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Topic: Do men ask women on dates anymore?
JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:50 PM

Thank you. :blushing I dunno... every guy who talks to me at all wants one thing.

Ummm....excuse me.

Would you mind rephrasing that statement???

You don't TALK to me, you TYPE to me. laugh

Only because I don't have your phone number.:tongue:

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:50 PM

I don't remember if I ever started a thread like this or not, but I DO know I have mentioned it before.

I have NEVER been asked on a date since WELL before my marriage. I've been divorced almost three years now. Three years of guys hitting on me, but never a date request.

Why is this? Do men not ask ladies on dates anymore? Why not? What the hell happened?

unfortunatly the world is well over populated, and the women i want to meet must be hiding in their houses, so i havent asked a girl out in 5 years. am i wrong to be this way. Wherte are the deacent women
at home hiding?

Were afraid to come out of our caves...

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:50 PM

Thank you. :blushing I dunno... every guy who talks to me at all wants one thing.

Ummm....excuse me.

Would you mind rephrasing that statement???

You don't TALK to me, you TYPE to me. laugh

Only because I don't have your phone number.:tongue:

she wouldnt talk to u anyways grumble

galendgirl's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:51 PM

The interesting thing is that I've heard men talk about the double standard and wanting women to ask them out or pay for dates or travel to see them, etc... But given that exact situation, they are often uncomfortable with the reality of a woman willing to do that. The means the double edged sword cuts both ways.

I can't address that, because I've been asked out a lot -- this was primarily back in the days when I was actively involved in music -- but I was never uncomfortable with that particular arrangement. I would have been TOTALLY uncomfortable with any OTHER arrangement, actually!

I suppose there probably are guys who are still attached to the old-world mindset about these things -- if I try to imagine my father in that position, I can picture him being shocked and appalled by the very idea! -- but I have no problem with it.

Rejection stinks no matter which way it's flying...

True enough, but isn't it inevitable if people are asking other people out? Sooner or later, there's a pairing that simply doesn't click right off the bat....

You are a unique guy, Lex...no doubt! You know we luv it!

The 'inevitable' is just part of the risk two people take. It's nice if that isn't a foregone conclusion when WHOMEVER asks initially and/or based on the gender of the asker/askee.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:51 PM

Thank you. :blushing I dunno... every guy who talks to me at all wants one thing.

Ummm....excuse me.

Would you mind rephrasing that statement???

You don't TALK to me, you TYPE to me. laugh

Only because I don't have your phone number.:tongue:

she wouldnt talk to u anyways grumble

Prolly not. But it's better to remove the wiggle room....lol

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:54 PM
Hmm, very good topic.
Me personally, I generally don't ask a woman out until after we have sent several emails to eachother then have talked on the phone at least a few timers.

Seeing how nobody has stuck it out in the emails or called when they say would I haven't asked anyone out yet.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:55 PM

Prolly not. But it's better to remove the wiggle room....lol

not sure what ya mean by wiggle room, but it sounded cool

but i meant something different than you think...i think...or maybe not

maybe im being "deep" again....lets see what snarky says.......or maybe she moved onto another thread with another question dogging on men? flowerforyou bigsmile

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:56 PM

Hmm, very good topic.
Me personally, I generally don't ask a woman out until after we have sent several emails to eachother then have talked on the phone at least a few timers.

Seeing how nobody has stuck it out in the emails or called when they say would I haven't asked anyone out yet.

good answer, there ya go snark

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:58 PM

You are a unique guy, Lex...no doubt! You know we luv it!

The 'inevitable' is just part of the risk two people take. It's nice if that isn't a foregone conclusion when WHOMEVER asks initially and/or based on the gender of the asker/askee.

Well, I'm a little concerned about this "double standard" idea. Is there any reason to believe that the rejection rate for women asking men out would be any greater than it is for men asking women out?

Intuitively, it seems to me that the women would be rejected LESS frequently, although this could be a perceptual error on my part.

But let's say it's true -- then, women asking men out, with fewer overall rejections, would seem to lead (at least on a percentage basis) to more potential "matches" than the other way around (assuming some way to equalize the number of women asking with the number of men asking -- but even if you can't do that, I'm thinking the "staggered" numbers would still be extremely revealing).

On the other hand, I can say that the vast majority of the women who have expressed interest in me on dating sites, are not women I would want to date. So that particular rejection percentage would be very high -- on the other hand, had they actually bothered to read my profile, they never would have asked in the first place.

So there's an informational-access issue involved in this thing, too.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:02 PM

Prolly not. But it's better to remove the wiggle room....lol

not sure what ya mean by wiggle room, but it sounded cool

but i meant something different than you think...i think...or maybe not

maybe im being "deep" again....lets see what snarky says.......or maybe she moved onto another thread with another question dogging on men? flowerforyou bigsmile

She said that the guys that talk to her are only after sex. When I asked her to rephrase that ( because I have talked to her many times and the subject hasn't come up ) she tried to use the technicality that I have only " typed " to her.

I removed that technicality by bringing in one of my own.

Therefore, I removed the wiggle room she had within her statement....lol

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:04 PM
sorry, this is the 21st century

the men are mostly asking each other out on dates

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:04 PM
Edited by BillySuvol on Sat 08/01/09 06:06 PM

She said that the guys that talk to her are only after sex. When I asked her to rephrase that ( because I have talked to her many times and the subject hasn't come up ) she tried to use the technicality that I have only " typed " to her.

I removed that technicality by bringing in one of my own.

Therefore, I removed the wiggle room she had within her statement....lol


i forgot who I was talkin to for a sec

7 and 14 = 1221


makes sense now, you would think of something like that

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:05 PM

sorry, this is the 21st century

the men are mostly asking each other out on dates

hey JustAGuy2112, you wanna go out on a date with me??flowerforyou

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:06 PM

sorry, this is the 21st century

the men are mostly asking each other out on dates

yep, the good ones are taken, gay or too far away....

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:06 PM
<-------taken - too far away - and gay

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:07 PM

sorry, this is the 21st century

the men are mostly asking each other out on dates

hey JustAGuy2112, you wanna go out on a date with me??flowerforyou

Sure, Billy. Yer kinda hot....lmao

mathew420's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:07 PM
noway eeeekkkk

galendgirl's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:10 PM

You are a unique guy, Lex...no doubt! You know we luv it!

The 'inevitable' is just part of the risk two people take. It's nice if that isn't a foregone conclusion when WHOMEVER asks initially and/or based on the gender of the asker/askee.

Well, I'm a little concerned about this "double standard" idea. Is there any reason to believe that the rejection rate for women asking men out would be any greater than it is for men asking women out?

Intuitively, it seems to me that the women would be rejected LESS frequently, although this could be a perceptual error on my part.

But let's say it's true -- then, women asking men out, with fewer overall rejections, would seem to lead (at least on a percentage basis) to more potential "matches" than the other way around (assuming some way to equalize the number of women asking with the number of men asking -- but even if you can't do that, I'm thinking the "staggered" numbers would still be extremely revealing).

On the other hand, I can say that the vast majority of the women who have expressed interest in me on dating sites, are not women I would want to date. So that particular rejection percentage would be very high -- on the other hand, had they actually bothered to read my profile, they never would have asked in the first place.

So there's an informational-access issue involved in this thing, too.

I don't think the rejection statistics change either way. I also don't think I specifically said there was a 'double standard' - just that it was a double edged sword that cuts both ways (equally, IMO.)

I've experienced men being uncomfortable with me paying for coffee (as an example) but my thought at that point was that if I suggested the date, I should pay. I have also been in a position to do some limited travel so if I meet someone online that I'd like to meet in person, it shouldn't reflect badly on me that I am willing to do more than sit around waiting for the proverbial Mr. Right to knock on my door.

There was never any intention to judge anyone in my post...just an observation that old stereotypes die hard - despite it being the 21st century (thanks, Quietman!)

snarkytwain's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:14 PM

whuts an LC gradspock

Someone who graduated from Lewis and Clark here. laugh

Hey, Billy -- I HAVE called you a couple times. YOU didn't answer. Brat. :wink:

Hmm, very good topic.
Me personally, I generally don't ask a woman out until after we have sent several emails to eachother then have talked on the phone at least a few timers.

Seeing how nobody has stuck it out in the emails or called when they say would I haven't asked anyone out yet.

Sorry about the confusion. I meant in person.

not sure what ya mean by wiggle room, but it sounded cool

but i meant something different than you think...i think...or maybe not

maybe im being "deep" again....lets see what snarky says.......or maybe she moved onto another thread with another question dogging on men?

Hey, now. I don't "dog" on men. I ask questions based on my PERSONAL expereinces with them. I can't help it if the men I have been with have been assai. grumble

sorry, this is the 21st century

the men are mostly asking each other out on dates

This is sadly very true in my case... I always think the gay ones are hot. I have been cursed, I tell ya!

And I think between justaguy and Billy I'm gonne have ONE HELL of a headache! frustrated laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/01/09 06:16 PM

<-------taken - too far away - and gay

and too young

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