Topic: Life Is Energy
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Tue 05/22/07 12:41 AM
A few threads ago Fat said "life sucks". I like what the Shadow said, as
well as some of the other comments. The one thing that you can bet on is
where life may seem to suck for some, it is what we have.

Life my friends is energy. Pure and raw energy. What you produce adds to
the whole. You might think that you don't have a profound impact on the
person next to you, or the person your responding to, but the fact is,
every ounce of energy you give off someone else takes on.

Every thing you do effects the whole, and there is no way around this,
and you can't fake your way through this fact. You will not find one
thing in life, or the universe that is not in motion.

So what do you want to contribute to life?


no photo
Tue 05/22/07 12:58 AM
I suppose you want my scientific findings but I

Imagine there's no heaven, its easy if you try,
no hell below us, ubove us only sky,
imagine all the people living for today?????? ahhhh

imagine there's no countries it isnt hard to do,
nothing to kill or die for and no religion too,
imagine all the people, living life in peace....youuuuuuuuuu
you may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one..
I hope someday, you'll join us and the world will be as one.

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can
no need for greed or hunger
or brotherhood of man
imagine all the people, sharing all the world.....uyouuuuu
you may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one.....
I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one.....:wink:

LAMom's photo
Tue 05/22/07 01:02 AM
Michael Incredible words and an Awesome Post,,, I have questions taped
on my printer that I read each day when
I wake up and answer them daily, I have been doing this
for quite sometime now. with life ever so changing and
not knowing what tomorrow will bring or even come, these
questions I ask myself are my goals in life that I try to
live by daily.

*What are my passions and how can I continue to nurture them?
Homeless Children and Abused Women
I Volunteer Weekly at the Local Shelter in my Community

*Who and what give me joy?
My Children and Friends bring me joy,, Surrounded by them brings a
calmness to my Soul,,,

*How will I nurture myself spiritually, mentally and physically?
I Meditate Daily and I also attend Church

*What skills do I want to contribute to our larger community?
I ponder this alot and have come to learn that by using my Heart to
guide me I have helped many homeless women and children learn and
believe that they are loved and needed in this world.

*What do I want to be remembered for when i die?
My Love for Live and Family

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/22/07 01:04 AM
happy I have heard those words before, Michael...I hear them often.

I am those words.

rivame's photo
Tue 05/22/07 01:12 AM
hi jess out and about. not home having fun with
friends.....kareoke...couple of drinks..reality...bridge over troubled
waters ....miss you

angel516's photo
Tue 05/22/07 01:26 AM
Hello there

rivame's photo
Tue 05/22/07 01:32 AM
Sorry Michael it is a beautiful post.....was just drawn to my sister
Jess for a moment to let her know i was ok.

Yes life is energy...and sometimes energy connects us to someone totally can frighten us.......even though we may not want to
be frightened

The only thing I can contribute to life at the moment is following what
the universe has destined for love it and embrasse
forget the fears and go with what is flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 02:22 AM
Hi angel,

Glad to see you posting.


Thank you for quoting John.


((((((((my heart)))))))


I am in awe of you.


I'm glad to see you having fun, and yes I could see Jess being a great
sister. "go with what is" Those words have just touched me. Thank you

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 02:26 AM
My words(poetry)...that they in some way impact someone enough to keep
them or turn them from the path's I have gone down....If one more young
woman can see her future in my words and not marry or walk away from a
man who will abuse her in every way he can, than I have served my
purpose....if one more young person can see thier future in my words and
turn away or never even go near a dealer or pick up a needle then I have
served my purpose....if one person can see their future in my words and
not make that choice to slice and dice, to seek out the help for the
pain inside then I have served my purpose.....simply my words are my
impact/contribution to this life

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:17 AM
Morning MG1959-

I would like to contribute some smiles and hugs to

everyone around here. May you all have a good day!

:smile: :smile: and hug's...


oldsage's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:13 AM

Another great post. Positive energy is what I strive for.
Life has taught me a lot of lessons, I only learn the hard way.
Cost me more than words can say, now I try to pay it back everyday.
Thanks for the help.

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:32 AM
actions = reactions!!

cause = effect!!

(((((michael)))))) you're words are soo true.. most people have only the
slightest idea of the 'ripple' effect that course's through life as a
whole.. we ARE ALL that has come before.. every Breath.. every nod of
the head has brought us to this point in time.. and if we watch closely
enough.. we can follow that ripple into the future and see just HOW this
will effect the end result.. if we CAN follow it through.. only THEN
will we truely appreciate what we do toDAY to achieve the future
success.. or SEE where folly may lay!
Great Post!! Thank you flowerforyou

inspirational as always (((((((mom)))))))))) happy flowerforyou

((((((poet))))))) you've touched MORE lives than you know with your
strength! :smile: flowerforyou

davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:37 AM
the law of attraction is real....

SheNerd's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:37 AM
So what do you want to contribute to life?

Michael, that's a excellent question. Now I just have to figure out for
myself what my answer is... :)