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Topic: rough night on the dating track
Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:48 AM
so tonight a guy who seemed nice yesterday made a vulgar comment about my breasts in which i told him its not like he's gonna get to touch them and then he called me a monster and told me to get skinny. super skinny.

it made my night.

i'm done.


eileena9's photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:52 AM
Aaawwwwww, poor baby is gonna get mad cause he can't see your boobies?laugh laugh laugh

He couldn't handle them anyway, hun.....he's only used to the ones in magazines, the pictures!!

Have a good night.flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:53 AM
what a prick. i love it when they ask what size mine are, and i tell them it's irrelevant because they'll never get to touch them anyway.smokin

anniebananie85's photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:54 AM
you dont need a creep like that, you need a real man who doesnt need to put others down to make him feel good about himself. i wish you luck with guys to come!

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:54 AM
what was the vulgar comment??huh

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:55 AM
What is it with guys now days? I hope you poured a glass of something on him and walked of letting him sit there looking the fool.

Hang in there Doll. How is the school thing going?

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:55 AM
LOL the minute the conversation turns that route i instantly drop them like a bad habit. i guess its a defense mechanism that shows exactly their true colors.

for about 2 seconds i wanted to apologize, kiss his *** just to meet up and slap in across the face before i drive off. LOL


Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/20/09 12:57 AM

What is it with guys now days? I hope you poured a glass of something on him and walked of letting him sit there looking the fool.

Hang in there Doll. How is the school thing going?

its on hold for a semester until i get a few things settled. thanks for askin hon! :) its been rough. but i'm surviving with a game plan. its a setback but its not completely dead. and i may have a house to move in. if i can muster up some roommies. :D

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:01 AM
Just makes me wonder what their parents must have been like? If my sons would say something like that I would have slapped them cross eyed.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:01 AM

what was the vulgar comment??huh

he suggested he used my boobies like a glorey hole.

in not so many words.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:03 AM
Did you talk to anyone at the school? They might be able to find you someone good.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:08 AM

Did you talk to anyone at the school? They might be able to find you someone good.

since I'd decided to put school on hold for a semester, i didn't even think of that. but i will! i'll go check the boards.

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:12 AM
Clueless, classless males...........why cant we kill them???pitchfork

newarkjw's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:12 AM

what was the vulgar comment??huh

he suggested he used my boobies like a glorey hole.

in not so many words.

Sorry to hear that....rofl

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:14 AM
I find this kind of behaviour mind-numbingly repulsive!!! It is such a pity you cannot name and shame him, imagine giant billboards with his face and phone number plastered all over your town with a warning attached, he would be innundated with so many phone calls asking him for a date.......... NOT!

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:15 AM
I always thought they saved that for the second date!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:15 AM
If there is an airport close buy you might be able to get a stewardess rent a room every so often. Once they know you it can be a pretty steady thing. I used to have several when I lived in Atlanta. They said they would much rather stay with me than be stuck in a hotel.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:22 AM

If there is an airport close buy you might be able to get a stewardess rent a room every so often. Once they know you it can be a pretty steady thing. I used to have several when I lived in Atlanta. They said they would much rather stay with me than be stuck in a hotel.

wow nice great idea. i don't though LOL but if i did damnit i would totally do that!

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:23 AM
You ought to go to the dollar store and buy one of those big magnifying glasses and give it to him telling him he might need it to find his tiny pecker.

newarkjw's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:24 AM

I always thought they saved that for the second date!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

That is what I always thought. First date. Get to know someone and have some idle chit chat. Second date bring up ways to use boobs as a glory hole.....smokin

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