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Topic: Secession....view points please...
yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:55 PM
he read it like i did dragoness...that is what you said

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:57 PM

fanta....i don't disagree with you. but remember that we have had refugees here and illegal immigrants as well as natural disasters here as well

smiles...i went to tombstone...awesome. i also love billy the kid

I bet that was interesting. I mean I just see the pictures on the internet and how they do shows.

I wouldn't mind having lunch at the Crystal Palace Saloon. Looks like they have some good food to offer.

and just sitting there imagining that Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, and his brothers use to play cards.

Now Billy the Kid, I don't know too much about. I know he was another gunslinger outlaw, but for some reason also hailed as a hero??

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:57 PM

I heard Perry said it's a real possibility. Don't know if he's for real or it's just a pacifier.
If it happens, I think we can expect the possibility of a Union invasion. That's talk around town.
I, too wish a secession. DC has gone nuts.

No he did not! LMAO

Yeah he did...even the governor Rick Perry has to acknowledge the building local sentiments.

President Rick Perry? I don't have a problem with it.

No one read you incorrectly Dragoness...you are quite clear in your wording.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:57 PM

he read it like i did dragoness...that is what you said

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

Reread it please and tell me where I said they are suppose to go to another country and find a place to make their own country.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:58 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Fri 04/17/09 07:00 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

Don't hate the south at all. It is like stepping back in time to the civil rights period when you go down there. It is stuck in time, stuck in rut or something. Racial lines still stand down there and the few that don't stand anymore are not appreciated AT ALL by some of the whites. I am white so I get blessed with hearing their opinions of others and they are still racially biased at large levels. No bitterness, just don't get the non-movement into this centuryhuh

As for my personal opinion on this subject, I haven't voiced it yet... just kidding.

I am too proud of an American to even remotely entertain the thought of handing in my US citizenship and be rewarded rightfully by anarchy and descention. That is my personal opinion.

bigsmile As a Southern man I must say that when I have visited Up North Yankee land, I noticed that they are much more racial than we are.flowerforyouThe "Rascist southerner" is a stereotype.flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 06:58 PM

fanta....i don't disagree with you. but remember that we have had refugees here and illegal immigrants as well as natural disasters here as well

smiles...i went to tombstone...awesome. i also love billy the kid

They've always ranked in that area!

You think that hearing Texas has one of only 7 balanced budgets is good.
What you dont realize is that they are doing it by cutting funding to programs.
In 2009 Texas has a budget shortfall of apprx 10 billion dollars.
That means in order for them to balance the budget this year they have to cut funding to programs by that much!

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:00 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Fri 04/17/09 07:09 PM
errant button click no post

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:01 PM
It is funny it seems like many countries have counties or districts that wishes to seperate themselves into a independent country.

I am German from Bavaria and Bavaria always wanted to be a independent country seperated from Germany. If it will ever happen, I doubt it, but some say "never say never".

I think it is just human nature that we always want something better. We are always searching a resolution that will satisfy our tastelaugh

I would just say take a nationwide vote to get a answer. This will resolve the problem and the people can focus on other things.

I also heard there are still quiet alot of islands for sale out there. The Texans could buy one and call it New Texas. I am talking about the Texans who want to have their own independent country.

Just ideas popping through my head.drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:02 PM

he read it like i did dragoness...that is what you said

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

Reread it please and tell me where I said they are suppose to go to another country and find a place to make their own country.

bigsmile You spoke well Dragoness.bigsmile I understand what you said and the point you made.flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:02 PM

I heard Perry said it's a real possibility. Don't know if he's for real or it's just a pacifier.
If it happens, I think we can expect the possibility of a Union invasion. That's talk around town.
I, too wish a secession. DC has gone nuts.

No he did not! LMAO

Yeah he did...even the governor Rick Perry has to acknowledge the building local sentiments.

President Rick Perry? I don't have a problem with it.

No one read you incorrectly Dragoness...you are quite clear in your wording.

No Krupa,
he said that if Washington did not stop invading states rights that citizens would start crying to secede.
When the Texas Congressional leaders condemned him for talking like that he changed his tune.

Ah hell let me find the article.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:04 PM

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

I'm sorry, where do you suppose they should form this new country? I don't think there's much land that isn't claimed by one country or another. even the south pole is divided into territories held by different countries. Beside why should they leave their homes? Their State? Their lives, so that you can have part of Thier state?

You read me incorrectly.
laugh That tends to happen when they can't think of a rebuttal. laugh YOU GO GIRLbigsmile

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:05 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

Don't hate the south at all. It is like stepping back in time to the civil rights period when you go down there. It is stuck in time, stuck in rut or something. Racial lines still stand down there and the few that don't stand anymore are not appreciated AT ALL by some of the whites. I am white so I get blessed with hearing their opinions of others and they are still racially biased at large levels. No bitterness, just don't get the non-movement into this centuryhuh

As for my personal opinion on this subject, I haven't voiced it yet... just kidding.

I am too proud of an American to even remotely entertain the thought of handing in my US citizenship and be rewarded rightfully by anarchy and descention. That is my personal opinion.

bigsmile As a Southern man I must say that when I have visited Up North Yankee land, I noticed that they are much more racial than we are.flowerforyouThe "Rascist southerner" is a stereotype.flowerforyou

this i agree with you on mirror

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:05 PM

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

Ok, assuming that the majority of Texas was actually in agreement with the idea of succession (at present that is not so) what country do you think would allow that kind of mass migration? And just because people don't like the way our government is being run doesn't mean they think moving under another government is better, why should people not be allowed to determine their own government? I thought that was suppose to be the basis of our country. Mind you as I said it will never be allowed to happen wihtout civil war because their is too much money involved.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:05 PM

krupa...right now i'm not for or against it since i am not sure of some things

That, I completely respect honey.

I am not looking for anyone to jump on the wagon with me..(I will have my opinions no matter what anyone else thinks)

I love this country...(hate the way it is sliding south) (That is a metaphore Dragon so, cool your jets...I know the country is not physically moving down here to the place you detest so much)

Don't hate the south at all. It is like stepping back in time to the civil rights period when you go down there. It is stuck in time, stuck in rut or something. Racial lines still stand down there and the few that don't stand anymore are not appreciated AT ALL by some of the whites. I am white so I get blessed with hearing their opinions of others and they are still racially biased at large levels. No bitterness, just don't get the non-movement into this centuryhuh

As for my personal opinion on this subject, I haven't voiced it yet... just kidding.

I am too proud of an American to even remotely entertain the thought of handing in my US citizenship and be rewarded rightfully by anarchy and descention. That is my personal opinion.

bigsmile As a Southern man I must say that when I have visited Up North Yankee land, I noticed that they are much more racial than we are.flowerforyouThe "Rascist southerner" is becoming a stereotype.flowerforyou

Racists are everywhere. Only in southern town do they split population and require each race stay in their "designated" areas at fear of death, especially after dark. Only in the south would a noose be hung from a tree to show black folks they better stay away. I can go on and on.... Only in the south would the lunchrooms in schools be segregated voluntarily, experienced that one when I attended school there.

There is a difference. In the south "it is the way it is" and nobody rocks the boat because the tension is too tight and they fear the break.

We have racists here but they know better than to act like those of the south because there are a whole lotta whites like me who go to bat for others who might possibly be discriminated against.

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:05 PM

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

I'm sorry, where do you suppose they should form this new country? I don't think there's much land that isn't claimed by one country or another. even the south pole is divided into territories held by different countries. Beside why should they leave their homes? Their State? Their lives, so that you can have part of Thier state?

Thank you Dave.

Not wanting to seperate..but, it is really reassuring to know that some folks can empathize. If we do split off and you want to visit the friendly nation of Texas..I will happily pick you up at DFW and give you the tour...."Texas Friendly" is a life style...let's here them say that about Colorado...I lived there...never seen so many fat, ugly unfriendly people in one spot in my entire life...and I have lived all over...I got treated better getting mugged in N.Y and N.C

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:06 PM
Would it be catastrophic if each state became a independent nation?

Some say that once married the relationship dwindles to laziness and sloppiness.

but if together in a relationship able to seperate at anytime then the couple work harder in staying together.

Now mind you, this is just a saying, for each individual and each couple is different.

so would it actually benefit America if each state would be a seperate country.

I mean the states is a very large country as a whole. California is practically alone the size of my country.

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:07 PM

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

I'm sorry, where do you suppose they should form this new country? I don't think there's much land that isn't claimed by one country or another. even the south pole is divided into territories held by different countries. Beside why should they leave their homes? Their State? Their lives, so that you can have part of Thier state?

You read me incorrectly.
laugh That tends to happen when they can't think of a rebuttal. laugh YOU GO GIRLbigsmile

Been re-read and corrected and her idea is no more logical than the miss-read version.

Winx's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:10 PM

winx...I've been through the school system here and now my son....studying the other states comes from US history...so yes...they do learn that as well. and why not focus one the state you are in a little more than others???? I don't get the problem. I wouldn't have a problem if CA focused on CA history

Our children study all history. Just saying.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:12 PM

he read it like i did dragoness...that is what you said

If they don't want to be citizens of the US anymore why don't they move to another country instead of trying to create their own. They are the minority on this issue.

Reread it please and tell me where I said they are suppose to go to another country and find a place to make their own country.

davey posted your post where you said to move to another country...so how did we misread you???? YOU said it

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 07:13 PM

Would it be catastrophic if each state became a independent nation?

Actually I don't think it would be except that it would never be allowed to happen short of a major civil war. Nobody in Washington is going to allow that kind of loss of power and money. Not too mention it would be the loss of major world power.

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