Topic: Prolifers??
Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 05:24 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Good for you, at least you hold most of your integrity on this view.flowerforyou

I guess a better way to say it would be I'm completely prolife when it comes to people, but selective life when it comes to other forms of physical life,animals, plant life, bacterial life, etc.

It is hypocritical to be "prolife" and pro war or pro death penalty.

Totage's photo
Sat 06/13/09 05:30 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Good for you, at least you hold most of your integrity on this view.flowerforyou

I guess a better way to say it would be I'm completely prolife when it comes to people, but selective life when it comes to other forms of physical life,animals, plant life, bacterial life, etc.

It is hypocritical to be "prolife" and pro war or pro death penalty.

I don't understand how someone can be prolife, prowar, and pro death penalty. That's illogical to me.

no photo
Sat 06/13/09 05:38 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Good for you, at least you hold most of your integrity on this view.flowerforyou

I guess a better way to say it would be I'm completely prolife when it comes to people, but selective life when it comes to other forms of physical life,animals, plant life, bacterial life, etc.

It is hypocritical to be "prolife" and pro war or pro death penalty.

Very true. Like all the people in 2004 who voted for Junior because he was "pro-life". I guess they conveniently overlooked the hundreds of executions he oversaw as Gov. of Texas, and the hundreds of thousands of people who died as a direct result of his decision to go to war.

If you are anti-abortion, fine. But don't say you are pro-life when you favor the death penalty and support wars of choice.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 06/13/09 05:56 PM

If you are anti-abortion, fine. But don't say you are pro-life when you favor the death penalty and support wars of choice.

I don't see these as even remotely related, though I can see how others can view it that way. IMO, everyone deserves the chance to live especially the unborn. Those on death row have taken life and in most states they've had to have done with totally disregard or respect for the life of others. I have no feelings for those people, they've had their chance and life and shown that it means nothing to them. As for war, well the current one is about money power and possessions so I think it is totally wrong. But there are times when war is about saving lives of others as in world wars I and II I see some reason for justification. I support that situation just I support a mothers right to terminate when her life is in jeopardy. It's hard to say since there is no way I will ever be able to experience it, but for myself I'd like to believe that the only way I would do that is if I knew both lives were going to be lost, mine and the child. And I know I would hurt for the rest of my life over the decision. I do know that part is true, I hurt even now over a terminated pregnancy that I had no say in some 35 years ago.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:13 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Good for you, at least you hold most of your integrity on this view.flowerforyou

I guess a better way to say it would be I'm completely prolife when it comes to people, but selective life when it comes to other forms of physical life,animals, plant life, bacterial life, etc.

It is hypocritical to be "prolife" and pro war or pro death penalty.

Very true. Like all the people in 2004 who voted for Junior because he was "pro-life". I guess they conveniently overlooked the hundreds of executions he oversaw as Gov. of Texas, and the hundreds of thousands of people who died as a direct result of his decision to go to war.

If you are anti-abortion, fine. But don't say you are pro-life when you favor the death penalty and support wars of choice.

Very true.

As for Davey, innocents die at the hand of the death penalty. With the new DNA testing too many people have been set free from prison for this not to be true. One innocent life is too many for the death penalty to be excusable. Second innocents die in wars no matter how justified the warring parties feel. One innocent life is too many for any war to be justified. There are other ways besides war to resolve matters of conflict.

As for abortion there is no one, noone that feels it is a good thing, there is noone who would not opt for a different approach if given the chance. Until we have more responsility when it comes to sex from both males and females which produce unwanted pregnancies it will have to be an option available.

Until all the children on this planet are wanted and loved, we will have to have to stop unwanted children from being here. There are unwanted, abused, neglected children all over the world. We need to address the ones who are here first and then worry about what could have been, would have been, etc...

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:25 PM
One simple truth is anti choice people have their reasons pro choice people have theirs, and no amount of disscusion is going to change either ones opinion.
The other simple truth is there are way too many people on this world, wanted and unwanted, planned and unplanned.

SimplyElla's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:28 PM
ooo juicyindifferent

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:30 PM

One simple truth is anti choice people have their reasons pro choice people have theirs, and no amount of disscusion is going to change either ones opinion.
The other simple truth is there are way too many people on this world, wanted and unwanted, planned and unplanned.

I agree over population is a concern that is not addressed by anti-abortion people except for the very concerning statement that god will provide.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:35 PM
Gods may provide but people make choices. And the Gods do not always provide the answers.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:38 PM

Gods may provide but people make choices. And the Gods do not always provide the answers.

If there is no god, that is a problem. People need to be responsible and provide.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:41 PM
And each tries to provide in their own way.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:42 PM

And each tries to provide in their own way.


DaveyB's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:45 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Good for you, at least you hold most of your integrity on this view.flowerforyou

I guess a better way to say it would be I'm completely prolife when it comes to people, but selective life when it comes to other forms of physical life,animals, plant life, bacterial life, etc.

It is hypocritical to be "prolife" and pro war or pro death penalty.

Very true. Like all the people in 2004 who voted for Junior because he was "pro-life". I guess they conveniently overlooked the hundreds of executions he oversaw as Gov. of Texas, and the hundreds of thousands of people who died as a direct result of his decision to go to war.

If you are anti-abortion, fine. But don't say you are pro-life when you favor the death penalty and support wars of choice.

Very true.

As for Davey, innocents die at the hand of the death penalty.

That has happened but there enough cases where there is no question and for those I still support it.

Second innocents die in wars no matter how justified the warring parties feel. One innocent life is too many for any war to be justified. There are other ways besides war to resolve matters of conflict.

Innocents die war or not. If you think all matters can be resolved without war talk to those that fought Hitler (not many left I know). Or try to reason with some religious extremists. There is not resolving with someone who thinks you are the devil. And no they don't believe we are the devil because we fight they believed that from the onset.

As for abortion there is no one, noone that feels it is a good thing, there is noone who would not opt for a different approach if given the chance.

Sadly that is not true. It is for probably 98% but there are those. Very sad very sick IMO.

Until we have more responsility when it comes to sex from both males and females which produce unwanted pregnancies it will have to be an option available.

On that we definitely agree.

Until all the children on this planet are wanted and loved, we will have to have to stop unwanted children from being here. There are unwanted, abused, neglected children all over the world. We need to address the ones who are here first and then worry about what could have been, would have been, etc...

And why we agree this needs to be a choice each woman should make on her own for herself within her own conscience. I just believe from my own perspective I know how I would react.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:46 PM
Thanks. I dislike fighting.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:53 PM

Thanks. I dislike fighting.

I don't like fighting either, but a civil discussion about our differences can be enlightening and sometimes entertaining.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:54 PM

Thanks. I dislike fighting.

We weren't even debating

I understand.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:57 PM

Thanks. I dislike fighting.

I don't like fighting either, but a civil discussion about our differences can be enlightening and sometimes entertaining.

Not if the same points and counter points are used again and again add infinitem.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:00 PM
Davey, the death penalty cannot be justified if there is even one innocent death. Which there has been so we have to say it is barbaric and inhumane and un-American, to me. We should be more intelligent than to approve the death penalty here in this country, I beleive.

There are none who think of abortion as a good thing. Any woman who has had one knows that she snuffed out a possible life. She knows that there was life growing in her. There is no pregnant woman who does not realize this fact. Making a choice is never an easy one.

People have tried to make it out like these women are uncaring, inconsiderate, murderers but they are not.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:43 PM

Davey, the death penalty cannot be justified if there is even one innocent death. Which there has been so we have to say it is barbaric and inhumane and un-American, to me. We should be more intelligent than to approve the death penalty here in this country, I beleive.

I understand and what I believe is that the solution to the problem isn't the elimination of the penalty but in eliminating those cases where there is any possible chance of a wrong decision. Cases do exist that do meet that criteria. I can't ignore the fact that every person we lock up in prison we use money we could be using to help save others.

There are none who think of abortion as a good thing. Any woman who has had one knows that she snuffed out a possible life. She knows that there was life growing in her. There is no pregnant woman who does not realize this fact. Making a choice is never an easy one.

People have tried to make it out like these women are uncaring, inconsiderate, murderers but they are not.

I did agree with you to a point, I would never paint the vast majority of women who have abortions as uncaring, I do know for them it is a horrible and hard decision to make. But I also know there are a tiny handful of women, some who use it repeatedly with little thought for the life inside them. Those women are the ones I speak of. I knew of one of these women person. I could not bring myself to associate with her any longer when I saw how lightly she took her pregnancy and it's termination (her 3rd abortion, and no not my baby we were just friends).

DaveyB's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:48 PM

Thanks. I dislike fighting.

I don't like fighting either, but a civil discussion about our differences can be enlightening and sometimes entertaining.

Not if the same points and counter points are used again and again add infinitem.

Good point, sometimes it is a matter of trying to make the same point in a different way in the hopes that someone will catch a different view. But yes it can get to a point where it becomes frustrating and pointless.

Oh and a comment about people not changing their minds. My mind was changed partially through just such discussions in this issue though it was some time ago. There was a time in my life when I was very anti abortion but in debating with other people I eventually began to see the other side of it. It was a very personal issue for me 35 years ago.