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Topic: Dancing amongst the dishes.....
Jess642's photo
Sun 08/09/09 04:47 PM
When was the last time you cranked the music and danced your heart out?

Really got down and dirty shaking your tailfeathers?

Busted a few sexy sultry salsa moves??

And if you don't....why not?

Whose around to judge you, call you names?

Dancing is one of the most liberating things we can do for ourselves...shake out the stagnant grumpy moans and whines....laugh at ourselves.

Go on....I dare ya!!!!!!!

I bet I can out dance and out do any one of you!!!!

(easy to say from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over here...laugh :wink: )


dnc4Him's photo
Sun 08/09/09 04:51 PM
I do it all the time....can't imagine life without music or dance!

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 04:54 PM
:heart: ... I'm SO with ya on this one... right NOW!!! ... flowerforyou

... Have been absolutely killin' it replayin' this one over and over ... just to reside in the eternal throes of dance and sway ... ahhh ... drinker

... :banana: :banana: ...

Jess642's photo
Sun 08/09/09 04:54 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 08/09/09 04:55 PM
I was just meandering out to the kitchen to grab a coffee and there's some seriously kickarse blues thumping out of the stereo, and of course I was doing some serious kickarse moves along with it, and it got me wondering...

Why as a culture, did we stop dancing?

Every culture in the world has dancing as a part of coming together...

...and we stoppped.

What happened?

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 04:59 PM
I will NEVER stop ... :banana:

... At every gatherin' ... I ALWAYS get up and get the dancin' started ...

... Usually ... others get over themselves and finally join me in shakin' their tail feathers too ...

If not ... no matter ... I stay in the trance zone alone ...

It is somethin' that feels SO eternal to me ...

Layers of time, motion, beauty and love of life resoundin' ...

The thumpin' choir of every heartbeat that's gone before, and is to come ... in resonant harmony ... :heart: flowerforyou

robert1652's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:00 PM
For inspiration just check this out

I dance often in the local night club

and my advice to men

If you want to score a few ladies learn to dance

I zip up my mouth

before I dig my own grave here

chevylover1965's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:00 PM
i dont what to scare the dog.........

rara777's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:01 PM
Edited by rara777 on Sun 08/09/09 05:03 PM
rofl :laughing: If ya`ll saw me shakin what my Mama gave me. You would be on the floor laughing so damn hard the floor would be wet. :laughing: rofl

drinks drinker Hey chevylover, is that your new grandbaby? drinker drinks

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:03 PM
I used to dance on the way home from the bar all the time, but I got thrown in jail too many times for obnoxious behavior.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:05 PM
I can do slow dancing

or two stepping

my knees wont support anything more vigorous than that

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 06:09 PM
Try playing drunk, nekkie Rock Band with Krupa...bigsmile

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/09/09 06:11 PM
Ah yes the night the stars rose in the sky.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 06:15 PM
OK...not nekkie...laugh

TxsSun's photo
Sun 08/09/09 06:19 PM
I danced my legs off last night and didn't care what anyone thought!!!"

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 08/09/09 06:20 PM
when i was a tiny kid, and growing up, i always danced in front of a mirror.. and thats how i was accepted to "Future Strippers Of America" ..

yeah.. oh yeah.. apparently its a prerequisite.

I get myself going and dancing whenever possible. NOthing makes me feel the same, as when im dancing to something i love. Even if im just dancing in my seat. :heart:

seamac's photo
Sun 08/09/09 06:55 PM
dance as though no one is watching you, love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth. (Sousa)

I dance in my kitchen many times a week, all by myself AND always feel better for it!

Meg8771's photo
Sun 08/09/09 07:00 PM
I did that today :banana: :banana: :banana:

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/09/09 07:03 PM

newarkjw's photo
Sun 08/09/09 07:09 PM
You wouldn't stand a chance honey.....smokin

Lilypetal's photo
Sun 08/09/09 07:18 PM
Edited by Lilypetal on Sun 08/09/09 07:19 PM
I dance often. I always have a song running through my mind. Tapping my foot to silent music.

I like to make the car dance when I hear a good song while driving down the road. Embarasses my children!

And slow dancing in the kitchen with my man is the best!!!

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