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Topic: can someone tell me if this is normal...
moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:25 PM
I paid 600 dollars to have a new clutch put in my car...about 2 weeks ago...and it seems as if the clutch is sticking...and it is hard to put it in first gear...should I take it back to the fellow or will it loosen up with time..

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:27 PM
Edited by gayfifer on Wed 07/01/09 02:28 PM
take it back

well for all i'd know about whats normal!

shoesmonkey's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:27 PM
Take it back. It won't get better on it's own. Car part's break, they don't heal.

lonetar25's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:28 PM
do a few burn outs... might not help but itl be funbigsmile

michiganman3's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:29 PM
Take it back, call first and tell them that something is not right.

Dan99's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:29 PM
Have you tried Praying?

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:31 PM
yea I just got back for the dr. and had to drive it in Savannah..boy did that suck...I almost shut off in the middle of all that craziness..

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:31 PM

I paid 600 dollars to have a new clutch put in my car...about 2 weeks ago...and it seems as if the clutch is sticking...and it is hard to put it in first gear...should I take it back to the fellow or will it loosen up with time..

Describe how does the clutch "sticking". Sticking down (goes down easily) or hard to press? Or just won't disengage the engine?

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:33 PM

Have you tried Praying?

I pray every night..and even prayed b4 I left for a safe trip there and back...guess what GOD heard me...for here I am safe and sound..

robert1652's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:34 PM
The clutch has not been assembled correctly

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:35 PM
Edited by moonlight_ride62 on Wed 07/01/09 02:36 PM

I paid 600 dollars to have a new clutch put in my car...about 2 weeks ago...and it seems as if the clutch is sticking...and it is hard to put it in first gear...should I take it back to the fellow or will it loosen up with time..

Describe how does the clutch "sticking". Sticking down (goes down easily) or hard to press? Or just won't disengage the engine?

it is like when you release it to take is sluggish coming up..and it is hard to put in first gear..

cottonelle's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:35 PM
so many dirty joke, so little time

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:38 PM

I paid 600 dollars to have a new clutch put in my car...about 2 weeks ago...and it seems as if the clutch is sticking...and it is hard to put it in first gear...should I take it back to the fellow or will it loosen up with time..

Describe how does the clutch "sticking". Sticking down (goes down easily) or hard to press? Or just won't disengage the engine?

it is like when you rlease it to take is sluggish coming up..and it is hard to put in first gear..

Take it back and tell them to test drive the car. If they say it's fine, then demand your money back and go to a different mechanic. Preferably to one that knows what he is doing.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:40 PM

I paid 600 dollars to have a new clutch put in my car...about 2 weeks ago...and it seems as if the clutch is sticking...and it is hard to put it in first gear...should I take it back to the fellow or will it loosen up with time..

Describe how does the clutch "sticking". Sticking down (goes down easily) or hard to press? Or just won't disengage the engine?

it is like when you rlease it to take is sluggish coming up..and it is hard to put in first gear..

Take it back and tell them to test drive the car. If they say it's fine, then demand your money back and go to a different mechanic. Preferably to one that knows what he is doing.

he will give me my money back..just like that...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:41 PM
it is times like this and only this..that I really need a man..frustrated

cottonelle's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:46 PM

Have you tried Praying?

I pray every night..and even prayed b4 I left for a safe trip there and back...guess what GOD heard me...for here I am safe and sound..

so he drove you there and back? thats great! billions and billions of people in the world and he drives you safely to the car garage and back

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:46 PM

it is times like this and only this..that I really need a man..frustrated

I am sorry..I should not have said this ..

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 07/01/09 02:47 PM

Have you tried Praying?

I pray every night..and even prayed b4 I left for a safe trip there and back...guess what GOD heard me...for here I am safe and sound..

so he drove you there and back? thats great! billions and billions of people in the world and he drives you safely to the car garage and back

yea amazing huh...rode along with me to keep me safe...

Lilypetal's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:02 PM

it is times like this and only this..that I really need a man..frustrated

You don't need a man. Just read up on clutches and at least sound like you know what you are talking about when you go see the mechanic.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/01/09 03:04 PM
:smile: Patsfan could tell you:smile:

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