Topic: A Challenge by ZapChaser | |
I Can't Post my DD214 or Discharge or if you prefer my Vietnam Official
Discharge records cause one I am still currently active and two, i belong to a division that i can't talk about due to the fact that it may conflict with that of others and of a National Security Levels. I will say that i am not against the men and women who put their lives in the hands of a complete madman. They are soldiers and brave and mighty soldiers they are with Honor and With Pride they fight with thoughts and Ideals of what they are doing is Justified. My hearts go with them and those who's families who have lost love ones to this war. Tell their tale, Sing their song Never forgotten Though they be gone In freedom They live on. Zapchaser thou you challenge me on my credentials i can not comply but, to those in your family as well They Serve with Honor and Pride.. This is something i wrote for all my brothers and sisters who are in the war fighting. We are Soldiers and regardless of where we are sent to and thus, die. We didn't die in Vain... We died With Honor and Pride and though many wars we have fought wrongly... Atleast we never forgot That's it's better to go down with a fight then to die as a *****.. Honor and Pride be thy name Honor and Pride be thy Heart for all those soldiers here my poem as it goes like this: You left your comfortable homes You left behind that softer world For marching, drill, and kit For rules and days with bugles lit For barracks and grounds and rounds So that others could peaceably sleep in beds soft and sweet You stood post in the cold on hard grounds untold In peace and in war you have stood between the darkness and homes warm hearth So well have so many served that today many fail to see, much less appreciate, the job done so well. To be honest, I am around people every day who look down upon those who serve. Who refuse to acknowledge or even consider that they can spout off even complete and utter nonsense -- without fear of true repression only because of the sacrifices made by those who's shoes they are not fit to clean. To every man, woman, and child who has served in the U.S. military since the very beginning, my thanks to you. Because you have stood your watch, and made your sacrifice, we enjoy the sweet fruits of liberty in a way that the majority of the world still does not. |
Shadow Eagle, or whoever you are in this profile, yes I have been made
aware that you are a fraud by other members. I'm going to call the state hospital and tell your nurse you are being a bad boy again! Trust the little yellow pill she gives you, my fr.... um, shadow eagle. You fell off the nut boat. Your military credentials? B as in B and S as in S! Yeah, definitely kooksville. I have gained a fond affection for those in this forum that oppose my views and I have learned from the debates I have entered. Jess, davinci, and others. I don't agree with their take on certain issues but all but one of my closest friends are liberals. They have known me for years and know that while my discussions may seem angry, in person my animated discussions are quite humorous. Sadly the monitor hides the body language. All of the people I have described are highly intelligent human beings. You sir, on the other hand, are a nut job. Hopefully your 15 minutes of fame won't be behind the trigger at one of our schools or sending bombs in the mail from your shack in the woods. To all who have labored to read this, I apologize. To shadow eagle all I can say is "have a nice cup of shut the f*** up! One final " hey howyadoin": My brother retired from the Air Force's Special Ops and he said you would know what the "MOAS Principle" means. All branches are taught this. Your answer? |
watch out zap, ever once in a great while he'll throw something in that
will be like "hey- wtf, shadow just said something nice about america" you'll drop your jaw, and then realize that this guy, puts a lot of stuff on here to be the next howard stern or something, think he secretly wants to be a clandestine patriot. hahaha anyway, shadow love the satire you make me smile, zap, i used to be angry with him too, but it aint worth it, my creditials, hey 506th airborne infantry regiment, a year in ramadi, hell on earth, and im easy to find. |
No worries here Doc! I'm not mad at him, I'm just calling it like I see
it. I enjoy spirited debate but its a shame that his motive is to create division, pure and simple. Thanks for your service doc, you roc! ![]() |
I'm kinda of drunk right now and maybe this is too much or no relevance
at all but, since shadow failing to answer. FCS, Associate Contractor Agreements (ACAs), as required, are executed, between the LSI and the prime contractor for the identified program – or a directed subcontract arrangement is invoked under the LSI agreement. The ACAs are needed because the LSI is a contractor and not a government agency. An ACA will not always be required and the need may be filled with only a government-to-government Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The purpose of these MOAs (and Subordinate MOAs) is to establish the responsibilities and management processes between PEO, Ground Combat Systems (PEO-GCS), PM-UA, and the other PEOs/PMs in order to procure, develop, test and field an FCS-equipped UA. The MOAs/SMOAs also provide a basis for cooperative, technical and, acquisition efforts between PEO-GCS, PM-UA, and the other PEOs/PMs. The MOAs/SMOAs are what we are using now to facilitate this significant coordination effort. Current count within the Army is 19 PEO-to-PEO MOAs and 44 PM-to-PM SMOAs. The Army recognized that if FCS were to be successful, a permanent process in addition to the MOAs, SMOAs and ACAs would be required. |
MOA'S ARE Military Operations Areas
by the way i have no idea in hell what i just typed goddd i'm drunk.....
i hope i didn't type anything important
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