Topic: Pit Bull Dogs | |
aww thats sweet
but i see it the same as ive been tellin my 18 y old sister after passing her driving test.... only takes 1 fuc* up and youll be real sorry..... theyre animals that have the tools to ..well.. kill! loveing dog or not i wouldnt leave it in a position where it could do it |
Any dog or animal or even person has the potential to 'flip out'. I just feel that the whole pit bulls are killers is ridiculous. Will I ever own a pit again? Given the opportunity an the right puppy to raise, yep u betcha.
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and MY STAFFIE, steph, agrees, i just wouldnt leeve her with kids
like i said, im the devils advocate ![]() |
The only breed of dogs that don't try to bite my face off at the animal shelter are pitts. The rest of the dogs are damn insane if I come near them, which is why I'm the cat trainer
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I spent almost 2 and half years as an animal welfare officer, they should ban dalmations, chow chows, shar-peis, german shepard dogs, and Rotties before they should worry about pit bulls.
Pit bulls show u everything there going to do, all the other breeds i mentioned DO NOT, there is absoultly nothing wrong with this breed and 85% of the "pit bull" attacks mentioned on TV, have nothing to do with pit bulls. The retards at the news stations will label them as pits when there totally not and, if you had half a brain and a dog breed book, pitbulls. Pit bulls are wonderfull animals if they are treated right, just like anyother dog breed. It is sad they are persecuted and labeled at "Bad Dogs" when the label should be on there human counter parts and it would help if the people reporting would get there facts right about the breeds that do most of the damage!! I walked by a cage at work one time, the dog was about 11-12 pounds, it had triangler ears and round-apple head with bug eyes and a short muzzle. One of the dumb asses i used to work with labeled it a pit bull mix, and it was obviously a CHIHUAHUA mix. Come to find out, if you couldnt deciede what type of dog it was, they labeled it a pitbull mix and it was generally euthanzied, that how they would keep the numbers down in the shelter. I think we should start EUTHANIZING STUPID PEOPLE, only then will this be a better world!! Hell and for the record, the worst bite i ever had the gift of taking, was from a DOMESTIC HOUSE CAT, i was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks with an infection and ended up with some nerve damage in my thumb!! So im all for banning house cats lol JK |
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Thu 07/02/09 02:11 AM
""I cant get homeowners insurance on my house if I own one. If you own one you should have to carry liability on it! How many of you that own one do?
Noone wants to say whether they have liability on theses animals????? HMMMMMMMMM Scary!!!!!!!! For all involved! |
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Thu 07/02/09 02:34 AM
""I cant get homeowners insurance on my house if I own one. If you own one you should have to carry liability on it! How many of you that own one do? {/qou Noone wants to say whether they have liability on theses animals????? HMMMMMMMMM Scary!!!!!!!! For all involved! |
It's nice to hear from animal control officers who agree that the bad dog label pits have gotten is unfounded.
![]() As far as liability insurance, I keep my dogs properly secured. If someone comes onto my property an is biten, that's on them. Long as my dogs are properly secured an I have 'Beware Of Dog' signs. I'm covered. If I ever get another pit, I'll be livin in the country an the dog will still be properly secured. I live across the street from an apartment complex an at least 3x's a week I have to go get on to some kids for harassin my German Shepard from across the road. I've spoken to several parents about their childrens behavior. It's the same kids purty much everytime. ![]() |
Pitties are awesome dogs. Never had a single problem with any I've had or dealt with in rescue. Pits were put in the fight rings with children as the handlers originally and were killed outright if they ever turned on a child. Its the criminal elements of society who have ruined a perfectly fine breed, just like was done with rotties, dobies, and shepherds. It starting to show up in English Mastiffs now to.
Pitties are the most highly decorated war dogs in the US even now. |
Pitties are awesome dogs. Never had a single problem with any I've had or dealt with in rescue. Pits were put in the fight rings with children as the handlers originally and were killed outright if they ever turned on a child. Its the criminal elements of society who have ruined a perfectly fine breed, just like was done with rotties, dobies, and shepherds. It starting to show up in English Mastiffs now to. Pitties are the most highly decorated war dogs in the US even now. ![]() |
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Thu 07/02/09 09:28 PM
Here's a link to dog homocides from 2006 forward. For some reason this link doesn't work directly from mingle so you'll have to cut and paste Here's another site with stats on dog fatalities. Some highlights Dog bite fatalites in the US (1979-1998) Researchers reviewed a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998 to determine the types of breeds most responsible for US dog bite fatalities. At least 25 breeds of dogs were involved in 238 human dog bite related fatalities during this time span. Pit bulls and rottweilers were involved in over half of these fatalities and from 1997-1998, over 60%. Researchers note that it is extremely unlikely that pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 60% of dogs in US households during this period thus, there appeared to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities. Highlights In 2008 fatal dog attacks 65% pit bull (15) 13% Husky (3) 22% 1 each of doberman, jack russel terrier, australian shepherd-mix, golden retriever-mix, sheepdog-mix and labrador I did notice that there was not a single rottweiler death in 2008 |
My best friends growing had a pitbull. I remember it fondly, it was a rather large breed and looked very intimidating, but it was a very sweet dog.
Pits were popular in my neighborhood, but a few families mistrained and abused them for kicks ![]() |
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I was attacked by a pit bull once, she tried to lick me to death.
![]() It really has more to do with their eviorment rather than breed. |
Here's a link to dog homocides from 2006 forward. For some reason this link doesn't work directly from mingle so you'll have to cut and paste Here's another site with stats on dog fatalities. Some highlights Dog bite fatalites in the US (1979-1998) Researchers reviewed a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998 to determine the types of breeds most responsible for US dog bite fatalities. At least 25 breeds of dogs were involved in 238 human dog bite related fatalities during this time span. Pit bulls and rottweilers were involved in over half of these fatalities and from 1997-1998, over 60%. Researchers note that it is extremely unlikely that pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 60% of dogs in US households during this period thus, there appeared to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities. Highlights In 2008 fatal dog attacks 65% pit bull (15) 13% Husky (3) 22% 1 each of doberman, jack russel terrier, australian shepherd-mix, golden retriever-mix, sheepdog-mix and labrador I did notice that there was not a single rottweiler death in 2008 but isn't that because a pit bull, when it DOES attack, is more likely to do serious damage? this is only looking at fatal attacks, not total attacks. so while another breed might be MUCH more likely to turn and bite, if a pit does so he's more likely to finish the job. |
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Fri 07/03/09 11:01 PM
My problem with Pit Bulls are in the state of Florida if you own a pit, rott or german shepard they will not write you homeowners insurance or you pay big $$$$$$ for it. Accidents happen and to own a dog and not be insured for it just bites me in the azz.....So if your not insured for liability on any animal YOU SHOULD NOT OWN IT!!!!!! Any pet can snap, after all they are just animals............ In my area Chows are on the insurance list too. |
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Fri 07/03/09 10:57 PM
Anyways my point is, even in a good loving home , they are still animals. As far as they are concerned we don't own them, they own us. not true, if you have a dog then you have to be the pack leader, hense, "oh he was a loverly dog i dont understand why he ate your son" this pic my daughter took...makes your 'they own us' point! her dog is on the right. ![]() ![]() That's a great pic. ![]() |
Here's a link to dog homocides from 2006 forward. For some reason this link doesn't work directly from mingle so you'll have to cut and paste Here's another site with stats on dog fatalities. Some highlights Dog bite fatalites in the US (1979-1998) Researchers reviewed a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998 to determine the types of breeds most responsible for US dog bite fatalities. At least 25 breeds of dogs were involved in 238 human dog bite related fatalities during this time span. Pit bulls and rottweilers were involved in over half of these fatalities and from 1997-1998, over 60%. Researchers note that it is extremely unlikely that pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 60% of dogs in US households during this period thus, there appeared to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities. Highlights In 2008 fatal dog attacks 65% pit bull (15) 13% Husky (3) 22% 1 each of doberman, jack russel terrier, australian shepherd-mix, golden retriever-mix, sheepdog-mix and labrador I did notice that there was not a single rottweiler death in 2008 but isn't that because a pit bull, when it DOES attack, is more likely to do serious damage? this is only looking at fatal attacks, not total attacks. so while another breed might be MUCH more likely to turn and bite, if a pit does so he's more likely to finish the job. That's exactly the point of what I'm saying. Most other dogs bite. Pitt bulls kill. |
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Sat 07/04/09 06:53 AM
eAgain where is the liability insurance...Oh their gental and never bite!!!! I keep them them penned in!!!! Funny thats what everyone who has one says and look at the results of attacks by so called dogs... You are a "FOOL" if you have no coverage on your dog!!!!! These type of animal would get one chance and I would personality put it Down IF THEY SHOWED AGRESSION TO ME!!!! See last line!!!!
Again I can not insursure my home with one why should people be able to rent and not have liability insurance on it!!!!!!( How many accually tell insurance co or your land lord you do have these dogs??????? Theres 2 in my neighborhood are know to run free and I will personally "Shoot" them if they come after me!!!! wONT THINK TWICE!!!!! "NA MY DOGS WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT"????> KEEP "HOPING" that never happens but like I said if its loose and showing aggression to me I WILL PERSONALY PUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! Bites my kid and well I let you use your imagination!!! I cannt insure my home if I own one( Have $250,000 libility because of the pool but can not own a PIT BULL!!!! but have no right to question some who own them?????? PSSSSSS I was attact by a "Friends pit" and was luck to come out with just 48 stitchs!!!! Nice dog too!!!!! AND VEVER ABUSED!!!!!! |
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Sat 07/04/09 07:02 AM
Pitts, Rotts and German Shepards are on the Insurance "HIT" list in Florida!!!!!!!!