Hosea, I tried to email you but can't since I'm a guy. I just wanted to
be sure you knew I wasn't trying to correct you - I think its perfectly fine to use the word "race" the way you were using it, even though Trizar is 'technically' correct about there being 'three main branches'. |
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Hey Felisha my momma is orange and my dad is brown. Does that count? LOL
Both of my parents were orange. And a little green, too.
Hosea, I*m not sure how much you undersand about ethnicies/I may spell
somew words wrong.... butthe whire race is refered to as the caucasion race... Polish german irish englich swedes spanish, and al most all europe is caucasion.. rusiia checks etc etc.. but they are differntent nationalitys.. Differnt ethnicc groups...But all belong to the white race...So hosea you are almost all white from what you listed... This is a fact by7 the way, and I never meet anyone b4 that thought Irish (im half) was a race.... ![]() |
haha massage. if you saw my mom, you would see that she is orange haha
my beautiful family.....I am white, mostly irish, and spanish.
My daughter in law is mexican american (native and spanish) my grandson, is also amirican mexican (native and spanish.. My little lovly granddaughter (is 1/2 irish, and mecian american) meaning native and spanish... we are not interracial, rather inter ethnical.... |
Trizar, can't you see this is merely a semantic issue? You make a good
point about the three primary branches in human racial division, but before you go correcting someone else's use of language, you might want to check a dictionary. Your's is not the only acceptance use for the word "race". |
ha ha ha very funny boredchick..
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Bored -
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Here is a crazy on for ya
French , Irish, English, German, Cherokee, and a little Italian My Grandma used to tell me and my brother we were going to argue with ourselves a lot ![]() |
Italian and German here . My mothers parents are still in Italy .
white/cheerokee indian
We first need to examine the definition of the word race.
Race is commonly thought of as being three divisions of mankind; the Caucasian, the Mongoloid and the Negroid races. Webster's New World Dictionary has this definition: RACE: Any of the major biological divisions of mankind, distinguished by color and texture of hair, color of skin and eyes, stature, bodily proportions, etc: many ethnologists now consider that there are only three primary divisions, the Caucasian (loosely ‘white race), Negroid (loosely ‘black race) and Mongoloid (loosely, ‘yellow race), with various subdivisions: the term has acquired so many unscientific connotations that in this sense it is often replaced in scientific usage by ‘ethic stock or ‘group.” It is interesting to note that this definition infers the fact that the term is a loose one and that modern science is replacing it with other words. Also by definition race is determined by physical characteristics. Traditionally biblical scholars have concluded that the three races were the progeny of Noah's three sons, Shem, Japheth and Ham.1 Japheth is the father of the Caucasian race, Shem of the Mongoloid race, and Ham of the Negroid race. Some have interpreted Noah's prophecies of his sons in Genesis 9 to be the Scriptural basis for discrimination of one race to another. Particularly, the supposed curse on Ham's son, Canaan was purported to be Biblical support of Negro slavery. We will deal with that later in this paper. Basically race is a vague term and is difficult to define. If race is based on the color and texture of hair by what guidelines are we to classify the different shades of hair from black to blonde? A look around at any group of people indicates that hair color has little to do with what we think of as race. In any group of Caucasian people no two hair shades are alike. Hair texture and a person's stature also differ with each individual. Although skin color appears to be an easier method of distinguishing one race from another, a closer look presents the fact that it, too, is a vague rule of thumb. The problem lies in determining how to classify all the varying shades of color between black and white. In order to accomplish this, one must increase the number of races and list various subgroups. As the classification process continues it tends to make classification less significant and definable. Thus the task of defining race is highly subjective making it unscientific. It also brings us to the conclusion that race is not clearly definable and is not a good term to use in describing the variations among people. |
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Apologies to Felisha for cluttering her thread, and to Tulip for boring
her. ![]() Trizar, I wonder if while cut-n-pasting this page: you might have also stumbled upon "" 2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock. My racial stock includes Irish, and many others. |
so in which race would the american indian be classified in.
cherokee/icelandic--or is it greenlandic--