Topic: Bottle Feeding A Kitten | |
I found and attempted to hand-raise a litter of kittens once. 25% survival rate, but that was with stumbling through. And I don't know how long they were abandoned b4 I found them. Pet supply stores have KMR(kitten milk replacer) and 4 oz bottles. I prefer the pre-mixed KMR, as the powder tends to clog the tiny hole in the bottle nipple, no matter how well you mix it. Only warm up or mix as much as you are likely to feed at a time. And you do have to use a warm cloth to stimulate the bottom so that it will potty. Once it gets to where it has its eyes open and is starting to eat soft food from a dish it will start to potty on its own. You probably have a tomcat, as it is very rare to have a female yellow tiger. Good luck, but, realistically, don't hold your breath too much.
You've probably gotten the answers you need, but just in case, there is kitten formula, you can get at Walmart, and a bottle. It's pour and feed, no mixing or anything. Also, with one that young, you have to help it go to the bathroom every time that you feed it by getting a wet, warm paper towel and rubbing it rear and where it pees, depending on girl or boy. Rub gently until it stops going to the bathroom, number 1 and 2. It may take several paper towels, so be warned, it can get messy. Good luck!
should have left well alone - mama knows best! we humans with our good intentions & interfering ways. tut tut
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Just to let everyone know. He's doin quite well. Realized it's a male. We've started callin him Peanut. LOL Seems to suit him. He's feedin regularly an pottyin. Eat, sleep, an poop. Doin as any lil one should be doin. Thanks for all the encouragement. I'll keep ya'll updated an post pictures as he grows.
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however the answer to ur question is u need kitten 1st life colostrum milk and nutri drops will will help give him the fight for life should he weaken.
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should have left well alone - mama knows best! we humans with our good intentions & interfering ways. tut tut ![]() Who's to say that this wasn't natures way of bringin him into my life to teach me some kind of lesson an perhaps to enlighten the lives of everyone here by startin this thread???? I value life both human an animal. I will help where an when I can. I feel when someone shows compassion for another helpless livin creature, it shows a courage an strength that just leavin it alone doesn't. It doesn't take anything to just leave something on the side of the road to suffer an die alone. U live your life as u choose an I'm gonna live mine as I choose. I choose to help those less fortunate than myself human an animal alike. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 04/23/09 06:18 AM
should have left well alone - mama knows best! we humans with our good intentions & interfering ways. tut tut ![]() Who's to say that this wasn't natures way of bringin him into my life to teach me some kind of lesson an perhaps to enlighten the lives of everyone here by startin this thread???? I value life both human an animal. I will help where an when I can. I feel when someone shows compassion for another helpless livin creature, it shows a courage an strength that just leavin it alone doesn't. It doesn't take anything to just leave something on the side of the road to suffer an die alone. U live your life as u choose an I'm gonna live mine as I choose. I choose to help those less fortunate than myself human an animal alike. ![]() hey don't get ur panties in a twist (& i reckon we weren't talkin left at side of road we were talkin removed from environment his mother chose!) personally i live only for my animals and have a tad more experience than someone who is looking for praise and to be 'taught' some kind of lesson coz it 'enlightens' your life - it is not a toy! Then it becomes about u and not the creature - sorry but thats how it looks from here. good luck nonetheless as i suspect ur intentions were innocent enough. |
I kinda doubt "looking for praise" was the objective here.
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I kinda doubt "looking for praise" was the objective here. ![]() oh come on pahleeze!!! lol |
should have left well alone - mama knows best! we humans with our good intentions & interfering ways. tut tut ![]() Who's to say that this wasn't natures way of bringin him into my life to teach me some kind of lesson an perhaps to enlighten the lives of everyone here by startin this thread???? I value life both human an animal. I will help where an when I can. I feel when someone shows compassion for another helpless livin creature, it shows a courage an strength that just leavin it alone doesn't. It doesn't take anything to just leave something on the side of the road to suffer an die alone. U live your life as u choose an I'm gonna live mine as I choose. I choose to help those less fortunate than myself human an animal alike. ![]() hey don't get ur panties in a twist (& i reckon we weren't talkin left at side of road we were talkin removed from environment his mother chose!) personally i live only for my animals and have a tad more experience than someone who is looking for praise and to be 'taught' some kind of lesson coz it 'enlightens' your life - it is not a toy! Then it becomes about u and not the creature - sorry but thats how it looks from here. good luck nonetheless as i suspect ur intentions were innocent enough. U don't me an I don't know u so let's just leave it at that shall we? I don't look as this kitten as bein a 'toy' as u put it. It has been many years since I've bottle raised a kitten an I merely started the thread to get some reminders an also to share with people here that I consider friends. As far as gettin my 'panties' in a bunch, don't wear 'em so therefore they won't an haven't gotten in any kind of bunch. Ur first post came across as callous an uncarin. If that wasn't ur intention then I apologize. ![]() |
*sits back to watch....this oughtta be good*
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U don't me an I don't know u so let's just leave it at that shall we? I don't look as this kitten as bein a 'toy' as u put it. It has been many years since I've bottle raised a kitten an I merely started the thread to get some reminders an also to share with people here that I consider friends. As far as gettin my 'panties' in a bunch, don't wear 'em so therefore they won't an haven't gotten in any kind of bunch. Ur first post came across as callous an uncarin. If that wasn't ur intention then I apologize. ![]() apology accepted and i too apologise if i offended u. so yes lets leave it. ![]() |
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I kinda doubt "looking for praise" was the objective here. ![]() U never answered my previous question, Music, u wanna adopt Peanut when I get him weaned???? ![]() ![]() |
*sits back to watch....this oughtta be good* ![]() lol, sorry we must disappoint ur entertainment there but hey i'm up for a scrap an a 'catfight'! ![]() |
How's he gon' get here?
Besides, I'd kinda like another black kitty. Not that there's anything wrong with this little guy, I'm just a little partial (old habits, you know). |
I kinda doubt "looking for praise" was the objective here. ![]() oh come on pahleeze!!! lol Calquera ![]() |
How's he gon' get here? Besides, I'd kinda like another black kitty. Not that there's anything wrong with this little guy, I'm just a little partial (old habits, you know). They have these wonderful things called ailine pet crates an they go on planes an transport animals all over the US. No worries, I'm sure I'll have no problem adoptin him out. Anyone interested just drop me a line. ![]() |
I kinda doubt "looking for praise" was the objective here. ![]() oh come on pahleeze!!! lol Calquera ![]() cualquiera surely? ![]() |
I know about airline crates, but probably not such a good idea for a baby kitten. Probably scare the hell outta the poor little guy.