Topic: quick question
earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:21 AM

s1owhand's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:22 AM

cues music,,,,

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:22 AM

very nice

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:24 AM
do i have to do it in person or is facebook ok

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:27 AM
laugh I just listened to that whole thing, and I dont get it. eww rap metal.

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:28 AM
i gave it like 26sec and couldnt hang

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:32 AM
Oh its so messed up.. you know.. I would be a little distant for a minute, many wouldnt agree, but I start getting some picture after that.. like, not returning calls.. texts.. You know she really shouldnt show up unannounced. That would maybe prepare her for a sec.

I dunno..

I get all strong black woman when a guy isnt attentive, I tell my best oprah winfrey like friend, and complain.. its better than.. BOOM WHAM YOU SUCK!!!

s1owhand's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:33 AM

Sorry for Bowling for Soup.

You should man up and tell her. It won't be loads of fun but she will appreciate your honesty. Women don't like myspace, facebook, or text message breakups for some reason.

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:33 AM
Ok, im no good now.. Elvis has apparently left the building.

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:33 AM

Oh its so messed up.. you know.. I would be a little distant for a minute, many wouldnt agree, but I start getting some picture after that.. like, not returning calls.. texts.. You know she really shouldnt show up unannounced. That would maybe prepare her for a sec.

I dunno..

I get all strong black woman when a guy isnt attentive, I tell my best oprah winfrey like friend, and complain.. its better than.. BOOM WHAM YOU SUCK!!!

thats... amazing
and pretty much what ive been doing so im moving in the right direction

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:35 AM


Sorry for Bowling for Soup.

You should man up and tell her. It won't be loads of fun but she will appreciate your honesty. Women don't like myspace, facebook, or text message breakups for some reason.

it makes no sense cause its so much easier

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:38 AM

Heres a song about the subject lol.

btw, my name is Susan.

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:45 AM
thats a bit better

bigsullivan54's photo
Mon 06/01/09 01:51 AM

seems fitting

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 03:09 AM
Every relationship is different, but I think you should tell her in person. You show more respect that way; you may find it harder, but some would say this is part of having real relationships in life: being honest, in person, even when its difficult.

uk1971's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:23 AM

i was just wondering if it makes me a total asshole because i would like to break up with the girl i am dating because i just lost intrest. shes a total sweetheart and all its just i dont feel like our personalities are on par and i dont want to string her out knowing ive lost intrest.

so tell me mingle2 formally justsayhi...
am i a d%ck because i so feel like one

In my humble opinion. Not that it counts for much anyway,If you are sure that you have no feelings for her It would be the best in both interests to break it to her gently and as soon as possible.
Tell her personally. DON'T do it by text or telephone!

DON'T string her along.

Do you actually know if she has strong feelings for you?

I would say that if you explain the reason/s (Loss of interest/Feelings, which will be hard to do, there may be tears.
If you still aren't certain, maybe a period of time apart may change your outlook.
YOU may find that you still actually DO have interest.

The phrase 'Absence makes the heart grow stronger' springs to mind.

galendgirl's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:29 AM
If you are done in the relationship, just be honest (but kind) and tell her. Stringing her along would be unfair to both of you.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:37 AM

Well, maybe youll get lucky, and she just wants to get rid of you too.

as a jackass i debated just kinda flaking off and letting her break up with me cause i dont want to hurt her

do something that will really p1ss her let her catch you masturbating while looking at pics of her mom

it's worked for me before smokin

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:05 AM

i was just wondering if it makes me a total asshole because i would like to break up with the girl i am dating because i just lost intrest. shes a total sweetheart and all its just i dont feel like our personalities are on par and i dont want to string her out knowing ive lost intrest.

so tell me mingle2 formally justsayhi...
am i a d%ck because i so feel like one

Dump her. If you ain't feelin' it, you simply aren't feelin' it, pure and simple. And besides- you KNOW she'd do it to you if the roles were reversed. Heck- she'd probably dump you for an all-together less important reason... like how you don't look enough like Matt Damon or something.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:11 AM
No if it's over for you then it's over. Just explain it to her and do it in a nice way!