just because we don't have an "I love Jesus" sticker on our cars. My neighbours dislike the fact that I don't have a pretty back yard because I choose to have the natural herbs that grow there like Wooly Burdock ( which is good for my arthritis )that I harvest instead of useless grass. I still wear my pentagram proudly and hope one day we can all live in peace and harmony.flowerforyou
Fam Trad Pagan.drinker

Ooooh, I wish I lived closer to you. I bet you are just a wealth of knowledge. especially on the herbal side of it. happy

Welcome to Mingle. flowerforyou