Topic: Im so embarresed to call myself an American!!
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 11:58 AM
:smile: We don't have anything.:smile: The only people that dont realize this are people who happen to be lucky enough that they have been left alone so far.:smile: I like a lot of the people, but I would totally get the hell out of here if I could afford it.:smile: This country is a big fat lie and the older I get the more I realize it.:smile:The goverment (state,federal,and local) have ALL the rights and we have nothing.:smile: Only if you are rich and famous or related to someone that is rich and famous is the only way you have a right to anything:smile: I realize I am a dog to the goverment but the lie I have been told about being "free" in this country my whole life is what bothers me the most.:smile: What freedom?laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:06 PM
:smile: I'm not going to kiss this countries azz anymore.:smile:I love my family and friends and people who are good to me.:heart: But Im not going to be a patriot for a lie.:smile: Give me the freedoms I was promised and then I will be patriotic again.drinks

no photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:07 PM
what freedom???

You are free to leave....immediately.....

:smile: We don't have anything.:smile: The only people that dont realize this are people who happen to be lucky enough that they have been left alone so far.:smile: I like a lot of the people, but I would totally get the hell out of here if I could afford it.:smile: This country is a big fat lie and the older I get the more I realize it.:smile:The goverment (state,federal,and local) have ALL the rights and we have nothing.:smile: Only if you are rich and famous or related to someone that is rich and famous is the only way you have a right to anything:smile: I realize I am a dog to the goverment but the lie I have been told about being "free" in this country my whole life is what bothers me the most.:smile: What freedom?laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:09 PM

what freedom???

You are free to leave....immediately.....

:smile: We don't have anything.:smile: The only people that dont realize this are people who happen to be lucky enough that they have been left alone so far.:smile: I like a lot of the people, but I would totally get the hell out of here if I could afford it.:smile: This country is a big fat lie and the older I get the more I realize it.:smile:The goverment (state,federal,and local) have ALL the rights and we have nothing.:smile: Only if you are rich and famous or related to someone that is rich and famous is the only way you have a right to anything:smile: I realize I am a dog to the goverment but the lie I have been told about being "free" in this country my whole life is what bothers me the most.:smile: What freedom?laugh

laugh no:smile: I want what I was told my entire life:smile: I want to be free:smile: Prove me wrongbigsmile

no photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:11 PM
sorry you were lied to...but have the freedom to get out.....go..go now.. do not wait. you are only hurting yourself by staying here...right????

what freedom???

You are free to leave....immediately.....

:smile: We don't have anything.:smile: The only people that dont realize this are people who happen to be lucky enough that they have been left alone so far.:smile: I like a lot of the people, but I would totally get the hell out of here if I could afford it.:smile: This country is a big fat lie and the older I get the more I realize it.:smile:The goverment (state,federal,and local) have ALL the rights and we have nothing.:smile: Only if you are rich and famous or related to someone that is rich and famous is the only way you have a right to anything:smile: I realize I am a dog to the goverment but the lie I have been told about being "free" in this country my whole life is what bothers me the most.:smile: What freedom?laugh

laugh no:smile: I want what I was told my entire life:smile: I want to be free:smile: Prove me wrongbigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:13 PM

sorry you were lied to...but have the freedom to get out.....go..go now.. do not wait. you are only hurting yourself by staying here...right????

what freedom???

You are free to leave....immediately.....

:smile: We don't have anything.:smile: The only people that dont realize this are people who happen to be lucky enough that they have been left alone so far.:smile: I like a lot of the people, but I would totally get the hell out of here if I could afford it.:smile: This country is a big fat lie and the older I get the more I realize it.:smile:The goverment (state,federal,and local) have ALL the rights and we have nothing.:smile: Only if you are rich and famous or related to someone that is rich and famous is the only way you have a right to anything:smile: I realize I am a dog to the goverment but the lie I have been told about being "free" in this country my whole life is what bothers me the most.:smile: What freedom?laugh

laugh no:smile: I want what I was told my entire life:smile: I want to be free:smile: Prove me wrongbigsmile

drinker That takes money.:smile: Just like all the other fake rights in this country:smile: Im not one of the elite military-cop people:smile:

no photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:16 PM
all U. S. border crossings let you cross by foot......

it takes "energy" not money.......

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:19 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 08/22/09 12:23 PM

all U. S. border crossings let you cross by foot......

it takes "energy" not money.......
drinker I still believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and I want this goverment to go by itdrinker

no photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:21 PM
unlike me?????

you have no idea what my politics are....

why not stay and fight for the ...idk ... let say...repealing the patriot act II....for starters....

no photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:22 PM
ouch!!! my azzz hurts...

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:34 PM

ouch!!! my azzz hurts...

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:39 PM

What has become of my rights? As a single father i have to fight for everything with my only daughter, where my ex doesnt. Ive payed over 15,000 dollors in lawyers fee all because un wed parents in the state of oklahoma, the female has all the legal rights even though she has abandoned the child, legally speaking.

This Government is so blind to what is going on that they will never lead, effectivly, ever again. This country is so divided and hate filled that its reminincant of the American Cival War. We have such need to dominate others who are differnt, we forget the similiarities.

This has turned into such a selfious and bigoted nation of emotionally blind sub humans that im embarresed to call myself an American. This place has replaced the idea of a naturally guided society where everyone and everything has its own place, to some sepia colored cesspool with a grotesque shadow of the humanity and freedom that this once great nation was founded on!!

Have you ever wondered what Franklin Delano Roosevelt would think of this country as it sets now? What Martin Luther King would think? Even Bobby Kennedy?

There are those who say "Well just leave then", Thats such a cowardice way of thinking. "If you see something wrong, run away". Thats a big problem with this country, its full of people who do just that.

We have the highest rate of taxation in the world, why? So we can have the biggest/strongest military? So we can distroy anyone who disagrees with us?

"If only each king, emperor, or president understood that his work of directing armies is not an honourable or important duty, as his flatter pursuade him it is, but a bad an shameful act of preparation for Murder-and if each private indivdual understood that the payment wherewhith to hire adn equip soldiers, and above all, military service itself, are not matters of indifference, but are bad and shamefull actions by which he not only permits but participates in the act of Murder-then this power of emperors, kings and presidents, which now arouses our indignation, would disappear itself all together"--Leo Tolstoy

Even the Bible states, in the latin, NON OCCIDES, Thou shall not kill.

The highest taxiation in the world, our rights "taken away" on a daily basis, no accountable of our own government from there own misdeeds,grotesque expenditures of living on themselves while taxpayes suffer burdens we wouldnt expect out of a somalian donkey, come on people. Its time to abandon the "If you dont like it, leave" mentality and take up a new montra "Stay, repair and hold accountable" and make this a place where we dont have to be ashamed and embarresed anymore!!

I cant belive this is the land for which i came!!

yeah I think I agree with you

I'm embarrassed to call you an American too

80% of the people in the world would think our poorest of our poor live in luxury they could never hope for

and yet we complain cause its just not quite confortable enough for us

try living in a corrugated shack in the slums of Sao Paulo

or a mud hut in Thailand

or Palestine

or Korea

or Zimbabwa

no photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:42 PM
Edited by SilverJoy on Sat 08/22/09 12:42 PM

80% of the people in the world would think our poorest of our poor live in luxury they could never hope for

and yet we complain cause its just not quite confortable enough for us


Most brilliant post thus far in this thread...IMHO. drinker

willing2's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:48 PM

all U. S. border crossings let you cross by foot......

it takes "energy" not money.......
drinker I still believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and I want this goverment to go by itdrinker

Mirror, There is no longer a Bill of Rights.
BHO allowed the G12 to nullify them a few months ago. Now, they are just worthless paper.

newarkjw's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:50 PM
Good lord people put the flags down. The OP was stating the facts of the differences in the US between being a single male or female parent. God save the queen.......smokin

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:51 PM

all U. S. border crossings let you cross by foot......

it takes "energy" not money.......
drinker I still believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and I want this goverment to go by itdrinker

Mirror, There is no longer a Bill of Rights.
BHO allowed the G12 to nullify them a few months ago. Now, they are just worthless paper.
:smile: Its been worthless for years before that Willing.:smile: Thats the only difference in opinion I have with you about thatdrinker

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:51 PM

God save the queen.......smokin

but what does that have to do with Elton John?

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:54 PM
Edited by BrandonJItaliano on Sat 08/22/09 01:21 PM

What has become of my rights? As a single father i have to fight for everything with my only daughter, where my ex doesnt. Ive payed over 15,000 dollors in lawyers fee all because un wed parents in the state of oklahoma, the female has all the legal rights even though she has abandoned the child, legally speaking.

This Government is so blind to what is going on that they will never lead, effectivly, ever again. This country is so divided and hate filled that its reminincant of the American Cival War. We have such need to dominate others who are differnt, we forget the similiarities.

This has turned into such a selfious and bigoted nation of emotionally blind sub humans that im embarresed to call myself an American. This place has replaced the idea of a naturally guided society where everyone and everything has its own place, to some sepia colored cesspool with a grotesque shadow of the humanity and freedom that this once great nation was founded on!!

Have you ever wondered what Franklin Delano Roosevelt would think of this country as it sets now? What Martin Luther King would think? Even Bobby Kennedy?

There are those who say "Well just leave then", Thats such a cowardice way of thinking. "If you see something wrong, run away". Thats a big problem with this country, its full of people who do just that.

We have the highest rate of taxation in the world, why? So we can have the biggest/strongest military? So we can distroy anyone who disagrees with us?

"If only each king, emperor, or president understood that his work of directing armies is not an honourable or important duty, as his flatter pursuade him it is, but a bad an shameful act of preparation for Murder-and if each private indivdual understood that the payment wherewhith to hire adn equip soldiers, and above all, military service itself, are not matters of indifference, but are bad and shamefull actions by which he not only permits but participates in the act of Murder-then this power of emperors, kings and presidents, which now arouses our indignation, would disappear itself all together"--Leo Tolstoy

Even the Bible states, in the latin, NON OCCIDES, Thou shall not kill.

The highest taxiation in the world, our rights "taken away" on a daily basis, no accountable of our own government from there own misdeeds,grotesque expenditures of living on themselves while taxpayes suffer burdens we wouldnt expect out of a somalian donkey, come on people. Its time to abandon the "If you dont like it, leave" mentality and take up a new montra "Stay, repair and hold accountable" and make this a place where we dont have to be ashamed and embarresed anymore!!

I cant belive this is the land for which i came!!

yeah I think I agree with you

I'm embarrassed to call you an American too

80% of the people in the world would think our poorest of our poor live in luxury they could never hope for

and yet we complain cause its just not quite confortable enough for us

try living in a corrugated shack in the slums of Sao Paulo

or a mud hut in Thailand

or Palestine

or Korea

or Zimbabwa

"All i want for America is to be true to what you said on paper, if i lived in China or even Russia or any other totalitarian country, maybe i could understand some of these illegal injunctions. Maybe i could understand the denials of certain first amendment privilages because they have not commited themselves to that over there. But somewhere i read, of the FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY, somewhere i read of the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, somewhere i read of the FREEDOM OF PRESS, somewhere i read that the GREATNESS OF AMERICA IS THE RIGHT TO PROTEST FOR RIGHTS!!" So like i said were not gonna let any dogs or waterhoses turn us around, were not gonna let any injunctions turn us around either. Well i dont know whats gonna happen now,we have some difficult days ahead but it doesnt really matter with me now, but that doesnt matter with me know, because ive been to the mountain top, and i dont mind. Like anybody a long live, longevity has its place. Im not concerned about that now, i just want to do gods will and hes allowed me to go up to the mountain, and i ve looked over and ive seen the promise land. I may not get there with you, but i want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the promise land. So im happy tonight im not worried about anything, im not fearing any man, my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord"---MLK

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:54 PM
drinker A song by John Lennon with a very relevant message drinker

I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope

I'm sick to death of seeing things
From tight-lipped, condescending, mama's little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth now

I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
It's money for dope
Money for rope

Ah, I'm sick to death of hearing things
from uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now

I've had enough of reading things
by neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

tohyup's photo
Sat 08/22/09 04:08 PM

:smile: I'm not going to kiss this countries azz anymore.:smile:I love my family and friends and people who are good to me.:heart: But Im not going to be a patriot for a lie.:smile: Give me the freedoms I was promised and then I will be patriotic again.drinks

MirrorMirror......for president !.
:banana: :banana: !.